Star trek lower decks//malere...

By IronDragon19

41.9K 1.7K 993

Space....the final frontier- Oh what the heck, I'll cut it short. YN has join the USS Cerritos as a ensin sec... More

Character Bio (Not a Chapter)
Chp 1: Second Contact
Chp 3: Read or Experience
Chp 4: Buffer time
Chp 5: Trail by Combat
Chp 6: Moist Vessel
Chp 7: Among us
Chp 8: Badgey
Chp 9: The Farm
Chp 10: The Trial
Announcement (Not a chapter.)
Chp 11: Crisis Point?
Chp 11: Definitely Crisis Point
Chp 12: Unexpected Foe
Book 2, Chp 1: A Fine Addition
Book 2, Chp 2: Cat Problem
Book 2, Chp 3: Planet of Mugato
Book 2, Chp 4: Trash day
Book 2, Chp 5: Rogue AI
Book 2, Chp 6: Ship Training Drills
book 2, Chp 7: Bridge Buddy
Book 2, Chp 8: First Contact
Book 3, Chp 1: Risk it or not
Book 3, Chp 2: Mining The Mind's Mines
Book 3, Chp 3: One Brain, Two Minds
Book 3, Chp 4: Hear All, Trust Nothing
Book 3, Chp 5: A Strange New World
Book 3, chp 6: A Strange New World. Part 2
Book 3, Chp 7: Project Swing By
Book 3, Chp 8: Cali vs Tex
Book 4, Chp 1: Tuvix
Book 4, Chp 2: Death By Cuteness
Book 4, Chp 3: A Warmest Date
Book 4, Chp 4: Green Wedding
Book 4, Chp 5: Drunken Crew
Book 4, Chp 6: Ai worst fear...
Book 4, Chp 7: Rock and Stone
Book 4, Chp 8: Inner Fight
Book 4, Chp 9: No Sacrifice, No Victory (Finale.)

Chp 2: Raging Zombies

1.6K 58 17
By IronDragon19


It didn't took long before I left off to find the training facility. Luckily I quickly memorized the starship map when Boimler showed us the map during the tour on the starship. Speaking of which, heard the Cerrito's is at planet Galardon for second contact.

  Not much to do for security, just setting up couple of federation stuff for Galardon civilization. Pretty sure nothing crazy will happen even for my first day on the Cerrito. Enough time for me to get started as ensign security. Just then I arrive to the training facility where I meet up a big guy who is a Bojoran.

YN: Ensign YN LN, reporting for duty- woah!

The big guy suddenly goes for the attack but I quickly react to block and did a judo throw to the ground.

YN: Sorry, self defense.

I offer him a hand and he accepted before glancing at me.

???: You're the new security ensign right?

YN: Yes sir.

???: You were supposed to be at the training facility 5 minutes ago.

YN: Got lost, sir. Its a big ship.

???: Not good enough. You'll need to know the ship if you're ever gonna be a security.

YN: Yes, sir. I'm YN LN by the way.

Shaxs: Chief security, Shaxs. Welcome to security. Now let's see what you got what it takes to join the bear pack.

YN: Will do, chief.

Shaxs: Now why don't we throw you into the fire and see if you burn.

I nod before we enter the training facility and Shaxs lightly pushes me in what looks like a boxing gym.

YN: Aight, so who am I up against?

Shaxs: Computer, initiate combat simulation smorgasbord.

Computer: [Initiating.]

The computer then simulated a handful of Borg's surrounding me.

YN: Oh man, borgs!

I raise my fist as they're slowly approach towards me. I take a deep breath to calm myself.

YN: (Mutters.) OK, YN. This is what you've trained for.

I quickly look around and see an opening before I charge and make a dropkick at one of the Borg.

That way I can escape their surrounding and I rip out of piece of the boxing ring to use it as a staff. Where the real fun starts.

Knocking at least 3 of the Borg before the staff broke in two pieces as they're still approaching. But that didn't stop me as I use two of the piece as a weapon.

Two more take downs and I run towards the opening only to give a knee kick right to one of the Borgs head as it fell off.

The Borg fell and it was about to retaliate until I stab its chest with one of the piece before I quickly turn around and stab the other borg at its side. Unfortunately it was stuck so I quickly push it away and punch the other with a powerful blow.

Thats 8 and only 4 more left. One of the Borg got close enough to reach its arms at me but I quickly grab its arms to prevent it from simulationing me. I had to act quick before the rest can reach me. So I quickly snap both of its arms before punching it hard enough to knock it down.

I puck up the piece of the staff and use it to hit its head before stabbing its. I knock it back and I had nothing else to use, so I use my combat knife as a last resort.

I stab the Borg's head and I quickly turn around behind it before pulling my knife out and throw it at the Borg's shoulder. Charging at it to make a final blow with a powerful kick.

I look around and see all of them were destroyed before I take a moment to catch my breath until I saw the security chief surprised to see all of the Borg's are destroyed.

Shaxs: (Amazed.) In the name of the prophets. I put people in that simulation so they can learn how to deal with defeat.

YN: Oh, uh was that suppose to be the challenge?

Shaxs: Yes, but after seeing you went face on the Borg solo, there was no doubt about it. Ensign you are a natural-born warrior!

YN: (Shugs.) I've been training a lot for combat back at the academy.

Shaxs: Now that's a true warrior. Welcome to the bear pack.

Shaxs offers me a handshake and I gladly accept it.

YN: Looking g forward to meet the rest of the bear pack.

Shaxs: Now that's the spirit.

Huh, you know, I think I'm gonna love this. Maybe Cerritos isn't actually bad after all. Can't wait to see what happens next.

3rd POV


We see Rutherford is dating with ensign Barnes right by the bar where their date are going well.

Rutherford: What? Oh man, I would kill to work on the deflector dish. Most of my day is spent repairing food replicators. 

Barnes: (Curious.) They really break that often.

Rutherford: Only when you get food in 'em.

Barnes: Ah, at least you don't have to be around Lieutenant commander Billups. Knowing how to talk to women is kind of that guy's final frontier.

They both laugh until Rutherford cybernetic was glitching which made him speak Vulcan.

Rutherford: (Vulcan.) That is illogical!

Barnes: Oh, s-sorry. I-is hr a friend of yours?

Rutherford: (Normal.) No, no, no, no. Its this Vulcan implant. It keeps on randomly suppressing my emotional reactions. Sorry if this is making it weird, I'm just not use to being a cyborg yet.

Barnes: Actually, my dad was a cyborg.

his made Rutherford comfort to know that. Hour passed on their date and they've been enjoying their time together.

Rutherford: Oh man, this is really nice. I'm glad we got to sit down and get to know each other without any interruptions.

Suddenly one of the commander name Ransom felt something painful and he collapse to the counter. So painful that his skin begins to change as well as his eyes while black blood escapes his mouth. Ransom barf black blood at one of the crew face before grabbing and biting his neck like a zombie.

The other tries to run but Ransom got her and starts doing the same thing as the infection spread to the crew who were bitten while rest panicked. Rutherford and Barnes quickly flip the table to the side to hide as they held hand together.

Crewman: Set phasers to stun!

The crews who have phasers does that and fire at the infections.

Rutherford: (To Barnes.) So, where are you quartered?

Barnes: Deck nine, by the squash courts.

One of the crewman gets behind the table between the couples.

Crewman: Someone brought a virus back from the planet. This is happening all over the ship!

He quickly leaves before the couples talk.

Rutherford: I've never played squash. Is it fun?

Barnes: We should play sometime.

Back with the security. They were on their way to meet the rest of the bear pack until the lights became red as the alarm triggered.

YN: What's going on?

Shaxs: Nothing good. Looks like you get to see some actions on your first day.

Shaxs pulls out a phaser and tosses it to YN and they quickly head to the fight where they soon see and fought the infections. YN phases the infections while Shaxs fights them with hand combat since he has the most experience.

YN: Where did those come from!?

Shaxs: Less talk and more fighting!

Comms. [All unaffected crew, meet at transporter room 8!]

YN: How far is that from here?

Shaxs: Too far, we'll have to fight our way through them. Haha!

YNs phase was out and he immediately throws it at the infection face before grabbing a piece that looks like a staff.

They fight their way and find few of the unaffected survivors as they head to the turbo lift. Just then YN sees Rutherford is walking out in space with his date Barnes.

YN: Hey is that Rutherford? Hey Rutherford!

YN wave his hand to get Rutherford attention which he succeeded as his friend waves back. An infection was about to bite him until YN knocks it out with the back of his fist without looking. He gets back to fighting their way to the turbo lift.

YN: Computer take us somewhere at transporter room 8!

The turbo lift closes before any infection could enter.

Shaxs: Listen up, we'll have to rendezvous any remaining crew at the transporter. Expect for heavy resistance on the way.

The turbo lift then stops and the crewman aim their phasers as the door opens only to reveal more of the infection.

They begin firing their phasers at the infection and fight their way through to the transporter. Few of them got infected during the way until they've reached or the transporter room where the captain, chief medical, and the remaining unaffected crew.

YN: Help me with the door! Its not gonna hold it forever!

They quickly grab anything heavy to hold it while Shaxs holds it with his strength as the rest phasers at the infection that are trying to break through. Right on time for the ones who were at the planet came back by the transporter. Boimler was wearing a farm clothes instead of starfleet uniform and is covered in pink slime.

Mariner: Whoa! What the hell?

YN: Oh hey guys, nice of you to pass by. Whoa what happened to you Boimler?

Captain Freeman: Keep the doors secure. The crew depends on us! We can't let them down.

Chief medical, Dr. T'ana, sniffs the slime on Boimler. She quickly grabs a handful of the slime and scans it with her triquarter to analysis it.

Boimler: Captain, I'm sure you're wondering where my uniform is.-

Freeman: Shaxs, what are my options?

Shaxs: I recommend we detonate the entire warp core, captain.

YN: That's a bad idea! First we fight our way through and then we detonate the warp core.

Shaxs: Right.

Freeman: What? No!

T'ana: We need to get this man to sickbay immediately, he is very important!

Freeman: (Confused.) What makes him so special?

T'ana: Nothing. He's worthless.

YN: Wow, that's offensive.

T'ana: It's the slime captain! He's covered in slime that could save us all.

Freeman: Everyone, protect this slime!

Shaxs quickly carries Boimler on his shoulder and they push the barricade back to knock the infection away, giving them the opportunity to escape. Firing phaser at the infection to fight their way through until they made it to the medical room before Shaxs drops Boimler. Dr. T'ana scans the slime and became surprise to see the results.

T'ana: Holy sh-t! This substance completely neutralize the rage effect.

Boimler: It came from this spider cow thing. I-I could tell you all about it.-

Freeman: But can you synthesize a cure, doctor?

T'ana: Hmm. I better, you don't have much time.

Everybody notice she's infected from the black vines on her neck but didn't even flinch.

Mariner: Ooh, should've washed those hands, captain.

Freeman: Stow it, Mariner!

It didn't took very long for T'ana to create a cure and test it on infected Ransom which successfully cured him.

Ransom: (Groan.) Oh, what happened? Where am I? And...(Panic.) did I eat flesh?

Tendi: Uh...hardly any.

YN: You were actually the first one to do it.

Ransom: (Panic.) How much did it eat!?

While they were chatting, Dr T'ana uses the computer system to access the air vents through the ship to spread the cure through the vents. Successfully curing the entire crew in the ship.

T'ana: Its working.

Freeman: (Smiles.) Looks like you'll get to publish more award-winning research, doc.

T'ana: (Roll her eyes.) Great, more paperwork.

The bridge crew laughs while Ransom's still questioning about the flesh he ate and ignore the lower decks.

Mariner: Uh, this guy saved your asses. Ensign Brad Boimler! Out that in the paperwork.

All five of them just sat down against the door after all the infection rage happened seconds ago.

(YN next to Boimler.)

Mariner: (To Tendi.) Still uh happy to be here?

Tendi: Are you kidding? (Smiles.) I got to hold a heart!

YN: Did you?

Tendi: A live one!

YN: Badass.

Mariner: How bout you?

YN: First day of security? Epic. I mean look at this, first scar on my security!

YN shows them the bite mark on his forearm as it begins to spread which got everyone worried.

Time skip, Boimler POV

After taking a sonic show and changed back to starfleet uniform, I went to report to the Captain. She assigned me to keep an eye on Mariner and to report if she breaks protocol which led me to getting all that slime because of the giant spider. But first the captain is recording her reports of the recent event.

Freeman: Once again, solely thanks to the brilliant efforts to Dr. T'ana, the crew is saved. Undetected by the first contact team, the alien virus is exactly the type of eventuality that can make a second contact mission a life-or-death situation. Luckily, my senior staff are always up for a challenge. End recording.

Her recording ends before she speaks to me.

Freeman: Sorry about that, Ensign Bumford. What do you have to report?

Boimler: (Correction.) Boimler.

Freeman: Pardon?

Boimler: Its Boimler, not Bumford.

Freeman: (Sigh.) What about Mariner? Did she follow protocol?

Boimler: Yeah, I think so. We spent the whole day just adjusting the subspace comm array.

Freeman: This says you came back covered in bite marks, wearing an alien frock. What, she had nothing to do with that?

Boimler: You know, I don't remember much. Maybe that goo that saved the ship messed with my memory.

Freeman: Nothing insubordinate?

Boimler: Not that I saw.

Freeman: Unbelievable...Thank you, ensign Boimler. Dismissed.

I left the room and head to the bar to meet up with Mariner. I lied to the captain about nothing to report and memory lost because I was disappointed that the bridge crew took the most of the credit on saving the crew.

3rd POV

Back at the bar, Mariner was drinking alone while YN, Rutherford, and Tendi were having a conversation about Rutherford's date.

Tendi: Oh, no. Did the rage virus ruin your date?

Rutherford: Nah, that stuff happens all the time.

YN: Really? I guess its normal for her then. So how did it go? Was she as great as everyone said?

Rutherford: Yeah. She was smart, pretty, and oh, highly effective in a ship-wide crisis.

Tendi: So tell me, are you guys a thing?

Rutherford: Yeah, I'm not seeing her again.

YN: Why? You guys literally survived in a life threatening situation together. Heck I saw you two having a nice walk in space together.

Tendi: Yeah, don't you share a bond?

Rutherford: Oh, for sure. But she had zero interest in figuring out why a red alert overrode Maintenance Hatch 70's access protocols. Its like, can you even imagine?

Tendi: I-I'm sorry. What? did!

Rutherford: Yes, I mean, who has time for romance when there's a level two diagnostic just sitting there waiting to be run?

YN: That was weird that it overrode during red alert.

Tendi: (Grin.) Don't have to tell me twice. I am right there.

YN: I'm sure you two can get back together. I mean give her time. She'll understand why and who knows, maybe she might get interested.

Boimler then meets up with Mariner.

Boimler: Mariner.

Mariner: (Sigh.) Boimler.

Boimler: (Clears throat.) I wanted to thank you. It felt good helping those people. I mean you might be...

Mariner: Hm, better than you in every single way?

Boimler: Unorthodox but I can't believe I'm saying it, starfleet is better with you in it.

Mariner: Wait, so you didn't gattle on me?

Boimler: I did not.

Mariner gives him a hug which caught him by surprise.

Mariner: (Smiles.) Boimler! Wha...? No way man! I had you pegged wrong. Yeah I thought you were like a boring worker drone. And if you are, but inside that drone is an ambition little weasel, and inside that weasel might be a tiny human being.

Boimler: That's uh sort of unfair-

Mariner: This is a moment man, ooh this is a mood. Okay? And I do not care how long it takes, we're going to get your butt in a captain's chair.

Boimler: This isn't a big deal.

Mariner: Hm, guess what. I'm your new mentor. Boom! Surprise bitch, its done! How does it feel?

Boimler: No, you can't just decide.

Other three enter their conversation.

Tendi: Whoa, she's your mentor?

Boimler: No, she's not.

Rutherford: Congrats, man.

Mariner: Come on guy, lower decks! Lower decks!

YN: (Smiles.) All right! Let's drink for Boimler getting a mentor and our first day of lower decks together!

Mariner: Now we're talking!

They all went to grab some drinks while Mariner list a lot of things for Boimler to know. And this is where their first day of lower decks.

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