The Reluctant Bride

Door PeepawLeo

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You're getting married to Leonardo, if only you knew the full story Shout out to The Reluctant Bride painting... Meer

Before we begin
Trust me not

Kidnapped (ish)

178 4 94
Door PeepawLeo

F/A = Favorite Animal

The aftermath of Option one.


That was all you had to say.


As you woke up from probably being hit with a tranq dart, your neck hurt like crazy, it felt like you were getting your blood drawn from your lymph nodes.
You reached a hand up to hold the side of your neck, but you quickly realize that you couldn't feel your hands! Or your feet! You couldn't move at all, you were tied down to a chair!

As you looked at your surroundings, you were in a dark room illuminated by a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. Were you kidnapped? What time is it? You were hungry and cold, all you wanted to do was crash in your bed and curl up in fuzzy blankets, and eat more ramen.

The sound of a door creaking open snapped you from your longing. A (not) tall, mutant turtle stepped in. He was wearing a purple durag with...eyebrows...?

Get it I guess.

The turtle resembled a soft shell, well, you couldn't tell because of the purple armored shell. You then slapped yourself internally because of course the turtle would armor on its shell if it was soft. The turtle also had weird jagged purple rectangles on each shoulder and leg.

What was eerie about it was that the turtle oddly resembled Leo.

"Donnie, are you sure this is necessary?" A familiar voice asked.
Speak of the devil.

"It is absolutely necessary!" Donnie shouted at Leo. "You brought a human in here unannounced! For all we know they could be a spy!" Donnie narrowed his eyes as he leaned in close to your face, his snout scrunching up as well.

Leo poked his head out from behind his brother. "Y/N I am so sorry that my bitchass brother kidnapped you. Again it was him and not me." Leo apologized over and over again, all while Donnie kept staring at you.

"That's cute." You said as you watched Donnie snout scrunch, he gasped and stumbled back.
"See? They called me cute! A clear sign that they think we're weaker than them!" Donnie pointed his finger frantically at you. 

You tilted your head. "No, I called the snout thing cute. Believe me, I'm terrified right now. I'm just not showing it so you don't get that weird sadistic satisfaction of seeing me in fear." You explained with a smile. It was true, you were about to beg the turtles to let you go back to your normal (ish) life.

Leo only stared at you, the butterflies in his stomach starting to fly again. You were just so amazing! If anything you're just like him, but the human version!

"Well I don't care if you're afraid of me or not-"

"Yes you do." You replied. "Fear is power to you. You'd rather have everybody be afraid of you than everybody love you because if everybody loved you then they'd easily be able to pry into your mind and pick out all your insecurities. But if everybody was afraid of you, they'd know damn well not to point out your flaws." You leaned forward, narrowing your eyes at him.

"Isn't that right, Donatello?"

Donnie stared at you in utter shock, Leo blinked, surprised that you figured out his
government name. You only smirked, god you loved doing that trick. It wasn't a trick, really. It was context clues, that and you had a neat ability of guessing people's names. You'd take a look at them and their personality. And then guess spot on, scaring the shit out of the other person.

"Y-you are not funny, I am funny." Donnie stuttered after a long beat of silence, poking your chest.

"Look at that, I made you stutter. All that ego you built up to protect you must've been torn down, huh?" You teased, smiling.

"I'm going to muzzle you." He snapped back.

The whole interaction between the two of you continued, and the longer it went on, the more impatient and agitated Leo got. You were his new friend! Nobody else's!

Although, it was funny to see you pick at Donnie.

"Oh please, this is getting embarrassing for you. Hurry up and interrogate me." You rolled your eyes briefly. It was all part of an act, of course. He can't interrogate you if you already know everything about him, you can deflect the
questions back to him, he still thinks that he's in control. In reality, you are.

Of course, that just meant shitting on him until he gets fed up and releases you.

Donnie's smirk grew into a maniacal grin. "No, I'll drag this on as looong as possible, eventually you'll go insane and nobody will believe that you were interrogated by mutant turtles." He then sat down at the chair that randomly came out of his ass or something because it definitely was not there before. Leo did the same, although he was not very happy. You could see his fingers tapping impatiently on his forearm.

"Okay buster. State your name." Donnie demanded.

"" You replied with a smug grin.

"Wrong! We don't have a mother. We have a father that I'm still craving my validation from." Donnie answered.

"Womp womp." You blurted, then audibly gasped as you realized what you just said. Leo wheezed and fell out of his chair, Donnie on the other hand was unfazed, he's dealt with Leo saying that enough that it doesn't bother him.

"ADHD and lack of impulse control." Donnie wrote down on a clipboard.

"Uh, where did you get that-"

"Your actual name." Donnie clarified, staring at you. You sighed and groaned.

"Okay fine, it's Y/N." You answered begrudgingly.

"Last name?"

"Why? You wanna marry me?" You quipped. Donnie growled and gripped the edge of the table.

"My last name isn't important." You said. Leo let out an annoyed groan, now done with his laughing fit.

"This is taking too long!" Leo exclaimed, he stood and stomped over to me.

"Their name is Y/N and they're my friend!" Leo pulled out his katana and started cutting the ropes that tied you to the chair.

"Leo! You're ruining my interrogation!" Donnie whined standing up.
"Well it's taking too long!" Leo yelled, helping you stand up. Before you could thank him, a flash of purple tackled him to the ground.

"I need to make sure they're not dangerous!"

"Well they act just like me!"

"Exactly!" Donnie exclaimed as the two were wrestling. You took your chance to run out of the interrogation room and you found yourself in the same place you were when you first entered with Leo. The subway station. You looked around and tried to find an exit. You saw a flicker of light from one room so on instinct you went over to it.

The room was not an exit, in fact it looked like a media room, a giant screen was on once side of the wall with a comfy chair about ten feet away from it along with a coffee table holding a projector in front. The screen seemed to be playing a reality TV show. It looked pretty juicy so you sat down and started watching it for a minute.

A minute turned into ten minutes

Ten minutes turned into thirty minutes

Thirty minutes turned into an hour.

And an hour turned into you being so into the show that you lost track of time. Apparently Tristian proposed to Annabelle, but, Annabelle and her twin sister, Jasmine, have traded places because Tristan liked Annabelle, but Annabelle didn't like him back. But Jasmine liked Tristan, so they traded places so they were able to get married. But now, Annabelle saw how Tristan treats Jasmine with so much kindness and stuff that she's started to fall for him! So now Annabelle is trying to find a way to sabotage the wedding! How about that?

You finally looked away from the screen to check your phone.

8:40 pm.
8:00 - Take your meds!!!!
2 new notifications

Shit. No wonder you were so absorbed into the show, you haven't taken your pills!

You quickly grabbed all your stuff (which was your phone and a stolen pack of graham crackers) and bolted out of the media room.

"But Annabelle! I love you so much, nothing you could say would make me stop loving you!" Tristan proclaimed, you stopped in your tracks and walked backwards into the media room.

"Tristan, my love. I am not Annabelle, I am her twin sister, Jasmine."

"Well it's about time bitch!" You exclaimed, which earned a startled gasp from the chair.

"Who is it? Blue, have you come to put hot sauce in my food again?" A scruffy yet alarmingly high pitched voice shouted. You froze. How are you getting out of this?! Not only that, but for some reason you haven't seen Leo or Donnie anywhere.

"You lost them?!" A voice squawked.

"You made me lose them when you pounced on me!" Another voice shouted back, so that's where they went, they were still fighting over the interrogation they put you through.

You stood and put your phone and the crackers in your pocket, then wandered around the subway station to try and find the exit. Suddenly, two three fingered hands gripped your shoulders.

"There you are!" Leo shouted, you shrieked and on instinct you whipped around and punched him. He groaned and stumbled back.

"Leo!" You exclaimed, running over to check on him. Leo was holding his snout as blood trickled from it.

"I'm so sorry!" You ripped off part of your shirt and handed it to him.
"I didn't know I was that scary." Leo said, smirking. His eyes widen at the tear in your shirt.

"Did you just rip your shirt?"

"It's kind easy." You said with a shrug. "Now shush and let me apologize for giving you a nosebleed." You said, pressing the cloth to his...snout? Nostrils? You don't know turtle anatomy well, but you should because you're studying to be a veterinarian. You like animals, f/an especially, they're so cute!

Leo hesitantly pressed his nose into the ripped piece of cloth. He enjoyed the feeling of it, weirdly. The smell of blood wafted his nostrils and he couldn't help but close his eyes at the iron scent of the red liquid trailing from his nose. He could also smell you, and he sighed, for some weird reason you smelled good. Like mint, thin mint Girl Scout cookies to be exact. Have you been eating them? Do you like Girl Scout cookies? Were you a Girl Scout?

"Y/N!" Donnie screamed an incredibly bad pronunciation of your name as he ran towards you. Leo's eyes snapped open and he watched as Donnie sprinted towards you, who was now running as fast as they could to escape the mutant turtle. Leo groaned and ran to catch up.

"They're not an intruder!"


The aftermath of Option Two.

"Y/N..." A voice sang in your ear, you groaned and turned away, not wanting to wake up just yet.

" lecture is at noon." You mumbled. Leo huffed, waking up April wasn't this hard, why is it so difficult for you? He did this so he could show his appreciation for you becoming his new friend! And you had the audacity to wave him off while he was trying to wake you up?!

"Y/N." Leo said more firmly, his patience starting to wear thin. Whenever April had trouble waking up, Raph would just scream some words that trigger her, so maybe it would work for you!

But...what triggered you? Raph would just shout "Fire!" And that would work.

"Fire!" Leo screamed, and you bolted awake instantly, looking around in a panicked state. The fire, where everything went wrong and your life spiraled downhill and you lost your baby brother. You couldn't deal with the disgusted glares your family gave you, those disappointed faces they'd make.

"You're so lazy! That's why he died, and all the trauma that must cause your poor parents." The same words echoed in variations. Their trauma? What about yours?! You watched your baby brother burn because you weren't fast enough.

"Y/N!" Leo shouted, gripping your shoulders to snap you out of your spiral. You stared at him, panting slightly. Oh god, this wasn't a good idea, what has he done?

You blinked, coming back to reality. "...Leo...?" You said slowly, then looked around. This wasn't your room, it was far from it actually. You didn't own any action figures of Lou Jitsu, and you didn't even know what "Jupiter Jim" was. The room was more rectangular rather than square like yours. Plus, everything was decked out in blue.

You looked back at Leo, who looked worried, but you could see a flash of anger behind his eyes. What was he angry at? Did you fall asleep?

Suddenly, Leo smirked.

"I had a feeling I'd see you again next fall." He said with a wink, you blinked, what about falling?

"You know, falling?" Leo raised his sword up in the air that he used to make portals with. "Because you fell into my room after I..." he trailed off, not wanting to give away that he literally kidnapped you.

Well, in his defense, he was trying to make a joke! So it's not really kidnapping is it? You're able to move around and stuff, you're not held here against your will.

"Did you kidnap me?" You asked after a moment. Leo shook his head. "It's not really kidnapping if you wanted to tell a joke is it?" He asked, leaning forward.

"I...guess not- wait how did you even know where to portal?" You asked, narrowing your eyes at Leo. He swallowed thickly. "W-well I don't necessarily have to know your location. I just think of something and it portals me there. Like I could say 'portal me right behind Y/N'," Leo sliced the air with his katana, making a portal, you then felt the bed dip behind you.

"And it does just that!" Leo exclaims, you whip your head around to face them, afraid but also in awe.

"That's very scary if you put it on an enemy's end. Imagine you're running from someone that can portal to wherever you are, it's kinda like the immortal snail, but if the snail could portal." You explained, Leo chuckled. "You sound like an English tea—"

"Don't get me started on English." You interrupted. "I hate English, I couldn't care less about writing an essay on a children's book! What if I go to Africa to be a vet there?! I can't just pull out an essay out of nowhere!" You exclaimed, falling back on the bed. Leo tilted his head, surprised that you were forgot about the portal things so quickly.

"You forget things a lot, like my dad." Leo says, sitting down next to you. "He mixes up me and my brothers' names. Actually I don't know if he knows our real ones, he calls us by our colors.
I'm 'Blue', Raph's 'Red', Donnie's 'Purple', and Mikey is 'Orange'." Leo said, you looked at him. "Is your dad a renaissance fan?" You asked, judging by the nicknames, you could figure out that the names were shortened versions of the four Italian renaissance artists.

"Uh, I don't think so. Raph said that we got our names from April."

"April O'Neil?" You questioned. Leo blinked, suspicious. " know her?"

"Yea! She writes for my university's paper!" You exclaim. "She's also in my English lecture, class? I don't know what to call it, anyway. She seems like a pretty cool person!" You say. Leo smiles. "She's like our sister, we met when we were turtle tots."

You snickered at the name. "Turtle tots? Sounds like a dish." You say, Leo laughs as well. "It's really stupid, but what else would you call us?"

"Toddlers?" You cocked a brow at him, Leo thought for a moment, biting the inside of his cheek. "Yea that's a fair point, but 'Turtle Toddlers' doesn't have a good ring to it." He explained.

"Well, Turtle Tots sounds like a dish at a fancy restaurant, you countered.
"Well whatever, I'm sure I would taste amazing." Leo said with a proud smile. You snorted. "Yea, if you call sewer amazing."

"H-hey!" Leo swatted your arm. "Thanks to Donnie, this sewer smells awesome!"
An uncomfortable silence passed before Leo asked a question.

"Why were you acting all panicked when I shouted fi—"

"Don't." You muttered, putting your hand up to stop him.
"...Don't what?" Leo asked, his head tilted. His brown eyes searched yours for answers, but all he found was a wall that separated you from him. You were vulnerable, yes, but you kept it behind a mental wall, Leo didn't even think that you knew it was there.

"Don't say that word." You said, closing your eyes and trying to rid the flashbacks. "And stop staring at me so damn much."

Leo nodded and averted his eyes. "Okay then, but I just want to know why? Are you like the Winter Soldier and it's a word that makes you kill people?" He asked, you let out a bitter laugh. "I guess it's like that." You said, opening your eyes again, Leo looked back and saw that the wall was starting to break slightly, your eyes were more soft and open instead of closed off and fogged, he's never seen that. How were you so good at hiding your feelings?

"When was the last time you've cried?" He asked, you hummed and bit the inside of your cheek.

"I...don't remember." You answered earnestly, and you were serious, you couldn't remember the last time you've cried at all. That made Leo's heart hurt a little, but he couldn't remember either.

"I don't remember either." He replied. "I guess we're the same." He reached up and placed a hand on your shoulder, you exhaled through your nose, trying not to explode on him. The same?! How could he be the same as you? You witnessed your fucking brother die! You listened to his screams and cries as you stood in those burning orange flames. You weren't fast enough.

And you never will be.

Instead of blowing up on him, you have him a half-hearted smile.

"Yea, I guess we are."

Steven's secrets

Leo still wants to know why fire is a trigger for you - Option two

After Donnie interrogated you, Leo believes you are now the funniest person ever. - Option 1

Splinter never got to figure out that it was you who shouted. - Option 1

You never got to take your medication. - Option 1

Leo doesn't want you meeting Raph or Mikey because he believes that they'll get too attached, he's fine with you meeting Donnie because he already hates you. But now he's afraid that your hatred for each other could spark up into something more. Be careful Donnie.

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