When Dreams Come True

By dreamerek

29.5K 2.5K 1.2K

Can Yaman is an internationally known actor and model. His shows have had great success but he hasn't been ab... More

Author's Note
Sanem Aydin
Can Yaman
Yachts and Meetings
Destiny and Offers
Fountains and Wishes
Choreography and Tours
My Name is Sanem
Past History and Future Plans
Movies and Taste Testings
Bandanas, Fans and Albatross
Fame and Falling in Love
Pajamas and Decisions
Author's Note
Introductions and Impressions
Future Promises and Announcements
Wine and Doubts
Opportunities and Sacrifices
Devastation and Endings
Author's Note
Tears and Revelations
Dreams and Rainy Saturday Afternoons
Reunions in the Rain
Love Reborn and Pottery Throwing
Paris in the Rain
Happy Ending or New Beginnings
Ready for Book 3?
Author's Note
Author's Note
Author's Note

Hot Air Balloon Rides and Paparazzi

1.1K 87 26
By dreamerek

Can couldn't stop staring at her. 

You are so beautiful, Sanem. You take my breath away, he whispered as he held her close. Your words have touched my heart as always. Ah, Sanem. I'm so crazy about you. I love you!

Sanem's smile threatened to take over her entire face. She couldn't stop it if she tried. 

Can, finding you, kissing you in the dark, getting to know your heart..it's more than my innocent teenage heart could've imagined. My grown-up heart is struggling to understand it. I've never felt like this before. I am yours, she said back to him, unwilling to take her eyes off of him.

Canim, I can't imagine not having you in my life. Please tell me that we will share everything with each other. No lies, no games. Just love and respect. And truth, he begged.

Yes, Can. That's what I want too. I don't want to keep anything from you. I know we're both scared but I'm more scared of not having you in my life, she answered.

Kissing her again, slow and long, Can felt like the weight of the world fall off of his shoulders. The love of his life was in his arms and nothing else mattered.

Breathless, Sanem pulled away and looked up into his eyes as they lounged on the sofa, lost in each other's gaze. They talked about their day and the conversations they had had with their friends and family.

Sanem, I want you to meet my parents soon, he said with a questioningly look. He hoped he wasn't moving too fast. He had only met her Mom but it was not the same as meeting him as her boyfriend.

Yes, yes, I'd love that. And I think it's time you officially met mine. My Mom said she knew there was something between us but my Dad..well, that's going to a hurdle for us, she said sadly.

Should I be worried, he asked, starting to feel uneasy. I mean, I know he's worried about our relationship and he hasn't even met me yet.

Once he meets you, he will like you and it will make all the other stuff easier, I promise, she said reassuringly. Have you had dinner yet?, she asked as she watched him kiss the back of her hand with sweet light kisses. My Mom sent me home with leftovers if you're hungry.

She laughed as she watched Can jump up excitedly from the sofa. The only thing to break his concentration when he was kissing her was the promise of good Turkish food!

As she served him a plate of dolma and watched him dive in, they talked about the Hello interview in the morning. Asking his advice on how to handle the interview, Sanem listened and agreed with his suggestions.

That sounds wise, Can. Giving them a little glimpse into who I am without divulging too much personal information is what I'm comfortable with. Thank you so much, she said smiling at him.

Well, I had to fumble my way through some of this when I first started and wish someone had given me better advice. I'm happy to share with you what I've learned, bebek, he said, kissing her hand again. And thank you so much for dinner! I had dinner with the guys but I ended up just picking at it once we started talking about serious stuff. Besides, your Mom's cooking is so much better anyway!

Getting a serious look on his face, he thought it was time to tell her what he had been keeping to himself until it the right time.

Sanem, there's actually something I need to talk to you about and I'd rather it come from me, he said, watching the concern come across her face.

Putting down her glass of water, she said, Can, you're kind of scaring me here.

No, no! Nothing bad. It's just that I want to be honest with you. When I was in Rome, I was there to meet with the Luxe Video company. They produce several TV shows there. They liked how well Inadina Ask was received and knew that I spoke fluent Italian, he explained as she nodded her head, listening intently.

Did they offer you a job, Can? she asked, worry creeping into her mind but wanting to seem supportive.

Shaking his head, he confirmed her fear. 

They did actually, he said. They offered me a lead role on a new TV series but I'd have to film in Rome, Palermo and a few other cities so I'd have to move there for 6-8 months; longer if it was well received.

Oh, oh..wow, Can. That's, that's an amazing opportunity for you. Is this the first time they've offered that to a Turkish actor? she asked.

It is. And it's quite an honor to be asked. But, I really don't want to take it, Sanem. Not now. Not after finding you. I can't imagine being away from you for long periods of time, he said, grasping her hands in his.

Shaking her head, she quickly got up and said, No, Can. You will not limit your career because of me. I won't let you do that. That was asked of me once and I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I would've come to resent Engin for it. If you want to take that job, Can, we will make it work, she said.

Jumping up to grab her around the waist and turn her to him, he said, I have had my doubts about this offer from the start, Sanem. You have to believe me. Being away from my family, from Turkey, my friends, the charity, and yes..now you...it's just not the right time. I had a bad experience when I did a project in Budapest before Inadina and it was so incredibly hard on me. It was the catalyst for the charity, like I shared with you before, he said, trying to convince her.

I understand that, Can, and I remember us talking about that experience. But I need you to promise me that if you decide you want to do this project, you will not let anything keep you from it. Do you promise me? she said looking up into his eyes.

Ok, Sanem, I promise. I have about a month left to decide but I will keep talking to you about it as it gets closer, he said with conviction.

Alright then. I'm trusting you that will keep your word to me. I will also be touring with the company as we get more publicity so we will make it work if you decide Italy is where you want to be, Sanem said, trying to convince herself more than Can.

Speaking of that, I'm going to let you get some rest before the big interview in the morning, he said as he held her in his arms and kissed her forehead. 

Walking him to the door, hands intertwined, she said, I'll call you after the interview.

Bonne chance, bebek, he said as he kissed her sweet lips. Although I don't think you'll need any luck!

Thank you, Can, Sanem answered. Thinking about the interview made her nervous and she secretly wished he could be there with her.

Holding her close, he looked from her beautiful eyes to her gorgeous lips. Feeling his intense stare, Sanem closed her eyes in anticipation of his kiss. He thought about how much good his fame had brought to his life but realized that if he wasn't famous, he'd be able to be by her side for the interview. Pushing those thoughts aside, he slowly leaned in until he felt her warm sweet breath on his lips.

Diving in, he caught her unawares and crashed his lips to hers, taking her breath away. He may not be able to be the kind of boyfriend that was free to come and go with her but he knew that they belonged together and wanted her to remember his kiss as she walked into that room in the morning. He would be with her in spirit.

Sanem realized after he had left that she'd forgotten to ask about his Dad's law firm. She made a mental note to talk to him about it the next day.


Walking into the private room in the Hotel Marmara Taksim, Sanem straightened out her short orange dress and touched her scarf that she wore in her hair. She was nervous but Can's words had given her the confidence to know what to say and what not to say. Baris had helped prepare her as well. 

Right now, though, she would've done anything to have Can with her for support. She thought about how hard it must be for him at times to not be able to freely go to places. She knew that he wanted to be with her this morning and saw how he tried to hide his disappointment.

But the way he said, Bonne chance, bebek, give her chills. That man was sexy even if he was just wishing her good luck. Not to mention his new penchant for calling her "bebek". Fanning herself, she knew she needed to calm down. Clearing her throat and focusing ahead, she turned the doorknob to the room they would meet in and walked into what would become her future. She had no idea that this would be the start of her new normal.

Wishing her a good morning and introducing the journalist, Emre Divit, and his crew, the producer brought her to the makeup chair. 

Sanem sat down for a makeup check and was fitted with a mic on her dress. Going over some of what she could expect, the interview got started. 

Sanem, we are all so excited to finally meet you and sit down to get to know you. There's a lot of buzz about you in the dance community. Your style of choreography is so refreshing and different. Can you tell us a little about yourself? he asked.

Smiling and thanking him for the opportunity and the kind words, Sanem told him about how she first fell in love with dance and her school experience and a funny anecdote about first dance recital as a little girl. She talked about Baris and how he had given her her first big break and how grateful she was for his mentorship.

As the interview was winding down, Emre asked if there was anyone special in her life.

I'd rather not talk about anything in my personal life, but I did want to say that our dance group will be in Kayseri on the 27th at the Arts Theatre and would love to see everyone there! she answered confidently.

Emre gave her a little smirk and had to admire her tenacity and quick wit.

Well, Sanem, it's been a pleasure getting to know you and we can't wait to see what the future holds for you, he said as they ended the interview.

Thanking him again for the opportunity, Sanem took a break before they did the short photo shoot for the cover and inside feature story.

They had moved the photo shoot to an outdoor courtyard which helped Sanem with her nervousness. She loved being outdoors and the beautiful setting was just what she needed to feel calm and assured.

They had talked about it being a summer edition and asked if she would be comfortable wearing a swim suit but in the end, she opted for a long sleeve shirt over the top of it. Some of her costumes for her performances were pretty skimpy so this wasn't much different. She was comfortable with her body but still was modest. 

She saw some of the shots before they were edited and felt comfortable with them, the photographer assuring her that they would be conservative .

Shaking hands with all the crew and thanking them for their help in making her feel comfortable. They were all blown away at her kindness because while on the short break, she had coffee delivered from a nearby cafe for everyone before the shoot had started earlier. 

Sanem left and called Can as soon as she got in the car and rapidly fired off the details.

Bebek! It sounds like it was a great success! I'm so proud of you for facing that fear. How was the photo shoot? he asked, as excited as she was.

It was nerve wracking, honestly. Mia and Frankie helped me pick out an outfit that made me feel comfortable but the swimsuit part was really uncomfortable at first, she said as she turned towards the studio.

Swimsuit? Uh, I don't remember you telling me that part, he frowned at this realization.

I didn't? I'm sorry. I thought I had. Must've slipped my mind, Sanem answered. Are you upset?

No, no. Just didn't want that much of my girlfriend being out there is all, he said, sulking.

She smiled thinking that was the first time he had put a name to their relationship. They had declared their love for one another so it was pretty much a given but it still made her smile hearing it for the first time.

Girlfriend, huh? she said coyly.

Yes, and I want to shout it from the rooftops, Sanem. If you're on the cover of Hello with a swimsuit on, I need people to know you're with me! Can said, raising his voice. Next time I'll insist they make me the photographer!

Secretly loving this jealous side of him, Sanem pushed her luck. 

Well, I got the idea from your IG posts that we talked about. I thought you'd like mine as much as I like yours, she said, holding back a snicker.

SANEM! You need to call them right now and tell them to change the cover photo! Can yelled, getting more and more irritated. His breath was coming out like an angry bull!

Can, I'm just kidding! I had them change it to a swimsuit bottom but a long sleeve white shirt over the top. It's very tasteful, I promise, she said. I have to get inside now. I've been sitting in front of the studio for a few minutes. I'll see you tonight at dinner, right? 

Yes, he said obviously pouting. I'll see you then. I love you, Sanem.

I love you too, canim, she answered as she walked inside.

Baris was waiting for her in his office and motioned with his hand to come in, anxious to hear about the interview. 

I was so nervous but what you and Can shared with me was so helpful, she said before realizing her slip up.

Can? Who's Can? he asked, with his eyebrows up high and a sly smile on his face.

Looking down at her feet, she answered, Oh, he's a friend. He gave me some tips on how to stay calm and not say things I shouldn't.

Nodding his head and continuing to smile, he said, Oh, okay..a friend. 

Giving him a hug and thanking him again, Sanem rushed out so she didn't slip again.

During a break from rehearsals, Sanem saw that she had a missed call from Leyla. Hurrying up and downing a big bottle of water, she texted her back, knowing she was at work.


Hey, abla. Sorry, I was in the middle of rehearsals. What's up?


Hey! I just needed a quick favor. Mom needs a key that I have with me but I'm stuck working late. Do you think you can swing by and pick it up and drop it off to her? Pleeeease???


Sure, sure. I'm having dinner at Can's but I can do that before I go home to change. Send me the address. I'll be done here by 2:30ish.


You're a life-saver!

Walking into the Yaman Law Firm, Sanem felt so out of place. Everyone was dressed in suits and formal business attire. She was at least grateful she had changed into her regular clothes and had not kept her dance wear. 

She pulled at the hem of her short skirt and straightened out her camouflage jacket. Clearing her throat, she said, Good afternoon, to the woman at the front desk.

Looking up and smiling while her eyes took in Sanem from head to toe, she said, Deliveries have to come through the back entrance, then went back to her tablet.

Unnerved, Sanem said quietly, Um..actually I'm here to see Leyla Aydin, please.

Pointing in the direction of the hallway, the receptionist didn't even look up but sighed heavily.

Mustering all the confidence she could, Sanem walked down the hallway, peering into the open doors hoping her sister was nearby so she could leave. She felt so humiliated.

A group of women that she passed, giggled when they saw her approaching and went back to their discussion.

Abla, she texted, please come and meet me! I'm here and I need to get out of here immediately!

Leyla came to her rescue a few doors down, hugged her and gave her the key, thanking her over and over.

Mission accomplished, Sanem hurried around a corner and ran right into someone.

Not looking up at first, she apologized profusely and tried to get out of the grip of the man who had caught her.


Her head flying up, she looked right into Can's eyes.

Can??? Can, what are you doing here, she asked, breathless from her run down the hall.

This is my father's office. What are you doing here? he asked with his brows knitted together but smiling at her exasperation.

Fixing her clothes and trying to get out of his grip, she said, My sister Leyla works here. She needed me to get something from her to bring to my Mom. She's working late and apparently my humiliation was the price for that act of kindness.

Humiliation? What are you talking about? Can asked, his face getting serious.

Looking around, they could both see that the whole office was watching them.

One of the women in the group she had passed said loud enough for them to hear, What in the world is Can Yaman doing with that..that..woman?

Can saw red and if it weren't for Sanem's quick reaction, he would've walked over and gave the woman a piece of his mind.

Can, Can, please leave it. I'm not dressed properly to come to an office. This is my fault. I just didn't have time to go home to get ready for our date and do this for Leyla so I came straight from the studio. Let it go. Please..Sanem whispered.

Calming himself, he decided to listen to her but not before he grabbed Sanem in an embrace.

Sanem blushed crimson red and said, Can, please! I need to go. What will people think if I'm this close to you; that I'm next to the bosses' son; that I'm well...with...YOU?

They will think that you're my love, my girlfriend, my only one, he said with his deep husky voice that made her knees weak.

She just gazed into his eyes and tried to remember why it was she wanted him to let her go.

While you're here, let's go see my Dad, he said, turning her around.

No! Can, please, not today. Not like this! she begged.

He acquiesced but not before leaning down, pulling her into a closer embrace and kissing her on the cheek. It was a quick peck but the gasps that he heard around the office was the reaction he had hoped for.

Sanem smiled and whispered, I'll see you later.

Raising her head up high and tossing her hair, Sanem walked proudly out of the office, hearing Can say quietly, "That's my girl!"

Unknown to Can, Aziz, saw the whole incident. It was clear that Can cared for this woman and that he would have to tread carefully. She was lovely but she was clearly not a match for his son. He remembered what his wife had told him and Can's reaction at breakfast the other morning. Watching Can stride towards him, he smiled.

Can! What a nice surprise, son, he said, hugging him.

Hey Dad, I just wanted to stop in. Mom thought we could..talk, Can said hesitantly.

Come in, come in, Aziz said, leading him into the office and telling his assistant to hold his calls for awhile.

Dad, I'm sorry about how I spoke to you the other day. I know we've had our disagreements in the past but I don't want anything to harm our relationship, Can said.

I don't either, son. I just want what's best for you. What's best for your happiness, Aziz assured him.

Well, what's best for me and my happiness walked into the office today not knowing it was your office. Apparently Sanem's sister Leyla works for you. She just left but promised to meet you and Mom another time, Can said with a smile.

Leyla? Leyla's sister? Wow, what a coincidence. Leyla has been a great addition to our staff, he replied. 

Aziz didn't want Can to know that he had witnessed what happened with Sanem and now wondered if he was too hasty with his opinion. Leyla was the epitome of professionalism so maybe his impression of Sanem was shortsighted.

I'd love to meet her, son. Tell your Mom to make the arrangements and I'll be there, he replied with a genuine smile.

It makes me happy to hear you say that, Dad. Thank you. I'm headed home to cook for Sanem. I'll reach out to Mom soon. I'm headed to Cappadocia next so maybe after that, Can said, hugging his Dad goodbye.


A few days later Sanem's interview and cover story came out. Can was still upset about it all and hated that they couldn't tell everyone they were together. He also made up his mind to not post anymore shirtless photos, to which Sanem giggled when he told her.

He hated the fact that anyone besides him would now know about her cute butterfly tattoo near her right hip. 

Throwing down the magazine, he stewed in anger. What was this possessiveness that he felt for her? He had never experienced this before. Jealousy, protectiveness. This was all new to him and he wasn't sure he liked it.

When Roberto and Tahir walked in for their coffee, they both raised their eyebrows and fought the urge to whistle. They knew Can would probably take their heads off by the look on his face.

How is Sanem doing with the new attention? Roberto asked.

She was nervous about it all at first but it hasn't gotten out of hand..yet, Can answered, continuing to drink his 3rd cup of tea. He couldn't get his nerves to settle down.

Tahir asked carefully what was wrong.

I hate that I couldn't be with her for the interview and photo shoot. I hate that I can't walk down the street holding her hand or telling people that we're together. It just makes all of this, he shouted as he waved his hands, not seem worth it! And you should've seen how the people in my Dad's office treated her the other day, Can said, fuming.

Calm down, abi. Listen we talked about this. Sanem's career is just taking off. Going public now may not be the best thing. The relationship will overshadow her success. Like we talked about, later on, announcing it on your own and in your own way may be best but it's still early, Roberto said, trying to calm his friend who was now flexing his hand in and out of a fist.

Exhaling loudly, Can said, You're right. You're absolutely right. I'm being selfish. I, I just hate the idea of sharing her, that's all. Looking again at the cover, he smiled as pride filled his heart. She deserves better than this, he thought. She deserves a man in her life that can be with her in ways that he couldn't. He had never felt so disappointed in his own fame then in these moments. 

But he loved her as he'd never loved anyone before. And she loved him. They might have to fight harder to be together than other couples but love like this didn't come along every day.

Picking up the phone, he dialed a familiar number.

What's up, Can? Tahir asked.

I'm going to use my fame to pull off another romantic date for us. Might as well use it for good when I can, he said as the call was answered.

Later that night at dinner, Can put his plan into place.

Bebek, you'll be in Keyseri on Tuesday, right? he asked as he held her close on the sofa.

Yes, I will. We have that one performance and then I'll be back home. Why? she asked pulling away to look up at him.

I'll be in Cappadocia on Wednesday. Why don't you take a few days off and meet me there? Can said with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

What did you have in mind, Mr. Yaman, she said shyly.

I can have someone pick you up in Keyseri and drive you to Cappadocia. I'll get an extra room for you at my hotel for Wednesday night and then Thursday morning, I have a surprise for you. Then you can fly back with me that evening and be back to work on Friday! he said.

A surprise? she said smiling. That sounds amazing, Can. A little time away would do me so much good.

You've been working really hard, Sanem. I think this will be great for us both, Can answered, happy that his plan would work.


Sanem hugged Frankie and the others as they loaded up the van for the airport and waited in the lobby for her ride to Cappadocia.

Getting to the hotel room, she giggled when she saw the beautiful flowers that Can had sent to her room. Smelling them, she took the note from its holder.

These don't compare to you in beauty or fragrance but I hope you enjoy them. I love you, C.

Spinning around and around, she thought about what had transpired in her life in such a short time. Falling in love with an amazing man, watching her dreams come true in her career. She was overwhelmed with gratitude.

Walking to the door when she heard a knock, Sanem opened it up to find the concierge there.

Good evening, Ms. Aydin. I'm here to escort you to your spa treatment, if you're ready, he said, smiling and holding out his hand.

Giggling, Sanem grabbed her purse and card key and followed him out, knowing this was all Can's doing.

After her massage, a facial that was other worldly, a pedicure and manicure, Sanem felt like a new woman. Later that evening, sending Can a text while she ate dinner at the hotel, Sanem wished he was with her.


Wishing you were with me. Thank you so much for the spa treatments! I feel as light as a feather! Can't wait to see you in the morning. I hope your event is a great success. I love you!

Seeing his phone light up as he hurried into the venue, Can smiled. 


You're glowing, canim. As always, you're breathtaking. I'll be back late but be ready at 6 am sharp. I'll pick you up at your room. I love you! I can't wait to hold you in my arms again. I missed your lips today but I'll make up for it in the morning.

Ya, Can, she said out loud, causing a few people nearby to look in her direction.

But she didn't care. She read his text over and over.

Making sure to set her alarm, Sanem laid in bed in complete bliss. A few more hours and they would be together again. Scrolling though IG, she saw all the photos that Can was tagged in during the event.

She marveled that not long ago, she was there at one of these and had met him and fallen in love. Feeling a little uneasy at some of the photos of women getting very close to him, she pushed down those thoughts. Can was hers, she knew that. And he would never hurt her. But it was still hard to see him embracing other women. 

Sanem smiled again thinking about his promise to not post anymore shirtless photos, something that Mamut was upset about. But this was all a part of being in a relationship with someone of his celebrity. He was hers but she had to share him with millions of fans.

When it was just them together, in his faded jeans and Tshirts, she would forget who he was; forgot for awhile about his fame. But seeing him all dressed up and women clawing for his attention was always hard on her heart. It was like a different person than who she knew at home. His hair down and wild and wavy, gave him this air of freedom that she feared he might have to give up to be with her.

Closing her phone, she grabbed her book and tried to stay distracted. She had to push down those feelings of doubt and inadequacy. She knew he loved her and for now, that's what she kept her wandering thoughts on.

Sanem was ready when she heard the knock at her door at 6 am sharp. Seeing him in his blue plaid shirt and blue jacket, hair tied back, her heart sped up.

Not wanting to wait another minute, she leapt into his waiting arms.

Spinning her around, Can kissed her while pushing the door open with his foot, walking them both into the room and away from prying eyes.

Sanem, I want to wake up like that every morning, canim! You, happy to see me and jumping into my arms, Can said huskily.

She blushed red at the double meaning and giggled. Ya, Caaan! she exclaimed. Serseri!

Laughing, he said, Oh, I'm the rascal? You were the one that jumped me! he said as he tickled her.

Letting her feet hit the floor, he hugged and whispered, I missed you so much, canim. I'm so so happy to see you.

Catching her breath she replied, I missed you too. I saw some of the photos from last night. Looks like another successful event, huh?

Yes it really was. The crowd was..a bit crazy but the charity did well, he said rubbing his face.

Can, what time did you get in? You look exhausted, she said with her brows furrowed.

No, it wasn't a lot of sleep but being with you now is giving me all the energy I need. Ready for our adventure? he said, holding her hand and leading her out the door.

I'm ready if you are! she said with a smile.

They drove in the dark for awhile and when they got to their destination, Can parked and turned to her.

Sanem, the day we met, I felt like I was over the moon. The day you told me you loved me, I felt like I was flying, I was so happy. This morning I want you to feel the way I feel every time I look at your beautiful face, Can said as he opened her door.

Looking around her, Sanem squealed! Can! Are you serious?? Hot air balloons? Oh, I've wanted to do this all my life! She grabbed him and held him close.

Walking towards the field that was filled with beautifully colored balloons, Sanem was in shock. Hearing the sounds and seeing others giddy from excitement, she forgot all about her doubts from the night before. 

Today they were together in this beautiful place and soon would be high above the ground experiencing this incredible adventure, together.

As they soared up into the air, she held her arms wide as Can held her from behind, pulling her into his chest so she knew she was safe. That small gesture was all she needed to be reminded that he was truly the man she loved.

Can, this is spectacular. I can't thank you enough for this. How did you think of it? she asked, as he kissed her cheek.

Like I said, I wanted you to feel what I feel when we're together but I also knew this was a way for us to be out together and away from the press. Tahir will be waiting for us in a car once we land since it will be light out but...for now...it's just you and me, bebek, he said as he turned her to kiss him.

Smiling from pure happiness, Sanem leaned into him and kissed him with everything she felt in that moment. It was just the two of them, high above the earth, lost in the clouds. 

Can had apparently paid the operator of the ride a significant amount for discretion so they enjoyed their ride, without any worries.

Fly with me, bebek, Can said as he turned her back around to face the landscape as he held her from behind, holding out her arms with his. 


Good morning, Mr. Adyurek. Here is your mail, the secretary said as she walked into the office. Looking over Times Square, Engin smiled. Turning to go through the various letters and magazines, his hand stopped when he saw the cover of Hello magazine.

His heart started racing as he grabbed it and went to the feature pages. 

Sanem? he whispered.

Picking up the intercom to his assistant's desk, he said, Ms. Rady, please make flight arrangements for me to Istanbul as quickly as you can. Yes, I'll be there for a few days. I'll call you after I've spoken to my father about my return date. Thank you.


Can, are you any closer to making a decision about Italy yet? Mamut asked as he put the phone on speaker.

No, not yet, Mamut. I know I only have a few more weeks left. I promise to have an answer soon, Can said as he looked at the photo of Sanem.

Opportunities like this don't come around often, Can. Your hesitancy may cost you the role, he prompted further.

I know, I know. I promise, soon, Can said as he hung up.

He knew he had to give them an answer but he couldn't bring himself to say yes. He and Sanem were doing so well right now. The thought of being away from her for months at a time was unbearable. Only seeing her here and there when either of them could get away was something he didn't think either of them could take.

He was leaving in the morning for his last stop of the Break The Wall Tour in Bursa and she had a big performance that same night as his event. He hated that he'd have to miss yet another one of her big nights but even if he was in town, he still couldn't go as her boyfriend. Frustrated, he headed to the gym.


The night of Sanem's performance, the venue was sold out. Everyone wanted to see the girl who stole Turkey's heart after the Hello Magazine story. 

Baris wanted her featured for this performance and Frankie was thrilled for Sanem.

Girl, you are amazing, you know that? she told her friend in the dressing room.

Frankie, stop it! We all are! Plus you're making me so nervous. Mom and Dad couldn't make it tonight because of a wedding they are catering but Leyla is here. I'm so glad you're here with me, too. I don't know what I'd do without you, she replied, hugging Frankie.

Listen, I love what I do and love it even more because I get to do all of this with you. But you have to start acknowledging that you won't be with our group forever. Sanem, half of Turkey is out there it looks like and I've heard rumors that there are scouts from different dance groups around the world in the audience tonight, Frankie said as she got into her costume.

Frankie! You're not helping! Sanem yelled as she tried to stop her hands from shaking so she could fix her makeup.

And Can is in Bursa, right? she asked. How are you guys doing? You still need to catch me up about the trip to Cappadocia.

Stopping and looking at her, Sanem answered with a smile, We're doing great, Frankie. So great. We're in love and enjoying being with each other so much. Well, as much as we can. Sometimes it's hard but all of the sacrifice is worth being together. I believe he feels the same way. Cappadocia was amazing. Romantic. Beautiful...

I love seeing you so happy, Sanem. And I still can't believe you're dating him! Ok, let's finish getting ready before you ruin your makeup from crying, Frankie laughed.

Can couldn't stop thinking about Sanem as he got ready for the event. Checking his watch again, he figured it was about to start.

Everything ok, Can? Roberto asked as he looked over at him.

Shaking his head, he answered, I'm missing another one of her events, abi. If I can't be away from her for a day, how am I going to move to Italy for months at a time?

Can, no one is happier for you than I am, truly. But you have to decide what's best for your career and then work your life around that. Remember what we said when we started this. Fame is short lived. We had a plan. Work hard, sacrifice to have the kind of life you want later on when all of this ends. People are fickle. I hate to be the voice of reason but I just don't want you to regret anything, his friend said as he put his hand on his shoulder.

It's just not fair, you know. Other men can have their careers AND a wife and family. Why do I have to choose? Can said forcefully.

Whoa, you're talking about a wife and a family, Can? Now? You've never talked about that before. I mean I know you want it in the future but not you never wanted it now when you're still so young and starting out, he reminded him.

That was before Sanem, brother. Before her, settling down was a dream I had but for much later. Yes, I know we decided to do just what you said. Work hard, sacrifice freedom, put away for the future, see where this takes me and for how long. I have to prove to my Dad that this wasn't a mistake. I need to show him that I can do this and succeed. The irony is..if I was a lawyer, I could have the wife and kids now if I wanted, he said sadly.

Can, you need to refocus. I like Sanem, I really do. And I know that love doesn't have a time table. It's tough that you met her now and not later but Can, you can't give up on what you've worked so hard for. But..know that I will support you whatever you decide, he answered.

Let's focus on tonight, Can said, hugging his friend and thanking him for everything. Let's go do some good for the kids.


Sanem was met with a standing ovation at the end of the performance. Baris walked her, hand in hand, back to the front of the stage as the audience stood on their feet to congratulate her.

She knew that there was a formal reception afterwards so she and Frankie quickly changed. She wasn't comfortable with such formality but she knew that it meant a lot to Baris who had arranged it.

Walking into the grand entryway to the theatre, Sanem was surprised to see the press racing towards her with mics in their hands and camera operators yelling her name.

Sanem! Sanem, over here! they yelled, each trying to get that perfect shot for their journals.

Baris had to help her navigate it all without getting run over. When he thought it was under control, he walked towards the reception. But a few members of the press stayed and tried to push towards her again.

Trying to answer their questions, Sanem felt overwhelmed and a little dizzy. Her vision started to blacken when she felt a pair of strong arms around her, pulling her away. When she looked up she realized she was in a courtyard.

Thank you so much, she said, trying to catch her breath. Looking up, she gasped.

Engin! Engin? What are you doing here? she said, trying to slow down her racing heart.

Smiling, he answered, Apparently, saving you from the press it looks like.

Pulling out of his embrace, Sanem tried to get her mind to understand what was happening.

Why, why are you here? In Istanbul? she stuttered, looking into the face of the man who had broken her heart so long ago.

I came for you, Sanem, he said as he put her hand in his, looking at her lovingly.

Trying to pull her hand away, he held on tighter and placed his other hand on her forearm, not wanting to let her go. He didn't realize how much he had missed her until this moment. 

She was frowning and this wasn't how he wanted their reunion to be but he didn't want her to leave either so he held onto her, not hurting her but keeping her in place.

Please, Sanem, let me talk to you. Let me explain, he said softly.

Just then, the door opened and a lone paparazzi took their photo before they could stop him.

Back at the hotel in Bursa, Can grabbed a bottle of water as he sat down on the chair in his room, leaning his head back and sighing. It was late and he was beyond exhausted both physically from the long event and emotionally from the conversation with Roberto earlier. Grabbing his phone to text Sanem, he saw a missed one from Tahir from a few minutes before.

Abi, thought you might want to see this. It's all over socials.

Can put the bottle down as he opened the photo of Sanem and Engin. With his heart pounding in his chest, he read the caption: 

Sanem Aydin, Turkey's newest star, caught in an embrace with a mystery man tonight at her performance.


Author's Note: 

Long, long chapter! I hope you enjoyed it. I know, I know..angst is here but it's all a part of fiction. So just enjoy the story and see what's in store for our favorite protagonists.

I'd love your thoughts on how you would react to being Can's girlfriend in real life. I can't imagine the sacrifice that he makes in his personal life for his career. It's what got me thinking about this as a story. Also, how it plays out from the girlfriend's perspective. I'm a jealous girl and I don't know how I'd handle it, honestly. But to be with him, somehow I think I'd find a way!

Also I first thought I'd make Sanem more like her character in EK but then quickly changed my mind. We didn't get to see how her fame played out in her life on the series so I wanted to explore that here. Her story is a combo of Sanem from EK, Emily Blunt in the Adjustment Bureau and Lady Gaga in a Star is Born. Interesting combo, I know but it's how my mind works.

I promise to update about once a week going forward 🥰

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