
By TheConfusedTurtle

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For the fae, magic is everything: status, power, wealth, honor. For Vera Reite, a fae born with no magic, it... More

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92 14 88
By TheConfusedTurtle

Brambles snapped at Vera's legs as she ran, nicking her coat and snagging on the hem of her skirt. The wind and rain battered against her, growing in force the deeper she charged into the woods despite that the trees were more clustered together. With each step, her legs became heavier, her lungs struggling for air, but she pressed on. It didn't matter how much her head hurt, how the forest blurred or shifted, how weary her body was; if she stopped, she would be caught, and the thing that followed her would not be so easily stopped like the pale, lanky creature. It pulled at her, called to her very being. Something about it was ancient, and the mere thought choked her with fear. Even without consulting the tome, she knew.

The ancient creature was the fae-killer.

She stumbled onto a forgotten path formed by exposed dirt and flattened grass. It wound its way through the forest, snaking toward an opening between two trees where a faint, white light flickered in the distance. Despite the rain and the growing darkness, the light beamed through the forest's shadows. Hope soared through Vera's chest. The city.

Something crashed through the underbrush behind her; the heat on her back increased along with the uneasy, prickling feeling of magic trailing across her skin. She didn't dare look back before speeding off down the path. Exhaustion dragged her down and she swayed, nearly toppling onto her side in the tall grass. Another sharp stab of pain ripped through her skull, darkening her vision at the edges. The path split into ghostly twins, doubles that swirled around her, taunting her. She blinked in a desperate attempt to clear her vision, but it only worsened the black spots creeping out from the edges. Against the dizziness that threatened to pull the ground out from under her, she continued running on uneven feet.

The edge of the forest was within reach, a mere handful of paces away. She was almost to the city, almost to the safety of the barrier that would keep the monster out, almost home where she would be protected from her stupid mistake.

Her foot snagged on a stray root and twisted painfully. She slammed into the ground, biting her tongue as she went down. The metallic tang of blood flooded her mouth and she swallowed a bitter cry, fighting the tears that pricked her eyes. Frantically, she pried her foot free, ignoring the wave of pain that rushed up her leg. It was barely free when the monster appeared at the end of the path, looming over her in the darkness. She shuffled back in a last ditch effort to put as much distance between herself and the monster as possible.

The city. All she had to do was make it to the city. Strength surged through her along with a rush of adrenaline. She shoved to her feet, wincing as her injured leg struggled to take her weight, and dashed for the edge of the forest. Light broke through the heavy curtain of rain as she burst out of the forest. The ground was muddy and her boots slipped, sending her rolling down the slight incline into an open clearing where the white light pulsed strongly behind a metal gate.

It was not the city skyline that greeted her, but the silhouette of an old manor, its property as overgrown and wild as the forest surrounding it. Ivy crawled up the walls, and the eaves appeared to be crumbling at the edge of the roof. And yet, the light shone behind the windows of the first floor, a beacon that beckoned her into its warmth. Vera's hope fizzled out as uncertainty took over, but the light was warm and inviting.

Above her, the misty form of the monster emerged from the trees with slow, deliberate motions, its eyes pinned on her. Swallowing her fear, Vera struggled to stand and fixed her sights on the manor. If there was a light, there had to be someone inside. Against the monster, two would be better than one. Or, if nothing else, perhaps the owner of the manor could at least shield her for a time.

She slipped on the mud as she rose again. This time, her ankle refused to stand evenly, and she limped toward the gate as quickly as she could while the monster trailed after her. It was in no rush, it seemed, arrogant that she would go down easily—like Wyn whenever he became too confident in their sparring matches.

An eternity passed before she reached the gates—a twin set of ornate metal bars topped with vicious spikes and set into strong hinges. They weren't locked and, despite their age and exposure to weather, had yet to rust; instead, they appeared shiny and new. Vera grabbed one side and pulled.

As soon as her palm settled on the cold metal, heat seared her skin. She let go with a scream, clutching her trembling hand against her chest. It cooled quickly in the rain, but the sting lingered deep beneath her skin, a familiar feeling she knew all too well. Iron. The gates were made of iron.

The monster prowled closer, now only a few yards away. A deep growl rumbled in its throat, and it lowered its head like a beast preparing to leap. Foreign magic crackled around it, summoned without the use of runes like fae spells. An invisible force slammed Vera against the gate.

Fiery agony ripped across her spine. She choked on another scream, kicking and wriggling against the monster's hold on her and the iron bars digging into her back. It shoved her again, and her head hit the metal this time, knocking against the same sore spot as before. Darkness obscured her vision and a sharp ringing sound forced out the low rumble of the monster as it snuck closer. The fight slowly bled from her body as even the burning pain in her back began to fade and her limbs dropped weakly to her sides. All she could feel was her hammering heart and the thrum of panic beneath her skin, but it was useless. There was no fighting this creature.

Metal hinges creaked and groaned. With a sudden rush of cool air, the gates swung open, and Vera dropped unceremoniously inside the property. Dizzy and disoriented, she sat up just as they closed again. Angry at the loss of its prey, the monster roared, loud enough that her teeth rattled, and slammed into the gate. Despite that it was unlocked, it didn't budge. A hazy film covered the gate, glistening where the monster touched it; even though it appeared no stronger than a thin layer of fabric, the barrier held firm against the monster's strength.

With a final dissatisfied hiss, the monster turned and fled, swallowed by the darkness before it even reached the forest's edge. The storm disappeared with it, exposing a clear, night sky behind it with the crescent moon hovering over the manor.

Soaked through to the bone, Vera shivered. She let out a tight breath and flopped down to rest until the world stopped spinning. Every part of her burned with exhaustion and pain, and she thought she could detect the faint scent of something burnt, but she forced herself to sit up one last time. Twisting, she peered at the manor, searching for the light she had seen. The inside was dark and empty, void of any living presence. She shuddered, but this time it wasn't from the cold.

As she stared, a faint presence caressed her skin, like the shimmering barrier as it passed over her to separate her from the killer. It crackled like magic, only there was no one to cast a spell. Words appeared in her mind with no voice to anchor them, a shapeless thought that drifted through from somewhere else. It squirmed as it fought to take shape, and she steeled herself against the odd sensation. When it settled, she could just barely make out three words: come this way.

Her breath caught in her throat. The presence left as quickly as it had come, and she was alone once more. She hesitated, casting another glance beyond the gate. Though every still-conscious part of her mind begged her to turn away, she knew she stood no chance if the monster found her again. Not in her current state. She had no choice but to obey the strange command.

Steeling herself, Vera crawled toward the huge double doors, leaving the iron gates and the bloodthirsty monster behind.

The doors creaked almost as loudly as the gate, but they were not laced with iron to burn her. They opened with ease, also left unlocked, and allowed a faint stream of moonlight to flood the tattered entryway. Dust floated in the air and coated the floor in a thick layer. The room was stripped of furniture, save for a three-legged table that had toppled over and a broken vase that likely once sat atop it.

"Hello?" Vera called, leaning heavily on the door. Her voice was hoarse, trembling with an edge of fear—or perhaps to betray her pain.

A rat scurried from one edge of the room to the other, and a haunting wind blew through the curtains, but there was no answer. No magical presence either. The house was abandoned, though she was certain she had seen a bright white light from within, like a star sealed behind the walls. Now, there was only darkness, save for the pale light of the tiny moon.

Weariness tugged sharply at her, and her head was pounding incessantly. She invited herself in and shut the door with a decisive thud. Perhaps there was a ghost, but she didn't care if it haunted her. All she needed was a safe place to sleep, just for a moment, until her headache passed. She limped to the next room, her twisted ankle dragging awkwardly across cracked marble floors.

Pastel floral wallpaper lined the walls of the next room, and tattered curtains hung shut over a large, curved window. A sofa and two plush chairs were still placed neatly in what had once been a sitting room. Vera didn't care. She dropped her things at the foot of the sofa and crashed onto the cushions, sending up a cloud of dust around her. She had barely settled into a comfortable position before her eyes drifted shut and sleep claimed her.

Sweet dreams, Vera. Sorry I ran you over with a bus and then drop-kicked you into an iron gate. No hard feelings.

See you all next week! :D

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