Into the Deep (Yandere!Mermai...

Da PeekaPen

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When you are finally offered a job at the incredible Fazbear Co. Mer Sanctuary you are ecstatic! Finally, aft... Altro

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11 (Smut/Lemon)
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15 (Smut/Lemon)
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 14

975 59 83
Da PeekaPen

Content Warning!! Gore, blood, and murder!!! If you don't want to read it, stop reading at the squiggle line!

When you returned to Sun and Moon's enclosure you were beat. With the tasks of the day taken care of and no real stuff to do outside of spending time with Sun and Moon, your body decided that it was done and tried to rest while you were still on your feet, which led to you almost falling on your face after stumbling in the sand in their enclosure. It must've been the stumbling or, if not your stumbling, then the little yelp you gave when you did so that alerted Sun to your presence as a moment after your little stumble you were lifted up and swung around in one of Sun's wonderful hugs which made you smile.

"Sunny!" You shrieked with a laugh as he spun you around and he smiled in response, giggling happily as he held you up high with his usual smile on his face.

"Sunshine! Welcome back, welcome back! How was-" Sun started excitedly before frowning and putting you down. Confused by this odd behavior you looked up at the Sunlight Mer who gently took your face into his hands with a confused look on his face. "Sunspot, my sweet, what is that smell on you?"

You froze at the question and internally slapped yourself. Crap! You forgot that Sun and Moon have a great sense of smell! If Eclipse wasn't confidential information, you would tell Sun about Eclipse but you didn't want to risk it. You desperately wanted to tell him though, you hated keeping secrets from others, especially those who were dear to you, but this situation made it tricky. After all, what if Vanessa somehow found out they could speak and tortured them for information?? Yes, you knew this was the worst-case scenario, but you would rather die than endanger either of them in even the slightest of ways!

"I wish I could tell you Sunny, but I can't unless I want to cause more trouble for you and myself...I'm sorry." You explained, softly, looking away guiltily as you felt you couldn't meet the sweet Mer's gaze. For a moment Sun just held your head in his hands before purring and gently placing his forehead against yours.

"Oh sweet, sweet Sunspot. There's no need to apologize, if you can't tell me, you can't tell me and that's all there is to it." Sun hummed before rubbing his cheeks to yours. "Now, let's get rid of that ghastly smell, and then-" Sun started in a soothing tone before cutting himself off and freezing, confusing you immensely. But when Sun pulled away from you and you saw the thunderous look on his face, you knew something was wrong. "Sunshine." He hissed out darkly as one of his hands gently glided over your neck, making you shiver slightly. "Who did this?"

"What do you mean?" You asked dumbly, more than a little distracted due to the delicate touch on your neck and the shocking amount of venom in his voice. Why was he so angry?

"These marks, who did this?" He asked again as he pressed slightly harder on your throat, the venom seemingly growing more concentrated as he spoke and you blinked at him a few times, confused, before realizing what he meant and leaning into the hand that still cradled your face with a reassuring smile.

"Vanessa did that when she got angry with me, but I promise I'm alright! Moon already cleaned it up and it doesn't really hurt anymore, so I'm fine!" You said with a soft smile as you nuzzled his hand, but Sun's didn't return it. In fact, his expression only grew darker as he glared at your neck.

"Vanessa, you say?" He asked, voice holding something you couldn't decipher as he started to shake, and you slowly nodded, though concerned by his strange behavior.

"Yeah...Is everything alright Puppy? You look distraught..." You asked softly as you reached up to take his head in your hands, but he was just out of reach. His eyes widened slightly at the action before he finally smiled softly and gently lowered his face into your hands with a purr.

"I'm just fine my sweet, just concerned. First strange scents than those horrid marks...I should be asking if you're alright, not the other way around." He said softly with a chuckle as he moved his hand that had been caressing your neck to rest on your other cheek which caused a a lump to form in your throat as the stress you had been carrying finally started revealing itself now that you were being treated so lovingly by the Mer in front of you.

"No, not really, but what choice do I have? If I don't keep going, I'll fall apart and then I can't help you and Moonie-" You started rambling only to be stopped by a gentle kiss to your forehead. When did he learn how to kiss?! You must've looked quite silly with your heated cheeks and awestruck gaze as Sun started to chuckle. You felt your face grow warmer with embarrassment and you tried to look away, but the grip he had on your face kept you from doing so.

"No need to hide from me, my sweet, your flustered expression is adorable." He cooed softly before placing another kiss on your cheek, flustering you even further. Seemingly pleased with your reactions he started peppering sweet, small kisses all over your face except for your lips. When did he learn to do this?! And that tone...You felt like you were going to combust! All of these kisses he was planting on your face mixed with that compliment was just too much for your poor brain!

"I-I, uh, w-when did you learn to talk like that? And kiss?! I don't remember teaching you that!" You stuttered out, getting more and more flustered as more and more kisses were placed on your face. He purred softly at this before placing a longer kiss on the tip of your nose before pulling away just enough so that you could see him properly.

"Hmm, well, the talking I just learned on my own, but these 'kisses'," He kissed you again on your forehead, chuckling as he heard you squeak before turning back to you. "That I learned through you kissing me when I was in heat."

"O-oh! Makes sense..." You said before trailing off with another yawn, causing Sun to smile down at you softly as he gently kissed your cheek again before suddenly picking you up. This earned a startled squeak from you as you quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, feeling more flustered as you realized how he was holding you...Bridal style. Oh geez. You quickly hid your heated face in his neck and felt his body vibrate as he laughed softly, endearingly as he placed another kiss on the top of your head.

"Oh, you are just too precious my sweet, sweet Sunshine! I wish we could play a bit more today, but I think that it's about time you get some rest, hmm? You look exhausted dear Sunshine." He said as he gently nuzzled against your cheek that was pressed against his, making you giggle before you yawned again.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea." You said with a content sigh as he nodded before bringing you to your room. When you heard the creak of your door you finally took your face away from his neck and sighed fondly at the sight.

Your room was a mess of blankets and pillows, a nest created by Sun himself in response to his intense heat which was already cute on its own, but the cute nest was defeated by the adorable sleeper who was now resting in it. In the middle of the nest slept Moon, who was lying belly up with one arm draped over his middle and the other falling open on his side, the end of his tail, which was taking up most of the small room, curling up slightly and wagging just a bit as he dreamt. You giggled when you heard him start to purr in his sleep like a little kitten as he smiled and his hand that was draped over his middle started gently batting at nothing. Oh, he was just so cute! You cooed at the sleeping Mer softly and Sun chuckled before putting you back down on the ground, taking care to make sure he wasn't putting you on top of his brother's tail before letting you go.

"Alrighty then! Why don't you go and clean yourself up and get some rest? That way you can heal right up from those nasty bruises!-" Sun said with a smile as he gently nudged you towards the bathroom before suddenly perking up. "OH WAIT!! We have something for you Sunshine! Just wait right here, don't move!"

    And without any other explanation, the Sunlight Mer dashed outside, leaving you confused, but amused at his adorable enthusiasm. You giggled and decided to get started getting ready for your shower by grabbing your pyjamas and other articles you would need before taking your shower and retiring for the night. Once you had collected your necessary things you realized you still needed to get some food out for your boys' dinner. You'd probably sleep right through their dinner time with how tired you were, so you needed to get the fish out now and take care of it.

You carefully put your things on the bed before slowly sneaking past the sleeping Moon only to nearly fall over in fright when the door burst open and you found Sun there. You quickly glanced over at Moon and sighed in relief when you saw that he was still asleep before looking back up at Sun only to feel your heart melt at the sweet, ecstatic expression on his face. He quickly slithered up to you before gently kissing your forehead again which made you blush furiously. God, you were never going to get used to that, were you?

"Alrighty Sunshine! I've got a surprise for you~ Close your eyes!" He demanded excitedly as he seemed to vibrate in place and you chuckled before closing your eyes. "Wonderful! Very, very good Sunshine! Now, put your hands out in front of you~" He said and you giggled. He was just too cute! You thought fondly before doing as told, hands open with the palms facing up. Almost immediately something was thrust into your hands and you jolted before laughing at your reaction, hearing Sunny join you with a laugh of his own. "Alrighty Sunspot, now, open your eyes!"

You didn't have to be told twice! You quickly opened your eyes and looked down, finding two pieces of crumbled paper in your hands. Confused, you straightened one of them out and turned it around before gasping in delight. There you found a cute, squiggly drawing of, who you guessed was, you and Sun hugging with a messy note written underneath saying 'My favourite human!'. You felt your jaw drop and your eyes widen at the cute gift. This was so, so sweet! And so amazing! You didn't know he could write! You quickly did the same with the other one and found no drawing, but a note in a neater handwriting saying 'My dear Starlight, how you outshine even the Stars with your kindness and grace, How the moon and sun can do naught but try to match your loveliness as you go through their days and nights. I pray you will always stay with us and grace us with your warmth and love. Love, Moon'.

You recognized the words from a story you had read with Moon last night, but you still couldn't help the tears that started to fall down your cheeks, touched by the note. He probably didn't understand the context of what those words meant to a human, nor how this could be considered a love letter, but you loved it anyway. After all, it was just too sweet! You looked up at Sun and found him twiddling with his clawed fingers nervously, obviously unsure of what to make of your response, which made you giggle before you tackle-hugged him, making the Mer yelp before he purred and hugged you close to him.

"Thank you, Sun! I love it! How did you learn to draw and write?" You asked with a smile as you hugged the drawing close to your chest before leaning back to look up at his face, finding a relieved and beaming smile there.

"Of course Sunshine! Moonie taught me about this 'reading' and 'writing', but what's drawing?" He asked and you smiled before gently petting one of his rays, making him purr happily which made your smile widen.

"Drawing is making something like this, where you put an image from in your head or from real life on paper." You said and pointed to the drawing he had made. "A lot of people do it and there are a bunch of different styles! If you want, I can teach you a bit more about it."

"That sounds lovely Sunshine! But," He started before lifting you back up and promptly turning you around and throwing you onto the pile next to Moon, making you shriek-laugh which in turn made him smile. "you need some sleep first! Teach me tomorrow after you've had a good night's rest, m'kay?"

"Alright Puppy." You said with a chuckle as you tried to get back up, only to laugh again when Moon's tail wrapped itself around you and held you close to him. You huffed and gently pushed his tail off of you, hearing the Moonlight Mer whine in protest, but after a quick kiss to his cheek, he settled again, purring loudly once more as you smiled at him softly. "It's alright Kitten, I'll be right back."

With that promise in mind, you quickly grabbed the items you had left behind and rushed into the shower, making sure you didn't take too much time before getting out and brushing your teeth. Once you were done with that and dressed for the night you went back out, only to 'awww' softly at the sight of your boys cuddling in the nest, both purring contentedly. You smiled softly and quietly crept to the light switch and were about to flick it off when you noticed your pearls were no longer on your bedside table.

For a moment you felt a flare of fear in your heart as you panicked. Have you lost them?! Did you take them with you yesterday in your haste?! Oh no, how could you have let that- Oh, wait. You laughed silently as your brain finally remembered what had happened to them. Last night you had sent them over to Henry to get them changed into earrings so that you could wear the lovely gifts. You took a deep breath, feeling a shaky, relieved smile come onto your face as your memory reassured you. Geez, you need to not scare yourself like that. You quickly took out your phone and found a message from Henry saying that he had just finished your earrings which only confirmed your reasoning. You let out a soft sigh before responding, saying how you couldn't wait to see them tomorrow before lying down next to Moon, who immediately wrapped his tail around you, and finally getting the rest you so desperately needed.

As soon as he was certain you were asleep, Sun slowly slithered to the door before quickly using your key, which he had taken from you during one of your hugs, to unlock it. He tensed as he heard it creak, but when he heard no sign of life coming from your nest, no, room, he knew he was in the clear and quickly slipped through, making sure to close the door behind him as he did so. He waited there a moment longer, placing a hand on the door before leaning his forehead against it. Stars, he really didn't want to leave you! Especially not when you were healing, but he knew that this would do you far more good than having him cuddle with you.

He took a deep breath, quietly singing the two songs he would need to hide himself from human view and leave an illusion of himself behind so that you wouldn't notice his absence should you wake up before he pushed his instincts down and quickly slithered away through the prisons holding Mers towards the big nest, no, building! Right! You humans called it a building! What strange words you humans had! If it wasn't for you being one Sun never would have cared enough to learn any of these strange words!

He quickly went on to the building where he knew Vanessa was waiting, feeling his scales becoming hotter and hotter as his anger grew more and more as the memories of your bruises replayed in his head over and over, quicker and quicker, the closer he got to his prey. How dare she?! How dare she harm you?! She crossed a line! Oh, she did. Shedidshedidshedid!! And now she had to pay! PaypaypaypayPAY!! He bit back a hiss as he slithered past the guards and into the building. It was a good thing he could turn himself invisible, otherwise this would be far, far, far harder to do! He paused for a moment, sniffing the air slightly before scrunching his nose in distaste. There were far too many humans here!

He sighed before going left, feeling frustrated that he couldn't find Vanessa easily but he knew that sadly not all hunts were straightforward...Sometimes hunts were just trickier, but that did mean that when he did find Vanessa it would be far more satisfying after all of the frustration. Which reminded him, how should he kill Vanessa? He didn't like playing with his prey as much as Moon, but considering what Vanessa had done to you he was tempted to drag this out. To make it agony for the woman as she was forced to die a horrible death. But then your face went through his mind and he faltered, knowing it would affect you when they found her body so brutally killed. 

    Oh, he knew you would be scared when you saw the aftermath of what he so desperately wanted to do, but it would be just fine! After all, scary things seemed to only ever drive you closer to them now that he thought about it if the Clide incident proved anything! He would be there! He would hold you close, stroke your pretty little head, and swear his loyalty to you, that none would harm you if he had anything to say about it. Oh, how happy you would be then! Well, so long as you didn't find out what he had done. He knew you, oh you sweet, sweet thing. If you ever found out about what he had done, you would grow scared of him and blame yourself...He couldn't have that! You were his mate after all and he was yours, which meant that he had to keep you feeling safe and sound around him! He still had to do something with you after all and, though he still didn't know what, his instincts were telling him he could only do that if you felt safe! Sweet, little, innocent you. So small, so helpless, so lovely.

    He felt the heat in his chest grow stronger, nearly painful, at these thoughts of you. How your small body fit perfectly into his grasp, how soft your skin was, how lovely your smile. He needed you in his arms and needed you to stay there. Oh but that woman...Vanessa kept forcing you to leave! How could she?! How could she do that?! No. Nonononono, you needed to stay with him where it was safe and warm, where he could give you all you could possibly need! Oh, but he wouldn't have to worry long. Soon, yes soon, that vile woman would be no more and you would stay with him and Moon where you were safe and sound-

Sun suddenly froze as two male humans walked past him, the scents coming from the two immediately garnering his attention. He...Recognised those scents...He's smelled them on you before...He slowly turned to the two males, one having red fur and the other brown fur atop their head, neither particularly fetching nor interesting, but something about them was pulling him towards them, urging him to follow, so that's what he did. He started to follow them, but he only grew more confused as they were talking to one another about things he didn't truly understand, and he had no wish to understand or be here, yet something inside of him refused to leave these two humans alone.

He stayed silent as he followed the duo, the tug growing stronger and stronger and he started to feel the desire to claw at the two humans. Why did he feel like that? He didn't know, but he couldn't! He needed to get to Vanessa after all! He needed to kill her and if he killed anyone else, he would lose his chance until who knows when! And yet, no matter how hard he tried to leave these two humans and go seek out Vanessa, he couldn't. He felt as though they had something they shouldn't have-

His eyes widened as one opened a small, dark blue box in his hands, revealing two, familiar pearls. Their pearls. The one they gave to their mate. Those humans stole their pearls, their gift to you. Sun roared loudly, forgetting himself for a moment as he lunged at the two humans, both of which had turned to him in alarm, but without an assailant to see they were helpless to his wrath. It only took Sun a well-aimed strike at one's throat and a bite into the other's neck to kill the two humans immediately, causing an icy silence to come over the room that had only a moment ago been filled with chatter. He didn't realize just the extent of what he had done until the screams started breaking out around him.

Oh no. NononononononoNONONONO! He had alerted the humans! Now he wouldn't be able to get to Vanessa! NonoNO! You would get hurt by her again now! Oh, he failedfailedFAILED! His eyes darted across the room, taking in the screaming humans when he realized something that made him smile wickedly. He could kill them. He could kill them all and no one would even know it was him! Best of all, he could protect you from future threats in this terrible place. Oh yesyesyes! You would be even safer when there wouldn't be as many humans around! And they could all get what they deserved for letting these two rulebreakers steal their mate's precious, precious pearls! All he needed was a good illusion for himself...And he knew just the one he should use.

He closed his eyes and started to sing, feeling as the light moved and fractured, bending and stretching to his will as it covered him in an illusion. When he stopped singing and opened his eyes he found an illusion covering his hands, one a simple human hand he knew all too well and another one of that same human hand holding a sharp object, a knife he now knew it was called. He grinned, feeling the light moving with him before he turned to one of the stunned humans whose eyes flickered between his 'face' and his 'knife', terrified.


    Eclipse hummed softly as he rested on his little nest of seaweed, content as he dozed in the gentle, warm currents that flowed through his home. Oh, how he loved days like these. More often than not he had to go out hunting with his parents, but on days like this he could just relax. Sleep, and feel the ocean and its blessed beauty, the hopes and fears, the joys and sorrows. On days like today, he could feel it all and rest easily, knowing in his peace that they were not his and he could let them go.

His peace was sadly interrupted though when he suddenly felt little hands on his tail and face, but he knew who those tiny little hands belonged to. Suppressing a fond smile he stayed completely still, though he couldn't help but let a small smile slip as he heard two little voices giggling loudly before they became bolder. The little hands started digging their tiny claws into his scales as they climbed on top of him, whispering in between giggles about how they had to be careful not to wake him, unaware that he was already awake. He stayed completely still until he felt a small hand near his mouth which urged him to snap at it playfully, causing the tiny offender to shriek before laughing as he tried to swim away with the other little menace, but they didn't get far as a second later the two had been caught by Eclipse who promptly lay down on the two shadowy, black, guppies which made them whine to which he merely chuckled in response.

"Nooooo! Brother, that's not fair!" The smaller of the two whined and Eclipse chuckled.

"Oh, but it is little brother. You two should know better than to challenge me." He responded as he playfully stuck his tongue out, causing the tiny Mer to scrunch his snout at him.

"But you're way too big for us!" The slightly larger of the two reasoned, but Eclipse ignored them in favor of turning to the scent coming from the mouth of the cave, prompting his two younger brothers to follow his gaze to find two familiar, shadowy figures-

"MOMMY! DADDY!" The two cheered at the same time as they started to squirm more than they had before. Eclipse chuckled and quickly released them to prevent them from hurting themselves and turning towards his parents who took the two little guppies into their waiting arms.

"Hello, my sweets! What have you three been up to since we've been gone?" Their mother asked and the smallest scowled before turning to Eclipse with an accusatory glare.

"We were playing but then Eclipse ruined it!" He exclaimed and Eclipse hummed, amused as he rested his head on the palm of his hand.

"Did I now? If I remember correctly, two little guppies started climbing allll over me while I was trying to get some rest and listen to the ocean." He pointed out and the two froze before the larger of the two turned to their parents pleadingly.

"No! Eclipse is lying Mommy, Daddy! We were, uh, ummmm..." They trailed off and their mother sighed as she frowned at the two little ones.

"You two." She growled lowly and the two froze before turning to their mother who glared down at them. "How often have I told you two to keep your claws to yourself when your brother is resting? You can always play with him later! He needs these moments so that his gifts don't go haywire!"

"But-but-" One of them tried to defend themselves, but a shake of the head from their father was enough to shut them up quickly.

"Listen to your mother." Their father said shortly in a soft tone and Eclipse snorted in amusement as the two guppies started to whine again in retaliation, their mother responding in turn with a fury. Always a quiet one, their father, even though he was a Solaris descendant. The same could be said for their mother who, for a Lunara descendant, was far too chatty.

Eclipse smiled softly and was about to head over to his family when a sudden bang echoed through the ocean. They all stilled, Eclipse and his parents stiffening as they surveyed the area, searching for whatever made that sound. Just when they thought they might be safe another bang sounded and their little cave shook. Eclipse looked up and his eyes widened in horror as part of the ceiling of the cave started to collapse above his parents, his father noticing it right away, but his mother was unaware of the danger. He started to yell out a warning, but it died on his tongue when he saw his father push his mother and brothers out of the way of the rubble only to get crushed by the stone in their place. His mother turned to the stone with a shocked expression, frozen before tears started to gather in her eyes.

"...Beloved?" His mother whispered softly as she loosened her hold on his brothers, the two guppies immediately rushing to Eclipse as his mother placed a shaky hand on the rocks that killed his father, her mate. For a second there was nothing but silence before his mother threw back her head and let out a bloodcurdling, heartbroken scream and swimming towards where the blast came from in a fury, leaving Eclipse and his brothers alone.

"Brother, what's going on?" The smaller one asked in a nervous voice as more bangs erupted above them, no doubt in response to their mother, which only made Eclipse all the more frightened.

"I-I don't know, but we have to get out of here." He said and before the two could argue he grabbed them and swam out of the new hole in their former home's ceiling only to freeze when he saw where the bangs were coming from.

It was a boat, but not his friend's boat, a different boat that went underwater. A different boat meant unknown humans. And unknown humans meant...His gaze snapped to their mother who was striking at the sides and bottom of the boat, her claws tearing through the metal with a loud screech as the blurry shadows of humans moved within the boat and aimed their weapons towards their mother. She was doing well now, but Eclipse remembered his friend saying that human weapons were nearly impossible to dodge, which meant it was only a matter of time before-

"Mother! We need to get out of here!" Eclipse yelled, but if his mother heard him she didn't show it as she continued her onslaught on the boat, which spelled her end. For a few more moments she seemed to be alright, dodging the strange things and Eclipse dared to hope she could defeat these humans, but it was a stupid hope to have. A moment after he had dared to hope she would win she was hit by one, shuddering once more before she grew entirely still, red misting the water around her.

"MAMA!!" The twins screamed as they started fighting to get to their mother, but Eclipse held them tight and started swimming away from the boat, holding back tears of his own as he went.

He quickly sped through the ocean, dodging the rocks and reefs as he went, trying to get away from the humans who had killed their parents when he felt a sharp something enter his tail and pull him back, causing him to lurch backward with a scream of pain. He felt his breathing quicken as he turned to find something sharp embedded in his tail connected to a rope that led to the boat. He reached back and tried to dislodge it when whatever it was grew more, sharp points which dug into his tail harshly making him scream again before he slowly started getting pulled back by the rope on the thing.

"BROTHER!" The larger of the two twins yelled as he swam to the point and started pulling on the thing, but he was far too small and far too weak to do anything other than jostle the sharp object which only caused him pain.

"Guppy, stop! You need to-" He started when another muted bang rang out and his little brother froze before red started to spread into the water around him whilst his other brother who was still in his arms screamed. The sound slowly drifted away and when he looked behind his now-dead brother, he saw his friend staring down at him with a wicked smile on her face as she reached for his other brother-

"NO!" Eclipse yelled as he reached forward to where he saw his friend, only to find nothing but the beach in front of him. He stared at the beach for a moment, frozen in shock before sighing, dropping his hand, and laying back down, covering his eyes tiredly as he did so with his other hand.

God, why him? It had been...He didn't even know how many years, and yet those last few moments seemed to follow him no matter where he went, nor what was done to him. You'd think, that after all of the horrors he was forced to live through, he would be haunted by those memories, the memories of the experiments and...Him...But no, it was always those last moments...Even though he could no longer remember what his family looked like...He shook his head, trying to clear his thoughts before laying back down again. After all, there was no reason to think of the past when he now had a potentially bright future with his new caretaker.

    He felt himself flush as he thought of them. He was still a little unsure about them as they were human, but the way they had worked with him today, how gentle and shockingly strong they had been...He whined softly and hid his face in his arms, feeling absolutely ridiculous. God, what was wrong with him? Why wouldn't your stupid face leave him alone?! He wanted to hate all humans, wanted to be able to escape once he had recovered and never look back, and yet there you were. A human who was so genuinely kind, that it made the thought of leaving seem criminal if you were not with him.

After all, he wanted to believe in the goodness of humans again. Once, many years ago he had had a wonderful friend who had cared for him immensely and kept his existence a secret from those around her. She had taught him so much about the world and he tried to do the same, sharing his world with her as best he could. But then one day, she disappeared and not long after that, his family was killed. After his capture, every human was only out for themselves. They didn't care how they hurt him or one another, they only cared about getting results and seeming better than the rest. He had tried, once, to be more aggressive, to fight the humans and try to seem scarier than he was, but he couldn't. Whenever he tried, he kept seeing his friend's kind face and, without him wanting it, his strength would leave him powerless.

But now you were here! You were kind, loving even when caring for his wounds. Making sure he was someplace that was safe and big enough for him so that he could recover from his wounds that were inflicted by the humans in this so-called 'Sanctuary'. He was still wary about you, and a little unsure, but the hope in his chest refused to leave him be and he sighed softly. He felt so ridiculous, being so affected by such a small amount of care and yet he would do whatever he could for your safety, which sadly meant he was stuck here until he could get you away from these dastardly humans. He sighed tiredly as he started thinking of ways to save the only beam of light in this damn place and tried to get comfortable, but as he was laying down he suddenly sensed something. Death.

    He quickly pushed himself up a bit and turned towards where it was coming from, his inner compass telling him it was coming from the place where he had been held for so long, towards where the humans were. Where you were. He quickly pushed himself around, ignoring the pain that flared in his tail as he did so, and quickly bit into his hand, flinching as he accidentally bit harder than he had to, but he didn't slow down. He quickly raised his arm over the water and watched as a drop of his blood fell into the water, creating a whirlpool of colors.

"Show me my caretaker." He ordered and immediately the colors shifted and changed, showing you sleeping against...Another Mer.

Eclipse frowned as he got closer to the small vision, a strange feeling bubbling up that he couldn't describe as anything other than concern with hints of something he wasn't as familiar with, his mind going haywire as his concern spiked. Why were you with another Mer? Actually, the more important question was why were you sleeping next to one? Did you have no sense of self-preservation?! This would explain your careless first attempt at getting close to him...And seeing how comfortable that other Mer looked he had to admit he regretted not letting you closer earlier-

    No! Eclipse quickly shook his head before looking away from the vision. Yes, he was already fond of you, but he had only met you twice before today! He needed to give himself more time so that his magic could fully return before he could trust you with that! After all, once he was fully recovered and his magic returned, he would be able to see what was truly in your heart and if your genuineness was deeply engraved into your heart or merely artificial in nature. But, now that he knew you were safe, he started to grow curious as to what was killing all of those humans in the facility.

"Show me who is killing the humans on this island." He commanded and watched as you disappeared and a very different human took your place.

    Instead of your small, comforting form and a soft, dark-looking place, he saw a man standing in the middle of a ring of human bodies, one hand hiding most of his face as one of his eyes rapidly went from body to body, madness dripping from his very being as he stood there. The knife in his hand was dripping with crimson blood, but the blood on the blade was but a drop in comparison to the blood that covered the human male from head to foot. He watched the human look around him slowly, twitching a little as he did so before he took a few staggering steps forward and picked up a bloody box that lay by one of the bodies whose head was nearly bitten off by something that couldn't be human. For a moment, the human just stared down at the box in his hands before a large, wicked smile came to his face and his shoulders started to bob in silent laughter.

"Ha...Haha...HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Those foolish FOOLISH humans! Trying to steal MY Sunshine's pearls? Naughty, naughty! RulebreakersrulebreakersRULEBREAKERS!" The human shrieked before turning wildly toward the hall, eyes aglow with malice. "AND YOU'LL BE NEXT VANESSA!! Oh yes. Oh yesyesyes. You will suffer for what you have done to my sweet Sunshine, just you wait. You were lucky this wasn't your corpse here...But next time it will be."

The man finished ominously before laughing crazily, expression elated at the thought of killing the horrid woman known as Vanessa. Eclipse wrinkled his snout in distaste before wiping the vision away and staring at the water. Sunshine...He wondered slightly who that must be and what they had done to create such madness within a human before sighing and getting comfortable once more. Whatever. Humans are always killing each other, this is nothing new, and he couldn't say he cared about these humans after all they had done to him, but he couldn't quite quell the worry in his heart at the thought of such an unstable human close to you. Despite his worry, he was able to fall back asleep once more and finish his rest without any more nightmares but rather dreams in which he swam with you.

Geez...This was chaotic. This chapter was supposed to be much simpler, but then that guy *points to Sun* threw everything off course! Anyways, thank you all for being patient as well as for the 432 votes and 6.36K reade! This is insane! Thank you all so much again and have a wonderful day/evening!

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