Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

Oleh kmstories1001

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... Lebih Banyak

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXII: Heart of Darkness
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle

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Oleh kmstories1001

The sound of someone repeatedly knocking on the Forbes front door shocked Briana awake the next morning. She groaned as she looked at the clock seeing it was only half past 7. 

She rose her feet, very disorientated as she was jolted awake. The knocks didn't stop. 

"Okay I'm coming you can take a breath." Briana called out in irritation as she swung the door open to reveal Rebekah. 

"Bex what the hell are you doing here at this hour?" Briana questioned the blonde as she yawned. 

"I need you to come to the decade dance tonight." Rebekah begged

Briana looked at the girl confused as she wiped the sleep out of her eyes letting out a small yawn, "You needed to tell me that at 7:30 in the morning?" Briana questioned, Rebekah should know how much Briana values her sleep. 

"Briana please! You're my best friend in this town and I worked really hard on this, I want you to be there." The blonde begged standing outside the door threshold as she hadn't been invited in. 

Briana let out a groan, "Okay fine, Yes, Sure I will come okay. Can I go back to bed now?" She rambled, wishing she was still in her bed. 

"Thank you. See you tonight." The blonde smiled as she walked off the porch. 

Briana closed the door and leaned her back up against it, still yawning. 

"Did I just agree to go to another high school dance?" She muttered to herself as she groaned and through her head back to lean against the door.

When are people going to learn not to ask her any favors until at least noon.


Klaus stood at his easel early the next morning furiously painting with dark shades. Truth be told, he didn't sleep. He'd been perched here, dealing with he aftermath of his fight with Briana the only way he knew how. With his art. 

Ester, who had jumped into Rebekah's body unbeknownst to anyone except Alaric, casually walked in the room, faux white oak stake in hand. 

"What took you so long?" Klaus questioned, his eyes fixated on the stroke of black pant. 

"Alaric didn't want to hand over the stake. Luckily, I can be quite convincing." She spoke in her best Rebekah impersonation. 

"Do you want to do the honors or shall I?" She questioned, extending the stake. 

Klaus flashed a devilish grin before snatching it and tossing it into the lit fireplace beside him. 

He immediately turned back to his art, "Pack your bags. We're leaving." He demanded as he added another stroke. 

'Rebekah' stood frozen in her spot, "Today?" she questioned with worry in her voice. 

"Why not? After last night there is officially nothing keeping me here.." Klaus stated, a tinge of heart break present in his voice as he remembered his exchange with Briana, ".. We'll grab the doppelgänger and be off by sunset." 

"But tonight's the decade dance." Rebekah begged. 

"So?" Klaus asked unamused. 

"So I'm head of the committee we have to go." She pleaded

Klaus turned around forcefully, in no mood for his sister's persuasion, "I'm not going to any dance." 

"What if I told you Briana was going to be there?" Rebekah spoke using his love for the brunette girl as a means for persuasion. 

His eyes softened at the mention of her name, he turned back to his painting uncomfortably, "I'm sure Briana prefers I leave her alone." He admitted sadly. 

"Oh please, we both know that's not true." 'Rebekah' retorted. Even Ester could see the love her son has for the werewolf girl. Even though she was a monster, seeing Niklaus so full of love in Briana's presence did warm her heart slight. 

"Pleaseeeee." Rebekah begged. 

"Okay fine." Klaus gave in, Rebekah smiled sheepishly. His heart skipped a beat at the thought of seeing Briana again. 

He knew they both said things they didn't mean last night. Klaus knows that deep down they both love each other more than they had admitted. And he knew that Briana was hurting the same being apart from him. 


 Briana walked into the Salvatore house, about to call out for Damon when he greeted her at the door with a glass of bourbon in his hand while on the phone with someone. 

Briana looked at him and the glass confused by his politeness but took it. Even though it was only noon in Mystic Falls, it was five o'clock somewhere. 

"I don't know if right now is the best time for you to be going on a spirit quest Ric." Damon spoke into the phone, answering Briana's unspoken question of who he was talking to. 

"He's doing better?" Briana questioned sipping her bourbon as Damon hung up the phone. 

"Yeah.. I don't buy it." Damon said unconvinced by the vampire hunters behavior. 

"What are you doing here anyways? Caroline didn't rope you into setting up for the dance?" Damon questioned the brunette who sat on his couch. 

"Well, it was either come over here and drink my body weight in bourbon while you fill me in on your little road trip rendezvous, or stay home and eat my body weight in ice cream overthinking every thing I did and said last night. So.... here I am." She stood with a smirk, her harms held out at her sides allowing him to take all of her in. 

"Well since you're here. Come on. We're going to Ric's apartment, I fill you in on the rendezvous on the way." Damon quipped motioning for Briana to follow him. 

"Can't we just go to a bar and drown our romantic sorrows like normal people." Briana protested as she followed Damon out of the house. 

"One problem, we aren't normal people. Get in the car." 


Briana and Damon took a trip to Alaric's apartment and found a full stash of the herbs Bonnie made for him to repress his alter ego meaning he definitely hadn't been taking them and Damon's suspicions about his off behavior were more than justified. 

"So you made out with Elena on top of an ice machine at some sketchy motel in the middle of the nowhere?" Briana asked making sure she had the details correct as Damon drove. 

"Yep that about covers it." He said sarcastically. 

"Nice!" Briana said going for a playfully high five. Damon rolled his eyes at his best friend's childish but has learned over the course of their friendship it's best just to amuse her, so he returned the high five. 

"But what about her and Stefan?" Briana questioned.

"Well wolfy you're guess is as good as mine." Damon replied, Briana rolled her eyes at the nickname. 

"Now, you wanna tell me what went down with you and Klaus last night? Or shall I say, you and vamp-wolfy." Damon inquired as she looked over at the brunette with a smug smile. 

Briana shifted in her seat, "I don't want to talk about it." She spoke softly. 

"Oh come on. When are you gonna learn you can't keep everything bottled up inside. I'm no therapist or anything but even I know that can't be good. As your latest outburst has proven." He replied with a joking tone even though he was completely serious. 

She rolled her eyes, "Theres not much to tell. We both said some things we didn't entirely mean and then he left." She said shyly. Or at least she hoped Klaus didn't mean what he said. She wasn't ready to close the door on him for good.

"Boring. I need more details." Damon sung. 

"I'm just tired of always being in the middle and I wish he would understand how much all of this affects me. There? Are you happy?" Briana said confessing how she truly felt. 

"Not yet, but we're getting some where. Why is it such a big deal?" Damon questioned nonchalantly as he drank from a blood bag. 

"Why is it a big deal? Damon, Rebekah had you hanging from bear traps just hours after you and your brother conspired to kill my boyfriend. Either way, someone I love gets hurt as long as you are all at each other's throats." Briana confessed.

Damon slammed on the breaks causing Briana and him to jolt forward. 

"What the hell was that for?!" Briana yelled

"Love?" Damon questioned, the car in park. His full attention on the werewolf 

"What are you talking about?" Briana quickly tried to cover up letting the 'L' word escape her lips when talking about Klaus. 

"I just thought maybe you were overlooking his wickedness because he was good in bed, but Bri.. love? That's like... serious." Damon said. 

Despite what many people believed, Damon isn't an idiot. He could see how much Briana cared for Klaus, and his family, and how much the tension between the two groups and her own guilt were eating at her, but he hadn't realized just how serious she was about him. 

"Yeah well. It doesn't matter anyways. He doesn't know." She confessed. 

Briana had known she was falling in love for quite some time, but she didn't have the courage to tell Klaus exactly how she felt. She needed some time and space to make sure. She had been down this path with guys before, each one teaching her a lesson about herself. She was a chronic over thinker. She just wanted to get all her thoughts in order before she laid it all out. 

Damon looked at her with anticipating eyes, begging for more. This was a big moment for him, Briana was being open about her feelings and she wasn't even drunk. 

"Maybe it's better that way. He's hell bent on creating more hybrids and you guys aren't going to stop until he's dead so if I remove myself now, maybe it won't hurt as much." She confessed, her sound of her voice getting lower as she finished her sentence. Her eyes on her hands, not wanting to see Damon's reaction. 

"Alright listen to me. I hate Klaus more than the next guy.." Damon started, Briana looked up and rolled her eyes. 

"Is this supposed to be helpful?" She questioned. 

"Stay with me. I don't like Klaus, but it's clear that there is something very special between the two of you if you're saying you're in love. You have to fight for it. If anyone deserves love, it's you." Damon encouraged, Briana was shocked. 

Tears of gratitude filled her eyes listening to Damon's words. She looked up to see him flashing her an encouraging smile. She couldn't help but return the smile realizing how hard this must be for Damon. He was putting Briana's feelings ahead of his own personal issues with Klaus. Now if only Klaus could do the same, this wouldn't even be an issue in the first place.

"And if he hurts you, you just let me know. I'll kill him." Damon spoke in a serious yet playful tone causing Briana to laugh. 

"Just as soon as I make sure I'm not descended from his bloodline." He added causing Briana to laugh even more. 

She reached for Damon's hand that was resting on the gear shift and placed her on top of it. 

"Thank you, D." She smiled which he happily returned, "And people say you're an idiot." She added, tapping his hand slightly returning to their normal, lighthearted mocking behavior. 

He put the car in drive and continued making his way towards the hospital speaking in a joking tone, "Who the hell says that?"

"Well for starters... me." 


Briana and Damon strutted into the hospital on the hunt for Meredith Fell. 

She rolled her eyes at Damon as they approached. Briana couldn't help but cover a laugh. She oftentimes had that same reaction to Damon. 

"Doc! How are ya?" Damon cheered as he made eye contact with Meredith. 

Briana hit him in the side to get him under control and stay focused. 

"What do you want Damon?" Meredith questioned clearly annoyed. 

"I need some medical advice.." Damon started. 

Briana couldn't help but notice how uninterested Meredith was as she was writing on her clipboard as Damon spoke. 

"It's for Alaric." Briana added with a sincere tone. Meredith looked up at both of them a concerned look. 

"How is he?" She questioned, "Are those herbs Bonnie made for him working?"

"That's the problem.." Briana trailed. 

"That depends Doc, can they work if he doesn't take them?" Damon responded sarcastically revealing the full jar of herbs to Meredith. 

Meredith sighed, Briana could sense how much she cared about Alaric. 

"We found them in the loft. Untouched." Briana replied. 

Meredith looked at the werewolf and vampire helplessly. Her eyes pleading for help or some sort of answer, but none of them knew what to do next. 


Damon and Briana rushed to the school seeing the building adorned in 1920s garb. Briana sighed as she exited the car. She had gotten so caught up in the Alaric drama she had forgotten she promised Rebekah she would come to the dance. 

"Alright we'll split up to find Stefan and Elena. Meet me back in the main hallway." Damon commanded as they entered the school, each making their separate way through the crowd of teenagers. 

As Briana made her way through the crowd she ran directly into Caroline and Tyler. 

"Sor--" Briana started to apologize before realizing who she was talking to. 

"What are you doing here?" Caroline questioned happily upon seeing her older sister. 

"You haven't seen Rebekah around have you? I promised her I would come but she will definitely remind me that I'm not properly dressed." Briana looked over her shoulder for the blonde and Stefan and Elena. 

"I forgot." Briana admitted shrugging her shoulders, "But you look so cute did you find this in mom's--" Briana referenced the feather clip in Caroline's perfectly done hair when she noticed a change in Tyler's demeanor. 

Caroline and Briana looked to where Tyler was staring to see Klaus making his way over. Briana gulped taking in the sight of Klaus in his 1920s attire. 

"Where have you been mate?" Klaus questioned Tyler, completely ignoring Briana. They had not spoken since their fight last night at the Salvatore house. 

"I just got back in town." Tyler admitted, Caroline wrapping her arm comfortingly around the younger hybrid. 

"That's funny. I don't recall giving you permission to leave in the first place." Klaus spoke in a threatening tone as he made his way closer to the group. 

It was only then that he looked over to see Briana standing beside Caroline. Their eyes lingered on one another. 

"You don't mind if I cut in do you?" He asked Tyler even though he was referring to Briana. Klaus knew that surely Briana had told her sister about their spat and she would bite his head off for hurting Briana if given the chance. 

Tyler hesitated, Caroline nonverbally motioning for him not to back down. 

"We'll give you two a minute." Tyler said, grabbing Caroline's hand pulling her away from her sister. 

Before she left Briana gave her a comforting nod signaling she was okay. 

Klaus and Briana didn't exchange a word. Instead, all he did was offer her his hand for a dance. 

She took it as he pulled her close to him. She was taking in every thing about him. His touch, his smell, everything. 

They swayed back and forth for the first few notes in complete silence. Klaus' eyes never left Briana's as she looked him up and down, a small smile forming on her lips. 

"What?" Klaus questioned as he saw her smile form. 

"Nothing just... you all dressed up in that suit reminds me of the picture at Glorias. I was just.." She smiled 

"..reminiscing about our time in Chicago?" Klaus finished her thought. She felt her cheeks get warm as a smile cracked on his face. She nodded signaling his thought was correct. 

"I loved every second of it." Briana confessed with a smile looking deep into his eyes, "We would stay up all night just talking and laughing. We never do that anymore.." Briana remembered, her voice getting sad as it trailed. 

"If I recall correctly we often times did more than just talk and laugh.." Klaus smirked, Briana playfully rolled her eyes. 

"Nik.." She whined, trying to make a point. 

"I know. I just thought it was worth remembering." He spoke softly. She couldn't help but smile seeing how much he cherished the time they spent together. He remembered every detail, down to what Briana was wearing. 

"We need to talk about last night." Briana spoke nervously. As much as she didn't want to relive their fight, she knew they had to if they were ever going to move past it. 

"I didn't mean all of what I said. Yes, I'm tired of being in the middle of things and yes I can't bear to lose any of you but I was wrong for saying those things about you." She apologized, Klaus let out a small sigh of relief. 

"Briana you don't need to apologize.." Klaus started, Briana gave him a slightly confused look, "you are completely justified in your frustrations. Which is why.. I'm leaving town tomorrow." Klaus revealed. 

Briana's jaw dropped, "You're what?!" She rose her voice, trying to be conscious of the other people around but her anger over taking her. 

"You didn't let me finish.." Klaus eased, Briana's scowl dropping, "I want you to come with me." 

"Ni--" She shook her head. Klaus knew she was having her doubts when truthfully she was just in shock and disbelief. 

"You said it yourself. This feud.. is never going to end until someone winds up dead and that isn't right, or fair to you. So.. I've taken matters into my own hands and decided to remove myself from the situation entirely." Klaus spoke in a serious tone. 

Briana had stopped dancing upon hearing his words, though she was still in his grip. She looked at him not believing what he was saying. Her thoughts running wild. She couldn't leave. Her whole life was here. Her friends, her family, everything she's ever know. But on the other hand, she was the happiest she had ever been when she was traveling with Klaus. Every day was a new adventure. She would give anything to feel that again. 

"I'm doing what I believe is right for me. For us." He confessed. 

That was all Briana had wanted. She wanted him to fight for her and their relationship and he was. Granted, this was not the way she expected him to go about it but the sentiment was all the same. 

She shook her head trying to process the words. Trying to wrap her mind around actually leaving Mystic Falls.

"Can we go talk about this?" Briana questioned. Her voice was full of uncertainty. Klaus nodded as he led her through the door and towards the exit. 

They walked hand in hand fully ready to vacate the school premises but Klaus was stopped by an invisible barrier. Briana looked back confused as to what was stopping him and noticed the trail of salt around the school. 

Klaus looked down at it and then back up at Briana hoping she had an answer. 

"Nik I swear I have no idea." She spoke innocently.

She watched as Klaus pondered any possibility, his brow furrowing when Stefan Salvatore stepped behind Klaus speaking three words Klaus never thought he would hear again. 

"Your mother's back." 


Klaus and Briana walked into Alaric's classroom to see Bonnie trying to break the boundary spell. Damon, Stefan, Jeremy and Jamie, Bonnie's date, all watching. 

Stefan had filled Klaus and Briana in on the fact that not only had Esther Mikaelson trapped them here, she had taken Elena. 

"What's taking so long?" Klaus questioned the young witch as he stepped towards her, "All boundary spells have a loophole." 

Briana grabbed Klaus by the hand pulling him back towards her, stopping him from going after Bonnie. He sighed and looked back towards the brunette werewolf before retreating. 

Matt Donovan burst through door, "People are walking out of the dance, right past the barrier." 

"Well if Matt and I can leave we can stop Esther ourselves. We just have to find out where she is." Jeremy spoke urgently. Desperate to find his sister. 

"It's suicide Jeremy." Stefan pointed out. 

As soon as the words left Stefan's lips, Klaus dropped Briana's hand and sped towards Jamie, grabbing the young boy by the throat. 

"Nik!" Briana yelled to try and get him to stop by who was she kidding? It was no use. She knew that when it came to his mother, all bets were off and his rage was at an all time high. 

"Suicide would be disappointing me. Now work your magic, witch or I'll start killing people you fancy." Klaus threatened Bonnie as he held the young boy up, grunting for air. 

"Let him go!" Bonnie pleaded with fear written all over her face. 

"Don't be stupid Klaus. Bonnie doesn't give a damn about us. She's only doing this to help Caroline, Tyler and Briana. You start killing people she cares about and she will tell us all to go to hell." Stefan spoke, walking towards the hybrid. 

Klaus let the young boy go realizing Stefan was right, and he would be damned if he put Briana in more danger. 


When Bonnie couldn't break the barrier spell, the group decided that the next best plan of attack was to at least find out where Ester is. 

Bonnie ripped down a map that was hanging in Alaric's classroom as Damon, Klaus and Briana entered. 

"Here, Jeremy donated a little Gilbert blood for your locator spell." Damon spoke, handing Bonnie the small vial. 

"I have to do this with you two lurking over me?" Bonnie asked, clearly annoyed. 

"Don't worry Bon, they'll behave." Briana walked closer to the witch giving her a reassuring smile, "Both of them." She spoke sternly looking between Klaus and Damon. Giving both of them threatening looks. If anyone could control both of them, it was Briana. 

Klaus, Damon and Briana gathered around the map and watched as Bonnie poured Jeremy's blood to cast the spell. Her chants filled the quiet classroom, but nothing was happening. 

"Esther's fighting me." Bonnie spoke, confused on how that was even possible. 

Briana placed a comforting hand on Klaus' back, rubbing it slowly knowing his mother was getting the better of him. She tried to keep him as calm as possible. 

"Esther couldn't possibly be this strong. Unless, she channeling something." Klaus spoke. 

"Like a hotspot?" Briana inquired. 

Klaus looked up at her and smiled causing her to furrow her brow. He looked to Damon, "Gather the humans. I know where she is." 

"I'll get Jeremy and Matt and we'll go." Briana spoke urgently turning to make her way out of the classroom, only to be stopped by Klaus' firm grip on he arm. 

"Where do you think you're going?" Klaus asked with worry in his voice. 

She turned towards him completely, "We already saw I can get through the barrier. The spell must be linked with vampire blood. I have to go with them." Briana spoke confidently. 

"Briana it's too dangerous." Klaus begged. Briana furrowed her brow at him. 

"We have to stop her Nik, we don't have any other choice." Briana tried to reason with him. 

"She's right." Damon added from where he leaned against Alaric's desk, the couple had forgotten he was even there. 

Briana gave Klaus a 'see?' look as he sighed. 

"This is our only option right now Nik. I have to do this." Briana spoke. Confidence and strength laced her voice. She waited for Klaus to give her any indication he was on bored with this, but he just looked nervously to the floor. 

Briana made her way towards the door. 

"Wait!" Klaus yelled causing Briana to turn back towards him. 

"Briana this is my mother we're talking about..." His voice sounded like he was pleading with her not go, to stay here where he knew she would be safe. 

"... so, you be careful. And at the first sign of trouble you run you understand me? She is not worth your life. " He said cupping her face in his hands. Briana let out a sigh of relief knowing Klaus trusted her. Knowing that he believed she was strong enough to do this only fueled her fire. 

He didn't care were they stood. He didn't care that they still had a lot of talking to do to get back to where there relationship was before, he slammed his lips into hers. 

She grabbed his wrists at the side of her face while his hands were still on her cheeks. Their lips moved perfectly in sync. Briana could feel how worried he was in the kiss, but clung to the feeling of her smile forming. No matter what had happened between them in the last 24 hours, the connection they had built was still so strong. The love and care for one another was still there. 

As they pulled apart, she gave him a nod silently telling him that she could do this and she wasn't going to let anything happen to her. He watched her with fond eyes as she ran out of the room. He always knew that she would be the one strong enough to save them all. 


Briana, Jeremy and Matt made their way through the old cemetery before finding the tomb where Ester was. 

She head the sounds of dead leaves cracking under their feet. Matt and Jeremy had their weapons, each hidden behind a tree. 

Briana stood bravely before the tomb, in the wide open, unarmed as she saw her boyfriends mother emerge. 

"Hello again Esther." Briana taunted, her arms crossed over her chest. 

"I wish I could say its nice to see you again.. but my mother didn't raise me to be a liar." The brunette sassed. 

Esther stood stunned at the girl before her. She was silent. 

"Where's Elena?" Briana demanded. 

"The brave Briana. Here on behalf of my bastard son no doubt." Esther admired, stepping towards the brunette. 

"Actually I'm here for my friends. All of them. So I'm gonna ask you one more time. Where. Is. Elena." Briana threatened through gritted teeth. Showing off her golden orbs. She was face to face with Esther only about 6 inches in between them, and yet, she wasn't afraid. She had actually never felt so empowered. 

Ester took a step towards Briana when Matt and Jeremy let their presence be known, each loading their weapon and pointing it at Esther. 

"Briana, I mean to cause you no harm. I only wish to protect you from the plague that is my family. My abomination of a son. A smart girl like yourself, I'd assume you'd know better." Esther taunted, Briana stood tall. She was determined not to break. 

"But how foolish of you.. Of all of you.. to risk your lives in defense of those who will kill you." Esther mocked as she looked at all three individuals before her. 

As she spoke, Elena ran out of the tomb. 

"But if that is your choice then.." The witch threatened. 

She raised her arms as the ground started to shake, Matt and Jeremy both unwillingly pointing their guns at one another with Briana as their target. 

"Matt drop your gun!" Jeremy yelled but the boy couldn't. He wasn't in control. 

Elena's screams and pleas filled the air. She begged Esther to stop. The ground was still shaking Briana was losing her footing, she knew she had to act fast. 

She pounced towards the witch, quickly biting into her neck causing the shaking to stop, but she was still alive. 

When she looked up from Esther's neck, Briana saw Alaric with a stake in his hand. 

"Ric!" Briana yelled before pushing Esther into the vampire hunter's arms.  The stake embedding itself in her chest. 

Alaric dropped the witch's lifeless body to the ground. Briana let out a sigh of relief knowing this woman was gone for good. Alaric looked up with pure confusion 

"Where's my ring?" He asked frantically, all eyes fell to Elena who was sobbing. 


Klaus stood just on the inside of the barrier, waiting for the moment it would drop. He couldn't help but worry about Briana. He had all the confidence in the world she was strong enough to take care of herself, but Esther was unpredictable with a seething hatred for him automatically making Briana a target. 

"You're an idiot you know that?" Klaus heard the wise words of Damon Salvatore. He rolled his eyes not even bothering to turn around. 

"Why, Hello to you too, Damon. What do you want?" He spoke unamused by the younger vampire. 

"That girl loves you despite being the evil dick that you are and you're still going to mess it up." Damon spoke referencing Briana. 

Klaus turned upon hearing his words. Primarily one word: 'loves.' 

"What did she say to you?" Klaus questioned eagerly, desperate to get any insight into Briana's thoughts. 

"I think I'll let her tell you but here's the cliff notes.. fight for her." Damon said trying to speak any sort of sense into the stubborn hybrid. 

Klaus rolled his eyes, "I am doing exactly that." 

"Oh really? Prove it. Let the hybrids go." Damon spoke. 

"Oh you'd like that wouldn't you? Then I'd have no need for your precious Elena." Klaus quipped back 

Damon walked closer to Klaus, his voice getting more serious, "This has nothing to do with Elena, that's just an added bonus. This has to do with Briana, and what she deserves." 

Klaus furrowed his brow wondering where Damon was going with this. As much as Klaus hated to admit it, Damon was one of the few people in this town that knows Briana better than him.

"She deserves someone who is willing to put aside their petty grievances to be with her. To keep her happy and safe. She deserves a love greater than ever before." Damon expressed, he couldn't help but let his emotion overtake him. 

Briana had been the only person who was every truly there for Damon through everything. Every fight with his brother? She was there. When he needed to rant about Elena? She was there. Every loss and ounce of sadness he felt? She was there to be an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on and she always picked up the pieces. The least he could do was return he favor and talk some sense into the man she loves. 

".. and if she thinks you are worthy of giving her that.." Damon walked up to Klaus, only inches away from him, "you better give it to her." He finished, spoken like a threat. 

"Because I can ensure you if you ever hurt her, I will drop your body in the bottom of the Atlantic so fast.." Damon finished his threat as Klaus looked down. 

Damon sensed he got his point across when Klaus had nothing left to say, so he walked back towards the school. 

"All I've ever wanted was to keep her safe! And happy! All I ever wanted was to lo--" Klaus yelled but he stopped himself, causing Damon to turn back around. 

"It doesn't matter. I failed her." Klaus confessed, his voice low. There was a silence building between the two of them as they each reflected on how much they cared for he brunette Forbes girl. 

"The good thing about Briana, she's notorious for second chances. You just have to show her you deserve one." Damon reassured the hybrid. His voice was deep and stern, but full of encouragement. 

"Damon." Klaus spoke, regaining the vampire's attention, "Thank you for your honesty." Klaus meant it. 

Klaus needed someone to tell him he wasn't completely destroying Briana the way he thought he was. He needed someone close to her to tell him he still had a chance, and Damon, was willing to be that person. He wasn't doing it for Klaus, he was doing it for her.

As Damon was making his way back inside, Bonnie emerged. 

"It's done. Esther isn't fighting me anymore. The boundary spell is broken." 

Klaus put his foot over the salt barrier seeing if he could pass through, when he realized he could, he was gone. He needed to make sure she was safe.


When Klaus made it to the cemetery, he immediately ran up to Briana who was sitting on a rock with tear stained eyes. She stood upon seeing him standing before her with worry filled eyes. 

She wrapped herself in his embrace. Klaus felt her sink into him, the way she always did when she needed comfort. He took in her scent. He pulled away from her, searching her up and down for injuries, 

"You're alright?" He spoke softly making sure the werewolf was okay and his mother hadn't gotten the best of her. 

"I'm okay. She tried, but I was faster." Briana admitted, using her head to motion in the direction of Esther's lifeless body. 

"There was never a doubt in my mind that you weren't." Klaus spoke softly as he pulled her head towards him, pressing his lips softly to her forehead. 

She leaned back with a sad smile, "Look, Nik, I still want to talk to you about.. everything, but right now, I need to be here with them okay?" Briana asked as he voiced cracked, tears will spilling from her eyes thinking about Alaric not completing his transition. 

"I know sweetheart. You take all the time you need to be here, with your family. I'll be at home whenever you're ready." He said as he rubbed her arms comfortingly giving her a sad, understanding smile. 

She nodded as she cried, Klaus pulling her in for another hug. Her tears wetting his shirt. 

She pulled away and leaned up to kiss him. It was soft and full of compassion and understanding. She was beyond appreciative that he was willing to put their issues on the back burner while she was here. This is where she needed to be, surrounded by her friends as they mourned one of their own. 

"I'll cal--" She started. 

"Don't worry about it. We can figure it all out tomorrow." He said as he wiped the tears from her eyes placing a palm on her cheek as she nuzzled into his hand like she often did. 


Everyone had gathered outside the tomb where Alaric was inside. They didn't know what to say, there was nothing they could say that could make any of this okay, or make it make sense. 

Briana stood next to Damon, a lit candle in her hand as she prepared herself to say goodbye to Alaric. A man she was lucky enough to call her friend and mentor. 

Elena made her way out of tomb, taking a place between Stefan and Damon as they handed her a candle. 

Caroline, Tyler, Matt, Bonnie and Meredith all stood behind them. Everyone was in complete silence. 

Alaric slowly crept out of tomb. Briana could tell he was overtaken by emotion seeing all the people who were here to say goodbye. To say thank you. 

At one moment, she had locked eyes with Alaric as he scanned the crowd. She refused to let him see her cry. She had to stay strong for him. She couldn't even begin to imagine what this must be like for him, the last thing he needed was to be comforting everyone else. 

Briana watched Damon shift uneasily. She reached out and placed a comforting hand on his back signaling she was here for him. Next to Briana, Alaric was Damon's best friend. A person he could tell anything to. No doubt he would feel his loss the most. 

As Alaric walked back into the tomb, people started to leave. Damon was determined to stay, he said he had a duty to make sure everything went down correctly. And Briana... well Briana needed to make sure Damon would be okay.

Meredith came out of tomb to where Damon and Briana sat. 

"I gave him a sedative. He'll fall asleep first. He'll go comfortably." Meredith spoke sadly. 

"Well.. I offered to snap his neck. Take him out of his misery. He didn't go for it." Damon said as he took a sip from the bottle of bourbon before offering to Briana. 

"Oh come on..." She spoke taking the bottle, "This is Ric were talking about. Did you really think he was going to go for that?" Briana asked rhetorically knowing how much Alaric valued his connection to his humanity. After everything he went through, he wasn't going to die at the hands of the vampire. Mercy killing or not. 

"Well the guy is so used to dying I just figured he wouldn't want to drag it out." Damon spoke nonchalantly as Briana light hit his arm asking him to show some compassion. 

"Well it was nice to give him the option." Meredith spoke, her emotions becoming too much to handle as she wiped a stray tear from her eye. 

"Well apparently my choice has been a bit controversial lately." Damon retorted. Briana rolled her eyes. 

She stood and pulled Meredith into a hug, "Thank you for everything Meredith. If you need anything, please let me know." She spoke softly as she pulled out of the hug. 

The doctor nodded her head before turning away. Briana gulped. After the near death experience she had faced with Klaus yesterday, she couldn't even imagine what Meredith was going through having to say goodbye to someone she had hoped to share her life with. Briana drew comfort knowing that at least she got to say goodbye. 

As Briana sat back down next to Damon she snatched the bottle from his hands, bringing it to her lips. 

"You should be with him." Briana said looking straight into the night. 

"He wants to be alone." Damon replied quietly. 

"Do you really think that's what he wants?" Briana asked just above a whisper to keep her voice from breaking. 

Damon looked at her, unsure of what his next move should be. As they sat in the lingering silence, Briana gave him a comforting nod silently telling him he needed to go. He needed to be with Alaric as he took his final breath. 

The both stood and dusted themselves off. Damon hesitated before making his way to the tomb. Briana placed a comforting hand on his shoulder before pulling him into a hug. She could feel him let out a deep, harboring breath as she pulled away. Giving him a look of confidence she knew he needed. 

She watched as Damon entered the tomb, tears pooling in her eyes. She looked up at the night sky begging for Alaric to go comfortingly. Praying that he would find peace. 


Briana went home that night with a tear stained face and swollen eyes. Her entire drive back she couldn't stop thinking about Alaric and what must be going on in his mind. A man who did everything in this power to stay out of the supernatural world, would soon succumb to it. He didn't deserve this. 

She dialed Klaus' number as she laid back on her bed, trying to keep the tears from falling. The phone rang and rang before landing on his voicemail. She let out a small sigh of relief. She was in condition to have a proper conversation with him right now, but she needed him to know she wasn't giving up on him, on their relationship. 

"Hey.. it's me.." She spoke quietly into the phone, "I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. I'm at my house. I know you and I have some things we need to talk about and I don't want you to think I'm avoiding it it's just.. just today's been a long, emotion filled day and I just need the night to process everything. Please just be patient with me. Let's talk tomorrow. Don't make any rash decision until we do.. please.. for me. I..uh.." Briana spoke. 

She wanted to tell him. She wanted to tell him how she truly felt. Tonight made her realize that even though he is immortal, she's not, and life is short. You never know what is going to happen in this town, but over the phone didn't feel right. She wanted to be there with him. She wanted to run into her arms and see the look on his face when she told he's the one. 

"I.. uh.. I just need you to know, I'm not giving up on you, Nik..so please don't give up on me." 

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