Dusk til Dawn | n.mikaelson (...

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*BOOK ONE OF THE 'TIL SERIES* In which Briana Forbes is full of life, but didn't know what it felt like to tr... Több

I: The Last Dance
II: Klaus
III: The Last Day
IV: The Sun Also Rises
V: As I Lay Dying
VI: The Birthday
VII: The Hybrid
VIII: The End of the Affair
IX: Disturbing Behvaior
X: The Reckoning
XI: Smells Like Teen Spirit
XII: Ghost World
XIII: Ordinary People
XIV: Homecoming
XV: The New Deal
XVI: Our Town
XVII: The Ties That Bind
XVIII: Bringing Out the Dead
XIX: Dangerous Liaisons
XX: All My Children
XXI: The Murder of One
XXIII: Do Not Go Gentle
XXIV: Before Sunset
XXV: The Departed
XXVI: Growing Pains
XXVII: The Rager
XXVIII: The Five
XXVIX: The Killer
XXX: We All Go a Little Mad Sometimes
XXXI: My Brother's Keeper
XXXII: We'll Always Have Bourbon Street
XXXIII: O Come, All Ye Faithful
XXXIV: After School Special
XXXV: Catch Me If You Can
XXXVI: A View to a Kill
XXXVII: Into the Wild
XXXVIII: Down the Rabbit Hole
XXXVIX: Stand By Me
XL: Bring It On
XLI: American Gothic
XLII: The Originals

XXII: Heart of Darkness

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Briana didn't sleep that night. She laid awake, staring at the ceiling as the hours ticked by and the day turned into night. Every time she closed her eyes she got visions of Finn's desiccating body, only it wasn't Finn's face, it was Klaus'. The few moments she was scared by that nightmare, she pictured Damon, hanging by the bear traps with blood dripping down his body. 

In both scenarios, Briana was helpless. She was frozen in her place. She new that the end would in end in loss but she was caught in the middle. If she ran to Damon, she betrayed Klaus and risked losing him and vice versa. 

Her conscious was her own worst enemy. Was she falling so hard for Klaus that she was blindsided by his influence over Mystic Falls? Her town. Home to her family and friends. Each of them suffering at his hands. It didn't feel right, but not being with Klaus broke Briana's heart. 

She didn't know what to do. She sighed as she rolled over glancing at the clock. 2:43 am.

She sighed rolling back on to her back, her gaze looking over at Klaus sleeping peacefully beside her. She formed an empathetic smile as she watched him sleep. 

She knew she was falling in love with him, and it absolutely terrified her. Was it better to get out before she had completely fallen? Especially knowing his hardships with those she cares about most. Or was it better, for once, to be selfish? To wrap herself up in him knowing the things he is doing and the hurt he is causing those she loves?

She was torn between love and logic. And it was a horrible place to be. 

She slowed snuck out of the bed, careful not wake Klaus as she made her way down the stairs for a glass of water. As she sat at the counter drinking it, her mind continued to race. She yearned for an off switch, to calm her thoughts, but it was too late. 

Briana finished her water and let out a sigh as she rubbed her hands anxiously down her face. She just needed time. She needed space to clear her head and gather her thoughts. Last night had been an eye opener for her. She was thrust deep into the supernatural world and experienced the darkness and loss it brings. She hated it. She didn't want to be a part of it, but she had no other choice. All she could do now is decide which side of good and evil she wanted to be on. 

And so, Briana drove home. She didn't care that it was the middle of the night. She used the stillness of the night sky to clear her head as she drove. She needed the comfort of her childhood room to help relax her. She used her key to carefully unlock the front door of the Forbes house, careful not wake anyone. 

As she slipped into bed she felt her muscles relax upon hitting the pillow. Though she wouldn't fall asleep for another couple of hours, she felt relaxed for the first time in 24 hours. She didn't know what to do, but strongly believed that time will tell. 


Briana woke up the next morning, not at all refreshed, but ready to face the day. She had left Klaus a vague note before leaving his house in the middle of the night, but that didn't stop his worrisome texts and calls. She ignored them all. 

She needed some space. Some time to really think about their relationship and her place in this world. She could no longer play the middle man trying to keep the peace. It was exhausting and more importantly, it wasn't working. 

It was still relatively early when Briana awoke and shockingly the first person on her mind was Damon. After seeing him so weak last night, she couldn't help but be worried about him. 

As she slid out of bed she knew that Liz had already left for work based on the time, but Briana was not ready to face Caroline after their fight yesterday. Even though Klaus was safe, Caroline knew how much his death would hurt Briana and she went through with the plan to blindside her anyway. Briana would expect this behavior from Stefan and even Damon, but her own sister? That betrayal cut deep and with already enough on her mind, she could not face Caroline today. 

She was able to sneak out of the house with no problems. Caroline must have already left for the day or was still asleep. Briana made her way to the Salvatore house. 

She didn't bother knocking and rather just entered. As soon as she stepped over the threshold she saw Stefan and Damon talking in the foyer, Damon with an overnight bag in his hand. 

"What? Klaus needs his beauty sleep so he sent the Mrs to do his dirty work?" Damon questioned sarcastically seeing Briana enter the house. 

"Actually I'm not here for him." She spoke lowly, Damon could sense that something was on her mind by the tone in her voice, "I came to check up on you after.." She trailed, recalling Rebekah's torture techniques. 

"Good as new." Damon spoke with his arms out, spinning slightly so Briana could get a good luck at him. 

She walked over to him and immediately pulled him into a hug. Damon was taken back by the actions of the brunette werewolf, but he softly wrapped his arms around her giving Stefan a confused look over her shoulder. 

Stefan shrugged unknowingly. Briana had always been unpredictable but being this vulnerable was incredibly out of character. 

"I'm so sorry D." She said softly as she pulled away from the raven haired vampire. 

"Are you okay?" the older vampire asked, completely ignore her unnecessary apology, Briana looked between the two brothers, her posture stiffening. 

"Yeah.. I'm fine." She spoke unconvincingly, even Stefan furrowed his brow. 

Damon looked her face up and down suspiciously, not believing the werewolf and slightly worried about her. 

"Well in that case.. we have a problem." Damon started as Briana eye's went wide. Briana looked towards Stefan for answers. 

"We can't find the stake." The younger Salvatore started, his arms crossed over his chest, "Alaric's alter ego hid it. I can get out of him where he hid it, but I'm going to need time.." 

Briana sighed, "which I'm sure Klaus isn't willing to give you." She paced back and forth. 

"Well.. we haven't actually spoke to him today but.. yeah." Damon said in his classic mocking tone. 

"Yeah well that makes two of us. Or three I guess." Briana said as she motioned to the two brother. 

Both brothers rose their brow, exchanging curious glances out of Briana's sight. Ever since Klaus had returned to Mystic Falls Briana had practically been glued to his hip. 

"Well since we're short on time, let me help you." Briana petitioned looking at Stefan. 

"You don't--" The younger Salvatore started.

"I think that's a great idea don't you Stefan?" Damon interrupted, raised brows signaling to let Briana stay. 

Damon was worried about her, and clearly she was questioning things with Klaus, the more time they spent trying to get Briana over to their side, the better. 

But Stefan wasn't as trusting especially when it comes to Klaus. He wasn't sure that Briana's motives were pure.

Stefan conceded, "Yeah, that would be great." He sighed, Briana could tell he wasn't totally convinced. 

"Well, you two kids have fun. I'm off on the little Gilbert rescue mission." Damon spoke cheerfully picking up his overnight bag as he made his way to the door. 

Briana looked at Stefan with a confused look. 

"It's a long story. I'll tell it to you while we torture Alaric." He shrugged and they made their way to the basement. 


"Do you know how hard it is to fall asleep when that's what you're supposed to do?" Alaric's voice rang out as Stefan and Briana made their way to the cell. He didn't even open his eyes as he laid there. 

"Actually... yes." Briana spoke, referencing her troubles last night, as she opened the cell door. Alaric's eyes opened wide at the unexpected sound of her voice. 

"We brought you something that might help.." She extended a bottle of bourbon as Alaric sat up, "Damon's idea." She added as he took it with a grateful grin. 

"You know.. I'll feel decidedly less pathetic if I don't drink alone." Alaric called after the werewolf who walked out of the door. 

"Oh we know." She said reentering the cell with a chair and a glass, Stefan doing the same. 

"We're one step ahead of you." The younger Salvatore added. 

Alaric poured some bourbon into each one of their glasses as the werewolf and vampire sat in front of him. 

"So.. road trip huh?" Alaric questioned Stefan as he took a drink from the bottle of bourbon. 

"Yeah I'm also curious about that." Briana added, leaning back in her chair crossing her legs one over the other. 

"Yeah.. I needed to stay here." Stefan spoke, looking towards the ground. 

"Why?" Briana questioned. 

"Yeah, I mean, why you? It doesn't take a lot to babysit me while I wait to have a psychotic break." Alaric added. 

Stefan let out a small breath before looking up at the two. 

"Well unfortunately we are running out of time." Stefan spoke calmly. 

"Before what?" Alaric questioned, Briana leaning forward in her seat not k knowing what Stefan was talking about. 

"Before we have to resort to other methods." Stefan spoke. Briana's tension eased, knowing what he meant. 

"You're worried you're going to have to torture it out of me?" Alaric questioned, a slight hint of fear in his voice. 

"And you don't think Damon couldn't have done that?" Alaric joked.

"He couldn't." Briana added, "He talks a big game but.." She trailed as she brought the glass to her lips knowing that Damon does care about Alaric, and it would be hard for him to torture him, especially after what he went through yesterday. 

"Look, Elena need to go on that road trip with Damon. No matter what I go through to get her back. Fighting my blood lust. Trying to gain control of my life again. None of it matters if she has feelings for someone else." Stefan confessed.

 Briana could hear the hurt in his words when he talked about the suffering he has gone through in the last few months. The suffering Klaus caused while she sat by and watched. 

"Stefan.." Briana spoke lowly, her voice apologetic and sorrow filled. 

Stefan didn't say a word. He just looked at Briana with knowing eyes. He tried not to hold resentment towards her, but his hatred for Klaus ran so deep it clouded the image of Briana he previously had. 


"You think they got Jeremy by now?" Alaric questioned from his bed. Stefan was leaned up against the cell wall, a full glass in hand while Briana was on the chair across from Alaric. 

"They should. We haven't heard from them. Elena's worried about him, knowing she can't count on his ring anymore." Stefan responded

"Who knows? Maybe his alter ego is a pot smoking hippie pacifist." Alaric joked, causing Stefan to chuckle.

Briana stayed still, her eyes fixated on her drink but her mind was somewhere else. 

"You're quiet." Stefan pointed out, kicking the bottom of Briana's chair lightly to get her attention. 

"Hmm?" She questioned, returning her attention to the group, "Sorry, just.. thinking." She said innocently. 

Alaric looked at her with confusion. There was no secret something was up with her. 

The awkward silence was broken by the sound of Briana's phone ringing for what felt like the millionth time. She sighed as she hit ignore seeing Klaus' name displayed across the screen. 

"You need to get that?" Alaric questioned, taking another sip of bourbon. 

"Uh.. no." Briana spoke as she shook her head, she quickly read the last four texts she had from Klaus asking were she is, she ignored them, placing her phone back into her pocket, "You were saying?" She questioned, taking another drink from her glass. 

"I was saying... I didn't think my alter ego would be so militant and hostile." Alaric confessed, he was slightly ashamed.

"It makes perfect sense actually." Stefan spoke. 

"How so?" Briana questioned curiously. 

"Your wife left you to become a vampire and your girl friend was killed by one." Stefan pointed out, Briana looked down towards her feet at the mention of Jenna. She was embarrassed she could ever be with a man who had killed the woman who was like an older sister to her. 

This was just one of the many daily reminders Briana got about Klaus' behavior. The way he acts on impulse scared her. How was she willing to overlook Klaus killing Jenna? Could she really be that selfish?

Alaric shook his head, "He must really hate me. The failed vampire hunter slash drinking buddy of vampires." 

"Eh.. maybe he's just too judgmental." Briana chimed, trying to lift Alaric's spirits.

"The thing is, he's me. I'm not compelled, not possessed. There's no humanity switch. What drives him, is me." Alaric spoke lowly, Briana eye's widened with worry at the sounds of his words. 

"No.." Stefan started, looking at his glass, "He's the darkest parts of you." He looked towards Alaric. Briana felt her heart race increase, "The parts we all have." Stefan directed towards Briana. 

It was that moment that made Briana realize, maybe she was driven by her darkness. She was drawn to it like a moth to a flame. That's why despite her head knowing what Klaus does is wrong, she still wanted to be with him. It was her darkest desires taking over her logic. She couldn't change it, she had to embrace it. 

"Stefan." Briana spoke quietly, regaining the vampire's attention. "I should've done more. I should've tried harder to stop him." 

Stefan looked at her with big eyes, sincerely taking in every word. 

"No one should have to go through what he put you through. I'm sorry." She confessed.

It was the first time she had admitted out loud that she could not stand by Klaus' actions. She felt a weight lifted off her chest. She could not stand the thought of her friends thinking that she was supporting every, awful and evil thing Klaus had done. 

"It wasn't your fault Bri." Stefan spoke sincerely. Briana looked at him with apologetic eyes. She formed a soft smile knowing that he accepted her apology, and he didn't hold any resentment or judgement towards her for what happened this past summer. 

"Well isn't that nice." Klaus voice broke the silence. Briana's eyes widened as she stood from the chair, turning towards the door of the cell to see Klaus standing there. 

She gulped upon making eye contact with him, knowing he had heard everything she just said. 

"Oh and nice to know you're alive. Now I see why you've been dodging my calls all day." Klaus directed towards Briana, she could hear the hostility and hurt in his voice. 

"Nik.." She pleaded, still frozen in place. 

"You and I will talk later. Right now, I'm here for the stake." He dismissed her as Stefan stepped towards Klaus. 

"Yeah, well, it's going to take a little bit more time." He spoke sternly but calm. 

"Why? Because we're waiting for that one to pass out while we share heartfelt apologies." Klaus motioned towards Alaric while throwing a dig at Briana. She crossed her arms over her chest giving him a 'really?' look. 

"No thanks, I think I'll just kill him." Klaus finished. 

"Don't you dare." Briana stepped forward, her teeth gritted. Klaus rose her eyebrows, surprised at her outburst, like she couldn't possibly go against him. 

Stefan put his arm out to stop Briana from charging at Klaus. The simply act of protection filled Klaus with jealously. 

"You kill him, and you won't know the location of the stake." Stefan spoke reasoning. 

"I can live with that." Klaus started forward but Stefan placed his hand out  to stop him. 

"Well I can't. When we staked Finn, we discovered that killing an original vampire killed their entire bloodline." Stefan revealed. 

"What?!" Briana questioned, her voice raised in shock. Her mind immediately going to her sister and her friends. 

"Now, I don't know which one of you I'm descended from, but I'd really rather not find out by dying so why don't we just find the stake and destroy it so we can all be safe?" Stefan spoke. Briana could feel her blood pressure rising with anxiety. 

So much more relied on finding this stake than she had realized. 

"So the fate of the entire vampire race depends on you finding a stake?" Klaus motioned towards Stefan who nodded slightly, "And to get it we need you to pass out." He directed towards Alaric. 

Briana watched Klaus closely knowing any minute his impulse would take over. 

"Which means I feel totally justified doing this." Klaus threatened before speeding towards Alaric and snapping his neck. 

"Nik No!" Briana yelled rushing after him, but it was too late. Alaric's lifeless body dropped to the floor. 

"There." Klaus spoke, looking past Briana over at Stefan, "sleeping like a baby." He finished as he left the cell and made his way upstairs. 

Briana looked at Stefan with apologetic eyes. He silently signaled to her that this wasn't her fault. 

She sighed knowing she had to go after Klaus, Stefan nodded slightly understanding. 

Briana stormed up the stairs to see Klaus about to walk out of the Salvatore house. 

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Briana yelled, causing Klaus to freeze, letting go of the doorknob. 

He turned around in a rage, "I am doing what needs to be done! To ensure all of our safety. To keep you safe! Not that you appreciate my methods clearly by the apology tour you're going on." 

Briana sighed realizing that Alaric was collateral damage, "You heard what I said to Stefan.." Briana lowered her voice, crossing her arms over her chest. 

"That. And I hardly take you leaving my bed in the middle of the night as a good sign." Klaus admitted, her voice still raised. 

"I just needed some time and space to think about things.." Briana confessed. 

Klaus walked towards her with his arms out at his side waiting for more, "Well.. enlighten me. Or am I supposed to guess?" He spoke with irritation in her voice. 

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Well this right here is a perfectly example actually." She said annoyed by his actions. 

"For months I have been playing middle man trying to keep the peace between you and your family and my friends and family. Yesterday just really opened my eyes that you guys won't stop until someone winds up dead. This feud is completely taking over our lives and I am not willing to lose any of you! I won't!" She confessed, her emotion taking over. 

He looked at her with empathetic eyes, surprised by her outburst. 

"My head and my heart are pulling me in two complete opposite directions." She confessed, "I need it to stop." Her voice cracked. 

He looked at her with anticipation, waiting to hear more. 

"My head is making me realize that you've done bad things Klaus. You know that. And I can't justify them. People look at me for help as I stand by and watch as you tear people's lives apart without a care in the world. And these are people I care about. How am I supposed to stand there and watch as you stripped Stefan of his humanity or watch Rebekah torture Damon when these people would and have risked their lives for me?" Briana's emotions had completely taken over. 

Everything she had bottled up since the summer was spilling out of her like word vomit. She knew her words were hurting him but she couldn't stop. She could tell by the look in his eyes he was hurt and ashamed that after everything they had built together, she still saw him as a monster.

He looked towards the floor, he couldn't face her after hearing her true thoughts. 

She rushed towards him, lifting his face with her hands pressed on both of his cheeks, 

"But my heart wants you." She confessed. Looking at him with big eyes full of sadness, anxiety and fear but also with love. 

They looked at each other with sorrow filled longing looks. It took everything they had not to throw their issues out the window and let their lips collide, but they needed to address this. Their relationship would be filled with resentment and hostility if they didn't. 

As Briana held her face in her hands, there was no doubt in her mind she was falling in love with him. Maybe that is why this was hitting her so hard. She knew she couldn't change him, after a thousand years he was stuck in his ways, but she had hoped that she had inspired him to be better. 

Her eyes were pleading with him to say something. To say that no matter what happens they could get through it together. That he was willing to do whatever it takes to keep her. She wanted him to fight for her. 

But he didn't. Instead he took her hands in his and lowered them from his face. He looked at them with sadness and regret. 

He dropped her hands as his eyes found hers. 

"Maybe your heart should find someone less terrible to want." He spoke. He didn't yell, he didn't scream. Instead his voice was just above a whisper. 

He wasn't angry or mad. He was sad. He wanted to fight for her, but she was right. He was never going to change and she didn't deserve to be taken down the dark path with him. The best thing he could do for her was let her go. 

She felt tears fall from her eyes, she looked down at her feet to regain her composure, not believing the words that left his lips. 

When she looked up, he was gone. 


Alaric stayed dead for most of the night. Briana tried to stay strong and finish what she started but Stefan could see right through her. She was suffering. 

She leaned up against the outer cell wall playing with her fingers, a frown on her face, as Stefan read Moby Dick. 

He closed his book and looked over towards the werewolf, "He's been out for hours and it's getting late. You should go." He encouraged softly. 

She looked over at him, "I'm fine." She said weakly with a fake smile.

"Bri." Stefan said getting her attention, "Go home. Get some rest." He said,  she knew he had heard everything she and Klaus had said upstairs, but neither one of them wanted to address it. 

Stefan knew if Briana wanted to talk about it, she would. And though he had his own issues with Klaus, he would listen, because he hated to see her this upset. 

Briana smiled softly at Stefan as she stood and dusted herself off. She made her way towards the stairs, trying to calm her mind. 

"Hey Bri.." Stefan rose his voice, getting her attention. 

She turned to face him on the stairs, "Don't be so hard on yourself. Take it from me, you can't help who you love." 

Briana closed her eyes to keep tears from falling as took in Stefan's words. She nodded her head with a thankful smile on her face. She was beyond grateful for the reassurance, especially from Stefan, who had the most issues with Klaus. 

She opened her mouth to speak but she couldn't find the words that would express her gratitude in that moment. Instead she just smiled. 

He nodded, a soft smile on his face. He could see how thankful she was. And with that, Briana left. 


Briana walked into the living room of the Forbes house. Quietly closing the door behind her. Taking a deep breath, processing everything that happened today before turning around. 

As she turned, she saw Caroline, folding guest blankets on the couch.

At the sister's made eye contact, both of their shoulders dropped in a sigh of defeat. 

"Hey." Caroline smiled sweetly, her voice shaking with nerves. 

"Hi." Briana let out a breath cracking a small smile. 

Both girls stared at each other for a moment before dropping their pretenses and engulfing one another in a hug. 

"I'm sorry." Caroline whispered as she hugged her older sister, "I should've at the very least told you about their plan to kill Klaus." 

Briana sighed, just the mention of his name made her stomach drop. 

"Thank you." Briana quietly accepted her sisters apology. 

Caroline tried to pull out of the hug but Briana wouldn't let her go. 

"Bri? What's wrong?" Caroline questioned as she hugged her sister, concern in her voice. 

"I just need a hug." Briana spoke, her voice cracking as tears started forming in her eyes. 

They stayed like that for a while, neither one of them knew how long. Caroline rubbed the back of Briana's head as her she let out silent sobs. 

Sisters fight. That's just the way of the world. But at the end of the day, a sister is the best friend you'll ever have. And Briana knew that despite their disagreements and their fights, she would always have Caroline. And maybe that's all she needed. 

a/n: oh hi another chapter! doing my best to update a ton this week since I'm sick :/ I hope you enjoyed this one! things were going a little too smooth for Klaus and Briana.. I mean cmon this is Mystic Falls things have to be a little chaotic. 

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