Going forward in time

By therealwilliamaftn

432 14 8

While playing an intense game of hide and seek with their older brother Michael, Elizabeth and Evan Afton dec... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

20 2 0
By therealwilliamaftn

The boy let out a shaky breath as his hand gripped his flashlight, the light brightened up the little room but didn't take away the nightmares lurking behind his doors. Their footsteps were loud and clunky. Running to one of the doors, he listened. Terror flooded through him as robotic breathing was heard. The boy quickly shut the door, shakily holding it closed. "Go away...go away..." He whispered, tears threatening to spill. The breathing seemed to lessen and he let the door go, running back to his bed. Turning around, he let out a yelp when there appeared to be tiny animatronics scattering. He quickly shined the light on them and they went away. The boy turned back around and flinched when something went into his closet. He gulped nervously before running over to his closet door, screaming when he saw an animatronic fox. He quickly shut the door, shaking. He held it shut before checking, shining the light as it changed position. The boy sniffled, the tears finally spilling over.

He opened it again and this time, the terrifying fox animatronic was now a small and cute plushy. The boy sniffled, wiping his face. He ran back towards his bed, the flashlight now trembling with the movement of his hands. He ran to the other door, opening it and quickly shutting it when he saw something at the end of the hallway. Why were they in his house? Why was this happening? He wasn't sure. Frantic sobs escaped, he wanted out. He wanted to leave. Why wasn't he safe in his own room? The boy opened the door and suddenly- Evan let out a scream as he woke up, his sobs echoing throughout the small room. Michael had woken up, and the scream from his brother shook him awake. Michael groaned, not registering what had happened until he heard Evan. "Ev?" Michael questioned, realizing what was going on. Michael quickly walked towards Evan, laying down next to him. "Hey...it's okay..." Michael said quietly before wrapping his arms around his little brother.

Evan sobbed, turning towards his brother and holding onto his shirt tightly. Evan opened his eyes and let out another scream when he saw a rabbit peeking over Michael, waving. "Evan wha-" Michael turned around and flinched, letting out a sigh. "Jesus Christ..." Michael mumbled. "you're safe, I promise." Michael whispered as Evan nodded. Evan hated those nightmares. He has been having them for as long as he could remember. The animatronics were terrifying to him, it seemed like they were going to hurt him. Evan had cried for a while, Michael only doing what he knew best and held Evan, continuing to tell him it is okay and that he is safe. Evan sighed shakily and slowly pulled away from the hug, looking up at Michael. "You want to talk about it?" Michael asked softly, Evan hesitated before nodding slowly. The two boys sat up and Evan looked down at his hands, shaking now. "I was in my room...it looked the exact same. The animatronics were after me but they didn't look the same..." Evan started, sniffling. "They were terrifying! They had these sharp teeth and claws...they kept trying to get into my room to get me. One of them almost did but I woke up right when it happened..." Evan said quietly, Michael nodding. "The nightmare is over, okay? You are in Freddy's dressing room. We are safe." Michael tried reassuring Evan, but thankfully it seemed to have worked.


"Gregory? You wanted to talk?" Michael questioned as the three Aftons stood in front of him. Gregory sighed, nodding as he looked at them. "I think you guys deserve to hear why I live here now..." Gregory said quietly as the others nodded. Gregory took a shaky breath and sat down, his leg bouncing. "I snuck inside here, I used to live on the streets. It was raining, it was really cold, and I was starving..." Gregory started, and the others nodded. "But before I got any food, a security guard saw me and yelled, so I ran..." Gregory began to fumble with his fingers. "I ran into Freddy's room before the door locked and I hid inside his stomach hatch..." Gregory said quietly while Michael looked at him with wide eyes. "I know it wasn't the best idea but I had no other choice.."

Gregory sighed, sniffling. "Then all the animatronics came after me! They were hacked and wanted to kill me..." Gregory said quietly. "I was going to decommission them until Freddy told me stories about them! I realized how human they all were! So Freddy and I decided to save them." Gregory smiled a little. When it turned 6 am, Freddy told me I could leave or stay." Gregory said, the others nodding. "Well, I would much rather live here than back on the streets."


"Okay is everyone here?" Michael questioned, looking around the daycare. There stood all of the animatronics and all three kids. Michael nodded and sighed, he knew he had to share this sometime with them all. "Mikey?" Elizabeth's tiny voice rang out, concern laced through her voice. "What's wrong?" Michael sighed, sitting down in front of them. "Well after you two disappeared, dad went a little insane but for obvious reasons." Elizabeth and Evan nodded slowly, watching Michael carefully. "He looked everywhere for you two, hard to believe time travel exists at the pizzeria right?" Michael asked with a chuckle, his two siblings laughing lightly. "How did you get here?" Evan asked quietly, looking at his brother. Michael sighed, looking down at his hand which was red from when he was pushed into the ball pit. "The other animatronics are possessed by spirits and I angered them so as revenge, they pushed me into the ball pit..." Evan nodded softly, frowning a little.

"Is daddy okay?" Elizabeth asked as her voice cracked, filled with concern. Michael shrugged, he wish he knew if William was alright. "I don't know but he has Henry..." "Excuse me?" Chica's voice rang out, glancing at Michael. "Is this William Afton and Henry Emily? The founders of Freddy Fazbear?" Chica asked as Michael nodded. "William is our dad and Henry is our uncle." Chica nodded, humming. "Wait, how do you know their names?" Chica looked back over at Michael. "Well, sugar, we have data of every employee ever! Including Mr. Afton and Mr. Emily!" Chica said happily, Michael nodding. "As far as I know, dad is alright. At least, as alright as he can be considering all three of us are missing now...so who knows what'll happen." The two siblings ran over to Michael and hugged him, their arms wrapped around him tightly. Michael smiled and wrapped his arms around them just as tight. "What is this for?" Michael asked with a chuckle as Evan and Elizabeth looked up at him with a smile. "We just missed you...a lot. Thank you for finding us." Michael nodded softly, ruffling their hair. "You two are my siblings. Of course, I would. I would do anything for you two. Even if you two are a pain sometimes." The two youngest gasped in playful hurt, glaring up at Michael playfully. "We are not a pain in the butt! If anything, you are a big butt!"

"Oh, I am the big butt, huh? Then I must tickle you!" Michael said grinning as he showed his hands, causing the two to gasp and scream as they ran while laughing. Michael laughed and chased after them, eventually reaching them and picking them up as the two squealed while giggling. "No! The tickle monster got us!" Elizabeth said dramatically before gasping, looking over at Evan. "Evan! Use your powers! Get the tickle monster away!" Evan giggled and nodded. "Powers activate!" Evan said and Michael gasped dramatically, dropping them gently. "Now kill him! The tickle monster! He cannot live and terrorize others, Evan!" The two siblings nodded and sat on Michael's chest as he pretended to die. Michael sat up and smiled at them, pulling the two of them close to his chest. "I love you both so much." "We love you too, Mikey!" Elizabeth said as they both hugged him. The others in the room smiled as they watched the siblings interact it was adorable.

Elizabeth was about to say something before she and Evan yawned, Moon immediately noticing. Moon walked over and smiled at the two. "I think these two starlights need naptime..." Moon said softly as the two nodded. Moon glanced at Michael and motioned him to follow Moon to the naptime area.


Henry walked inside the building to loud snoring, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Was someone here? He walked inside parts and service, sighing when he saw William. "William, wake up," Henry said, shaking his shoulders. "Huh?" William asked, his eyes opening a little. "Henry? What are you doing in my house?" Henry chuckled lightly, shaking his head. "You are not at your house. You fell asleep inside parts and service. Now, get up." William groaned and sat up, cracking his back. "God, I'm getting old..." Henry laughed and nodded, looking at him. "You are getting old." "Hey! We are the same age, Henry! So you are equally as old as I am." "Yeah, whatever. Get up and I will get you some coffee." "Wow. It's like we are married." William joked causing Henry to let out a laugh. "Yeah sure. Just get up." Henry joked, now causing William to let out a laugh.

William eventually walked into the break room, heading towards the coffee. "Wow, not even a morning kiss? Quite the marriage we have." Henry teased which caused William to playfully glare at Henry. "Coffee first then kisses. Wait your turn." "I am not that patient, William." "Well, learn to be."

Henry rolled his eyes playfully before getting pretty serious. "William, I think I know where the kids went off to." "You do? Where?" Henry sighed, looking at William. "This may sound crazy but just hear me out, okay? The ball pit." William let out a snort, quickly covering his mouth. "Sorry- Sorry- but the ball pit? Really? How would that have taken them?" Henry sighed. "Well, the cameras shut off right when they got near the ball pit right? So...what if it is that?" William hesitated before sighing, it did make sense. "Fine. We can try it. Let's just hope it is right or else you will never stop hearing about this." William teased causing Henry to laugh, rolling his eyes. "Alright. Alright. This way." Henry said, leading William to the ball pit. "You ready?" Henry asked as William nodded. The two stepped into the ball pit, the area went cold. Then....nothing. "What? Why didn't it work?" "It's not real, Hen." "I...But...Fine I guess you're right."

William sighed, looking at Henry. "Look, I wanted this to be true just as much as you did. We will find my kids though...I hope so at least." Henry looked at him, putting a hand on William's shoulder. "They are somewhere. We will find them. Fuck those cops and what they have to say." Henry stated causing William to gasp. "Woah! Language, Henry!" He said jokingly. "Never thought of you being someone to go against the laws." "I would for you. You know that." William smiled, and Henry did as well. They just stood there, smiling at each other for a bit before Henry cleared his throat. "Go take a shower in the employee locker room before helping me prepare the animatronics. You stink."

William playfully glared at Henry, the smile still on his face, however. "I do not stink! But I will go shower." William said before walking away. Henry laughed and rolled his eyes.


Vanessa smiled as she walked up to the brunette-haired girl. "You must be Tessa, right? The new hire for the nighttime security guard?" Vanessa questioned as Tessa nodded, standing up. "I am. It's nice to meet you." Tessa said with a friendly smile. "it's nice to meet you as well. Now follow me and I will show you everything." Vanessa said as Tessa began following her. "Your shift will last from 12 am to 6 am. Not much goes on as most of it is taken care of by the security bots but for legal reasons, we do still need human security guards." Tessa nodded, looking at Vanessa. "Your usual duties would include staying in the security office and going out at the start of the hour to do rounds of the main atrium and then Rockstar Row. The animatronics are welcome to walk around at night so do not be shocked when you see them outside of their dressing rooms."

"The job is pretty easy as you do not have to worry. You won't have to worry much about burglars either as Moon or one of the other security bots always takes care of them so no need to worry about that there. They may get past them and that is when you call Moon directly or deal with the burglar yourself but even then, it is rare. Burglars almost never happen anyways due to the amount of security we have here." Tessa nodded, she was zoning out for most of this. This was getting in the way of the plan. But she had to do this so no one would get suspicious. That is at least what he told her. "Do you have any questions for me?" Vanessa questioned as Tessa shook her head no, Vanessa smiled. "Perfect! Well, I will be going home for the night and you should start with the rounds. Good luck tonight!" Vanessa called, waving as she left.

"Finally.." Tessa said to herself as she began to walk to her office, deciding to do the rounds after she put her bag down. Suddenly she heard laughter and hid behind a pole, looking over at the laughter. She smirked, they would be perfect for the plan. She studied the way the kids looked before walking away, she would tell him later when she saw him. "He is going to love this..." Tessa said quietly, laughing a little as she walked to the office. Beginning her rounds, she didn't want to be fired. She was able to do so much more for him with this job.

A little while later Tessa skipped down. "I'm here!" She said in a sing-song voice as an animatronic stepped out. "Took you long enough." It responded, their British accent still being heavy despite being around Americans for so long. "Sorry! If you want me to keep this job to finish the plan then you will have to be a little more patient, William!" Burntrap sighed and glared at her. "Whatever. What happened tonight?" Tessa smiled a little. "I found the perfect candidates for the plan!" Burntrap nodded, looking at her quizzically. "How many were there?" He questioned, Tessa humming as she thought back to the moment.

"Three of them. Seemed to be siblings." Burntrap nodded, humming. "What do they look like?" "Two boys and one girl. Both boys have the same hair color except the eldest had longer hair. Something 80s-themed it seemed. The other boy had shorter hair but he had blue eyes. Then the girl had reddish-orange and green eyes." Burntrap nodded, thinking. Those looks sounded familiar. Why did they? It felt like a memory from long ago but he was unable to remember. It felt lost and distant, unable to be reached. Yet he tried. Alas, he couldn't. "Everything alright, sir?" Tessa questioned, leaning over to look at him as Burntrap nodded. "Yes. I am fine. They sound like perfect candidates. Go get them." Tessa nodded and saluted him before making her way out.


Raspy breathing was heard as he hid, hearing Burntrap. He didn't want to be found. He looked down at his bandaged arm, it didn't hurt anymore but he still wore them. He pulled off his mask and sighed, his rotting purple face showing. Like his father, he was still alive. He wasn't sure why, he should be dead but he wasn't. He had to be here for a reason. He had to stop his father. It was near impossible to do here. He needed help. It was just going to be difficult getting past his father. This fight between them was far from over, it would last a while.

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