The Unlovable Omega || Alpha...

By mhaslut04

2.1K 95 48

This has some trigger warnings please don't read if you are sensitive to any of these topics ⚠sensitive topic... More

| NOTE |
| 1 | Fairy Tale
| 3 | Unnameable Expression
| 4 | Intense Stare
| 5 | First agreement
| 6 | Short arrangement
| 7 | Broken Rule
| 8 | Surprise Getaway
| 9 | Foggy Displacement
|10| Answered Questions
|11| Heated Argument
|12| Vulnerable Confession

| 2 | Gentle Angel

252 10 2
By mhaslut04

The limousine comes to a stop and I look at you for a reaction. You seem annoyed by that reflex and roll your eyes, as you get out of the car. I move over to get out on the same side as you, but you slam the door shut in my face loudly. I pull my ankles away from the door in shock. You don't just seem displeased marrying me. It's almost as if you hate me. I eventually grab the door handle with both hands myself to get out of the vehicle. You've already started walking towards the house. My eyes widen at the sight of a big lake house with more spruce trees than I can count. I can't believe this will be my home. It feels so cold and isolated and I get the impression you won't help fix that. I grab the sides of my dress to lift it up to free me of the devices crushing my feet. "Wait!" I yell after you and to my surprise you take the time to turn around. I run towards the house with my heels in one hand my dress in my other to catch up with you.

I breath in the atmosphere when I've finally managed to reach you. "I feel like it's going to snow!" I tell you almost beaming with excitement. That seems your cue to turn away from me and get inside. You leave me speechless at your silent treatment. I wonder if everyone acts like this. Maybe the books I had read were all the same fairy tale as my childhood dream of a wedding. I lift my dress to not stumble over the steps to the front porch with my shoes in hand.

Inside it's warm and I am instantly stunned at how many rooms there are in our house. I can't believe how many things I'll be able to do beside reading. I want to check out what's beyond the living room, but you grab my wrist and lead me upstairs. I watch you silently with a confused expression. I can't figure out what you'll do next, since you never talk. You seem to know the house better than I do, when you turn a few corners and lead me into a dim lit room. I walk inside to see a spacious bed with parquet and a soft carpet on the floor. I figure you're signaling I'm supposed to sleep?

I turn around and see you suddenly taking off your tie, after your jacket already hit the wooden floor. My heart suddenly sinks. What is this supposed to mean? You open your shirt's buttons and walk towards me, keeping eye contact. I step back, sensing danger, but you pin me against the wall. Now that my heels are off our height difference is even more apparent, making it difficult to look at you without leaning my head back. One of your big hands grab my chin and you lean down to sniff my neck. You finally say your first words since the wedding.

"you smell disgusting"

I reach again for the eye contact we had lost to examine your face for an explanation. You wouldn't just say that to your lover would you? "You didn't think I'd actually have sex with you, right?" you continue, as you seem to laugh in my face, making me feel pathetic for even considering the possibility. "Where are the curves?" Your gaze slides down my body, creating a burning lingering sensation on the places you seek. "Your body is anything but attractive" My confusion turns into sadness. Why did those words suddenly hurt to hear from someone else?

I blink a few times to clear my vision of the tall alpha in front of me. You take a step back and continue to insult me "Omegas always weep and cry at the slightest provocation with their weak and pathetic bodies" My eyes follow you when you leave the room, after saying "I hate people like you" I slide down the wall to ball in on myself. I almost feel stupid for believing you'd be different than the others. Instead you seem to use the exact words I've heard my whole life.

I stare at my slightly dirty feet from running outside and rest my chin on my knees. This isn't what I imagined my wedding night to be like. I figure it's only normal. I never seem to have any luck, so I might as well just be happy that I was allowed outside my room. My eyes drift and I suddenly feel tired. I try to sleep in the spacious bed in my wedding gown, but it gets in the way. So eventually I just take it off and sleep in my underwear, having a hunch you wouldn't come sleep here anyway. My eyes feel heavy, as I can hear you talk to someone on the phone in the room next door. This was my first day doing more than lay around and read, so I was exhausted and quickly found sleep.

Suddenly I hear a high voice of a woman yelling. She seems angry. I open my eyes to get an idea of what's going on, as a wet sensation spreads throughout my whole body. I watch as a beautiful woman pours champagne on my naked body. It's cold creating goosebumps all over my skin. She gives me a dirty look and continues yelling "You dirty whore" as she suddenly pulls my arm harshly and drags me outside the room. I tumble down the stairs due to the beta's quick pace, as she's too strong to pull against. "Wait?" I ask in an attempt to get an explanation, but she pushes me outside the house with great force. Her face peaks through the door, as I've landed on the cold front porch. "He's mine, you ugly bitch" were the beta's last words, before slamming the big front door shut.

I balled in on myself to preserve my body heat. The wet champagne on my body made the cold wind breezing against my skin double its effect. Who was she and why was she suddenly so angry with me? I looked up at the window behind me where there were new sounds coming from. They seemed to be upstairs in the bedroom. Suddenly my ears filled with shameful noises. "Aah~~ yes ~ faster" My eyes widen, as I start to feel hot at the embarrassment. "There~ yeah aaah~ keep going" How could so shameful words come out of a person's mouth? I don't have any experience with all of this, but I couldn't help but feel a little curious. The sounds only became louder, as if the woman knew I could hear her through the open window.

I try to distract myself with the big landscape in front of me. I couldn't deny it was beautiful here, though I had to admit it seemed so remote and distant. Suddenly I feel a burning sensation on my naked shoulder, as their appears a white puddle on the pale surface. I couldn't help but grow a smile on my face. "Snow!" I whispered through the freezing breeze. As I had predicted big white clumps started falling from the sky. I knew that would make things worse, but their beauty filled me with joy. I started shaking and shivering uncontrollably. After a while my body felt desperate to warm up, as it failed against the breathtaking snow. My fingers lost feeling, as they desperately clung onto my knees. My toes colored paler than ever before, feeling like marbles attached to my feet. The shaking eventually stopped and so did the shivering. I rested my chin on my knees, as my teeth finally stopped chattering against each other. My eyes felt drowsy and the urge to sleep grew bigger than the one to look at the beautiful flying pearls. So I looked up one last time at the now white blanket before me and sank against my knees.

Suddenly I felt a harsh kick against my back, making my already limp body fall off of the steps from the front porch. I was almost certain it had been the beta woman, who had locked me out here in the first place. My face planted in the cold snow, as my muscles seemed too weak to move it out of the freezing snow that started melting around me. I'm pretty sure I scraped both my knees due to the fall, because of sharp stings I started feeling on my legs. I hear two people step on the snow next to me, away from the house. The beta woman seemed to be leaving, as you went to walk her to her car. The second time footsteps came closer there was only one person passing my freezing body, followed by the sound of the front door closing. I felt my breathing growing shallow against the cold snow. My body didn't hurt, but I couldn't move it the way I wanted it to. It only now seemed to struck me that this is probably the way I'd die and for some reason I wasn't angry.

It almost seemed fitting.

The front door opens again with an annoyed groan from you, who then walks up closer and picks up my small cold body with a swift movement. I suddenly feel radiant heat against my skin. It feels like it burns through the depths of my flesh, but at the same time it makes me regain some feeling in my nerveless frozen skin. You carry me back inside and sit down by the fire in the spacious sofa. I still can't lift up my head, but I don't have to see your face to know that you're angry. I feel some soft sensations in my hair, as if your fingers make an attempt to comb the strands. I lean closer to your warm big hand with my freezing cheek and at first you pull it away. Eventually it seems like you give in and let me have it to rest my chin on the hot surface.

Your other hand strokes the back of my neck, leaving a pattern of warmth. You're movements suddenly turn so gentle, making me think I might have actually died. That it isn't you who's warming me up, but an angel in the after life. I feel the movement in my arms return and use them to hang around your neck. I'm holding you tightly, as if holding onto life. Your chest is warm, as I listen to your calm breathing and heart. Your arms press against my back in the same hugging gesture, spreading heat over my spine. I slide my knees closer to your hot thighs on the couch. I feel your hot breath brushing against the top of my head, as the warmth of our bodies pressed onto one another mingle together, creating a new source of heat.

This suddenly feels perfect.

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