The Dark Pheonix

By bluesmeraldos1310

1.4K 168 625

& Pheonix needs to be burned again and again in the fire of blood and Vengeance. Sequel to 'The Vengeance.' More

Author's Note
SNEAK PEAK: Shadow of the Dark Clouds.
The Past crawls back
Half Truth
Chaos in Heaven
Silence that Hurts.
Let's Forget Today.
Let it burn again.
House Of Cards(1)
House of Cards(2)
Is it true?
Summertime Sadness
Blood, Sweat & Tears
We are Together
"Burn Me"
Friend of a Enemy
Standing Next to You
Back to Milan
Things make Sense
Interlude Dawn
Maybe If I was There for You
Come back to Me
Heaven & Back
Good to be back
This wasn't supposed to be!
Sneak Peak: Life is a Circle
Come back to me, Please


25 4 4
By bluesmeraldos1310

Namjoon didn't oppose when Yoongi wanted to go back to Seoul as soon as possible. And specially after hearing In Ho's attention, he wanted to go back as well.

It's just a day after,
Yoongi finds himself in one of the private restaurants in the luxurious hotel that Hyowon owns in Seoul.

He swirls his glass of wine as he waits for someone.

Choi In Ho.

Soon after the door opened and the man walked inside. Yoongi didn't stand up or bowed.
"Welcome Mr. Choi." He said as he took a sip of his red wine.

"Thanks for inviting me to this dinner." In Ho replies as he takes a seat across Yoongi.

Two man were standing at the corner of the room.
Yoongi looks at one and he quickly pours In Ho a glass of wine.

"I was guessing you are deeply unsatisfied by the way Jungkook is running the company." Yoongi asked a bit carelessly but his eyes didn't miss to observe In Ho, how his eyes shined for a moment before he went back to his facade.

"As I said, he is way too childish to run the company. And he doesn't really have any experience in this kind of stuffs."

Yoongi hums in agreement.
In Ho takes the lead to continue,
"Also he still didn't change the ownership of the company. It can affect...."

"Yeah, I understand. The owner is long gone and keeping it that way can affect the business deals and the rest of shareholders and investors." Yoongi finishes for him.

"See, that's what I mean, Yoongi.
He just doesn't understand these. Maybe it takes a lineage to understand those."

And right there Yoongi understood where this is going. He hates Jungkook. In Ho definitely hates Jungkook.
He thinks Jungkook doesn't deserve to be where he is and In Ho is definitely having a hard time to report him as his boss.
Fucking hypocrites. Does he knows how the boy struggled for years????
He deserves every bits of it.

"So what you suggest Mr. Choi!??" Yoongi asks suggestively.

In Ho sighs as if he is deeply conflicted,
"Jimin is Yang Cheol's son, a friend whom I held dear to me. So he is nearly a son to me."

Even though Yoongi hated hearing those, but he nodded trying to be sympathetic,
"I understand. Loosing him must be a great deal for you."

"Yeah it is."

"Even though things soured between us by the end but still I don't mean any harm to him."

Yoongi felt this slight information can push In Ho to the right direction. He kept his eyes focused on his every movement. He saw how In Ho relaxed hearing those words.
The man continued,
"And he wished to keep Jungkook to fill his place up in case of his absence.
Also if something happens to him, everything goes to him. But to be honest, he is not family, Yoongi." In Ho looks up to meet Yoongi's eyes, eyes narrowed as he sips his own wine.

Yoongi kept his casual posture,
"What do you mean??" He asks lightly as he takes the wine glass in his hand, swirling it.

"I have this weird feeling what if Jungkook is the one who did everything in the greed. Like you know?? What if he caused the accident???"

The goddamn audacity.
The man has the fucking nerves to play with Min Yoongi.
The man has a death wish for sure.

Yoongi chuckled a bit. He didn't want to show the anger bubbling in him or the shock or amusement he felt hearing those lies.
"Are you serious, Mr. Choi????"

In Ho leans in, his arms resting on the table now. His eyes are serious and deep, trying to convince Yoongi of the bullshit he is speaking,
"Think a bit, Yoongi. That kid had nothing. It's Jimin who gave him everything. He is enjoying whatever belonged to Jimin. He doesn't even have a family. We don't even know where his lowly family lives or what they does. He doesn't deserve whatever Lee Yang Cheol build. He is a no one."

And right now, Yoongi felt, yes he was wrong and Jimin was right.
Jungkook needed someone. He needs someone to look after him,take care of him and support him.
This people are so evil, living hells. He can't imagine what strings In Ho would be trying to pull on Jungkook if they weren't having this conversation. In this living hell, Jungkook definitely needed people even if he is more than capable.

"Do you have any proof or anything to suspect such things, Mr. Choi??? Cause your assumption is a very fatal one!!" Yoongi asks with a slight tilt of one eye-brow.

In Ho looks at him, Yoongi could easily see the excitement in his eyes behind the facade of a sad and stoic face.
"I don't know if you consider them enough to suspect, Yoongi..."

"Tell me." Yoongi urges. "I can assure you, if there is something like that I will definitely take the necessary steps."

This time, the steps will be erasing you, Choi In Ho. You have long crossed the line.

"Jungkook is the only one who knew that in Jimin's absence he will get to get the company. Also he was aware about the decision Jimin made about what happens if he is met with any unfortunate events. "

"That's quite obvious given their relation, don't you think????" Yoongi asks a bit curiosly.

"Yeah, but Jungkook also happens to keep a close eye on Jimin. He had people to inform him about Jimin's daily schedule and what he is doing or what steps he is taking."

That's so obvious. He has a brother who is a menance. He has dealt with him for years. No one here knows that siren better than Jungkook himself. And Jungkook never invaded his privacy. Cause if he did, or if he really kept such a close eye today Jimin should be with them.

"I see.... But I assume there is more, Mr. Choi!!!" This time Yoongi himself fills In Ho's glass with wine and his own too. His voice is empty of any possible emotions except a hint of curiosity.

In Ho smirks,
"You never fails to amuse me, Yoongi. Building your father's empire from the scratch again, helping your mother to get back her old business, expanding the business and also getting into your father's rival's business. You came a long way."

Yoongi smiles fadely.
He is not dense. He understood the underlying meaning of it.
"You didn't answer my question, Mr. Choi?" He asks between the smile.

"Ahh!!! Yes.... I heard from my sources that just before the accident when Jimin was in Busan, Jungkook went to meet him even after he was asked not to.
And also he was the only one who knew the exact date when Jimin will return."

Yoongi's smile grew a bit wide,
"That's something very personal information I assume, I wonder how you got that Mr. Choi!!" Yoongi says now getting up from his seat pacing in the room.

"I still have some connections here and there, Yoongi. I make sure I use them for good." In Ho supplies a bit confidently as if trying to show his skill-set.

Yoongi nods.
"So what you suggest now, Mr. Choi??? I think you have something." He asks suggestively.

"Please don't misunderstand me, but I guess it's better if you take over the company and replace Mr. Jeon." This time In Ho uses his formal voice.

Yoongi stands beside the chair he was sitting in, with hands inside his pocket.
It's taking him great strength to not throw the bottle of wine on In Ho's head or make it shove in the sides of his neck. He is speaking bullshit after bullshit.

"But I have too much already on my plate, Mr. Choi. My father's business and my mother is getting older, I need to support her."

"But isn't this the reason you were with Mr. Lee Yang Cheol's son???"

"Sorry???" Yoongi looks at In Ho with deep frown on his face.
This time the reaction came spontaneous.
What fucking bullshit is that????
He kept Jimin so that he can get into Lee empire.
What the fuck????
That's what people thinks of him????

He didn't even want it in first place. He wouldn't be there if Jimin didn't ask him to.

"Mr. Min, while I really admire the way you tackled everything and how you are so patient with what you do, but don't think I can't read between your moves....
You were with Mr. Park for the reason that it will be easy for you to gradually get into the Lee empire, the business of your father's only rival. I appreciate your sentiments, Yoongi."

And Yoongi is furious. He knows he can't show it right now, but he is tremendously furious. His hands are turning into fists inside his pockets, nails digging to form crescents.

"And what if I was???" Yoongi turns to look away from In Ho, now his back was facing him. The man is testing his patience.
Jimin should have a great tolerance to endure him for more than two years and even before that too.
It's a wonder that Jimin didn't kill him.
But nowadays, Yoongi is really thin on patience. So In Ho's words are like fuel to the fire.

"That's understandable and that's why I am asking you to remove Jeon Jungkook from the company. He doesn't belong there. He has no claim over it." In Ho states in a firm voice.

"But Jimin...." Yoongi was going to say something but In Ho cuts in,
"The one who himself didn't has a claim has given him that.
Sorry, but if it wasn't for Lee Yang Cheol's blind love for his own blood, Jimin doesn't deserve a single thing from here. In the end he is just a kid born out of wedlock."
He huffs.

Yoongi has a deep urge to just slash his neck right there. But In Ho can lead him to the deep muds inside. Yoongi just needs to endure a bit more. He closes his eyes taking deep breaths to calm him down. He counts to 10 in his mind.
He needs to keep his calm.

"But these things doesn't change the fact that right now I have too much on my plate, Mr. Choi."

In Ho sighs out of dissspointment.
But Yoongi says something different,
"But maybe I can help you. I mean an extra plate for the new thing doesn't seem so bad. Isn't???" Yoongi turns to look at In Ho with a smirk on his face.

In Ho's eyes glint with greed, Yoongi knows that's what In Ho wants.
He wanted it for ages for sure. He is loyal to no one except his own greed or maybe a little bit to Lee Yang Cheol.
'They are loyal to a shadow, Yoongi.'

"That would be my honour Mr. Min." In Ho bows a bit.

Honour, my foot. You will bite me if you gets a chance.

"But before that, Mr. Choi, I want to ask you something!!!" Yoongi asks now sitting in his seat again.

"Sure!!!!" In Ho hurries to sit across him.

"Why you are so desparate to change the location of the gallery!???" Yoongi asks eyes trained on his as he sits relaxed in his seat.
In Ho shifts in his seat slightly, discomfort so prominent over his features.

"That's because it's better...."

"Mr. Choi," Yoongi turns his voice a bit soft and sweet but it's mixed with dark humour,
"Just now I gave you my support to take over the company. Don't you think I should know what's the real motive behind???"

"Yes!!!! Yes, sure, Yoongi." He mumbles hurriedly,
"It's just I think it's better if the company moves on from his existence."


I heard Jungkook still believes that Jimin is alive, and is way due to some reasons.
If he is really like that, he will be willing to be back for this. I guess you know Pheonix holds a great deal to him."

"I thought your sources can be helpful in this matter!!" Yoongi jests but he knows where he is pushing In Ho.
"But you are depending on this to trace that fact is a bit of a rookie plan, Mr. Choi. Don't take offense in it."
He grins.

"But, Yoongi!????"

"Mr. Choi, I think you are aware that if needed Mr. Park can do anything for the things he wants. If he would be really caring for that place, then just like the company, he would definitely prepared something to ensure it's safety. And I can ensure you, his emotions doesn't control him, he controls his emotions. So I don't think it's a good idea for that. And I do not think he will be coming back from the pits of hell."
The words were hard to utter, cause everyday Yoongi wishes for him to come back. But he shoves those thoughts aside and continues,
"Yeah, if you have any other reason for it to change place then sure, do it after you get the company.
But given it's prime location once you move the gallery to somewhere else, I would like to have it myself Mr. Choi. I think I can have it as a gift to celebrate you becoming the managing director. What you say?????"

Yoongi can clearly see that right now In Ho is indulged in the fact of him being the managing director rather than anything else. He doesn't care about Pheonix or Jimin being alive. Yoongi knows if he supports him, it's not too hard for him to climb up the ladder easily.

But what an irony, maybe In Ho will not alive till then.

In Ho nods in agreement, "Sure thing, Yoongi. We can have that deal."

Yoongi nods.
"Then I will be excited to see you as the managing director soon. Start to take the necessary steps." He gives him a firm smile.
"I am a bit busy, so I need to leave now. Hope we meet soon."

In Ho enthusiastically agrees.

After getting out of the private dinning, Yoongi rides the elevator down when his phone vibrates,
"Hello! Hyung!!!" Yoongi speaks into the phone.

"Come to the address I texted you. Now." The call gets disconnected.


A person is leaning over the railings of  the balcony. A stick resting between his lips as he takes a puff, his blond hair is messy and ruffled.
He chuckles dryly. He doesn't know what the actual fuck he is doing with his life right now.
Last five months, his life felt much different than all the other times. He didn't have strings holding him back ever.

He was a reckless soul, enjoying the rush of life. But right now he doesn't know.

"So who's next???" A voice asks.

"Pierro Changretta."
He walks inside the room as he speaks, throwing the half burned ciggerate. Whatever it is, he needs to do this.
No!!! He chose to do this.
The vengeance he is born for, he wants this.
Five months, he understood it's not just keeping people safe. It's his vengeance chasing him. That's where he breathes, but nowadays it's choking him.
Day and night.

"Are you sure??? It will be tough."

"I know. And that's why it would be unexpected." He sighs." I have waited five fucking months to start everything."

"Okay! as you wish.
But you need to take care of yourself. That injury could be fatal one, if it wasn't for Yasmeen." The man points out on his upper torso while he speaks.

"Please tell him Hoseok, he doesn't care to listen to me. I told him so many times."
The lady rolls her eyes from the corner of the room, where she is standing.

"And please tell Yasmeen that sometimes she needs to listen to me. I told her to not leave him alone." He sighs exasperated.

"Oh please!!! he was drugged with sleeping meds, he wasn't going anywhere else. And I locked him at a safe space."

He huffs, swatting his hands in air.
"But what if the meds wasn't strong enough??? It would be a fucking mess, Yasmeen. You just don't know."

"Okay!!!! Whatever. Now it's in the past!! Can we move on???" She rolls her eyes folding his arms over her chest.

"Can you two stop fighting like cats!!! Please, this is serious." Hoseok groans, "& Jimin, when you will stop being such stubborn???"

"Oh, it's gonna be never." Yasmeen chuckles warily.
"But for his suggestion, I agree. Pierro is a better option. Carlos and Luca is more risky. Pierro is easy to get to."

"How???" Hoseok asks a bit confused.

Jimin grins,
"He needs medical assistance every two months, and his next one is scheduled after a month from now. Not month, I guess three weeks."

"Yes, three exact weeks from now." Yasmeen nods.

"That's the strike." Jimin shruggs simply.

"Jimin, everytime the way you simply state your plan it gives me heart-attacks."
Hosoek rolls his eyes animatedly.

Jimin laughs a bit heartily,
"Don't worry Hyung!!!" But soon his smile faded into something melancholic,
"It's not easy to kill me." He looks at Hoseok.

"Ohh!!! That's why you are testing every water out there!? Understandable." Yasmeen shruggs.

"Yasmeen!!!?" Jimin rolls his eyes.

Yasmeen looks sharply at Jimin,
"Are you going to say the words that's making you restless for days or you are just as coward???"

"Yasmeen...." Jimin warns.

But the lady doesn't put any attention to Jimin's words. He turns to Hoseok,
"I guess it's better if you get some information about the one injured in Bali. The one he is so worried about?!! I guess he needs some." She points at Jimin.

"You want information about Yoongi??" Hosoek turns to face Jimin.

"No, hyung!!! I don't want to know anything about him. He is fine, he went to Seoul the very next day. I know that already."

"Are you sure??" Hoseok enquiries firmly.

"Yes I am. We will get information from Geun Soo, anyways."

"Okay!! As you wish." Hoseok concludes.

"Liar...." Yasmeen mutters lowly.

But Hoseok's question covers her words,
"But you didn't tell me one thing, Jimin???"

"What???" Jimin asks looking at Hoseok intendly, frowning a bit.

"After everything is done, are you going back ???"
Jimin freezes for a second, he closes his eyes as he takes a deep breath.
"Hyung!!?" He pleads softly.

"I need to know, Jimin!!!" Hosoek's voice is firm and full of authority.
He is serious.

"You know well hyung, getting out alive from this hell of mission we chose, is hard."
He looks at Yasmeen who has a solemn expression on her face.

"I agree. And anyways I don't have anyone to return to, so it doesn't matter to me." Yasmeen sighs.
"But also yes, it's hard but not impossible." She gives an assuring smile to Jimin.

Jimin returns the smile a bit fadely.
"Yeah, not impossible."

"So????" Hoseok looks at Jimin with his burning gaze.

"No hyung....." He turns to face away from Hoseok and Yasmeen,
"I don't think I will be going back, even after everything is wrapped up nicely." He sighs.
"I think it's better for everyone if I chose to stay away." He turns his back from everyone.
"I think it's better this way."
He sighs.

After Hoseok took his leave and Yasmeen went a bit out, Jimin curled himself on his bed.
He feels lonely.
He feels alone. He doesn't want to say out loud, but somedays he feels scared.
He is not afraid of anything at all, not even death.
But sometimes he feels scared, scared of the uncertainty of the future holds.
He blankly stares at the ceiling of his room.
He feels cold, so much cold.

It's better right??? Not going back to them again??? Not going back to him, again!??

But why his heart wants to find solace at that exact place, the place that made him bleed again after years. He understands the reason well, he doesn't hate him.
But a part of him doesn't want to understand his reasons at all. They promise each other,not to stab in the back, to understand the other in the hardest moment. & When the moment came, everything turned into dust.

Jimin chuckles laying there.
No, for the sake of his heart.
It's been years and now Jimin wants to be selfish. He had enough of giving to people, doing things for people.
Keeping them safe and sound.
He has enough.
And now he is tired, so much tired.

He closes his eyes, he drifts to sleep out of tiredness.

(Author is tired..... And I am really tired and burned out)

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