Love over-due ~Yukierre~

By FormulaOneFiction

18.8K 380 412

Completed/discontinued (depends how you look at it) Yuki has always loved Pierre, even if he didn't know it... More

Cha. 1 🟢
Cha. 2 🟢
Cha. 3 🟢
Cha. 4 🟢
Cha 5 🟢
Cha. 6 🟢
Cha. 7 🟢
Cha. 8 🟢
Cha 9: First person: Charles
Cha. 10: First person: Max
Thank you!💕 (Not a chapter)
Cha. 11: First person: Pierre
Cha 12: First person: muilti
Cha 13: Multi POV: Multi
Cha. 14: Loscar chapter
Cha. 15 - Yuki
Cha. 16
Cha. 17
Cha. 18
Cha. 19
Hey there‼️

Cha. 9 🟢

862 21 97
By FormulaOneFiction

First person - Pierre

I wake up to warmth enveloping my body and the scent of Yuki's cologne. I can't help but want to hold him closer than I already am, so that's what I do; I increase my grip on him, pulling our bodies closer than before. I don't think being closer is humanly possible.I can feel each breath and exhale he takes, each shiver that goes through his body—everything.

I feel him start to move more, signaling he's awake. Though I can't see his face, I take the risk of saying good morning.

"Morning," I mumble into his neck, feeling my own breath hit my face.

After I speak, I feel Yuki shiver in my arms. Subsequently, I only try to keep him warmer by pulling him closer, but it's to no avail as it would be impossible for my arms to wrap around his small waist a second time.

"Morning, princess," he says in a joking matter.

But when I feel the smile that forms on my face at the thought of him actually loving me calling me that, it's one of the best thoughts I've ever had. Ranking under the one for him to stay the night with me, of course. That will always be my best idea. Once again, I find comfort in the warmth of Yuki's body and begin to fall asleep again until he speaks up.



"I need you to let go of me."

"Whyyyyyyyy?" I really don't want to let go. I want to stay like this forever.

"I need to go have a shower, and besides, I don't want to miss breakfast; the food here is really good."

"Mmmm," he has a point there, but I'm not letting go that easily.

"Pierre, please?" he softly speaks, and it makes my heart melt. I have to let go now.

"Fine." I feel him climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom, locking the door behind him.

A few seconds later, I hear him turn on the water, the sound is nice, relaxing in a way if you will. I'm not sure how I didn't hear the bathroom door unlock, but the next thing I know, Yuki is gently shaking my shoulder, waking me up.

"Hey, Pierre? Can I borrow your toiletries?"

"Yeah, sure, no need to ask."

"Thank you, where are they?"

I sit up in bed, figuring I'll fully wake up now anyways. I point to where I know the bathroom sink is; the door is open just enough for me to see my bag of toiletries perfectly.

"Should be next to the sink," I confirm.

As I watch him walk back to the bathroom, I take my phone off the side table, seeing that I still haven't replied to any of Charles' messages. I really wish I had waited till after breakfast to look at them because when I tell you I was scared to see Charles, I was scared.

"I'm not French" 🇫🇷


Hey, just making sure you got back to the hotel.


I know your sleep schedule won't let you sleep till at least 2 am.


Okay, not funny anymore, Pierre. I'm getting worried now.
This isn't like you.


The sun's started to rise now, still no response.


You always text me when you get back to your hotel.
This isn't like you.


I can't sleep like this, Pierre. I'm coming down to your room now.


Charles, I'm so sorry! I truly am! I was with Yuki, and if I'm being honest, I did kind of forget I was meant to text you.

Oh, no need to tell me you were with Yuki, I already know 😏

What do you mean?

*Photo of Pierre and Yuki*

Charles, how did you get that?!

Well, I'm sure you read my message that I was coming to your room, but I think you forgot you gave me your spare key. I saw you and Yuki cuddling and HAD to take a photo.

Did you even knock?


Imagine if the roles were reversed, but I walked in on you and Max fucking.

We still need to talk about you and Yuki though.
Come to my room after breakfast.

I started to type back a response as the bathroom door opens.


I hear Yuki squeak. I finish typing out a response agreeing to go to his room after. I may not want to talk about this, but I know I need to.

"Yeah, Yuki?" I say as I hit send, turning off my phone and looking up at Yuki.

"I kind of have a problem."


"Can I borrow some of your clothes, please? I don't have any."

"Oh yeah, sure. Anything you want to wear in particular?" I was kind of surprised he asked to wear my clothes, and he didn't ask me to go to his hotel room to get his.

"Depends, what did you pack?"

"Well, come have a look."

I get up from the bed and walk over to my closet; I motion for him to follow me. Once I get to my closet, I quickly look over at Yuki to make sure he has followed me. I see him only wearing a towel around his waist.

In these few seconds I see him, I can't help but feel my eyes go wide. Not wanting to make him uncomfortable or suspicious, I look back at my closet and slide open the wooden door.

"What size are you?" I already know he's going to be a small, I just want to confirm it, and he is.


"Well then, your choice is out of these." I show him to the very left side of my closet where all of my 'small' pieces of clothing are.

There are only a few pieces of clothing to choose from, but in the end, he picks out a pair of gray sweatpants and a blue jumper. As he takes them off the hangers, I hear him start to say something, but he trails off.

"I also..."

"Sorry, what did you say?" He starts to blush a little.

"I also need to borrow a pair of underwear." Oh, that's why.

I couldn't even think of a response to say, but my mouth spoke before I could think. "Oh. Okay, sure, that's fine. Small?" 


I push the door open wider and drag out my suitcase. For as long as I can remember, whenever I've been traveling, especially for races, I've always taken my clothes out and hung them up but left my underwear, hats, or other small things in there that can't really be hung up.

I'm not sure why, but it's become a habit now. Putting the suitcase onto the bed, I open it, revealing my underwear and my hats. While I may have different sized clothing, I only have one size of underwear, and that just so happens to be small. So I grab a pair at random and hand it to Yuki.

"Do you want to get dressed in here or the bathroom? 'Cause I still need to take a shower too," I ask.

"I'll get dressed out here, thanks."


~Small time skip~

Once I take a shower, I grab my towel and dry myself off. I then tightly wrap it around my waist.I didn't bring clothes in with me because I know myself; as I would be getting dry, I would flick my hair and would get them covered in water droplets.

Walking out of the bathroom, I can see Yuki's confusion as to why I'm not dressed. He's looking at me like I'm about to drop my towel, which I would one hundred percent do if he asked me to.

"Uh, sorry, forgot to get my clothes, haha," was all I managed to choke out with him looking at my body like he owned it.

It was a nice feeling, but I had to put some clothes on.Walking over to my closet, I look through all my options. I chose to wear a gray button-up shirt and black dress pants, paired with black dress shoes I would put on before we left.It was somewhat fancy, but it was casually fancy.

I walk over to where I had left my suitcase on the bed. I lay my clothes next to it, making sure not to dress them too much, and take out a pair of underwear. I can't be bothered to go back to the bathroom, even though it's about 10 steps away, to get dressed. So I go to the corner of my room and face away from Yuki. I then get dressed there.

I let my towel go, letting it drop on the floor with a solid flop sound. I then put on my underwear and pick up my towel. Like I said before, I didn't want to crease my clothes more, so all I was wearing at the moment was my underwear, and I would get dressed next to my bed where my clothes could lay flat. Throwing my towel onto the bed next to Yuki, I see he's a little startled by what I just did.

"Sorry, probably should have asked before I did that." Would have been a smart idea in all honesty.

"No, all good, I don't mind. Just didn't expect it," he laughs.

Before I can get dressed, I have to clean up a little. So I zip up my suitcase and put it back in its rightful place.Then I get dressed, and we go out to have breakfast with the others.On our way down, I make sure to unpick my phone to look at my calendar, making sure I have no plans for today.

Today would have been amazing 'cause I didn't have plans, but the first thing my phone shows me is Charles' and my chats. It's all I think about on the way down. Out of habit, I start to fidget with my phone case. Once we get to where breakfast is being served, we immediately see the other drivers sitting together at a table.

To get our food, we have to walk past the tables and to the buffet. As we walk past, I can see Charles looking at us, and I know exactly why. Charles knows that Yuki's wearing my clothes. He's seen me in these two things so many times he could recognize them from anywhere.

With food piled on our plates, we walk back over to take a seat with the rest of the grid. It's only then that I notice that there are only two open seats opposite each other. One is next to Max and Danny; the other one is next to Esteban and Charles.

What makes all this worse is that we are all in one big group. I don't have anything against any of the other drivers; it's just that I wish some of them would sit at other tables. I hate big groups, always have. I'm not sure why, just something doesn't feel right about it.

Yuki could tell something was off, so he offered me the seat next to Charles and Esteban. Bless his heart, he's one of the sweetest people I know. I know he was doing it since he knew how much I confide in Charles, but Charles was the last person I need to talk to right now.

However, before I could protest, he walked to the seat next to Max and Danny and sat down. So I make my way around the table, taking the last seat left. Just as I sit down, I'm greeted by a knowing look from Charles.

"What happened to 'Hey, how are you? Yeah, I'm good thanks!'?" I say.

I know Charles did nothing wrong, but I'm just so stressed I can't help it. He seems to understand and doesn't comment on it. We go back to eating our food till Charles breaks the silence between us.

"I didn't mean to make you nervous, I was just excited."

There were so many conversations and the table was so wide that speaking normally, Yuki wouldn't be able to hear us. I take a quick glance at Yuki before I reply, asking about his and Max's relationship to change the topic.

Everyone on the grid knows they're dating, from the drivers to the engineers to the FIA. The public doesn't know, though. They don't mind if they know; it's just that if they announce it, they could lose their jobs. The only way the repercussions would be less harsh is if someone makes a post with a photo of them on a date. If that happens, they'll deal with it, but they don't care. If it means they're happy and together, they don't mind where life takes them.

As we talk about this, I can't help but think of Yuki and me going on dates. Along with this, though, I can't help but steal glances of him every few minutes. A little later, Charles and I finish our food. Saying goodbye to the people around us, we get up and leave.

The whole way to Charles' room is quiet. What makes this worse is that he has to pick something up at the front desk first, but that doesn't really take long.

As we get to Charles' room, I hear footsteps and see where they're coming from, only to see that they belong to Max and Yuki. It was at this point where I figure out what Charles was doing. I knew Yuki wouldn't figure it out, so when he gave me a questioning look, I couldn't help but look away.

As I follow Charles into his room, closing the door behind me, I sit next to him on his bed. He pulls up the photo of Yuki and me.

"Explain," he says bluntly before he adds, "and take all the time you need."

I tell him the whole story with the littlest of details, from when I got into my hotel room to now. He only nods and hums in understanding every now and then, while rubbing my back to soothe me. It's only when I finish telling the story that he speaks.

"Would you mind if I ask you a few questions?" His voice is quiet, not wanting to say the wrong thing.


"Do you find you always want to be near him?"

"Yes! It feels like he's a black hole pulling me in, except I wouldn't mind being pulled in. It feels more comforting than anything."

"How do you feel around him?"

"No matter what, he just makes me smile and laugh. Even when I've had the worst day ever. His laugh is so cute, and his smile too! And don't get me started on how kissable he looks when he's happy-" I cut myself off, noticing what I said.

"Pierre," Charles speaking carefully, "how often do you think of kissing Yuki?"

I know I can trust Charles, it's just I'm scared to say it out loud to another person. When I say it aloud to myself, it's fine, but if I don't tell the truth, it'll only hurt me, and I need his help right now.



2571 Words.

I am so sorry this took so long! As you can see this chapter has over 2.5K words, so that would time to write, Pluse I've been busy. On top of that, I was just over halfway through the chapter when my phone died and I hadn't saved my work, and I think you can guess how that ended...

I feel like this chapter felt like it lead to a better ending but I feel like I did the best I could.

Also sorry, I know I'm publishing this on a Tuesday. I wanted to post yesterday, but like I said stuff happened. I tired to get it out to you as fast as possible.

I also made a playlist of some I listion to while I write these, so if you want the playlist to listen to while you read this, let me know.

Anyways, enjoy my lovelies!

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