Alyss' Return: She Lives

By NicoleBinkley

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Alyss was said to be dead. At least, that's what a report from the Ranger at Anselm Fief had said. She has go... More

Chapter One: Alyss
Chapter Two: Will
Chapter Three: Halt and Pauline
Chapter Four: Gilan
Chapter Five: Alyss
Chapter Six: Horace And Cassandra
Chapter Seven: Will
Chapter Eight: Alyss and Will
Chapter Nine: Alyss
Chapter Ten: Will and Halt
Chapter Eleven: Alyss
Chapter Twelve: Will and Halt
Chapter Thirteen: Alyss
Chapter Fourteen: Will
Chapter Fifteen: Alyss

Book 12 Excerpt

2.4K 33 13
By NicoleBinkley

Alyss's death had been the result of a terrible, tragic mischance. She had been returning, with a small escort, from the Celtic court, where she had overseen the renewal of the defense agreement between Araluen and Celtica. It was a routine trip and a routine mission. But on the way home, she chanced upon a situation in Anselm, one of the southern fiefs.

For some months, a gang of criminals, led by a former mercenary named Jory Ruhl, had been preying on villages in Anselm and it's neighboring fiefs. They would capture children, then demand ransom payments from their parents. Since villagers weren't usually wealthy people, often the entire village would be forced to contribute to the ransom.

A local constable had received word that Ruhl and his gang were meeting one night at an inn called the Wyvern. Coincidentally, this was where Alyss had chosen to stay. The constable organized a posse of volunteers and marched on the Wyvern with them.

Unfortunately, the attempted arrest was badly bungled. Ruhl received warning of the approaching posse, and he and his men were making their escape when the constable and his force arrived on the scene. A fight broke out and one of the posse was killed. Seeking to create a diversion while they escaped, Ruhl and one of his men set fire to the inn. The dry thatching of the roof was soon ablaze, and smoke filled the small saddling yard. Guests in the inn began streaming out, seeking safety, and soon, in the swirling smoke and the mass of shouting, frightened people, the constable had no way of knowing who was who. In the confusion, Ruhl and his four henchmen escaped into the forest.

Alyss and her three armed guards were among the guests who escaped from the burning building. But as she stood in the saddling yard outside, the blond Courier looked up and saw a face at an upper window.

It was a five-year-old girl, struggling desperately to unfasten the latch on the window, which was jammed. As her panic grew, smoke filled the room and she began to cough, her eyes streaming. Blinded by the smoke and disoriented, she staggered away from the window and was lost to sight.

Without hesitation, Alyss plunged back into the burning inn, ignoring the warning cries from her guards. She fought her way up the staircase, which was already aflame, and headed for the front of the inn, her eyes closed and her face shielded from the raging heat by her forearm. She moved instinctively, feeling her way along the wall with her other hand.

She found the door latch and forced it open, lurching into the room where the girl had been. She dropped to her hands and knees, where there was a small pocket of clearer air and crawled toward the window. It was visible only as a vague square of light against the black, roiling smoke.

On the floor below the window, she could just make out the crumpled form of the young girl. Alyss crawled rapidly toward her and rolled her over, seeing with relief that her chest was still rising and falling as she breathed, striving hopelessly for a lungful of clean air. Alyss stood and drew her heavy dagger. She jammed it into the narrow gap between the window and it's frame and jerked on it with all her strength. With a splintering crack, the window flew open, banging back against the outside wall. Alyss stooped and gathered the girl in her arms, heaving her up onto the sill. In the yard below, her guards were watching, horror written on their faces. The section where Alyss now stood was one of the few places untouched so far.

"Catch her!" Alyss yelled, and shoved the unconscious girl out the window, sending her sliding down the slope of the thatch. As the girl tumbled over the edge, the three guards moved forward to catch her. The weight of the falling body sent one of them sprawling in the dust and the other two staggered. But they managed to break the girl's fall successfully. Then they looked back up to the window, where Alyss was beginning to clamber out.

A wall of flame shot up from the thatch, between Alyss and the edge of the roof. The timbers had been burning, unseen, for some minutes, and the fire suddenly broke through. Alyss was lost to sight. Then, with a terrible rumbling crash, the entire section of the roof above and around where she was standing gave way and collapsed in a mass of flames and sparks. In a fraction of a second, there was nothing left but a gaping, smoking hole in the front of the inn. Then more timbers burning through and the entire front wall of the inn collapsed in on itself.

Alyss never had a chance.

Or did she?

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