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111_im द्वारा

5.8K 281 41

I never expected it to be you, you know? But it is you. It's all you. And now there's no looking back. The fi... अधिक

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 25

Chapter 24

118 8 0
111_im द्वारा

"Go feed the dog, Y/n?" your grandma had asked you many times, and this was the 14th, so you finally decided to stop being lazy and do something. You quickly tidied up your hair, put it in a ponytail, slipped on your shoes, grabbed the dog food, and headed out.

You adored your grandparents' adorable dog, so when you didn't spot it in the kennel, you panicked.

"Pin pon!" you called out for the dog repeatedly, but it was nowhere to be seen. As you headed towards the front of the house, you heard someone calling your name.

You turned to see someone in the distance holding Pin Pon. A sigh of relief escaped you as you chuckled and walked toward the boy.

He was tall with blonde hair, and his smile made him even more handsome. "Hey," he greeted you with a friendly wave, still cradling the dog in his arms and stroking its head. "You're Y/n, right?" he asked, his smile widening.

"Uh, yes, sorry, do I know you?" you chuckled nervously.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I'm Ryō," he said, extending his hand for a handshake. You shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you, Ryō," you said with a smile, feeling a bit more at ease now. "Thanks for finding Pin Pon. I was starting to worry when I couldn't find him."

Ryō grinned, his eyes sparkling. "No problem at all. He wandered over to my yard, so I figured I'd bring him back."

You nodded gratefully. "Well, I appreciate it. Pin Pon can be quite the escape artist sometimes."

"He seems like a friendly pup," Ryō remarked, scratching behind Pin Pon's ear.

"Yeah, he's a sweetheart," you agreed. "So, do you live nearby?"

Ryō nodded. "Yeah, just a few houses down. I've seen you around the neighborhood before."

"Ah, that makes sense," you replied. "Well, thanks again for bringing Pin Pon back. I should probably get him back to my grandparents' house now."

"Sure thing," Ryō said, handing Pin Pon's leash over to you. "Maybe I'll see you around again sometime."

"Yeah, definitely," you said, smiling as you turned to tale Pin Pon back home.

"You can stay if you want," you offered, turning to look at Ryō. "We don't really have much company except for my grandparents."

Ryō hesitated for a moment before smiling. "Sure, I'd love to hang out for a bit."

Sitting on the porch felt like the highlight of the day. You had been in the countryside for about two weeks now, and everything had started to feel monotonous.

The stillness of the rural landscape had initially been a welcome change, but now it felt like boredom was setting in. You longed for something to break the routine, to inject a bit of excitement into your days. But for now, enjoying the quiet simplicity of the porch was enough to pass the time.

Only this time, you had company. Ryō, who was 17 years old, was there for the summer too.  Having someone close to your age around brought a new energy to the countryside setting.

You leaned back in your chair, gazing out at the sprawling fields as a gentle breeze rustled through the trees. "So, Ryō, what brings you to the countryside for the summer?"

Ryō shifted in his seat, adjusting his position comfortably. "My family comes here every year for a break from the city. It's a nice change of pace, you know? Plus, my grandparents have a farm nearby, so we help out there sometimes."

"That sounds lovely," you replied, nodding in understanding. "It must be nice to have that connection to the land and to spend time with family."

"Yeah, it's definitely a different vibe from the city," Ryō agreed with a chuckle. "But I enjoy the simplicity of it all. What about you? What made you choose the countryside for your summer break?"

You shrugged, a small smile playing on your lips. "My mom made me come."

"Oh, really?" Ryō's eyebrows lifted in surprise. "So, your mom basically dragged you out here?"

You nodded, a sheepish smile tugging at the corners of your lips. "Yeah, pretty much. She thought it would be good for me to spend some time away from the city, you know, get some fresh air and all that."

Ryō let out a sympathetic chuckle. "Parents, right? Always thinking they know what's best for us."

"Exactly," you replied with a laugh. "But I guess she had a point. It's been nice to unwind and just take it easy for a while."

"Well, I'm glad you're making the best of it," Ryō said sincerely.

"So, what have you been doing to pass the time around here?"

You shrugged, thinking back on the past couple of weeks. "Not much, honestly. Just helping out my grandparents with chores, reading a bit, and exploring the area. It's pretty quiet compared to the city."

Ryō nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Sometimes it's nice to have a break from all the noise and chaos."

"Yeah, definitely," you agreed. "But I have to admit, I'm starting to miss some of the things I took for granted back home."

"Like what?" Ryō asked, curious.

"Like being able to hang out with friends whenever I want, or grabbing a late-night snack from my favorite spot," you explained wistfully. "I guess I didn't realize how much I'd miss those little things until now."

Ryō nodded sympathetically. "I get it. But hey, you've still got a few weeks left here. Maybe we can find some fun stuff to do together, make the most of it."

A smile tugged at your lips as you looked at Ryō. "Yeah, that sounds like a plan. Thanks, Ryō."

As you continued talking with Ryō, you found yourself enjoying his company more and more. It felt refreshing to have someone your age to talk to, someone who understood your perspective and shared similar interests.

The conversation flowed easily between you, covering a wide range of topics from hobbies to dreams for the future.

As the evening wore on and the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the landscape, you realized that this unexpected friendship with Ryō was turning out to be one of the best parts of your summer so far.

As you walked around, you greeted everyone you passed by. The evening had a pleasant feel to it, and you found solace in being alone. It was a moment when your thoughts converged, swirling around in your mind, sometimes driving you a bit crazy, yet you couldn't help but appreciate the chaos they brought.

"Y/n!" you heard someone call your name, so you turned around to see Ryō in the distance. You waved at him, and as he approached, you began walking together, side by side. A comfortable silence settled between you, unlike the usual awkwardness.

"Hey, Ryō," you said, breaking the silence. "How's your day been?"

Ryō shrugged. "Not bad, just the usual. How about you?"

You nodded. "Pretty chill, actually. Just enjoying the evening stroll."

"Yeah, it's nice out," Ryō agreed, glancing around at the peaceful surroundings.

"You're usually more talkative. Is everything alright?"

You glanced at Ryō, appreciating his concern. "Yeah, everything's fine," you replied with a small smile. "Just lost in my thoughts, I guess."

"Have you ever thought about... growing up?" you asked, turning to look at him, awaiting his answer.

Ryō paused for a moment, his brow furrowing in thought. "A lot of times, actually," he admitted with a sigh. "More than I would like to. It can feel pretty overwhelming."

You nodded in understanding. "Yeah, I can relate," you said softly, sharing in his sentiment.

"Yeah, I get that," you replied, nodding in agreement. "It's like, growing up means realizing all the mistakes we've made along the way. But then, somehow, we learn from them."

Ryō nodded thoughtfully. "Exactly," he said.
"That's the thing about growing up. As you grow, you regret your mistakes, but somewhere down the line, you eventually give in.You learn to value people for what they are, who they are, and what they stand for. You learn how to move on, and most important, you learn how to find salvation salvation in all the things you once believed to be your doom." his gaze drifting around the surroundings before settling on yours.

"What? Hah," you exclaimed, surprised by Ryō's unexpectedly poetic words. "Just what are you, Ryō? That was quite poetic," you added, lightly punching his arm as he chuckled.

"I am proud of my poetic self," he replied with a grin, the two of you continuing your walk.

· · ─ ·𖥸· ─ · ·

As your friendship with Ryō blossomed day by day, you found yourself enjoying your time together more and more. Conversations flowed effortlessly, covering everything from your likes and dislikes to deeper topics about life.

Yet, among all these discussions, there was one topic that remained untouched - your lives outside of this newfound "life" you shared in the countryside. You knew nothing about Ryō's life in the city, and he seemed equally unaware of yours. It was as if the outside world didn't exist within the bubble of your friendship, and you both seemed content to keep it that way.

As you and Ryō lounged on the cool July evening, enjoying the homemade cookies your grandma had baked. As a familiar voice reached your ears, you turned your head almost instinctively to see your friends running towards you with open arms. "Shoko!" you screamed with joy, throwing yourself into her embrace, the two boys joining in for a group hug.

"What are you all doing here?" you exclaimed excitedly, hugging each one of them tightly. You paused first at Gojo, examining his face with a grin. He returned your gaze with a cheeky smile, and you hugged him as tightly as ever, feeling a rush of warmth and happiness at seeing your friends again after so long.

"We missed you too, y/n, so we paid you a little visit," Shoko said with a warm smile as you led them to the house, only to find Ryō still there. 'Shit,' you thought, hoping things wouldn't get awkward.

"Guys, this is Ryō," you introduced, standing beside him. "He's my new friend." Shoko and Geto greeted him warmly, introducing themselves, but Gojo just took a long look at Ryō from head to toe before locking eyes with him.

"Ryō, this is Gojo," you said, laughing nervously, hoping to diffuse any tension between the two.

"I can't believe you all came here!" you exclaimed, trying to break the tension with a hint of excitement in your voice.

"Where are your grandparents, Y/N?" Gojo asked, not even acknowledging the new person. He took your hand and led you to the door, with the others following closely behind.

You open the door to find your grandparents inside. Your grandma is busy cooking, and your grandpa is engrossed in the newspaper. When your grandma sees your friends, she nearly cries with excitement. She adores having company, especially young people like your friends.

She cooked an abundance of food, enough to feed everyone for two days. "Do you want more? There's plenty in the kitchen, go help yourselves," she says kindly to Gojo, who surprisingly responds with politeness. "No, I'm full, I swear," he smiles at her before turning to you. However, his smile fades when he notices Ryō whispering something in your ear, causing you to giggle.

"Do you really think so?" you ask Ryo, and he bursts into laughter.

Gojo keeps his gaze fixed on both of you, and for a moment, you and Gojo lock eyes. You smile at him and give a little wave. "It's getting pretty late. Do you think you'll get in trouble?" you ask Gojo before turning to the other two.

"We might as well stay the night," Gojo says with a shrug, surprising you.

"Wait, what?! I thought you'd leave..." you trail off, surprised by their decision to stay. "She's fine with you all staying here, she doesn't mind, but my grandpa does snore a lot," you warn your guests, but they just laugh.

"We talked to your mom before coming," Goto says with a smile, reassuring you.

"Y/N, I should leave now, it's almost 9 PM," Ryō says, hands in his pockets as he looks at you. You nod, rise from the table, and accompany him to the small gate of the garden. He hugs you goodbye before leaving.

Just as you're about to turn around, you bump into someone. Looking up, you see the one and only Gojo Satoru, his presence commanding attention with arms casually crossed. There's a playful glint in his eyes as he teases, "You forgot about me and found yourself a village boy?"

His gaze lingers on your eyes before daringly flicking down to your lips and then back up again, a grin tugging at the corners of his lips.

"He's a friend, and don't think I forgot about you not talking to me since the detention day," you assert, meeting his gaze squarely.

He opens his mouth as if to respond, but then just closes it, taking a step closer to you instead. "We talked on the last day," he says, tilting his head slightly to examine your face more closely.

"You piss me off," you declare, moving away from him, leaving the white-haired boy to contemplate your words. He watches you as you head back inside, sighing in frustration as he turns away, his thoughts consumed by you.

"Just what do I do with you, Y/N?" he whispers to himself.

"Okay, Geto, Shoko, here are your blankets and pillows if you're going to need them," you say, handing them the bedding before leading the way to the room where you'll all be sleeping.

"Thanks," they both say gratefully before settling on the floor. "It might get chilly later, so keep them close. I'll just go grab something and be right back," you assure them as you head to the room to fetch Gojo's blanket and pillow.

As you pass by the door, you see Gojo sitting on the stairs, his gaze fixed on the village below. "You coming to sleep or not?" you ask, catching his attention.

"I don't feel sleepy," he replies, turning away once more.

You pause for a moment, contemplating his response. "Okay, suit yourself," you say with a shrug, understanding his need for solitude.

Gojo looks back at you, a hint of curiosity in his eyes. "You're not going to try to convince me to sleep?"

You shake your head. "Nah, I know better than to argue with you when you're like this. Just don't stay up too late," you reply with a small smile before continuing on your way to fetch his bedding.

You wonder what might be bothering him, but you also understand that everyone has their moments.

As you grab the blankets and pillow, you pass by the door once more, glancing at Gojo again. He's still sitting on the stairs, lost in thought. You debate whether to say something or simply let him be.

"You sure you don't want to come inside and get some rest?" you ask, pausing in the doorway.

He looks up at you. "I'm fine out here for now. Go ahead and rest, I'll join you later," he replies, offering you a reassuring smile before returning his gaze to the village below.

You let out a scoff before throwing the pillow at his head. "Ow!" he exclaims, turning to look at you and holding his head with his hands. Before you can react, he grabs the pillow and throws it back at you, causing you to stumble back.

He gets up and runs towards you, and you laugh out of "fear," quickly darting towards the room where Geto and Shoko were settling in. Giggling, you hear Gojo's footsteps close behind you.

You open the door to find Shoko and Geto fast asleep, their peaceful forms a stark contrast to the earlier playfulness. Chuckling softly at the sight, you feel a sense of warmth seeing them rest so peacefully.

Gojo follows behind, and you quickly put a hand over his mouth. "They're sleeping," you whisper, letting out a small laugh as you glance back at Shoko and Geto, still peacefully resting.

Gojo nods in understanding, his eyes sparkling with mischief despite the hushed atmosphere. Slowly removing your hand from his mouth, he leans in close, his breath warm against your ear.

"Looks like we'll have to be quiet then," he whispers, a playful grin spreading across his face as he gazes at you mischievously.

You stare back at him, feeling the familiar tug of longing in your chest. You missed him so badly, but you know this isn't the right moment. With a deep breath, you push aside the temptation to kiss him and instead focus on the present situation.

"Let's just sleep," you say, attempting to diffuse the tension as you move towards Shoko's side to lay down. However, as you turn, you notice Gojo approaching to lay beside you.

"What are you doing?" you ask, surprised by his actions, but before you can protest further, he grabs your hand and gently shoves you down. "Sleep," he says softly, his warm breath brushing against your cheek as he settles close beside you, the comforting warmth of his body close to yours.

As you both lay there, the events of the day and the comforting presence of each other gradually lull you into a peaceful slumber. Your breathing syncs, and the tension of the moment fades away as you find solace in each other's arms. Wrapped in the warmth of the moment, you drift off into a contented sleep, feeling grateful for the unexpected closeness and the familiarity of Gojo's embrace.

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