Red Rose | Taekook ✓

By _cherry07

153K 11.3K 4.1K

"I love you, Koo hyung"Taehyung confessed,his words hanging in the air like a fragile promise. Caught off gua... More

1. Welcome home.
3. Eyes.
4. Please.
5. Ice Cream and You.
6. In My Way of Knowing You.
7. White Rose.
8. A Request by Jimin.
9. You Are Special!
10. Music Festival.
11. Red and Rose.
12. Beyond Repair.
13. Yellow Rose.
14. Standing Next To You.
15. Do You Remember?
16. Past Unfolding.
17. The things you made me feels!
18. Blue Rose.
19. Red Rose
20. Waiting may worth it.
21. I Worship You.
22. We are going back!
23. My eyes are being fed.
24. The Box and Secrets.
25. First Hearing!
26. Home.
27. Past Unfolding (2)
28. You are mine! -I'm yours..
29. Movies and shopping.
30. Its Ended!
31. Closer To You!
32. Baby, you shouldn't be here.
33. Run Baby.
34. Is It my fault?
35. Anything for you, my love.
36. Distence.
37. Promises.
38. I love you. (Ending)

2. Can I meet him?

4.6K 318 58
By _cherry07

"Each dawn, my skin kissed by flames,
Yet I smiled..."


"Guys I heard there's a new ice cream store, I wanna go!" Jimin whines to his group of friends. They are now on their way back to home after school.

"Ice cream? In this rainy season? My mom will kill me." One of the boys said and the boy beside him nodded, agreeing that Ice cream in the rain sounds good tho but their mothers won't be happy about it.

"If you wanna go we can." The white skin guy, yoongi, said when he saw Jimin making a sad face.

"Really?" Jimin asked, eyes softly lit up and a wide smile adore his face. Yoongi couldn't help but return the smile.

"I really wanna go, because tomorrow my older brother is coming back and after that, I may not be able to spend this much time with y'all for a few days," Yoongi nodded, already knowing this. But the other boys were a little confused.

"Why? And from where is your brother coming back?" One of the boys asked,

"Oh, my brother is a psychiatrist and he is coming back from London after five years. So I wanna spend some time with him." Jimin smiled when he talked about his brother. A proud smile always comes to his face.

Everyone hummed and nodded, and stayed walked in silence. Jimin looked around trying to find one of his friends. But he was unable to find him. So he turned and asked Yoongi. "Where's Tae?"

Yoongi looked around, but he was also unable to see the boy. " Maybe went ahead than us? I don't know."

Jimin frowned. " I wanna talk to him, he is behaving a little off today. We hadn't talked in the morning because of different classes. I'm worried for him." He expressed his worries.

"Yes, I noticed too," Yoongi said and held Jimin's hand as they crossed the road.

"Can we go and see him?" Jimin asked after farewell to the other boys.

"Anything you want dear," Yoongi said and softly kissed the younger on the cheeks, who turned pink just by it.

"Stop! Someone will see us!" Jimin scolded the boy while looking around, making sure no one saw them.

"Please, I was suffering just to kiss you one time since morning," Yoongi whines, letting the younger drag him towards their friend's home.

"But... You promised me. We will keep our relationship secret until we pass the exam and go to college." Jimin said softly, and his plumpy lips pouted up.

" I remember my darling, I'm sorry if I upset you I just wanted to kiss you." The older among them speaks, noticing the little pout on the other face.

"I just don't want bad eyes on our relationship you know right? Now if anyone came to know about us they gonna talk about our relationship. I don't wanna be the topic for people. I want to keep this relationship safe." Jimin says, his eyes looking around a little and then he leans closer and kisses his boyfriend on the cheek. Who smile heartfully.

They both had foolish grins on their faces as they walked inside the park which gonna take them to their friend's house, hand in hand as they walked while talking.

"Darling, Is that Taehyung?" Yoongi said, pointing at a big pipe placed in between the park, for decoration purposes. He saw a boy inside it who looked so familiar to him.

"Yes! Is he crying?" Jimin let out with little shock, hardly seen his friend crying in their four years of friendship.

"Let's go and see," Yoongi said, looking as shocked as the younger.

They walk toward the pipe, Jimin nods at Yoongi and the older man bends down on the ground.

The little area was filled with their friend's cries, so loud and broken.

"Taehyungie?" Yoongi calls out, but the boy is too into himself that he doesn't acknowledge the call.

Jimin too bends down and then stops Yoongi from calling again. Getting inside the pipe but still far from the crying boy.

"Taetae, it's me, mimi." He spoke calmly, placing a hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

"AHHH! N-NO NO! DON'T TOUCH ME! I'M BURNING! HURTS HURTS!" the whole area filled with Taehyung's screams. Too loud to make Jimin flinch and back away.

"Taehyung!!" Yoongi got down and pulled Jimin out of the pipe, the boy was too shocked to speak again.

"GO! GO AWAY FROM ME!!" Taehyung again shouted.

And when he lifted his head. Jimin let out a gasp in shock.

Taehyung's eyes are red, too red, almost looking like every little vein of his eyeballs was blood red, and the face has scratch marks. Hair is messy. The boy was looking like a whole new person to Jimin and Yoongi.

A different person from the person they had known for four years, Taehyung was always quiet yet talkative around his comfortable people. An intelligent and smart boy. Sometimes funny and sometimes logical. But this ...

They had never seen Kim Taehyung like this.

Taehyung didn't let them touch him even after they tried for an hour. The boy kept screaming and shouting at him. Not acknowledging them as his close friends.

At least Yoongi and Jimin waited a little far away from Taehyung, yoongi said maybe Taehyung needed space. And they waited for more an hour. It was seven in the evening when Taehyung came out of the pipe. Yoongi held Jimin's hand before the boy could go to his friend.

"No don't! He is not into himself now." The older one says. But who can calm a worried friend's heart? Jimin was feeling too helpless and lost.

And his heart didn't go to peace when Taehyung didn't show up at school the next day. Yoongi and Jimin again went on the road to meet Taehyung.

And this time they saw him playing in the ground with some kids. Happily smiling and laughing. Jimin hurriedly went to him and pulled the boy by his arms.

"What happened yesterday? Are you okay? Why didn't you show up to the school today?" Jimin drops every question that was eating him and Yoongi from yesterday evening.

"Huh? What happened? I'm totally okay mini." Taehyung says confusedly. Passing a smile at Yoongi.


"And he didn't remember even a bit, I said everything but still he looked so confused. Hyung I'm scared, the way he looked at me yesterday... It was not the Taehyung I knew." Jimin explains everything to Jungkook. After the dinner the older made him speak about the reason behind his dull face.

"Anything about his family?" Jungkook asks.

"I know nothing about his family. We only knew where he lives" Jimin said, watching his brother closing the window.

"Four years of friendship, and you know nothing!" Jungkook shook his head in disappointment.

"Hyung, he never spoke about his family. And most importantly we never thought there was something like this going on with him. He is always smiley with us." Jimin said although he is also disappointed with the lack of knowledge he had about Taehyung's family.

"I see, can I meet him? Somehow make him come to my new clinic." Jungkook asked, although the matter still looked too small for him to drip his nose into, he was doing it just for his brother. Because Jimin generally looks scared.

"Can we do it here? At our home?" Jimin requested, not knowing how he even gonna make Taehyung come here.

Jungkook just stares at his brother while crossing his arms.

"Pretty please with cheery on the top??" Jimin gave the best puppy eyes knowing who gonna lost.

"Home then," Jungkook said and went to his bed with a heavy sigh.

"Yes!" The younger shouted and Jungkook again glared at him telling him to keep quiet.

"Go sleep, tomorrow sharpe 6 in the evening. After I come back from the clinic. Don't be late." The older said and turned off the little light beside his bad.

"Noted sir! Good night." With that, Jimin went out and closed the door gently.


To be continued 💜

Taehyung was sitting inside this ☝🏻

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