The Repetition Of Reverse

By FluffyCinderace

4.9K 299 54

BoBoiBoy gets possessed by involving in an ancient era in one of their missions. His friends should find out... More

⭐ Prologue ⭐
⭐ Strange Reality Dreams. ⭐
⭐ I Am Here For You! ⭐
⭐ Bloody Dream ⭐
⭐ It happened! ⭐
⭐ Where It All Re-began ⭐
⭐ The Rest Before The Storm ⭐
⭐ Where The Past Fell into Darkness ⭐
⭐ The Exact Moment That Pounced ⭐
⭐ Suffer and Start to Suffer ⭐
⭐ You're not You? ⭐
⭐ Reverse's Strange behaviour ⭐
⭐ What Happened at Same Time⭐
⭐ Cover Up Things ⭐
⭐ Interuption ⭐
⭐ The Present Exorcist ⭐
⭐ How They Met ⭐
⭐ The Continuation ⭐
⭐ Where the Action begins! ⭐
⭐ Hints of Danger ⭐
⭐ Weird Flashbacks ⭐
⭐ Change of Plan! ⭐
⭐ Justifications ⭐
⭐ Unite In A Battle ⭐
⭐ Reverse Vs Angelina ⭐
⭐ Things Take a Twist ⭐
⭐ The Final ⭐
⭐ Demon Brothers ⭐
⭐ Final Day On Earth ⭐
⭐ Back To The Galaxy⭐
⭐ Revealed Memories ⭐
⭐ A Complicated Case ⭐
⭐ The Nightmare He had⭐
⭐ The Disturbance⭐
⭐ Losing You... ⭐
⭐ Where am I? ⭐
⭐ Angelina is Back! ⭐
⭐ Defender ⭐
⭐ Boboiboy Vs Reverse ⭐

⭐ Heroes Win ⭐

127 5 0
By FluffyCinderace

Reverse Boboiboy: Ngh!! Do you still think this is the end? I still have three powers left to try and kill you.

In this way, Reverse Boboiboy was weakened and was injured badly and Boboiboy gathers enough strength and walk to him fixing his gloves..

Boboiboy: Try them. Remember I have told you. I know my elemental powers well than anyone does.

And Reverse Boboiboy hated that...there was confidence in his voice. He wanted to destroy and he immediately stood up and transform into Ice and started shooting arrows to Boboiboy.

Boboiboy jumps and dodged most of them in the beginning and later for the last ones..He uses Gopal's transforming powers to change those solid Ice arrows into water as they fall onto the ground immediately from the air.

Boboiboy: Wow...His powers are the most reliable ones. Hehe~ Go on. My Ice powers also don't seem to harm me. Fine! I will give you a hint! The way you are using my powers is wrong. Try to figure that out!

Reverse Amato: What??? Boboiboy! Why are you giving him hints??

Angelina: Don't worry. That Reverse is not capable of finding out.

Reverse Amato: what??

Reverse Boboiboy steps back and transforms to Blaze and runs towards him. Blaze was known for his combat speed.
Nothing would help Boboiboy...Unless..

His dad's silat skills.

Boboiboy slowly closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before starting the combat. Reverse runs to him with the fire in his hand ready to give him a fire punch.

Boboiboy dodges that and bends Reverse and jumps on him. He jumps higher with putting effort on his leg on Reverse's back and then he landed onto the floor and he gave a air fist punch that didn't cause a contact but the pressure sent Reverse Back.

Boboiboy: This is what you call, Silat!

Reverse desperately looks and again gets angry at Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: Go on! Use the final power!

Reverse immediately changes to Solar. Solar was the most powerful element! And then he used the most powerful move... eclipse blast..and Boboiboy uses Fang's powers of having a shadow dragon and using dark fire breath.

And then the final power failed too and then finally Reverse Boboiboy gave up. And Boboiboy collapses again...onto his knees. Both had enough of exhaustion...and finally Spoke to Reverse...

Boboiboy: You have....failed. defeated.
And now here is the proof. Trustworthy humans be like this. They do anything for others no matter what that is.

Reverse Boboiboy: But...Your powers are- more powerful than theirs!

Boboiboy: And next to that....It's not about's about the's true that my powers are more powerful but...not much than the teamwork of powers like this.

Reverse Boboiboy: ....

Reverse Boboiboy looks at Reverse Amato and Angelina but stares especially at him and says...

"You were right all along. Thanks for making me realise things, and...I really apologize for what happened..can I still call you Brother?"

Reverse Amato: You are always a brother to me...Reverse. But still you have to get punished. For sure.

Reverse Boboiboy: I-I know. Boboiboy....I'm sorry for making you can take your powers back...using Ochobot's power.

Boboiboy nods and puts his hand forward and uses Ochobot's power..and takes all his elemental powers soon as he does that...he changes back to normal and takes a look at his watch.. and now it was full of gleaming elements...

All their powers in him went back to the hosts and then...Reverse Boboiboy kneels down sobbing. Reverse Amato, Angelina and Boboiboy could do nothing but stare at him...

Reverse Boboiboy: I was all wrong!

Then Reverse felt somewhat burning sensation in him and then realised what was happening and immediately shifted his glare to Boboiboy...His eyes slowly loses their shine...he was dying and he completely collapsed onto the floor with his eyes still open...lifeless.

Reverse Boboiboy started to disappear and then everything started to collapse.

Reverse Amato: What's going on!!?

Angelina: Abyss Bot must have pierced Boboiboy's heart using the petal stake! Grab my hand!

Reverse Amato grabs Angelina's hand and they both disappear from the collapsing arena.

Then Reverse Amato opens his eyes to see himself with the other kids...and...Abyss Bot slowly taking out the petal stake from Boboiboy. He was dead because his heart was completely pierced...and Reverse Amato knew what Abyss Bot was going to do next.

Abyss Bot handed the petal stake to Angelina. And started to gleam as his spirit was escaping the power sphera's body....

Reverse Amato: No!!! Please don't! I will go in your place!!

Abyss Bot: can't and it's an order!

Reverse Amato: ....!

Abyss Bot: You deserve to exist way more than I have learnt a lot of things more than I did. And now ...I will share you all my memories and secrets...and my responsibility and job.

Reverse Amato: I don't deserve that... please...

Abyss Bot: You do...a lot more than me. Even Angelina thinks that you deserve it. And...if I sacrifice myself....You will be able to accomplish the third promise too.

Reverse Amato looks at the other kids who were staring at him and Gopal was looking away from Boboiboy with tears in his eyes. And he turned his head to see Amato...and Mechabot who were also closing their eyes...and Amato's eyes were filled up with tears.

Abyss Bot: No one can't bear to see their loved one die...and that's what you taught me all these days...You learnt from Boboiboy and you taught me...Thank you for everything...

Abyss Bot disappears and a beam of light enters Boboiboy and heals his stabbed wound on his chest and he finally gasps and breathes....He was back to life and for, Abyss Bot He was no more..

Out of the 10 demons...there were officially only 8 left. Shadow bot and Abyss Bot...who were the main reasons of their rise...were gone. For good...

And the other light beams hits Reverse Amato and hitting his forehead and his eyes gleamed. It was Abyss Bot's memories...and since everything flashed into his mind..he knew a truth that the tears came out of his eyes...and those same black tears ...changed to pure water.

Hence the last demonic traces in Reverse Amato were wiped away in which it made him a pure spirit ...

As his eyes stopped glowing...He looked at Angelina...and Angelina was looking away from him and she was crying too.

Reverse Amato: Si-Sister??

And then he fainted again. Only for Amato to catch him in time. Reverse Mechabot de-mechanised from the unconscious demon-boy's body.

And Angelina came next to him and holds him while Amato goes next to Boboiboy staring at his unconscious son...and Angelina answers him.

"He needs rest. I must say, he won't wake up for straight a week or a month. Because he is strained from straight six months and let he sleep in peace."

Amato: .....

Angelina: So...Take your time...Looking at your son...and..Leave whenever you want... especially before he wakes up..

There was seriousness in Angelina's Voice...She also hated the fact that he was living far away from his son. And she knew everything about him. Amato just stays silent and and hugs Boboiboy... Later, Ying asks..

Ying: What about reverse? What happened to him??

Angelina: He had some shock as he had known some...truths and especially the one.

Ying: What is it about?

Angelina: I don't have all the time. He will tell you when he wakes least if he wants to....It's about me.

Ying: You?

Yaya: Wait...he called you sister...does that mean-

Gopal: You two are siblings??

Fang was thinking after that siblings thingie he was trying to find a connection....

Angelina: See...You all are smart...just one hint and you find out some things but not the whole thing...

Angelina hugs Reverse Amato and ties her little finger with a pinky promise...and kisses him on the forehead and stands up...

(Not a ship! But a cute little thing I have seen in siblings relationship!)

Saying farewell to all others and disappearing and finally she says before disappearing...

"All is good now. Rest assured... Boboiboy and all are safe. And all should have safe journeys from now on...within my Brother's protection. And don't stop saving..the world...and especially...The legendary hero of Kota Hillr ...."

Amato and Mechabot: Huh???

And she disappeared. There was silence in the room. Amato was sitting next to Boboiboy...Gopal, Yaya, Ying and Ochobot just stare off into space and Fang and Reverse Mechabot holding Unconscious Reverse Amato...

And then, it Finally hit Fang!

"Could it be... Angelina is the Third Reverse?"



Notice- You are completed through this fanfiction. I hope it has given you all some fun time reading.
You are also free to comment about the story and the next sequels.
And on top of that...I sincerely request you all to Follow me and vote my stories.

And subscribe my YouTube channel of Fanarts since I have worked really hard to draw them and like them.

And finally, the next Sequel of this is..

"Learning from the past!"


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