The Repetition Of Reverse

By FluffyCinderace

4.9K 299 54

BoBoiBoy gets possessed by involving in an ancient era in one of their missions. His friends should find out... More

⭐ Prologue ⭐
⭐ Strange Reality Dreams. ⭐
⭐ I Am Here For You! ⭐
⭐ Bloody Dream ⭐
⭐ It happened! ⭐
⭐ Where It All Re-began ⭐
⭐ The Rest Before The Storm ⭐
⭐ Where The Past Fell into Darkness ⭐
⭐ The Exact Moment That Pounced ⭐
⭐ Suffer and Start to Suffer ⭐
⭐ You're not You? ⭐
⭐ Reverse's Strange behaviour ⭐
⭐ What Happened at Same Time⭐
⭐ Cover Up Things ⭐
⭐ Interuption ⭐
⭐ The Present Exorcist ⭐
⭐ How They Met ⭐
⭐ The Continuation ⭐
⭐ Where the Action begins! ⭐
⭐ Hints of Danger ⭐
⭐ Weird Flashbacks ⭐
⭐ Change of Plan! ⭐
⭐ Justifications ⭐
⭐ Unite In A Battle ⭐
⭐ Reverse Vs Angelina ⭐
⭐ Things Take a Twist ⭐
⭐ The Final ⭐
⭐ Demon Brothers ⭐
⭐ Final Day On Earth ⭐
⭐ Back To The Galaxy⭐
⭐ Revealed Memories ⭐
⭐ A Complicated Case ⭐
⭐ The Nightmare He had⭐
⭐ The Disturbance⭐
⭐ Losing You... ⭐
⭐ Where am I? ⭐
⭐ Angelina is Back! ⭐
⭐ Defender ⭐
⭐ Heroes Win ⭐

⭐ Boboiboy Vs Reverse ⭐

80 5 0
By FluffyCinderace

Reverse Boboiboy: Haha! You didn't know about that?? Seriously?! Here let me explain..

Boboiboy carefully listens to Reverse Amato's six promises and his reaction was quite wild. He screamed and he finally got up and dashed and pushed Reverse Boboiboy with all his might.

Reverse Boboiboy: Woah! What was that for!?

Reverse Amato: Boboiboy....

Boboiboy heard Reverse Amato's weak voice behind him and ran to him leaving Reverse Boboiboy behind and he was just watching all that drama....

Boboiboy: Why did you have to promise like that!?

Reverse Amato: I had...No choice...

Boboiboy: You know what!? Promises are not that important than your life!

Reverse Amato: I have just learnt....that keeping someone's trust on the best thing ever....and you told me that....Also, that doesn't make me a living one. I'm considered dead.

Boboiboy: But that doesn't mean that you have to go that far!! Please...Give up for me....

Reverse Amato: Do you seriously think I would.... Boboiboy?? Look. I just told you I have five promises...but you didn't know what they were.

Boboiboy: Huh?

Reverse Amato: First, your dad. He was the one who asked me to protect you. Second, Your grandpa...He had also asked me the same thing...and Third, You. You asked me to Be your good brother...

Boboiboy: Reverse...Amato..

Reverse Amato: Fourth....Solar...and Fifth...Thorn...

Boboiboy: Wha-!? They did!? When did they-

Reverse Amato: Before disappearing forever...But believe me...I didn't witness Solar but...Thorn just disappeared Infront of me...In my hands...

Boboiboy: I wish I could defeat him. But I don't have any powers nor I'm good at any combat....if I did have a least of's NOT enough...I guess we are done for....

Boboiboy hugs Reverse Amato and he hugs him back too...And Reverse Mechabot speaks..

Reverse Mechabot: There is no hope...right...?

They both remained silent...and Boboiboy walked upto Reverse Boboiboy who had the blade in his hands still...he was staring at Boboiboy who desperately walked up to him and smirks at him.

Boboiboy bows down and kneels down on his knees and says..

"I have lost. For I'm not worthy of being a hero...Please...You can kill me..but ... don't kill any of my friends...I beg you...!"

Boboiboy starts crying and Reverse Boboiboy stays silent still smirking. And Reverse Amato just stared at him still lying on the floor until his black tears fall onto the floor again. He was crying too...Reverse Boboiboy had won. There was no hope in bringing the petal stake too...

Reverse Boboiboy: Aww...sorry I can't promise you that...

And then!

The light gleams and someone enters the realm disturbing the three of them.
And casts a strong spell like psychic of holding Reverse Boboiboy in the air...

Reverse Boboiboy: Ngh!!! What the-

Reverse Amato and Boboiboy turned back to see some girl...Reverse Amato instantly recognised her...

It was Angelina.

Angelina: Hey...another one. You really think that...You have won?? Just because 'our' older brother...had defended Our new brother...

Reverse Amato: 'Our'?

Angelina: You won't understand it that easily...Abyss Bot...will tell you.
The truth I have hidden from you all these years...

Reverse Amato: But why?

Angelina: Because there are a lot of people in the outside world who had told that you had sincerely changed...except...for being a troublemaker...Even your master...said that...

Reverse Amato: (chuckles shyly) Wait what? You had met Amato??? Is he here!?

Angelina: Yes. He is. Right next to Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: Huh!?

Angelina: I know you do want to met your closest one. And I'm here to make that come true...You both deserve the victory..

Reverse Amato: So...You were hiding in that Petal stake all along? You didn't sacrifice your spirit??

Angelina: No. Inorder to keep my spirit intact...Abyss Bot gave half of his spirit and I just sealed myself. So you should thank Abyss Bot, Boboiboy.

Boboiboy: Oh..

Reverse Amato: And you know the whole story of what happened?

Angelina: Yes. Fang told me everything from the beginning. And for you Boboiboy...Just a little effort to defeat him...and I'm sure you will have happiness from here on.

Reverse Amato: But...The petal stake.. doesn't right? So...I would sacrifice myself to bring him back to life!

Boboiboy: (gasps) Please don't do that! Is there anything else than that Petal stake!??

Angelina: I'm sorry that there is no other way ...And Abyss Bot...said that he would give his other half of his spirit.

Reverse Amato: But why????!

Angelina: Listen. And calm down. Abyss Bot thinks that you deserve to live more than he does. And second reason...Since he gave up his half of his spirit long ago...there are some things that he is suffering from. So if he sacrifices himself completely...he would be free from that pain. And no talking. We have decided that.

Reverse Amato: ....But...what about the truth? Why you are willing to tell me now?

Angelina: So now. I think you deserve to know the truth. And it would be answered why did I leave you and gave you a chance to live in this world....and before Abyss bot does...he will share all his memories and secrets with you.

Reverse Boboiboy: Damn it!! It's you again!!! Why are you here!?

Angelina: To help Boboiboy defeat you.

Reverse Boboiboy: Huh?????

Angelina gave a glare at him and threw him to the other side shrugging off the psychic spell on her hands and helps Boboiboy get up.

And walks up to Reverse Amato and shares him some spirit energy and he immediately stands up thanking her. And now there was bravery in those two people with Angelina's company.

She again walked up to Boboiboy and said...

Angelina: Remember the slightest effort from your side to defeat him. You are going to fight him.

She touched his shoulders and he gleamed like a light...and then his injuries were healed...

Reverse Amato: Wow...

And then..A symbolical circle forms around Boboiboy ...And He looks back at Angelina who was smiling on him with confidence.

"I have asked all your friends...including your father give up their combat skills and powers temporarily to you. And you will be having possession of their powers."

Boboiboy: What??

Angelina: You will be having your friends powers to defeat. Use them wisely and...Just a permission from you, if you accept it...They will be invested within you. We have no time. All of your companions on the outside world have already given the powers which are waiting to be temporarily yours..all had given you enough hope.

"Will you accept these powers? And your beloved ones hope?"

Boboiboy said yes without thinking and all the powers went into him and suddenly his. Appearance changed.

His orange cap changed to black and white with magenta and blue neon lines. His orange jacket changed to a dark blue coat with half black sleeves and the magenta and the blue neon line make up the lighting symbol.

And his pants and shoes have also changed from blue to black and his shoes were changed to complete white and Magenta and blue neon line designed all over.

And finally, his hands were covered up with black fingerless gloves...

Reverse Amato and Reverse Mechabot: Oooh! We like you new style!!!

Boboiboy: Hehe~ Awesome!

Reverse Boboiboy: Oh? Do you think that these mere powers will help you defeat me? Remember your powers were much more powerful than others are!

Boboiboy: It's not what you think. I have some things to prove to you. One, that you are wrong about humans, two, what it feels like to have a teamwork and a group of accepted powers like these. And three, what..Trust feels like.

Reverse Boboiboy: Shut up you brat!

Boboiboy: Angelina?? Can I know what powers I have now currently?

Angelina: Your father's silat skills, Yaya's gravity power, Ying's time power, Fang's shadow power and incase... Gopal's changing power..and Ochobot's take out the powers from Reverse.

Boboiboy: Wow. These will all come in handy....

Reverse Amato: Is it just me..or Boboiboy's personality slightly changed??

Angelina: Well it's just an effect of all these can be quite exhausting in the end...but this is the only good way...

Reverse Mechabot: Good way!? It's the spectacular Way!!!!!!!

Angelina: Thanks I guess? (Scratches her non itchy cheek.) Boboiboy! It's all upto you and him! Think and fight carefully...and why don't we just watch??

Reverse Amato: Yeah! And don't worry I'll be your cheerleader!

Boboiboy: No thanks!

Reverse Amato: Whhhhhyyyy??? You hurt my feelings!!!

Reverse Boboiboy: You all seriously think that this is funny!??? I will make sure that I will wipe that feeling away from you both again!!

Boboiboy teleports behind him using Ying's powers which caused a blue gleam. And Gave him a punch from behind using Yaya's power's...

And since her powers were the stronger ones...It sent Reverse Boboiboy flying to quite a distance and Boboiboy ran faster using Ying's powers following Reverse who was in the air.

Reverse Boboiboy transforms in Thunderstorm and uses thunderblades to pin himself on the ground causing some electrical circles to form around in which it made Boboiboy to stop.

He then immediately transforms to Quake and gets ready to punch him and Boboiboy smirks and uses Ying's powers to slow him down and get some time to walk away. And then snaps his fingers only for Reverse to get back normal.

Reverse Boboiboy: What the- Dammit!!!!!

Reverse continues to use Quake's powers and it caused some earth Quake and that impacted to throw some huge rocks on Boboiboy.

He dodged a few of them first and punched a few of them using Yaya's power's and then, he used Gopal's transforming powers to transform some rocks into sponges.

Boboiboy: Is this all you have got??

Reverse turns back to Thunderstorm and summons the blade and dashed to him.. Boboiboy was still standing in the same spot and the moment he almost hit him with those blades..

Boboiboy: Gravity Lift!

And then he lost his gravity and was sent flying in which he was unable to attack in Thunderstorm's form. That power failed too. Next, he transformed to Thorn and used his powers to create thorny vines that were targeted against Boboiboy and Boboiboy immediately shifts to Fang's powers using Shadow fingers.

Boboiboy: I know how my elemental powers work. You fool..

Reverse Boboiboy: ....Huh??

And Boboiboy clutches his fist tight and the Shadow fingers crust the thorny vines completely. Since, the effect of the gravity power was gone, Reverse started to fall he was about to ...It was time to activate his fourth power...Cyclone.

He used the strongest winds in which Boboiboy was carried away by the gush of the wind and he was on the air. And then he used Yaya's flying power again. Then he was stuck in a tornado and he definitely knew that Reverse was hiding in it and he slows the wind of the tornado down using Ying's powers.

The tornado disappeared and then he used a combo of Ying's speed and Yaya's mighty punch and gave Reverse a blow in which he turned back to normal and fell back on to the ground immediately.

He lands on the ground slowly. While Angelina and Reverse Amato watch everything. But Boboiboy was slightly struggling to breathe and only for that Reverse Amato had Noticed...

Reverse Amato: What's wrong with him? He looks.... Exhausted...

Angelina: Just like I said earlier....Using others powers other than his elemental powers would take double of his energy than the amount that His elemental powers take.

Reverse Amato: Do you think he will be able to do this with that much energy being taken every second?

Angelina: I might say...I can't doubt that. I'm sure Boboiboy is passionate enough to end Reverse.....

Reverse Amato: Then...Victory is going to be ours...

Angelina: I confirm that.

One more chapter to go! And we are finally done with this fanfic! And please Vote and follow me ⭐!

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