πŸ„β­οΈπŸ‘‘ "You're My Super Star...

By KristyB2024

54.9K 1.5K 3K

~~~~~~~~~~~πŸ’–~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Struggling Brooklyn plumbers named Mario and Y/N gets transported through the Mush... More

❀️ Chapter 1 ❀️
⭐️ Chapter 2 ⭐️
πŸ‘ Chapter 4 πŸ‘
πŸ”₯ Chapter 5 πŸ”₯
🍌 Chapter 6 🍌
🌈 Chapter 7 🌈
❄️ Chapter 8 ❄️
πŸ‘‘ Chapter 9 πŸ‘‘

πŸ„ Chapter 3 πŸ„

5.1K 178 198
By KristyB2024

Uncle Arthur: "Ma, you make these?"

"Good batch, eh!

After a long and tiring day, the trio was home as the hung their caps on the hanger in a line. They took off their gloves as they walked into the dining room to find their family all sitting together and getting ready to eat. They looked towards the front door and they saw the trio walk in as they waved and greeted them.

Mario Family: "Eh-oooh!"

The trio: "Eh-ooh!"

The siblings greeted them back with small and sluggish smiles with half lidded eyes as they sat next to each other at the table next to one of their uncles. The scooted closer to the table as Luigi looked down at the food in hunger as he slightly licked his lips.

Uncle Tony: "It's the Super Mario Siblings, from the TV!"

He raised his glass cup filled with water before slamming it down the table again as he gestured to them while he spoke with fake enthusiasm, causing some of them to laugh while the mother looked at him as she was very unamused from his comment. Meanwhile Mario and Y/n looked at Uncle Tony before rolling their eyes and took a breath before Mario picked up one of the toothpicks with a single olive on top.

Uncle Arthur: "They give an Oscar for worst actors?"

He asked them mockingly and laughed his own joke. Aunt Marie perked up at his words towards her niece and nephews. She glared at Arthur before lightly slapped him upside the head just as he was about to take a bite from his pasta while she scolded at him with a disappointed shake of her head.

Aunt Marie: "Hey!"

He flinched from the hit as he dropped his fork onto his plate was he shrugged his his arms and shook his hands defensively as he stared at her with an offensive frown.

Uncle Arthur: "What'd I do?"

Y/n: "So, uh- So everybody saw the commercial then?

Y/n asked as she wanted to know their opinions as Luigi took the bowl of salad from the side and was about to put some on his plate before his uncle snatched it away from him and scooped up some salad and put it on his plate, causing to look as him with confusion.

Uncle Tony: "Uh-huh. We seen it."

Y/n looked at him in anticipation as she waved her hand in a slight circular motion as she wanted him to continue.

Y/n: "And?"

Uncle Arthur: "I wouldn't keep your day job."

Arthur spoke for his brother as he was twirling more Alfredo on his fork while he and  Tony laughed and took Luigi by the shoulders and shook him, which took Luigi by surprise as he looked at him like he was crazy.

Uncle Tony: "Oops! He already did!"

The two howled out in laughter while Aunt Marie slightly roller her eyes at their behavior as she continued to eat her pasta. Mama Mario was about their siblings grand father, but she felt the urge to stand up for her babies as she turned towards them began to defend the siblings.

Mama Mario: "Well, I thought it was incredible! It belongs in a movie theater!"

She said in a kind voice and she gave her children a small and thoughtful smile while accidentally dropping the pasta that was on the fork onto the floor while her father was trying to eat the pasta but missed and only put his lips around the fork.

Y/n: "Thanks Ma."

Papa Mario used silver tongs to pick up the pasta and put the food onto Mario's plate. Mario looked at he mushrooms in the pasta in disgust face as he gagged a little.

Mario: "Ugh! Mushrooms?"

Papa Mario: "Everyone loves mushrooms, right?"

Y/n place her fist on her cheek as she rested her face on her knuckles as she looked down at her lap with an annoyed face.

Y/n: "Well no if you'd actually listen to Mario for once..."

She couldn't help but mumble under her breath. Seriously? How can he be this dismissive of Mario's feelings and just assume he likes mushrooms when he clearly doesn't.

Luigi: "I like mushrooms. I'll take it!"

Luigi immediately shot up as he put his finger up as she shook his head in agreement while smiling brightly, eagerly wanting to get some food in his stomach from the exhausting and rough day they had.

Papa Mario: "Yeah!"

He nodded and smiled at Luigi's enthusiasm as continued to eat his food.

Uncle Tony: "Mario, seriously? What were you thinking with that commercial?"

He asked his nephew as he slid his upper body in front of Luigi to get closer to Mario, causing Luigi to lean back so he wouldn't get hit. Mario and Y/n quickly used their forks to take the mushrooms from Mario's Alfredo and put them onto Luigi's plate.

Mario: "What? It's supposed to be funny."

He asked as she shrugged his shoulders as he furrowed his eyebrows as a frown appeared on his lips.

Luigi: "Can someone pass the bread?"

He asked politely only to be ignored and interrupted, luckily Y/n reached across the table and handed him the small basket of bread for him as Luigi looked at her with a thankful smile.

Uncle Tony: "Yeah, but what's with the outfits?"

Uncle Tony messed with one of Luigi's overall straps as it slouched off his shoulder before Luigi fixed it back to normal while Uncle Tony pulled out Y/n's pair of white gloves out from one of her back pockets and put them onto the table.

Uncle Tony: "Plumbers wearing white gloves!?"

He asked in disbelief and confusion with a small grin of amusement while Uncle Arthur chuckled at him while Mama Mario walked over towards them with a small bowl of soup.

Y/n: "That's right, you gotta have a trademark. Gotta stand out."

Mama Mario placed the bowl of soup in front of Luigi as she gently kissed Y/n on top of her head.

Mama Mario: "Don't listen to them. The world laughed at da Vinci too!"

Luigi: "I'm not sure they did, Ma."

Luigi's gaze followed his mother as he looked at her with uncertainty but he was really grateful that at least she believes in them. Y/n smiled at her mom as she gave her a small side hug before she went back to her seat. Mario slightly rolled his eyes as he looked towards his dad. He wasn't sure how he was going to respond but he wanted to ask to be sure.

Mario: "Dad, what did you think?"

As soon as he asked that question, Papa Mario's face turned serious as his voice and attitude turned bitter as he looked at Mario with disappointment as he added more salt onto his pasta.

Papa Mario: "I think you're nuts. You don't leave a steady job for some crazy dream! And the worst part? You're bringing your brother and your sister down with you."

Mario slowly looks down in his lap in shame as his words hit him like a truck.
Y/n listened to him as she felt her heart break slightly as she let out a small gasp before she gave him a fierce gaze.

Y/n: "Dad!"

He looked up from his daughter's outburst as he shook his head as he raised his eyebrows quizzically.

Papa Mario: "What'd I say?

Mario: "Well, thanks dad. Thanks for the support. Don't worry about it, Y/n. He's right."

Mario patted her on the knee for comfort. The last thing he wanted was to bring his siblings down with him to failure. He thought that what his father told him was true, and he couldn't help but take his words seriously as Mario started to slowly doubt himself.

Y/n: "No, because you know that's not true, Mario!"

She wouldn't back down, she was going to defend him and Luigi no matter what it took. She didn't care who it was, she wouldn't allow anyone mistreat her brothers. She stood up from her seat as she stared at him with a slightly tearful gaze. Her eyes held pain along with anger.

Y/n: "He's trying his best to get your approval, dad and you could never support or believe in him."

Luigi grabbed her by the arm gently as he tried to bring her back down to her seat. Surprisingly, Y/n actually let him bring her back down as he rubbed her back.

Luigi: "Sis, please. Relax, deep breaths..."

He whispered gently to her so only she could hear as he held onto her hand with both of his hands, trying his hardest to not make y/n angrier than she already was before things could escalate quickly. He didn't want to her to get upset, especially with the stressful day they had, Luigi wanted to see her happy and smiling.

Y/n: "You know what? I'm so done with this. I'm going to bed early tonight."

Y/n took a hold of Mario's and Luigi's hand as she gave them a small squeeze and kissed their knuckles softly before she excused herself from the table. Before she completely let the room, she turned towards her dad as she looked down towards her feet while her father looks at her with sadness and guilt.

Y/n: "I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean to yell like that. I'm just going to lay down for a bit...Enjoy your dinner, I'll talk to you all later...."

She spoke softly as she turned towards her family and said good night as they all gently said goodnight to her back before she went into her room. She slid down her door as she rubbed her forehead for the upcoming headache that was starting to form.

She got up from her carpet floor and she took off her boots and she sat on her bed. She pulled her knees against her chest at she wrapped her arms around her legs as she rested her chin on top of her knees. She glanced out from her window and it was a beautiful cloudless sky.

She slightly smiled at the sight as the stars in the sky sparkle yet dimly against her eyes due to the bright buildings and apartments around her snuffing out the light from the stars a bit. She just wished she had someone else aside from her mother and brothers who believe in her, who would be there for her and support her dreams.

To be honest, she's always wondered what it was like to have a soul mate, a special someone who will love you despite your failures or your flaws, someone who would embrace them and accept who you are..... if only....

Mario: "Hey sis, you doin' okay?"

Her train of the thought got cut off by Mario entering her room with a gentle grin on his face.

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm fine now that you're here."

He smile grew before he slowly sat with her on her bed before he brought her to his side for a hug as she immediately hugged him back.

Mario: "Hey, you know I love you, right Y/n? I appreciate you sticking up for me, you didn't have to, ya know? He has a point..."

The small tears in her eyes finally spilled out as they slid down her cheeks as as heaven him a wobbly smile as she looked down at him.

Y/n: "I love you too, Bro. And, Of course I had to. You're my brother, what kind of sister would I be if i didn't stick by your side until the end, especially when you're not bringing us down, Mario?"

Mario gazed at her in awe of her dedication and love for him and Luigi. He was taken aback by her kind words as he fully embraced her and he ruffled her hair, causing her to laugh and smile.
Luigi peek through the open door before he entered inside with two plate of pasta and silverware.

Luigi: "Hey."

Luigi then joined the group hug and he rocked them back and forth before he pulled away and gave them both a sweet grin.

Luigi: "Ah, you're not bringing us down."

Y/n: "Exactly! Thank you, Luigi."

Luigi playfully nudged his sister's shoulder with an excited nod and smile, trying to encourage Mario to smile as well.

Luigi: "See? N/n agrees with me, and you know what? What do they know, huh?"

Mario shook his head as he replayed his father's words in his head over and over again, and it still stung.

Mario: "It's not just them. Our whole lives, everyone's telling us we can't do this, we can't do that.

Luigi and Y/n listens to Mario words as the looked at him sadly, he was right. No matter how hard they tried, they always seemed to never succeed at their business and everyone saw them as failures, even their family thought they were nothing but jokes. Y/n hummed in agreement as she slouched with her arms on her legs.

Y/n: "Yeah...I'm just so sick and tired of feeling so small."

Luigi frowned a little before shaking his head and he offered her one of the plates plate of Alfredo he had in his hands, that was luckily still hot.

Luigi: "Hey sis, you haven't ate anything yet, I saved this plate for ya if you're hungry."

Her stomach growled just at the sight of the pasta alone making her brothers laugh while she gently took the pats off of his hand and she twirled the fork into the noodles.

Y/n: "I love you. Thanks, Lu. I am starving!"

Luigi chuckled at his sister and smiled before he started to dig into his pasta.

Luigi: "No problem, Sis. I love you too, Y/n."

Mario couldn't stop himself from smiling at his younger siblings before he grabbed the remote to his sister's TV and turned it on. He changed the channel to the news station.

Newscaster: " A water main burst underground today, stopping subway service and flooding downtown Brooklyn.

The screen showed a huge water spurt flooding the streets of Brooklyn as construction workers surrounded it as they tried to fix it. Mario perked up while his eyes widened as the grabbed the remote and turned the TV volume up louder. He was all ears as he was focused on the situation.

Pauline: "Everything is under control, I promise you. We are very close to fixing this.

She softly tried to reassure the paparazzi in a professional fashion, but yet another water spurt bursted from the sewers, which caused Pauline to clench her eyes shut as she flinched from the loud noise as one the construction workers ran away.

Pauline glanced at the camera nervously with a shy smile before a pedestrian ran towards her and shook her shoulders. She did not see that coming as she slightly jumped from the contact as she started at the random man in shock with wide eyes.

Pedestrian: "Out of the way! Somebody help! SOMEBODY SAVE BROOKLYN!"

He begged in fear. He even went towards the microphones and grabbed a hold of one of them as he got really close to camera as he looked towards the screen anxiously.

Y/n: "Save Brooklyn?"

Mario and Y/n's eyes widened while Luigi was still distracted by the food as Mario's face brightened up in happiness and realization! Fate was on their side after all!

Mario: "Luigi, Y/n, this is our chance! Destiny is calling!"

He exclaimed with determination in his eyes and his voice shined with confidence and he gestured towards the TV while Y/n was smiling brightly along side him as he pumped his fists in the air in joy that could rival the sun from how bright he was.

Luigi: "Destiny Del Vecchio, from high school?"

Luigi asked him dropped his fork on his plate as he slowly sat up as his expression grew excited and hopeful while Mario and Y/n glanced at him with confusion.

Mario: "What? No!"

Y/n: "Just come on, you guys!"

She got up from her bed as she quickly raced the put her boots back onto her feet as she immediately grabbed a hold of her brothers hands in hers and ran out of her room, which caused Luigi to drop his plate on her bed while he and Mario yelp from her sudden tug.

💓🌸Time Skip!💓🌸

The trio tried their best to walk in through the water as the sewer water was completely flooding the streets of Brooklyn to the point where people's cars and police vehicles were starting to float and submerge. Sewer lids were catapulted into the air as Y/n looked around in shock, how where they going to fix this? But at least they were more than willing to help. Luigi looked a head at the huge water spurt nervously while Mario was ahead of them as he glanced at huge spurt of water with furrowed eyebrows.

One of the construction workers used his strength to push the sewer lid over the water spurt. It actually worked as he managed to cover the water spurt with the sewer lid. Everyone around him smiled and sighed in relief as she gave everyone an encouraging smile with a small thumbs up.

"I got this!"

The man wiped his forehead from sweat before he was launched into the air fro mother water pressure pushing the water up again, causing him to scream as his crew mates flinched in fear.

Mario: "They're not even looking in the right place! Come on, guys!"

Mario laughed confidently and looked at his younger siblings with a smile. He had his fists on his hips as he snatched a pry bar from their tool kit. He tilted his head as he turned around and searched the water under him for a sewer lid. They looked over at his direction and saw that he shot up as he went over to a closed sewer lid, and he wedged the bottom of the pry bar under a sewer lid and lifted it up and pushed it to the side.

He grunted before looking down at the hole as the water around them slowly began to swirl and drain back into the sewer. He handed Luigi the tool back as Luigi gently took it from him, but he noticed how Mario looked down at the hole and the three immediately got the same thought.

Y/n: "Big bro, You are not seriously considering-?"

She was about ask him, but it was too late as Mario had already took a deep inhale and jumped into the hole and was now in the sewers. Y/n gasped as she started to feel nauseous while Luigi's eyes widened.

Luigi: "Mario!"

Luigi scolded after his brother. He was contemplating it as he groaned but he knew they couldn't leave their brother alone down there. He squeamishly bounced on his legs as he prepared himself to jump into the nasty sewer water. He took a sharp breath and covered his mouth with his hands and jumped into the hole.

Y/n looked around her as she felt her stomach feel tight but she had to suck it up and he the job done. She hesitantly got close to the hole before she took a deep breath and jumped into the sewer hole as well, where she landed and Luigi landed int the sewer water.

It was dark, but luckily the sewer walls had green and yellow dim lights to help illuminate their path more easily.

Mario was already ahead of them and was trudging through the water. Y/n helped Luigi re-surface as he gagged and coughed from the smell. Mario turned his head over his shoulder as he pointed in front of him.

Mario: "We gotta get to the pressure valve."

Indeed in front of them was a yellow pressure Valve as the steam was leaking out and the wheel was shaking slightly from the overflowing pressure.

Luigi: "Mamma Mia.."

The trio walked across the water to get a tight hold of a white pipe that was connected to the pressure valve. But there was one small issue.

Luigi yelped as anxiety began to fill his body. He mad Y/n looked down to see that with was a huge water and they would have to climb in mid air and they would have to try their hardest to not fall. Luigi back away hesitantly but Y/n grabbed his arm gently and gave him an encouraging nod.

Y/n: "I'm terrified too, little bro. But you don't have to be scared. You're safe with us."

She softy told him as he looked at her with wide eyes before he held on her hand, causing her to smile which made him smile back.

Y/n: "Just follow Mario's movements, and most importantly, Do not look down, and don't try to rush. Take your time. You got this, little bro!"

She gave him a friendly wink before she held onto the pole and crawled upside down towards the valve with Mario. Thanks to her sweet nature, Luigi finally gathered up the courage to join them on the white pipe and he crawled upside down towards the the two. Once they finally got close enough, Mario reached out his arm out towards the wheel as steam started to burst out. He couldn't get a good grip and tried again and stretched his arm out as far as he could with a glare while groaning.

He managed to grab it and twist it down, but it only led to disaster. The wheel completely broke off as Mario dropped it as he watched it fall into the water with a nervous look. The pipe they were holding onto began to violently shake, which caused the siblings to squeal and hold on for dear life. The pipe completely fell of as the bolts bursted off from the steam. Due to gravity and the weight of all three of them, the pipe bended back and into a wall.

The siblings shrieked as they held onto the broken pipe tightly until they broke through a brick wall. The harsh impact caused the trio to groan in pain as the all clumsily land on each other. Dust flew into the air as a light green and blue light shined behind them. Luigi sat up and rubbed his aching head as he looked around him.

Luigi: "I knew saving Brooklyn was a bad idea."

He told himself before Y/n and Mario helped his stand back onto his wobbly legs.

Mario: "Come on."

Luigi rubbed his shoulder in slight pain as he looked at his brother in curiosity before he picked up the tool kit again and placed it on his arm. Mario continued to move forward before he saw something that utterly amazed him.

Mario: "Whoa!"

Y/n walked up and stood beside as she looked over the ledge. She held onto the yellow railing and saw a large set of stairs going downwards. It was very high off the ground as pies were everywhere as the fans above them moved slowly as they allowed a pale blue light to shine through them.

Y/n: "What is this place?"

The trio were stunned in silence as Luigi came over and glanced over the edge with them as his foot kicked a small pebble of the ledge, causing it to fall down and land on a pipe, making a small "Clank" sound, causing the two to look at Luigi as Mario motioned them to follow his lead.

The three carefully made their way down the flights of steps as they got their flashlights on while they looked around. One by one, they crawled down a latter and then went down another set of yellow stairs. Mario moved his flashlight around and saw that the pipes were really dusty and old looking and rust and cobwebs covered the pipes as they saw multiple warning and keep out signs.

Y/n walked ahead of them and completely missed a huge pale and rusty green pipe sticking out from the side of a wall that was next to a huge tank. Mario and Luigi looked in their peripheral vision as the two slowed down and looked inside the green pipe with uncertainty. It looked so weird and out of place, like it didn't belong in this world.

Y/n: "Looks like nobody has been down here for years..."

She commented as she glanced away from her brother while inspecting the pipes. She suddenly heard a strange noise as she turned around and noticed that her brothers were missing.

Y/n: "Luigi?"

Her heart began to race in fear as she waved her flashlight to find any trace of her brothers but she found nothing.

Y/n: "Hey Mario! Where did Luigi go?"

She called out in a scared and hushed tone while waiting for a reply only to receive nothing but silence. She finally noticed the green pipe as she walked towards it cautiously.

Y/n: "Guys, please. Now is not the time to be goofing around."

She slightly rolled her eyes and shook her head as she glanced around again to see if they were hiding from her but she still hasn't found them. Where could they have gone? It was like they vanished from thin air.

Y/n: "Mario? Luigi? Hello?"

With no other choice, she walked inside the entrance of the green pipe and shined her flashlight inside it as her body began to shake in fear from being by herself.

Y/n: "You guys? Are you in there?"

She looked down at her feet and she saw a pipe wrench just laying there. She raised her eyebrow up as she crouched down and picked it up before looking into the pipe and calling out.

Y/n: "Luigi? Mario?"

Her voice was echoing in the dark void causing her to frown. Suddenly the tool in her heads fell away from her hand, causing her to gasp in shock. It looked like it was falling down or it was get sucked into something.

Y/n: "What?..."

She asked herself in confusion and curiosity before she slowly felt her hair and clothes get blown towards the void. She shrieked as she felt he legs gets pulled by a sudden force. She tried to plant her feet down firmly, but it proved to be useless as she only got closer to the now bright blue light. She squinted her eyes and she tried to fight back against the force but nothing worked. It was like a vacuum and she suddenly got sucked into the void. She screamed out as vibrant streaks of color surrounded her. She tightly closed her eyes as she felt her self floating in air. She slowly opened her eyes as she gasped in awe.

Y/n: "Wow! Oh my goodness..."

She was suddenly floating through what seemed like clouds. The yellow, pink and purple atmosphere and color making look really gorgeous as she passed by a green pipe above her. She twirled and flew in the air as she looked around with her mouth agape.

Her amazement then turned to horror as she heard her brothers startled screams and yelps. She turned her head towards their voices as her eyes widened as she tried to reach out for them.


The brothers perked up to their sister's voice as the flew uncontrollably in the air as they flung their arms out towards her trying to get close to her with scared expressions.

Luigi and Mario: "Y/N!!!"

She furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at them a determined glare. With all of her might, she flew towards them as fast as she could, once was was close enough, she held her arms out for them.


Mario and Luigi held onto one of Y/n's hands while the brothers helped onto each other's hands. The three intertwined their fingers as they began to spin in the air quickly.


He tried to reassure them while spinning in a circle as the two looked at him like he was crazy.

Luigi and Y/n: " HOW IS THIS GONNA BE OKAY?!"

Mario: "I'm telling you both! Nothing can hurt us as long as we're together!"

He wanted to brighten their spirits and calm their nerves by giving them a warm smile with bright eyes. Y/n and Luigi slowly began to smile with him with small tears in their eyes.

But the moment was quickly ruined when lightning struck down between them as Luigi let go of Mario and Y/n's hand as they began to separate from each other.

Luigi: "Mario!! Y/n!!"

Y/n: "No! Luigi!!"

They screamed out to their younger brother fear, shock and sadness as they went to different routes.

Mario: "Luigi!!"

Luigi went into a pipe that was surrounded by dark clouds and red hot lava. The two turned to look towards his direction as they got sucked into a pipe.

Mario and Y/n got shot out of the pipe as they shrieked. Mario faceplates on a tall red and white mushroom while Y/n bounced off a huge red mushroom on her back before falling and rolling on the lush green grass, landing beside her brother. Mario slowly got onto his feet, groaning from the impact as he rubbed his temple and rolled his shoulder while wincing slightly.

Y/n panted slightly as she sat on her knees before Mario rushed to her aid and helped her up with a protective glance.

Mario: "Y/n! Are you alright? You're not hurt are you?"

Y/n: "Yeah, I'm fine. What about you?"

Mario: "I'm okay, little sis. Don't worry."

Despite the situation they were facing, Mario smiled at her while giving her a thumbs up while she returned the smile but it quickly feel once she thought about Luigi.

Y/n: "Mario, I'm scared. What happened to Luigi? Where did he go? What if he gets hurt or worse!?"

She began to sweat a little and hyperventilate as she stressed herself over her brother's safety before she start to fan herself with her hands. Mario gently took a hold of her face as he made her look into his blue eyes.

Mario: "Y/n, look at me. It's going to be fine, I believe Luigi can protect himself. He's brave! We're going to find him, no matter what, ok N/n?"

After taking a few deep inhales and exhales to relax herself, she gulped lightly and nodded her head in agreement firmly.

Y/n: "You're right, Mario! I just hope he's safe where ever he is now.."

The two embraced each other sweetly for a second before letting each other go, but they still held hand. The pair finally took a look around their surroundings as they looked around and gasped with wonder. The place had huge colorful mushrooms of all sizes and gorgeous water fountains with beautiful clear blue skies with floating islands and rainbows. It honestly looked pretty magical, they two couldn't believe what they were seeing.

Mario looked towards a blue and white mushroom as he slowly began to walk towards it as he raised his hand to gently touch it until.....


A short person with a white and red mushroom for a head, black beady eyes, blue and yellow vest, white saggy pants brown shoes with a brown travel backpack on his back popped up out of nowhere as he yelled and glared at Mario as he shooed him away from the mushroom protectively.

Mario and Y/n yelped and scrambled backwards in fear as the back away from the mushroom man slowly. The mushroom man suddenly giggled apologetically as he got a better look at the mushroom.

Toad: "Oh! I'm sorry! That's one's perfectly fine!"

He said with a calm smile as he placed his cheek on the mushroom while patting it gently as he glanced at the siblings.

Y/n's mouth was slightly agape. Her eyes were wide as she looked at him with an adoring expression as she slowly stood up with her hands on her chest while Mario put his arm out in front of her to protect her as he still back away from the strange creature.

Mario: "T- that's a l-little m-mushroom man! There's a little mushroom m-man talking to us!"

The mushroom man walked up to them with a welcome and friendly smile and he offered his out to them, be careful to not scare them again.

Toad: "Pleased to meet you guys! I'm Toad!"

Y/n immediately stood in front of Toad as she took a good grip of his small hand as she shook it lightly with a bright smile.

Y/n: "Hello! My name is Y/n and....Oh. My. Lord. You are so cute! You're absolutely adorable!"

She couldn't control herself from squishing his face and patted him on the head, causing Toad to chuckle and blush with a big grin.

Toad: "Why, thank you, ma'am! I like you already! come on, New friend!"

Toad smiled at her as he gently grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together with a smile as he lead her through the mushroom forest as Y/n happily followed after him, leaving Mario to turn his head to look at the leaving pair with confusion.

Mario: "Uh....and I'm Mario..."

He heard the sound of pitter patter as he looked to his side and saw colorful Biddybuds walking in a line towards him, causing him to flinch as he quickly got back onto his feet as he ran to follow his sister and Toad.

Mario: "So uh, This is not a dream?"

He asked curiously as he shrugged his shoulders while looking around the tall plethora of red, orange, and blue mushrooms. Toad suddenly stopped in his track as he turned around and used his stick with one hand to whack Mario on his arm while he still held onto Y/n's hand, causing him to stiffened as he shouted in pain while Y/n winched and hissed.

Toad: "That did hurt, right?"

He asked with glee as he turned back around to continue his journey.

Mario: "YES!"

Mario yelled in slight anger as he glared at Toad. He rubbed his arm to sooth the pounding ache in his arm now.

Toad: "Definitely not a dream!"

Mario caught up and slowly trailed behind them as y/n looked around the forest with a wide smile.

Y/n: "And this place is...."

Toad: "The Mushroom Kingdom!!"

Toad said with a lot of enthusiasm as he gestured the forest while Y/n grinned down at him.

Mario: "Mushrooms? Really? Well that is a cruel twist of fate."

Mario pouted and grumbled under his breath as he readjusted his cap. Suddenly a Bramball made into way over to the two, causing them to lowly gasp at the strange creature. It walked above them as they looked into its black eyes nervously.

Y/n and Mario: "Hello..."

The creature looked at them with a blank face as he continued to be on its merry way. Mario ran forward towards the two ahead of them.

Y/n: "Yeah, we're actually looking for somebody. Our little brother in fact, He looks exactly like him."

Y/n told Toad with a gentle voice before she pointed towards Mario as he nodded in acknowledgement.

Mario: "Exactly! Except tall, and skinny, and he wears green."

Toad and Y/n hopped off a small rock while Toad accidentally hit a blue buddybud, causing it to roll over. Mario glanced at it for a moment before catching up to them.

Y/n: "You see, the last time we saw him, he was falling through a pipe. It was foggy and I believe it was lava..."

Toad gasped as he froze and halted in place before he glanced at Mario and Y/n with a scared expression with a frown on his lips.

Toad: "Uh...my friend, that is not good...

Y/n: "Why? What's wrong?"

She asked him gently with her eyebrows raised in concern. Toad didn't want to worry her even more, but he had to tell he the truth.

Toad: "Um....You're brother has landed in the dark lands."

He turned towards to look Mario in fear with a serious and mysterious tone in his voice, causing Mario's eyes to widen.

Toad: "They're under...Bowser's control."

He whispered to them so only they could hear as the eagerly began to walk forward as that name replayed in Mario's head. Who was he?

Mario: "Bowser?"

Toad: "He's the most evil and wretched creature alive!"

He explained angrily as he furrowed his eyes as he released Y/n's hand and leaped off a cliff and landed onto a bouncy red and white mushroom. He waited for the two the drop down next to him before using his stick to push the mushroom closer to another one next to them. He stabbed the stick inside of the mushroom as he pulled up on top of the mushroom.

Toad: "I'm taking you two to see the prince! He can help you!"

He said proudly as he flexed his arm out as he smirk confidently while Y/n and Mario pulled themselves on top of the mushroom to stand beside Toad as they panted slightly.

Toad: "He can do anything!"

Y/n: "Prince?"

She asked quizzically as she slightly perked up in excitement to meet royalty. She has always wanted to see a prince or princess in person. She took her gloved hands off her knees as she gasped at the sight in front of the three.

It was a beautiful landscape with multiple mountains and hills, there was a nice and colorful city and at the top of the large hill, there was a gorgeous and elegant pink and white castle as a rainbow floated above it as the sun shined down at the city with fluffy clouds filling the sky. In her eyes, it was truly a magnificent sight, it all felt like a dream.

Toad: "Come on, guys! Our big adventure begins now!"

He yelled out in a hyper manner as he beckons them to follow after him as he hopped and bounced off the mushrooms in front of them. The duo clasped each hands as they looked into each other's eyes as they gave each other determined nods while looking forward at the castle.

Y/n: "Hang on, Luigi.."

Mario: "We're going to save you..."

Hand in hand, the two siblings trailed behind Toad as the bounced and hopped off the colorful mushrooms as the trio race their way to their next destination.
The Mushroom Kingdom ~

*OMG! Are you guys excited to finally meet Prince Peach next chapter ? I know I am! I'm so hyped, I can wait for you guys to meet him😊🌸💓👍*

*And holy moly, 6,500 words?! Way more than the last chapter, new record!*

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