
By atelophobia_

591 20 3

Would you change yourself for someone you love? More


591 20 3
By atelophobia_

    Story inspired by Filipino movie 'Must be love,' with, of course, my own twist to the story. This story is copyrighted, so like it or not, you cannot steal or copy it.

   Leave me thoughts and comments, thank you. x


     It's not everyday you wake up in the morning and hating yourself for it because you like your best-friend. It's not everyday you walk on the streets and blaming yourself because you're not too girly or pretty enough because your best-friend likes someone else.

          With Alex's case, it happens every single day ever since she started feeling an electric vibe when she's around her best friend, Charlie. Though, she would always push it aside because to her, love is something ever so ridiculous; rather, something that doesn't exist between two people.

    Usually, the girl friend-zones the boy, but with these two, everything seems to be so different. Alex was friend-zoned by possibly the only guy she fell for. With her wish of being liked by him, she does everything she can.

     Will that go as far as turning herself upside down, to a new and completely different person?

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