πŸ„β­οΈπŸ‘‘ "You're My Super Star...

By KristyB2024

56.4K 1.5K 3.1K

~~~~~~~~~~~πŸ’–~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Struggling Brooklyn plumbers named Mario and Y/N gets transported through the Mush... More

❀️ Chapter 1 ❀️
⭐️ Chapter 2 ⭐️
πŸ„ Chapter 3 πŸ„
πŸ”₯ Chapter 5 πŸ”₯
🍌 Chapter 6 🍌
🌈 Chapter 7 🌈
❄️ Chapter 8 ❄️
πŸ‘‘ Chapter 9 πŸ‘‘

πŸ‘ Chapter 4 πŸ‘

7.1K 219 475
By KristyB2024

*Alright everyone! It's the moment you all have been waiting for! It's finally time for you all to meet: 👑🌸Prince Peach!! 🌸👑*

*The art does NOT belong to me!*

The sun started to set as the light casted over the city in a warm and bright yellow light. The trio finally arrived at the entrance as Toad put his arms out towards the castle with a large smile as he couldn't contain his excitement.

Toad: "This way, you two! The prince lives right on the hill!"

He pointed up towards the hill where the castle rested on top before he raced forward. Y/n glanced around her and saw  a beautiful water fountain with a long white bridges where all the Toads were socializing with each other. Y/n and Mario ran after Toad before they could lose him in the crowd.

They arrived at the town center where there were three sections of Toads that were punching the gold blocks from the bottom as coins magically popped up from them. One red Toad had to take a small break as he took deep breaths while he had a small tower of coins.

Toad: "Excuse me everybody! Coming through!"

Toad loudly announced to the crowd while he softly pushed and shoved the other Toads, and in doing so, he bumped into a green Toad who was carrying some gold coins under his arms, causing him to gasp as one of the coins dropped and fall from his grasp.

Toad: "Got a big adventure happening right now, just clear a path for us!"

The coins rolled towards Y/n and it stopped at her feet. She kneeled down and gently gave the coin back to the green Toad while he looked up at her in awe at her kindness and beauty.

Y/n: "I believe this belongs to you. Here you go, little guy."

She said with a gentle voice with an equally soft smile as she and Mario tipped their caps at the Toads and waved to the crowd of Toads while they continued to stare at them. One red Toad went towards the green Toad as they began to whisper to each other.

Red road: "Wow! Did you see her? It's another human! And she was absolutely gorgeous!"

He said with an excited smile as the green Toad nodded his head with a small grin.

Green Toad: "Yeah, I agree. That girl is beautiful! And she's so sweet and kind, she would make a great partner for the prince!"

The trio continued to walk forward as it got slightly harder to movie through the crowd due to the large population of Toads, so they had to find a solution...


Toad jumped into the air as he screamed that out causing the Toads around him to gasp in shock as they backed away from him. Mario and Y/n perked up as they shrugged their shoulders as the siblings looked at him an offensive and scared look in their faces. Toad look back at them before he innocently smiled back at duo.

Toad: "Just trying to clear a path, That's all I'm doing. He's gonna be fine!"

They walked past a yellow Toad who was holding onto a bag full of water with a baby Cheep cheep inside as the fish slightly glared at Mario as they walked away from him.

Toad: "Chanterelle!"

Chanterelle: "Morning!"

Toad waved to another Toad nearby as he gave him a friendly smile, causing the purple toad to grin back at his friend.

Toad: "Nice to see you, bud!"

They then strolled past a small antique store as they explore the kingdom in astonishment.

They walked past a another yellow Toad who was talking to the shop owner who was an elderly red Toad.

Yellow Toad: "Does this thing work?"

Red Toad: "Yes, it works great. You just have to blow into it."

And then walked towards a split yellow and green wall with arrow signs that pointed up.

Toad got on top of a yellow platform lift while he leaned his arms the the closed crossing gate as he waited for the duo with a smile.

Toad: "And, Up we go!"

Y/n: "Wait, Going up?"

Mario and Y/n rose their eyebrows in sync as they both hopped over the crossing gate and when their feet landed on the platform, the lift started to raise them high into the air, causing the two to stagger a bit while Toad look unfazed.

While they got to the top, the cross gate opened for them as Toad offered Y/n to get off first with a smile. She smiled and got off first as she walked onto the floating silver and yellow platform. Toad and Mario got on, but instead of moving up, the plat moved forward.

Mario and Y/n had to balance themselves so they wouldn't fall as Toad jumped off the one they were riding on and onto the other platform that stopped beside them. Y/n jumped on after him as Mario yelps as he almost missed his landing, but luckily he grabbed onto the edge he held on extremely tight.

Once they were on the opposite side, Toad got off the floating platform while Y/n held onto her brother's hand as she pulled him up as he panted to relax his beating heart from almost falling to his death. Once he caught his breath, they walked over to Toad as he beckoned them to move faster as he walked towards a line of floating bricks. The duo ran towards him as they only realized until that they were walking in floating blocks, causing them to gasp.

Mario: "Woah!"

The siblings looked down at the ground for a second which proved to be a mistake as they got more nervous. The floor looked so far away as the walking Toads looked like ants in their eyes. She shrieked as she hid her face into Mario's shoulder as the slowly walked across.

Y/n: "Oh my goodness, so is it normal for these bricks to just be floating here?!"

They walked towards a station with two clear pipes as Mario looked at them with a smile. He was pretty impressed.

Toad: "Just pop through this pipe and we're on our way!"

Y/n: "Awesome!"

Toad pointed the thumbs behind as he grabbed Y/n's hand as they got pulled into the clear pipe.

Toad: "It's the only way to fly, man!"

Toad cheered from how much fun he was having while Y/n screaming at the sudden force pulling her. She bumped into the edges a few times before she got the hang of it as she followed Toad. She slowly started to have fun as she started to smile and laugh with Toad.

Mario looked up at his sister and watched her go threw the pipe. He was worried that she might get hurt, but he knew that she should be fine with Toad by her side.

He crouched down and look inside the pipe was his eyes took every detail. He couldn't help but grin.

Mario: "Oh wow! I love these

Mario was about to say, but he got too close to opening as he accidentally got sucked into the clear pipe. He yelled out in shock as he was not prepared for that. His body got slammed against the pipe as he got roughly tossed around from left and right as Toad and Y/n flowed through the pipe smoothly. He literally got tossed around like a rag doll as he started getting dizzy. Mario winced from every hard slam against the pipe.

Y/n and Toad: "Whoo!"

They finally entered out of the pipe. They can out of a red one and entered a blue one. After that, they exited out of the bright green pipe with a golden metal star at the bottom as they looked towards the castle. They finally made it!

Toad: "Here we are! Palace doors! Bing Bang Boom!"

Toad exclaims in a cheerful tone of voice as he jumped with excitement. It looked even more extravagant and bigger up close. It was a tall tower that was surrounded by four small towers with white brick walls.

Toad: "Hey! While we wait for Mario to arrive, you want to make some flower crowns? I'll help you!"

He bounced on the tip of his toes and he grabbed her hand, causing her to break her gaze from the castle to look down at Toad with a soft smile.

Y/n: "Sure! That sounds like fun, I haven't made them before. Normally I don't do stuff like this, so I'm excited to try!"

Toad: "Don't worry, I got your back, Y/n! I'll teach you how to make them!"

Toad grinned at up at her before he eagerly but gently led her towards a luscious garden full of healthy and vibrant flowers and green bushes in front of the castle to make flower crowns for them. Just being around Toad brighten up her day already. He kinda of reminded him of Luigi so she was glad to have a companion like him by her side.

Unknown to her that a dark hooded figure was hiding behind a large tree was was watching her from a distance. The figure smiled evilly as they saved a photo of her in their wand before sneakily flying away...

🌸💓Time Skip🌸💓

They were now sitting next to each other beside the green pipe as the added the finishing touches to the flower crowns, weaving them together as Toad was humming softly. It was serene and peaceful before they heard tired groaning above them causing them to look up.

Mario had finally arrived to the castle and he looks like a hot mess. His hair was messy, his clothes were sloppy as one of his overall straps hung off his shoulders as his eyes were half lidded. He sluggishly slipped off the pipe and he landed on his face. Y/n and Toad couldn't help but snicker at this current state.

Y/n: "What took you so long, slow poke?"

She asked him playfully with an amused smirk on her face. Mario immediately sat up from his slouching position to glare at her with annoyance.

Mario: "Easy for you to say! You're smaller than me, and it was torture getting lost and trying to go through all those pipes!"

Mario whined as he crossed his arms before fixing his cap and overalls, making her roll her eyes. She sat up with her completed flower crown as she took her cap off and placed it on top my her head. She slipped her hand into her brother's hand while holding onto her cap in the other.

(It looks like this, with the help of Toad of course. The colors can be whatever you want!😊💓🌸)


Y/n: "Oh stop complaining, we finally made it! Come on!"

Y/n marched forward with Toad leading the way as Mario shook head with a small smile. He couldn't stay mad at her forever.

Mario: "Nice flower crown, by the way."

She looked down at him with a giddy smile, she was pretty proud of her work, even if Toad mostly helped her.

Y/n: "Thanks, bro!"

Toad: "Come on! Whoo!"

The duo looked at the beautiful green trees as they all walked across the white bridge as the look over the bridge to glance at the beautiful and crystal clear water before glancing up the castle.

Toad: "Pretty impressive, am I right?"

He said with a smug tone and a cocky smile as he peeked over his shoulder to spare the siblings a glance. Mario looked at the whole castle, but Y/n most looked at one specific detail.

In the middle the castle was a stainless glass window. It looked like a portrait of a stunning prince with blonde hair and a bright pink fancy suit with his gloved hands clasped in front of him as he looked up into the blue sky with big red roses surrounding him. It looked so regal and majestic, especially the prince. The sun reflected on the glass only made the piece of art look even more splendid. You honestly couldn't wait to meet him, hopefully he's nice....

Guard Toad 1: "Hold it right there, You three!"

The trio was about to enter inside until two halberds crossed over each other to block their entry of the castle in a protective manner. It was two guard Toads with silver helmets with blue feathers on top, wearing yellow caps and blue and yellow button-up vests.

They glared at the trio, causing them the stop dead in their tracks. Mario pushed their weapons down a bit as Y/n came forward a bit as she craned her neck to see if she could find a way to get pass the guards.

Y/n: "Oh hey! We need to see the prince."

Mario: "Yes please? It's an emergency."

They urgently begged as the duo looked at the guards with pleading eyes. The two royal Toads gave each other unsure looks. They weren't show how to handle this situation, for all they knew, these people could be lying and potentially harm their royal highness. They suddenly got the same idea as they smirked at each before facing the group.

Guard Toad 1: "What prince?"

The Blue Toad asked with false confusion as the yellow Toad nodded in agreement to really sell the lie.

Guard Toad 2: "I've never heard of any prince!"

The yellow Toad followed in with the lie as he shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, causing Y/n to look at them with a not too pleased look.

Y/n: "Oh really? Then who's castle are you guarding right now?

She interrogated them with a raised eyebrow. She grinned a little when the two guards stiffened, afraid that she caught on their lie before the blue Toad quickly thought of a backup plan.

Guard Toad 1: "Oh, Wait. I did, Our prince, though, is in another castle."

He glanced up at Y/n with a smug smile as he put his fist on his hip while the yellow Toad nodded his head at his partner while pointing to him with a smile.

Guard Toad 2: "Oh yeah! That's right!"

Y/n narrowed her eyes at the two as she loosely crossed her arms and rolled her eyes in amusement.

Guard Toad 1: "You should try another castle, Maybe. He ain't in this one."

The blue Toad waved his hand at them to leave dismissively as the two confidently grinned at the group before clinking their weapons together for a small celebration. Mario only glanced at them in confusion.

Mario: "Huh?"

Toad walked towards them so he was in front of y/n and Mario before the took out a frying pan and held it out towards them like a weapon while glaring at them.

Toad: "Okay, So they're messing with you two, and I don't like it. No one messes with my new friends!"

Y/n and Mario flinched slightly form Toad's sudden switch of attitude. He was so happy go lucky and grist and now he turned pretty hostile.

The guards weren't expecting that either as they flinched with wide eyes and agape's mouths. Toad flipped his pan into the air and swiftly caught it back in his hand. He let out a loud battle cry as he clenched his eyes shut before he brought down his pan and........

Put the pan down on a metal stand, struck two rock together to create flames on the wood under the metal stand, and he threw some tomatoes and olives into the pan as he began to cook them. He brought out three tiny stools for them to sit down as he threw more ingredients in the pan. The guards had napkins in front of them as they fist bumped each other for getting free food.

Toad: "What do you guys, Um—What do you wanna eat? Anything—Anything your hearts desire!"

Y/n and Mario stared at him with doe eyes at first as they stood by the side watching Toad cook for the guards. Mario looked at him quizzically before Toad motioned them to go inside while the guards were distracted. Mario didn't hesitate as he quickly went inside the castle before the guards could stop them. Y/n hesitated since she didn't want to leave Toad by himself, But he sent her a quick wink with a small smile before whispering to her gently.

Toad: "Go! I've got you covered, buddy!"

Y/n nodded as she mouthed him to 'be careful.' Before she sneakily ran past the guards and went inside the castle entrance with Mario as Toad poured the food into a bowl as the guards hungrily licked their lips and rubbed their hands together.

Toad: "I am ready to scramble it up!"

Mario waited for her to enter and as she did, he held onto her hand as they walked around the castle. Could this place get even more exquisite and spectacular?!

There was beautiful framed paintings on the wall with pale pink marble contrasting with the dark blue and white painted walls. Light up lamps stood by the corners with golden details embroidered into the walls along with velvet seats in the side. The sun shined a soft light into the castle as the ceilings were decorated with gold chandeliers.

They heard laughing as they flinched and looked at over to see more guards slacking off the job. The duo walked past them and saluted to them. The two guards immediately stopped what they were doing as they almost got caught. They saluted back to them with a straight posture, Only to then backtrack and figure out that they were strangers! So they picked their weapons back up and started to chase after them shouting causing the siblings to make a run for it.

Guard Toad 3: "Hey! Intruders! Stop them!"

The siblings swiftly turned the corner and slid on the marble floor for a bit before they ran down the hall, in which they ran into more toad guards that were coming towards them, so they skidded and stopped themselves for colliding into them as they ran to the right hallway as more guards charged after them, hit on their tail.

Guard Toad 4: "Stop them!"

Guard Toad 5: "Now stop them! Intruders!"

💓🌸Meanwhile 💓🌸

The Toad council were in the meeting together as eight different colored Toads walked in the middle of the room as the center golden table split open to reveal a 3d pixilated map of all of the six worlds.

The Mushroom Kingdom
The Jungle Kingdom
The Ice Kingdom
Yoshi Island
The Desert Island
And lastly: Bowser's Kingdom

Toad General: "Council, Your attention!"

The blue toad with glasses called out to everyone with a deep and commanding voice. The map showed a tiny version of Bowser's lava ship already taken over the ice kingdom with the super star floating over his ship as lava dripped off the ship.

Toad General: "Bowser has found the Super Star and is headed toward our kingdom. It's power will make him invincible!

The tiny Bowser ship moved towards the mushroom kingdom as it hovered over the castle before it covered the castle in ash and magma before it slowly crumbled to pieces.

Toad General: "We will be destroyed!"

As soon as he said that terrifying sentence, most of the Toads in the room gasped in shock at the display while some where silent from the horror of their situation. One Toad even fainted as he fell of the railing of the stairs. The council all glanced at each other with terror and fright.

Yellow Toad: "Prince, What are we gonna do?"

The Toad asked him in a concerned and scared voice as his body shook slightly while everyone turned their attention towards the prince as they awaited his answers. The prince had his hands in lap as he crossed his leg over the other while he narrowed his eyes with a bold look on his face.

Prince Peach: "I will NOT let him hurt you."

The prince announced to the council with a firm, but kind and reassuring voice with furrowed eyebrows as he rose up from his throne and walked down the steps with complete grace. He folded his gloved hand in front of him as he had a calm and poised expression on his face. His entire being just screamed 'class' and 'sophistication.'

He was tall and extremely handsome with fair skin, big light blue eyes that looked like sapphires with a small nose. He had short wavy and bouncy blonde hair that almost looked like gold with bangs that were almost heart shaped as a gold grown with red a blue gems sat on top of his head.

He had a bright pink jacket with yellow Epaulettes on both of his shoulders with a blue brooch with white lace attached to it on his chest. He had on pure white short gloves with matching white pants with fancy, bright pink jackboots with gold trimming, And to finish of the look, he had on a bright blue and white striped sash around left shoulder.

He elegantly made it down to the bottom of the stairs as all eyes were on him. He made to the front of the map as he looked at his Toads with a fearless smile as he stood up with his back straight.

Prince Peach: "We are going to stop Bowser!"

Yellow Toad: "How? Look at us. We're adorable!"

He asked his prince as the yellow Toad gestured to the rest of the council before giving the prince puppy dog eyes, some of them even joined with him.

Prince Peach: "I'm going to convince the Great Kong army to help us." 

Peach walked towards the map and leaned forward on it with an encouraging smile as he stared down at the tiny version of the jungle kingdom.

Prince Peach : "Together, We'll annihilate that monster!"

He said with a fearless tone in his voice while the prince slowly walked around the room with his arms outstretched as he clenched his fists.

Toad General: "Their mad king doesn't make alliances! The Kings will never agree."

The blue Toad argued as he softly slammed his fist against the table before he waved his arm in disagreement while he looked at the prince sternly. But Peach was not know for giving up.

Prince Peach: "I can convince him. I'll leave for the jungle in the morning."

He reassured his subjects before he swiftly turned as he mad his was towards the doors, but before he could leave, The blue Toad caught up to him as he grabbed a hold of the prince's gloved hands. Peach looked down at him curiously as he crouched down to his level as he listened for him to continue.

Toad General: "You're highness, please do be careful. It's very dangerous to go on your own, it would be much easier if you had a princess or a partner to join you."

The blue Toad gently patted him on the arm as Peach light chuckled and he delicately placed his hand on the Toad's shoulder before giving him a sweet but understanding grin. The council and the mushroom kingdom has been trying to find someone to help rule the kingdom with Peach by their side but he insisted.

Prince Peach: "You do not have to worry about me. I can take care of myself. Of course I want a partner to be by my side and helping me rule my kingdom in the future, but in the meantime, I have to worry about protecting my subjects. I promise you that I'll be safe. I will protect my kingdom and my people with my life."

The prince told him to calm the Toad's nerves as he brought in for a small hug. The hug from the prince definitely caught the blue Toad off guard, but he wrapped his short arms around Peach. The hug lasted for a few second before Peach pulled away and placed the Toad back down on the ground as he turned back around.

Toad General: "Good luck, Prince. For all of our sakes."

He prayed for his safety and that he may succeed on his journey to protect his kingdom from Bowser's wrath. Peach gently pushed the doors open as he left the council room before he put his hands behind his back.

He glanced down with a focused expression as he walked through the long hallway. He tried to think of a plan to get the king to join his side when he suddenly heard the reverb of loud foot steps and panting causing him to look up in curiosity. Mario sharply turned the corner and ran straight towards Peach. Mario smiled as he reached his hand out towards him. Peach flinched slightly as his eyes widened before he glared down at him.

Mario: "Prince!"

The prince defended himself as he grabbed Mario's hand and his arm before he flipped Mario over him and harshly slammed his back against the floor.

Mario scream and groaned out in a pain from the sudden attack as his vision got slightly blurry, but it was still clear enough for him to see Y/n running towards them and was about to crash into the prince, which made Mario yell out a warning.

Mario: "Watch out!"

Y/n was looking over her shoulder to check if the guards were behind her and she wasn't looking ahead of her, causing her to accidentally bump into someone. She yelped as she tripped on her feet as she felt herself fall towards the ground as she shut her eyes and waited for impact, but it luckily never came.

Prince Peach: "Woah! Careful! Easy there..."

She heard a sweet and gentle voice say to her, causing her to slowly opened her eyes and looked up at him with admiration as it turns out that the prince caught her around the waist and held her hand in a dip before she could hit the ground. His gaze softened at sight of her as he slowly brought her up from the dip, but he still get a protective grip around her waist as he held onto her smaller hand softly. For some reason, He couldn't take his eyes off of her.

Prince Peach and Y/n: "Wow~....💓"

Prince Peach's POV

As I looked down at the red cladded man on the floor, I heard footsteps behind me as the stranger told me to watch out. I looked back towards the foot steps and I could've sworn I saw an angel for a second as I felt time slow down for me. The bright golden light shined behind her as it illuminated her features making her look heavenly. I almost saw hearts, sparkles and flowers surround her beautiful figure.

Before she could stop her self, she bumped into me as she yelped while she started to fall toward. I refuse to see her hurt, so I quickly caught her in my embrace before she could arm herself. I spoke to her gently as I tried not to scare her. Thankfully she opened her eyes and they shined brighter than the night stars. On her head, was an cute flower crown, which really complimented her adorable face.

I slowly brought her back up and out from the dip, but I didn't release her from my arms we looked into each other's eyes as I looked over her in awe. This woman has got to be the most stunning person I've ever seen in my life, and I don't even know her name yet. I realize that I was was still holding her so I immediately let her go so she wouldn't be uncomfortable.

Back To Normal POV

Prince Peach: "Oh my! Goodness gracious! Please forgive me! I'm so sorry, are you alright, My lady? You almost took quite the tumble."

Peach asked her cautiously as he lightly cupped Y/n's face in his gloved hands as he inspected her for any small cuts or any injuries causing her to blush a little as she gazed at his softened blue eyes.

Y/n: "O-oh yeah! I'm fine now. Thank you so much for catching me."

Prince Peach: "Oh, Good!"

Prince Peach sighed and smiled in relief before he hesitatingly slipped his hands off of her face and took a few steps back. Mario pulled himself up as he reached out towards the prince again.

Mario: "Prince, I-!"

He was about to introduce himself but the guards finally caught up to them. Three of them tackled Mario back onto the ground while two guards piled on top of Y/n as they started to roughly restrain them by their arms and legs which made them yelp and groan in pain.

Hearing the poor girls cry of agony, Prince peach glared at his guards as he immediately outstretched his arm out to stop them from harming her.

Prince Peach: "Wait! Release them."

He immediately commanded strongly causing the Toads to look at him with surprise. The reluctantly let the two go as they back away from them, but not without one of them kicking Mario in his ribs which made him yell out from the sudden attack, he rubbed the aching spot while glaring at the guard. Mario stood up as he fixed his overalls while Prince Peach quickly got towards Y/n side to assist her up and onto her feet. Prince Peach was also able to get a good look at Mario before he suddenly gasped and backed away from them a bit.

Prince Peach: "Whoa, are you two..."

Peach asked with a raised eyebrow as he placed his hand on his chest before he inhaled in shock and happiness while he started to smile as his eyes widened.

Prince Peach: "No..."

Unable to control his overwhelming joy, Prince Peach rushed towards Y/n as he grabbed her hands before he spun her around in a circle while giving her a giddy grin, causing her to chuckle and smile at his cuteness.

Prince Peach: "They're humans!"

Prince Peach exclaimed happily and gestured her to his Toads before he let go of her hands as he started to inspect Mario, grabbing his cap and poking his nose.

Prince Peach: "I mean, You are a human, right?"

He stopped his inspection of Mario to get close to Y/n again. He raised her arm up and held it softly as he intertwined their fingers together for a second before he touched and stroked her hair while he gently caressed her cheeks. All the while Y/n standing there: wide eyed and stiff as she was slightly uncomfortable to how close he was.

Prince Peach: "it's just, you're so small and...

He gazed into her eyes again as he started to slowly blush in awe as he noticed how beautiful her eyes were up close before he whispered softly like he was hypnotized.

Prince Peach: "And....really adorable...💓"

Y/n's face dropped in as she looked at him with a flustered expression. She's been cat called by Spike plenty of times, and it always annoyed her. It was never genuine, But the prince's soft and gentle voice while admiring her caused her to smile brightly with Peach returning the smile.

But of course Mario had to ruin the intimate moment as he cleared his throat while slightly glaring at the prince from getting to close too his baby sister.

Mario: "Hey! I'm right here, ya know? That's my little sister you're talking too."

Prince peach looked down at Mario as he caught himself getting in her personal space. He scolded himself in his mind as he immediately backed away for her.

Prince Peach: "Oh dear! I apologize!"

Y/n: "It's okay! You don't have to apologize."

She told him and shook her hand to calm his nerves as she gave him a calm and sweet smile, which made the prince blush even more before he shook his head.

Prince Peach: "Wait wait wait! Let's go back! Where did you two come from?"

The prince ask as he walked in front of them and bended down for their height slightly.

Y/n: "Me and our little brother, Luigi, we all fell down this pipe."

Mario: "Yeah, and now he's lost somewhere in the dark lands.

Prince peach nodded while they explained their story as he slightly narrowed his eyes when Mario mentioned the dark lands.

Prince Peach: "Then it's only a matter of time until he's captured by Bowser."

He said with a grave expression as the two siblings perked up at the name Bowser. They looked at each other worryingly as they remember how Toad told them about Bowser. This guys must be bad news. Prince peach saw how scared they were for their brother's well-being and he wanted to give them hope.

Prince Peach: "But you guys are in luck. I'm on my way to stop him!"

He smiled as he straightens his back ad he glanced down at them with confidence.

Mario: "Well, take us with you!"

Mario automatically offered in eagerness causing Peach to look down at him with uncertain before he bended down slightly with his on his knees as he began to warn them.

Prince Peach: "This guy's a lunatic! A psycho!"

He said in a low voice which slightly sent shivers down Y/n's back as the two furrowed their eyebrows.

Prince Peach: "He will eat you for breakfast. He won't even notice it probably because you're very VERY small."

The prince said to Mario as he shrugged and looked down at him with a small and awkward wince. Mario just shook his head as he pointed his index finger at the prince threateningly while giving him a tiny glare.

Mario: "You know what? Make fun of me all you want, but you are gonna help us find out brother!"

Prince Peach stood back up as placed his hand on his hip while he softly glared back at Mario with a raised eyebrow. Y/n got beside Mario as she suddenly remembered who he was talking to. He was literally royalty so she immediately spoke after him with a nervous smile.

Y/n: "Please?"

The prince's hardened gaze started to melt at the sight of her smile before the prince smirked smugly as he shrugged. He considered it and he wanted to see if they had what it takes.

Prince Peach: "Well okay. Let's see what your made of."

He began to walk away from them which caused the duo to looks at him with surprise before they began to follow him with confusion written in their faces.

Mario: "Is that a "yes" or...?"

Prince Peach: "No. That's a 'Let's see what you're made off.' ."

Mario and Y/b looked away to the side nervously as they sure if they were prepared for what was about to happen. Y/n ran up to the prince to walk beside him causing him to look at her with a caring looks on his face.

Prince Peach: "Are you absolutely you positive you want to join us, my lady? I don't want you to see you get harmed, and you'll be safer here in my castle. I'll have my guards watch over while we're gone if you wish..."

The prince offered as he placed a hand on her shoulder, he wouldn't risk getting her hurt and he thought it would be the best option to stay at his castle, but Y/n nodded her head firmly.

Y/n: "I'm positive. If my brother really is in trouble, I won't hesitate to save him. I love my brothers with all of my heart, and I would put myself in danger for them. So yes, I wish to tag along with you."

His eyes widened at the amount of love and dedication she displayed to him. She was so passionate about her family like he was about his kingdom. He couldn't help but smile brightly at her.

Prince Peach: "Wow....You're really brave and selfless, and I really admire respect that. You seem like a really good person, miss...."

Y/n: "Oh it's Y/n! My name is Y/n. It's a pleasure to meet you, your highness."

Y/n introduced herself as she playfully curtsied to him causing the prince to laughing while putting a hand over his smile.

Prince Peach: "Oh please, you don't to be formal around me. And that's a very beautiful name you have, My lady. And I love your flower crown, it looks so good on you! It really brings out your beauty even more~"

He smiled at her a bit flirtatiously as he softly grabbed her hand, took her white gloves off and he brought her hand close to his soft lips before he gently kissed her knuckles and looked down at her with a blush and a loving smile while Y/n face grew hot as she glanced away from him as she looked at her F/c cap in her other hand timidly.

Y/n: "T-thank you...And you are?"

The prince's face fell as he realized he forgot to introduce himself the whole time as he mentally smacked his forehead.

Prince Peach: "Oh my goodness! Where are my manners? I'm Prince Peach, but you may call me Peach. It's really nice to have run into you."

Her face brighten from his kind words as she placed her hand on her shoulder gently.

Y/n: "I can say the same thing about you, Peach. And can I say that I really like your name? It's so cute!"

She gushes while smiling brightly causing the prince's face to heat up as he looked away from her gaze while rubbing his neck in a shy manner.

Prince Peach: "Aww, Y/n. You really think so? I've never thought of my name like that before. Either way, Thank you, my lady."

He said sweetly as he turned his head head to look at her with a adoring smile while y/n nodded giddily.

Y/n: "No problem! No need to thank me, I'm just telling the truth. It really suits you considering how sweet you've been to me.

She thanked him as the prince returned her glove back onto her hand as they gazed at each other's eyes as their hearts began to beat faster.

Prince Peach: "Well, what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't treat a gorgeous woman with the respect she deserves?"

She giggles as she tried to cover the blush in her cheeks but it failed because the prince already saw it, which caused him to laugh making her blush more. His laugh sounded like bells, soft and beautiful. He then offered his arm out for her with a small smirk.

Prince Peach: "Now, Shall we start your training, My lady?~"

He asked with a suave tone of voice as Y/n returned the smirk back to him as she wrapped her arm around his as the linked arms as Peach pulled her even closer to his side.

Y/n: "We shall, Your highness.~"

They chuckled in unison as the prince led her towards the training ground as Mario looked at the whole interaction with a protective glare. He grumbled and firmly crossed his arms, he seemed nice at first, but he didn't fully trust him yet. Spike has always flirted and harassed his baby sister making him super protective of her more than he already was, but the prince seemed different, but he still kept his guard up.....

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