Mystic Messenger - The Real S...

Door Videlii

89 18 3

Have you ever wondered what was really happening behind the chatrooms? What were all of them doing when they... Meer

Chapter 1: The beginning
Chapter 2: The Unknown
Chapter 3: The New Member
Chapter 4: Meeting Seven

Chapter 5: Virtual Bonds, Real Decisions

8 3 0
Door Videlii


Cassidy woke up in the unfamiliar surroundings, which left her momentarily disoriented. She scanned the room with her eyes, and stretched her whole body. The morning light was softly brightening the room. She sat up, her fingers were brushing against the cool bedsheet.

- It was not a dream – she said to herself, taking a deep breath, as she started feeling uncomfortable in someone else's bed.

As she got up and walked into the kitchen, the emptiness echoed around the flat. She opened a few kitchen cabinets, looking for coffee, but they were all empty. The dusty shelves hinted at a place frozen in time, untouched for a year and a half. Giving up her plan, she proceeded to another room.

In the bathroom, Cassidy faced the absence of her usual toiletries, a reminder of her unplanned stay. She sighed, trying to shake off the discomfort.

- How am I supposed to live like that? – she muttered, dissatisfaction visible on her face.

Turning her attention to the bedroom, she looked at a large wardrobe. She opened it to find a lot of colourful dresses, which she understood once belonged to Rika. Their vibrant hues spoke of a past life, a life that had taken a tragic turn. Cassidy hesitated, conflicted by the beauty of the dresses and the gloomy reality they represented.

Tracing the fabric with her fingers, she picked one of the dresses, captivated by its colours. She stood in front of the mirror, pressing the cloth against her own body. She was now holding a knee-length yellow dress. The fabric, a delicate blend of silk and chiffon, with strapless design. She knew it would look perfect on her, however, the weight of its history became too much to bear, and she gently placed it back in the wardrobe. She shifted her focus to her yesterday's clothes, which she decided to wear again, after what she rushed to the entry room.

Just as she was putting her shoes on, she was interrupted by the ringing of her phone. Glancing at the screen, she noticed Seven's caller ID. With a sigh, she accepted the call.


- Weren't you supposed to call me if you want to leave? – Seven's voice crackled through the phone, a mix of curiosity and concern evident. – Where are you going?

- Uh.. I just wanted to go to the nearest shop – Cassidy replied with a touch of defensiveness, still adjusting the laces of her shoes. – There's nothing to eat here – she added, feeling the need to explain herself.

- You're not planning on running away, are you? – Seven's response was laced with a hint of amusement. – Don't worry, I can order groceries for you. Just tell me what you need.

Cassidy hesitated for a moment, reluctant to accept such option yet realising her current situation left her with limited options.

- Fine, just order whatever you think is necessary – she said with resignation palpable in her voice. – Now, when will I be able to leave? – Cassidy pressed, eager to regain control over her life.

- As soon as I make sure you're safe. I'll try to be done by today or tomorrow, okay? – Seven assured, attempting to ease her concerns. Fidgeting with the edge of her shirt, Cassidy couldn't help but feel a bit trapped.

- Have you found anything yet? – she inquired, her curiosity mixed with a subtle sense of anxiety. Seven hesitated for a moment, the tapping of keys on his end indicating he was immersed in his work.

- Not yet, but I'm closing in on some leads. It's a tricky situation, and I need time to be thorough – he explained, his tone serious.

- Alright, just do it quickly – Cassidy sighed, understanding the complexity of the situation. – This whole situation feels surreal, and I want my life back – she confessed, a mix of frustration and uncertainty in her voice.

- I'm doing my best, Cassy. Hang in there – he reassured, genuinely concerned. – I'll let you know once I find something. In the meantime, stay safe and don't open the door for anyone.


Cassidy ended the call, feeling a blend of emotions. She glanced around the empty apartment, her temporary imprisonment sinking in. She went to the living room and sank into the sofa, unfamiliar surroundings intensifying the weight of the situation. She was thinking about the routine she had just a day ago – her own apartment, her daily chores, and the comfort of her familiar life. Now, she found herself entangled in an unexpected adventure, questioning every decision that led her to this place.

The uncertainty of the situation was bothering her. She contemplated the strange circumstances – the unknown caller, the strange app, and the enigma surrounding Rika. "Who was Rika, and why did I end up here?" Cassidy mused, her mind swirling with unanswered questions.

The sound of the doorbell interrupted her thoughts, signalling the arrival of the groceries. Cassidy sighed, pushing aside the troubling questions for the moment. She stood up, and went to the entry door, where she picked up her groceries.

She began unpacking the groceries, and her eyes widened at the amount of food. Fresh fruit, quality meat, and an assortment of beverages filled the bags. The amount was much more than she had expected, and she couldn't help but appreciate the unexpected generosity.

Among the items, a conspicuous number of Dr Pepper cans caught her attention. It was an oddly specific choice, and she wondered if it held any meaning. Confused, she set them aside, making a mental note to ask Seven about it later.

As she continued sorting through the groceries, her phone rang, disrupting the quiet atmosphere of the apartment. Cassidy looked at the screen and hesitated for a moment before answering. Jumin's voice greeted her on the other end, smooth and commanding.


- Hello? You picked up right away – he began, his tone serious and resonant. – I'm Jumin Han. Don't get too excited about talking to me. I only called to hear our new member's voice, nothing else – he added. The smoky timbre of his voice caught Cassidy's attention. – I can talk to you for a few minutes, so if you want to ask something, I can take one question.

- Hello. Uh.. How do I sound? – she stammered after a moment, caught off guard, as nothing else came to her mind.

- You want me to judge your voice? – Jumin responded in his typical serious manner. – I didn't expect this kind of question, but okay. I'll listen if you want. Now, talk again. Slowly – he ordered.

Cassidy, caught in the unexpected spotlight, remained silent, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment. Jumin's voice, smoky and commanding, lingered in the air, adding an alluring quality to the conversation that she found hard to ignore.

- Now you don't say anything? – Jumin remarked, his tone carrying a hint of amusement. – Did you get shy? – his words, spoken with a confident ease, only deepened Cassidy's embarrassment. – It's okay, I think I heard enough. Your voice is very fine. I like it – he delivered the compliment in his distinctive smoky voice, catching the girl off guard. – I wouldn't mind hearing it for some more. It's as pleasurable as Elizabeth the 3rd's voice. You should be happy. That's the best compliment I can offer you.

Cassidy couldn't help but smile subtly at the unexpected compliment. The excitement bubbling within her made the moment memorable, as she found herself unexpectedly charmed by Jumin's intriguing attitude.

- Th-thank you – she stuttered hesitantly in response. Feeling a sudden rush of nerves, she sought another question to keep the conversation going. – Are you with someone now? – she asked, trying to sound composed.

- It's just me and my driver – Jumin's voice remained serious yet alluring. – If you expected a woman to be here with me, you are gravely mistaken. I'm hardly interested in such things. You can keep asking. The traffic seems very long and I'm quite bored. It won't be bad to listen to you some more.

Cassidy, caught in the unexpected charm of the conversation, found it oddly difficult to maintain her composure. Jumin's intriguing presence and his unique personality left her questioning her own sanity.

- Oh really? Well, I didn't expect anything, just a question.. So I guess, you don't have a girlfriend? – she asked after a moment. Instantly, she smacked her forehead after realising how bold her question might have been. Regret lingered as she awaited his response.

- Feels like everyone who sees me for the first time asks that. I don't understand why anyone would want to know that, but if you need to hear the answer, then I will give you one – he said, his voice retaining its captivating seriousness. Cassidy felt a twinge of embarrassment, but Jumin continued. – My lady... has mesmerising white fur, sky blue eyes, and perfect sharp ears. Elizabeth the 3rd. I have never seen any cat.. – he paused for a moment – ..well, I've never seen any woman more beautiful than her. So my answer is no.

His surprisingly passionate words left Cassity both amused and slightly confused about his affectionate description of his cat.

- Oh, I'm already home. I must go now, so if there's nothing else you want to ask, we should hang up – Jumin concluded, his tone returning to its usual composed demeanour.

- It was great hearing your voice – she replied sincerely, rubbing back of her neck, a subtle warmth in her tone.

- I can say the same – Jumin said in his composed manner. – I think it's the first time my time passed so fast while on the phone. I'll call you when I get the chance. Excuse me – he added, before ending the call.


Cassidy sat down, still starring at the screen of her phone, lost in a swirl of thoughts. "How does my voice sound?" and "Do you have a girlfriend?" echoed in her mind. She took a deep breath, attempting to calm the noise of her emotions.

- Geez, Cassidy, you idiot – she muttered, hiding her face in her palms. She started rubbing her face vigorously, as if trying to physically erase the traces of her embarrassment. The unexpected call from Jumin left her bewildered, and she couldn't shake off the lingering effects of his calm and smoky voice.



The limousine smoothly came to a halt in front of Jumin's luxurious penthouse. He ended his call with Cassidy, a calm and collected expression on his face. Exiting the vehicle, he nodded at his driver, a silent acknowledgment of their unspoken understanding.

As Jumin entered the penthouse, the figure of Elizabeth the 3rd gracefully approached him, her fur shining immaculately.

- Welcome back, my lovely Elizabeth – he greeted his companion, gently stroking her silky fur. The cat responded with a soft purr, enjoying the attention from her owner.

Moving to the bar, Jumin uncorked a bottle of rare, exclusive red wine. He poured himself a glass, the rich aroma filling the air as he took a sip, savouring the excellent taste. He then decided to go to the bathroom, where a meticulously prepared bath awaited him. As he sank into the warm water, he started reflecting on his conversation with Cassidy. The memory of her voice lingered in his mind, an unexpected source of intrigue. He took another sip of the wine, his thoughts momentarily drifting away from the usual rigidity of his daily life.

Jumin leaned back in the bath, the warm water enveloping him in a cocoon of calmness. As he sipped the last remnants of the wine, he kept thinking about the new member of the RFA. The events of the day seemed to blur together, and the allure of the alcohol added a layer of relaxation.

His gaze fixed on the empty wine glass, as he found himself musing.

- Strange woman – he said to himself. The enigma that Cassidy brought to the RFA, a world usually governed by order and precision, sparked a subtle curiosity within him.

Feeling the effects of the wine and the soothing bath, Jumin decided to take his phone. He opened the RFA messenger app and typed a private message to Cassidy.

"I know Seven is tracking the hacker already, but know that since you're a member of RFA, you can count on me. Don't hesitate to contact me if you need help."

He starred at the message for a brief moment, and after a pause, he pressed send.

Setting the phone back on the shelf, Jumin stood up in the bath, the delicate scent of expensive bath oils wafting through the air, with his body still covered in water. Wrapping himself in a towel, he stepped outside the bathtub on a warm rug, drying himself up.

Now clothed only in his underwear, Jumin moved to the expansive living room. The soft glow of dimmed lights was casting a warm ambiance over the room as he was pouring himself another glass of red wine. Setting onto the plush sofa, he found comfort beside his elegant companion, Elizabeth the 3rd.

Gazing into the cat's mesmerizing blue eyes, Jumin spoke softly.

- Just you and me, Elizabeth. – His fingers traced gentle patterns through her soft fur, a routine that brought a fleeting sense of comfort. A tinge of melancholy laced his voice as he added. – Again... It was a tiring day, you know – he sighed, reclining further on the sofa. – But you won't understand – he mused, as he was stroking Elizabeth's fur.

The silence enveloped the apartment, broken only by the subtle sounds of Jumin's voice. He took another sip of the wine, his gaze fixated on the serene aquarium that adorned the living space.

Buzzing broke the silence, making Jumin glance at his phone with an air of indifference. The screen revealed Cassidy's reply to his previous message.

"Thank you so much! Means a lot to me 😊 "

His impassive expression softened slightly as he read her words. A thoughtful pause ensued before he decided to respond.

Fingertips tapping the screen, he initiated a reply.

"Why does it?"

Jumin's eyes lingered on the words, contemplating the sincerity behind her gratitude. However, after a brief moment of contemplation, he reconsidered. Deleting the letters with a composed attitude, he locked his phone once more, leaving the room in silence again.

He looked at Elizabeth, his gaze softening as if seeking comfort from the cat.

- What do you think, Elizabeth? What kind of woman is she? – Jumin inquired, his tone reflecting a trace of vulnerability. The cat, seemingly attuned to his emotions, responded with a gentle purr. – Do you think she might be like Rika? – he mused, a hint of nostalgia and pain colouring his voice. A heavy sigh escaped him as he concluded. – No... there's no woman like Rika. – His words lingered in the air, carrying the weight of unresolved sentiments.

– The more I look at my father, Elizabeth, the more I believe all women are the same. They only seek the money... – Jumin confessed, revealing a layer of disappointment. Elizabeth's purring continued. – Do you think she's the same? She probably is, that's why she asked if I had someone – he contemplated, his eyes fixed on his wine. A palpable sense of scepticism lingered in his voice as he was questioning the intentions of the new member, Cassidy.

- At least you're different, Elizabeth. You'll never betray me, right? - he sought reassurance from his feline companion, which responded with a loud meow. The exchange between man and cat carried an unspoken understanding, a bond unmarred by the complexities of human relationships.

- Thank you, Elizabeth - Jumin expressed his gratitude, gently petting his cat's head. As he emptied his glass, a decision was made. - It's time to sleep. I'm tired from working all day, you know? - he remarked, acknowledging the weariness that accompanied the responsibilities of his position. With measured steps, he retreated to his bedroom, leaving the living room in a subdued silence, accompanied only by the soft purrs of Elizabeth the 3rd.



The next morning greeted Cassidy with a newfound optimism. The groceries Seven had arranged offered a sense of comfort, making the unfamiliar apartment more acceptable. Determined to transform the space into something resembling a home, she planned to embark on a cleaning spree that day.

Cassidy began her day with a familiar routing – a refreshing shower, teeth brushing, and a change into a tracksuit she had discovered in the wardrobe. The aroma of warm coffee filled the kitchen as she prepared a cup for herself, opting to skip breakfast for the time being. With a determined spirit, she initiated her cleaning mission, starting with the heart of the home – the kitchen.

Armed with cleaning supplies, she scrubbed and polished surfaces, organizing cabinets and making the kitchen feel more inviting. The rhythmic sounds of cleaning echoed through the apartment, and as Cassidy glanced around, she could already see the subtle transformation taking place. The act of cleaning became a therapeutic session, a way to reclaim control over her surroundings.

Cassidy's cleaning routing was abruptly interrupted by the incessant buzzing of her phone. Intrigued by the flood of notifications, she grabbed her phone to find the RFA chat buzzing with life. A smile of excitement lit up her face as she opened the app. Once in the messenger, she was greeted by the familiar presence of a certain redhead.

707: There goes the RFA queen! Welcome mi lady

Yoosung★: lololol

Yoosung★: What's up with the greeting?

Cassidy: lol hello there! Seven, please tell me you've got some good news!

707: I've got some good news!

Cassidy: Really?

Yoosung★: Reallt?!!

707: NO

Cassidy: ......

Cassidy: I hate you

707: oh u got me

707: I actually have some good news!

Cassidy: Can I leave the apartment?

707: Yes! Ofc u still need to inform me whenever u want to leave and u shouldn't stay out alone for too long but u can leave :)

707: Just not too often. The apartment is safe but we don't know if the hacker isn't looking for u

Cassidy: looking for me? .-. Why can't I just stay in my own place? .-.

707: Didn't I just explain enough? At Rika's I can be 100% sure u're safe *_*

Cassidy: lol

Cassidy: It sounds surreal hearing that I might be in danger...

Cassidy: Also, kinda creepy knowing u might be watching me .-.

707: only in the entry room! U don't go there too often... u could show urself more :3

Cassidy: you're just..

707: Funny?

707: Smart?

707: Handsome? :3

Cassidy: Definitely all of those lol

707: GAAAAH! *_*

707: What's that inside my chest?!

707: Is it my heart about to jump out of my chest?! *_*

Cassidy: lol <3

707: ;)

Cassidy: Anyway, I have a cat alone in my apartment. It's been one day already! She must be scared!

Yoosung★: Oh you've got a cat too? Jumin would love that

707: AHHH another kitty? *.* Make sure u invite me over once u're back at ur place!

707: I wanna take care of ur little angel!

Cassidy: No worries, I'll call my friend.. she's got the keys :)

Cassidy: Lovely talking to u, but I'll go back to cleaning. Need to finish quickly so I can go out asap!

707: Don't forget to wave at the cameras hehe

*Cassidy has left the chatroom*

707: Yoosung why r u so quiet?

Yoosung★: Duties!

707: R u playing LoL again?

Yoosung★: Yup! Just a bit more and I'll get promoted!

Yoosung★: Gonna play the last match now! See ya!

*Yoosung has left the chatroom*

707: That addict

*707 has left the chatroom*


Once she was done texting the boys, Cassidy vigorously continued her cleaning session eager to finish as soon as possible to finally leave the place. Contemplating whether she should visit her own apartment for personal belongings or indulge in a shopping spree to acquire new clothes, she shifted her focus to the bathroom. As she was cleaning the bathtub, her actions got suddenly interrupted by the ringtone of her phone. She dried her hands with a towel and as she took her phone, a warm smile naturally graced her face when she noticed an upcoming call from Zen.


- Hey, babe! Just saw the chat. So, you can leave Rika's apartment now. Great news, huh? – said Zen, excitement palpable in his voice.

- Hi, Zen! Yes, it's a relief – answered Cassidy. - I was actually thinking about going out today. Just gotta finish cleaning.

- You definitely should! – encouraged Zen. - Oh, just be careful, please. I wish I could go out with you to make sure you're safe all the time – he added. The girl grinned widely, hearing his concern.

- Well, then let's hang out a bit. Didn't you say you'd tell me more about the RFA with a cup of coffee? – she remarked with coy voice, as she bit her lower lip.

- Right! You've got a great memory! – Zen chuckled, hearing the Cassudt's flirty voice. - I'd love to tell you more about the RFA with some coffee. Or maybe something stronger, like a beer?

- Beer sounds great! I'm rather a shy person, need something to give me more courage.

- Ohhh so you're a shy girl? Damn, I already can't wait to meet you. I'm so excited – he exclaimed happily. - We can hit this charming little place I know. Great drinks, cozy atmosphere.

- Sounds great! So, let's make it 7pm? – Cassidy suggested, playing with a lock of her hair.

- Yeah, I should be done with my rehearsal by then. I'd like to pick you up but Seven won't let me know the address..

- It's fine. Just tell me which bar it is and I'll get a taxi.

- Okay, just be safe! It's a date then – he stated, making Cassidy hold her breath, trying not to show her excitement. - Get ready for the most exciting evening in your life!

- Haha, can't wait to meet you, Zen. Goodbye! – she said, trying to stay cool and quickly hung up.


When the call ended, Cassidy took a deep breath, her excitement palpable. The thought of meeting Zen in person hit her, and with a wide smile, she looked in the mirror, only to notice she had no make up on. "Damn.." she though, the sudden worry clouding her enthusiasm. Checking the time, it was already 5pm, leaving her with just two hours to prepare. She looked around the bathroom, as if searching for something with her eyes. A few moments later, she rushed to the entry room, anxiously checking her bag. Fortunately, a few cosmetics were tucked inside, and she sighed with relief. Feeling a renewed sense of excitement, she hurried to the sleeping room and opened the wardrobe in order to find the perfect outfit.

- Rika, I hope you won't mind if I borrow something from you.. – she said quietly, searching for the right dress among the colourful pieces of clothing.

She finally settled on the yellow dress she had admired earlier. Pressing it against her body, she stood before the mirror, appreciating the vibrant colour and elegant design. Her mouth curved into a smile as she was visualising how it would look on her. She knew it would fit her body perfectly.

- I love your style. It must have looked great on you. I hope I can look at least half as good – Cassidy mused, offering a soft smile as a sign of respect to the previous owner of the dress. She then placed the clothing on the bed, kneeling in front of the wardrobe again, trying to look for shoes. She found herself disappointed when the ones she found were two sizes too small. – Well, I'm wearing my trainers then – she shrugged her shoulders, deciding to make the best of the situation.

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