Love over-due ~Yukierre~

By FormulaOneFiction

12.5K 279 344

Completed/discontinued (depending on how you look at it) Yuki has always loved Pierre, even if he didn't know... More

Cha. 1 🟒
Cha. 2 🟒
Cha. 3 🟒
Cha. 4 🟒
Cha 5 🟒
Cha. 6 🟒
Cha. 7 🟒
Cha. 9 🟒
Cha 9: First person: Charles
Cha. 10: First person: Max
Thank you!πŸ’• (Not a chapter)
Cha. 11: First person: Pierre
Cha 12: First person: muilti
Cha 13: Multi POV: Multi
Cha. 14: Loscar chapter
Cha. 15 - Yuki
Cha. 16
Cha. 17
Cha. 18
Cha. 19

Cha. 8 🟒

559 11 4
By FormulaOneFiction

First person - Yuki

I woke up to warm breath against my neck and half my view blocked by messy black hair. As my brain starts to process what's happening, my memories from last night come flooding back. It all starts to make sense now.

There are just two things that don't add up. One, where my shirt went. Two, why Pierre and I are cuddling. I'm not complaining or anything; it's just that I thought he wouldn't want to do that kind of thing with me. He had his arm tightly wrapped around my waist, holding me in place on the bed.

While I try to fill in the blanks in my mind, I feel Pierre pull me closer to him. I didn't even think that was possible. We were so close that I could feel each definition of his abs with each breath he took.

Meanwhile, Pierre had started to wake up."Morning," he mumbled into my neck.His voice was deep and raspy; the vibration his words had on my skin sent shivers down my spine. It also sent blood rushing through my body."Morning, princess," I jokingly spoke back to confirm I was awake. To my delight, I felt him smile against my neck.

After a few minutes of laying there wrapped in Pierre's arms, I had to get up.


"Hm?" Somehow, he was still half asleep.

"I need you to let go of me."


God, he's so adorable when he's clingy. "I need to go have a shower, and besides, I don't want to miss breakfast; the food here is really good."

"Mmmm." His grip only got tighter.

"Pierre, please?" I practically beg.

"Fine." Reluctantly, he let go.

I climbed out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. I locked the door behind me and turned on the shower to its hottest temperature.

Just as I was about to take off my swim shorts that I had slept in, I realized that I needed to borrow Pierre's toiletries.

Unlocking the door, I saw Pierre still laying where I left him. I gently shook his shoulder, and that seemed to finally wake him up completely.

"Hey, Pierre? Can I borrow your toiletries?"

"Yeah, sure, no need to ask."

"Thank you. Where are they?" Sitting up, he pointed to the bathroom bench."Should be next to the sink."

With that, I walked back into the bathroom, once again locking the door behind me. I then started looking for Pierre's toiletries, and lo and behold, they were right where he said they would be; I completely missed them the first time.

Taking off my swim shorts and grabbing the shampoo, conditioner, and body wash, I stepped into the shower. The hot water felt wonderful running down my body. As I stood under the water, my mind kept going back to how I woke up this morning. And for the second time this morning, I felt blood rush down my body.

Knowing what was going to happen if I didn't do something about this, I started to think about other things. Like how hard I was going to have to train once I burned all those calories from breakfast, or opening my own restaurant. As I'm thinking about all of this, I wash my hair to give my mind something else to focus on just as a precaution.

Just as I finish washing my hair, I notice that distracting myself worked. I turn off the shower and wrap a towel around my body. I go to the bench for my clothes so I can get dressed. However, as soon as I get there, it's only then I realize the mistake I had made. So with a towel around my waist, I unlock the door and open it slightly.

"Pierre?" I now notice that he's on his phone, seeming to be texting someone.

"Yeah, Yuki?" He tears his eyes away from the device in his hands.

"I kind of have a problem."


"Can I borrow some of your clothes, please? I don't have any." At this point, I can feel myself start to blush, not because I have to ask to wear his clothes, but the fact I'll be wearing his clothes!

"Oh yeah, sure, anything you want to wear in particular?"

"Depends, what did you pack?"

"We'll come have a look." He gets up from the bed and walks over to his closet, motioning for me to follow him.

I do so but can't help but feel a bit vulnerable. As I step out of the bathroom completely and start to walk over, I could have sworn that for a second, I saw Pierre's eyes go wide.

"What size are you?"


"Well then, your choice is out of these."

I pick out gray sweatpants and a blue jumper. Not the most matching thing, but I couldn't be bothered right now.

"I also..." my voice becomes so quiet I'm not even sure Pierre heard me.

"Sorry, what did you say?"

"I also need to borrow a pair of underwear."

"Oh. Okay, sure, that's fine. Small?"

"Yeah." Opening the closet wider, he pulls out a suitcase I know is his.

He picks it up like it weighs nothing and throws it on the bed. Opening it, all that's in there now is just his underwear and a hat or two. He grabs a pair of underwear from the suitcase and hands it to me.

"Do you want to get dressed in here or the bathroom? Cause I still need to take a shower too."

"I'll get dressed out here, thanks," I smile back at him.

"Okay," with that, he goes to have his shower.

~Small time skip~

I was sitting on the bed waiting for Pierre to finish his shower so we could go to breakfast.

I always loved to see what Pierre wore. He would either dress like he was in Vogue, or do the complete opposite and dress in something comfy. I wasn't expecting what I did see him in.

As Pierre walked out of the bathroom, I looked up to see what he's wearing. Only to see a towel around his waist. His hair was still wet, along with his back and abs.

"Uh, sorry, forgot to get my clothes, haha."

I suddenly feel like I'm choking on air. As he walks over to his closet, I can't help but let my eyes look him up and down and admire his body.

After looking at what he should wear today, he grabs a button-up shirt and black dress pants. This must be one of the very few times where he's between his two styles. He walks over to where he left his suitcase on the bed. He lays his clothes next to it, takes out a pair of underwear and walks to the corner of the room.

To my surprise, facing away from me, he drops his towel and puts his underwear on. He then picks up his towel and throws it next to me on the bed. I couldn't help the starstruck expression on my face.

"Sorry, probably should have asked before I did that," he laughs.

"No, all good. I don't mind. Just didn't expect it," I return the laugh.

While still only in his underwear, he zips his suitcase back up and puts it back in its place. Once it's back in its place, he gets dressed in the rest of his clothes, and we go down to breakfast.

On our way down, Pierre seems to be really nervous. I wanted to ask him, but I knew we would be there in any minute, and I didn't want him to feel like he needed to talk to me in such a public space, so I just left it. Once we got out on the right floor, we saw all of the other drivers sitting together at a table. As we walked past to get our food before joining them, I felt Charles's gaze on us, although I'm not sure why.

With food on our plates, we walked over to the table. There were only two seats left. They were across from each other. The chair on the further side of the table had Charles and Esteban next to it, while the chair closest had Max and Danny on either side.

I know Pierre gets uncomfortable in big groups, so I told him to take the chair next to Charles since I knew he could help if anything were to happen.

As I'm eating, I feel a nudge to my right shoulder. Turning to my left, I see Max looking at me. Almost expecting me to say something, instead, I just greet him.

"Hey, Max. Nice morning, isn't it?"

"Yeah, it really is. Hey, Yuki? I need your help with something after breakfast. Could you come to my room after?"

"Yeah, of course. What do you need help with?"

"I'll show you once we get there."

I trust Max. We may not be on the same team per se, but he feels like a teammate to me.

I enjoy the rest of my food while making conversation with the others all over the table, mostly the people closest to me like Danny and Max. The only people I was rarely able to talk to were Pierre and Charles. They seemed to be having their own conversation. However, that didn't stop me from looking at them every now and then.

Judging by how hollow Pierre's eyes looked with each word Charles said, it made me think that whatever they were talking about was something important. Maybe they were discussing strategies or something like that. Unfortunately, just before I was able to finish eating, Pierre and Charles had left together, much to my dismay.

I want to be able to thank Pierre for letting me borrow his clothes again. I guess I can do it later. I mean, I do know where his room is now. Maybe I'll get him something in return? I don't know.

Not long after Max and I had finished eating, we said goodbye to the drivers who were still eating or waiting for someone else to finish.

As we got into the elevator, Max pressed the button for floor seventeen. I assumed it was the floor his room was on. When our ride up the elevator stopped and the doors opened, I followed Max out. When we rounded the corner to his room, we saw Charles and Pierre enter Charles's room. I shot Pierre a questioning look, but when our eyes met, he looked away as soon as he could.

It was strange, to say the least, but from what I could tell, he was still on edge, so I just reasoned it to be anxiety. Max walked up to his door and swiped his key card. He walked in first, with me following shortly after. Once we were both in the room, I sat on his bed and looked around.

"So what did you need help with again?"

"That's the thing, I don't need any help."

I was starting to get confused until he started to elaborate. Although it seemed like whatever he wanted to talk about was more serious than I thought it was.

"Yuki," he started off, "you know you're like a brother to me, right? I wouldn't want to do anything to hurt you, I only want to help. I just need to ask one thing, and please don't hate me for it."

"I could never hate you, Max. You've helped me more than you think you have."

"Well then, I'm just going to come out and say it. How do you feel about Pierre?"

I felt my heart get stuck in my throat. I couldn't tell him I loved Pierre. I wanted to, I really did. It's not like I was scared he wouldn't accept that I liked guys; he had a boyfriend for goodness' sake. It was just that I was scared about Pierre finding out.

"We're friends. Why?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah?" It came out more as a question than a statement.

"Well then, can you explain this?"

He pulled his phone out of his back pocket and pulled up a photo. It's of me and Pierre.

Cuddling. From last night.

"How did you get this?!"

"I'll explain everything, but first I need you to tell me the truth. How do you feel about Pierre?"

"I think..." I can't believe I'm about to tell him, "I think I love him."


2091 Words


I kind of got carried away writing this, it took me about and hour and a half to write.

I'm thinking of going back and editing the other chapters before I add more, but I do have the next three planed out and I really want to write than and get them out ASPA. So what do you guys want? Edited chapters then three new chapters, or, three new chapters then edited chapters?

On another note, for thoese of you who write on here as well, do you ever find that when your writing your like 'I can't wait to read what happens next' then you realise that your the one writing it so you get kinda annoyed? Or is that just me?

Also sorry I hadn't posted earlier, I was busy making these all day.

I still have so many others to do, but these ones literally took my three hours to do and I messed up two of them (they aren't shower in the photo) and I'm yet to make two.

Anyways, enjoy my lovelies!

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