Meretricious | Professor Lupin

By lupinsluvvr

247K 8.6K 7.7K

mer·e·tri·cious: apparently attractive but having in reality no value or integrity. Spencer Artemis Venus, a... More

Welcome :)
1. Spencer
2. The week before Hogwarts
3. The man
4. First day of class
5. Amore mio aiutami
6. First Hogsmeade Trip
7. Space
8. Black
9. Firewhisky and bad decisions
10. Avoidance
11. Busy
12. Sirius Black
13. Giving in
14. Friends
15. Taking care of Sirius Black
16. Swimming Lessons
17. Wrist
18. Veritaserum or Dare
19. Picnic
20. Fond
21. You hit me, I hit back
22. Sister mine
23.*Good girl
24. Boggart
25. The Aftermath
26. Mirror of Erised
27. Maybe I want to be an Auror
28. *Messy hair and all
29. Not a date
30. *Grape
31. Fate or Destiny
32. Nice nails
33. We can travel together
34. Patience is a virtue
35. *I have a suspicion
36. We'll beg for and borrow time
37. Muffins
38. Arriving at the Burrow
39. It was like you flew
40. I think it's sad
41. Do you think it hurt him just as much?
42. *If you hurt her, I will kill you
43. He's scared you're leaving him
44. *Here you are making me whole
45. Dinner
46. *Woah! Hey there
47. He knows
48. Happy New Year
49. *Future us
50. Fuck the police
51. Winter
52. Stop trying to buy me off
53. *It's kinda... weird looking
54. 3 cows
55. Uhm
56. *It's her, I know it is
57. Meltdown, Harry.
58. Search and rescue
59. Surprise!
60. A day
61. Why didn't I?
62. Don't get mad, okay?
63. It's a box
64. Dad
65. I need you
66. How could you
67. I don't matter
68. *I'll never regret choosing you
69. *On the road to happiness
70. What did you just say?
71. It was her
72. *Stay with me
73. *Love's joy
74. Figure it out... please
75. I can't- be mad
76. Food for thought
77. *Teacup
78. I just need time
79. Don't promise
80. Rain, Sun, and Wind
81. *Nox
82. *Another guard dog
83. Happy birthday, my love
84. I'm glad you're alive
85. Murder was on my mind
86. Healthy environment!
87. Why does it rain?
88. Virtus et fortitudo
89. If you were cowboys
90. Please come back
91. The notebook(s)
92. Taking the easy way out
93. Gods, it.
94. I saw your list
95. I want you to live
96. Bagel
97. You know where I am
98. Soft, smooth
99. Would your friends like me?
100. That doesn't make sense
101. His smile
102. Three words, eight letters
103. Forever and always
104. Fly
105. Personal statement
106. You and me
107. Barbie
108. Out of my mind in love
109. I'll always choose love
110. To peace
111. I do
112. It's not time to go
113. I can beat him up
114. You're also my friend
115. Monarch butterfly
116. It happened suddenly
117. *See you later
118. Venus v. Addison
119. Wine
120. Scratched and bloody
121. Missed you
122. Don't mind him
123. Wonderful experience
124. Girlhood
125. You can date
126. Dodo
127. No disrespect
128. A kiss
129. Christmas
130. Be less sad
131. Can I still call?
132. February
134. Permission to hold your hand?
135. Birthday
136. Death
137. Afterimages
138. Professor Lupin
139. Dumb twat
140. Someone like you
141. I do
142. Outside of the order
143. Keep me company
144. Happy Fucking Birthday
145. Time will tell
146. Love just is
147. I want to spend time with you
148. I'm sorry
149. Something that's supposed to happen
150. Outside. Now.
151. Sirius told me to come save you

133. Video killed radio?

281 19 7
By lupinsluvvr

"Hello?" Spencer answered her phone, trying to wake up.

She looked outside, the sun wasn't out.

Who was calling her?


"Harry?" she sat up. She looked at the caller- Sev.

She heard him sniffle.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

"He's dead. I found him."

"What? Who's dead?"

"Barty Crouch Sr- he was one of the judges" he answered. "Someone killed him out in the woods."

"Where are you?" she asked.

"Can I come sleep over?" he cried. "Please."

She looked around her room, unsure of what to say.

She heard some scuffling over the phone, "Harry?"

The call dropped.

She called Severus back, he didn't answer.

Spencer got out of bed, as she put on her shoes the doorbell rang.

Before her stood Severus and a traumatized Harry staring at the floor.

"Two" Severus mouthed, meaning Harry could stay two days.

"Three" she mouthed back.

He rolled his eyes before leaving.

"Come in Harry" she opened the door further.

He went inside.

She took his hand and led him to her room.

"Let me get some of Andrew's pijama pants, I'll be back. Okay?"

He nodded.

Spencer went to Andrew's room, quietly looking through his dresser.

"Thief" Andrew muttered.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"What happened?"

"Harry's here."

"Here?" he yawned. "What do you mean here?" he sat up, turning the lamp on his nightstand on.

"Someone died, he found the body" she sniffled.

"Wait- what?"

"He's in this tournament and... I- I don't know what to do" she cried.

"Hey" he went up to her. "It's okay, we'll get through this."

She nodded.

"Who died?"

"Barty Crouch" she shrugged. "He was a judge for the tournament."

"Here" Andrew picked up a nice pair of pijama pants. "Give these to him, I'll make tea."

"No, don't worry" she shook her head.

"I want to" he said.

She gave him a soft smile.

"I don't know how to fix this" she admitted. "I don't know what to say" she whispered.

"I think he just wants to be with you" he nodded.

She nodded back, "okay."

"I'll be in soon, okay?"

"Yeah" she took the pair of pants and went back to her room.

"Here" she handed them to him. "I'll get an oversized shirt from my closet, okay?"

He nodded as he put the pants on.

When he finished dressing, they sat on her bed in silence.

Spencer noticed a change in the room.

James and Lily appeared.

Lily sat down beside him on the bed, her hand on his.

James stared at Harry, as if he touched him he'd break.

"You have a nice house" he whispered.

She gave him a teary chuckle, "thanks."

He nodded.

Andrew came in her room with the tea, "hey Harry."


"I made you guys some tea, there's snacks in the pantry you're welcome to- okay?"

"Thanks" he nodded.

"Anytime" Andrew said before he left.

Spencer sat in silence, unsure of what he was thinking.

She handed him the tea before taking her own.

In the quiet, they drank their tea.

It wasn't until they finished it that he spoke.

"Can we go to bed?" he asked softly after a few minutes.

"Yeah, of course" she nodded.

Harry laid down, his back to her.

She laid down as well, staring at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry Harry" she whispered.

He didn't say anything.

"I don't know how to make it better" she admitted.

He turned around, placing his head on her chest and hugging her.

She held him tightly, running her hand through his hair.

"We should've told you" Lily spoke softly.

Spencer shook her head.

"We should've told her- I wanted to tell her" Lily stood up and yelled at James.


"No! Look what happened!" she said angrily before leaving.

James sighed at the empty space she left behind.

After a few moments, he looked over at Spencer and Harry.

He walked up to the bed and kneeled down.

"I'm sorry, Jamie" he whispered.

Spencer stared at the ceiling.

"I'm sorry, Jamie" Spencer repeated.

James looked up at her, realizing what she was doing.

"I wish I could've been there for you. I wish I could be there for you."

She copied what James said.

"I'm sorry I can't."

He sobbed, hugging her tighter.

Spencer's tears fell down her face as she cried quietly, trying her best not to shake.

James sighed before leaving.

Harry cried for 10 minutes before falling asleep.


Spencer turned around, she jumped as she saw Harry sitting on the kitchen island.

"Harry! You should've said something."

He laughed before he shrugged.


"Yes please" he smiled.


"Sounds good" he nodded.

"Good, we're out of chocolate chips" she went back to face the stove.

"I thought you didn't eat chocolate?"

"Well I bought them for you- I thought you'd be here on Christmas" she answered. "They expired. But I'll get some for when you come back."

"I'm sorry" he said softly.

She turned around, "don't be, it's not on you."

"I should've done more."

"I should've done more" she shook her head. "Don't beat yourself up about it, okay?"

"Don't beat yourself up about it" he repeated.

She smiled, "okay" she nodded.

"Okay" he nodded.

They smiled at one another for a few moments.

Harry looked behind her, "I think it's burning."

Spencer quickly turned around, taking the pan off of the stove.

She then quickly threw it on a plate, the pancake's back side was covered in black.

"This one can be Andrew's" she whispered.

"I heard that!" he said from the living room.

Harry smiled.

"Kidding!" she said before throwing it away.

"This house is very big" Harry noted.

"Penthouse, Harry, not a house" Andrew noted. "I see you're corrupting him" he told Spencer.

"Sitting on the kitchen island won't kill anyone" she rolled her eyes. "Besides, penthouse, apartment, house, who cares" she rolled her eyes before starting another pancake, lowering the heat this time. "It is huge" she nodded.

"Not too big" Andrew shrugged.

Harry laughed.

"I'm sure when Spencer gets married she'll settle down in the country side, a house with a first floor and a basement. This is luxury for right now."

"No, not the countryside please" she begged. "Maybe a suburb? Or a city I don't know" she shrugged. "Definitely not this big though, we don't have enough items to fill it."

"I just bought the piano, it's coming next week."


"What! You didn't say I couldn't buy it!"

"I said you shouldn't!"

"Exactly! Shouldn't but not couldn't" he left the kitchen.

Harry laughed.

"Do you like it?" he asked.

"Yeah" she shrugged. "Andrew's right though, unattainable for me. You?"

"If I like it?"

"Yeah" she turned around, flipping the pancake over. "Do you like it?" she faced him.

"Better than a closet" he nodded, chuckling. "It's nice, I love the wall with the pictures."

She smiled, "come, I want to show you something."

She took his hand and led him to the closest bedroom.

The room was across of a home office, she opened the door for him.

He noticed the room was fairly empty as he walked in.

"Are you guys looking for a roommate or something?"

"Yeah, or something" she nodded. "What do you think."

"It's big."

She laughed, "It's smaller than mine and Andrew's, so not the biggest, but it is very spacious" she agreed.

"Close to the kitchen, plus no stairs" he nodded.

"Yeah the stairs are killers after a night out" she agreed.

"It's nice" he nodded. "They don't have a bathroom?"

She shook her head, "it's the one outside."


"You like?"

"Yeah" he laughed. "Why? Need a man's touch?"

"Watch it kid" Andrew spoke as he leaned from the outline of the door. "This is your room."

"Mine?" he looked up at him.

"Yeah" he nodded.

"We talked about it and... well we wouldn't mind if you stayed with us over the summer, or breaks or... you know, anytime."

Harry smiled widely.


"Yeah" she smiled.

He ran up to Spencer, hugging her tightly.

"Oh my god" he whispered.

She laughed.

He got off of her and hugged Andrew. He smiled as he pet his hair.

"We can go shopping for stuff during your spring break if you want to come over-" Andrew tried to say.

"Can I come over?" he asked her.

"Yes, anytime" he nodded.

"But you don't need to get me stuff I can get-"

"Soon you'll learn that it doesn't work like that" he laughed before leaving them.

"What does he mean?" Harry asked.

"His love language is spending money on people- come, come" she led them to the dresser.


She smiled, "don't think about it too much. His fortune will last generations"

He nodded.

"Can I still sleep with you though?"

"Yeah, anytime," she nodded, "this is for when you get tired of my alleged snoring."

He laughed out loud.

"This is for you" she opened the drawer and picked up two wrapped Christmas gifts.

"You didn't have to-"

"Come on, open it" she smiled. "Andrew flip the pancake!"


They went to the bed, she put it down in front of him as it was heavy.

Harry took the wrapping off, finding the complete collection of the avengers: mightiest heroes comics.

His eyes widened.

"Even #380?"

"They're all in there" she nodded.

He teared up as he flipped it over and saw all of the comics there.

He sniffled as he left the box on the bed and went to hug her.

"Thank you."

"No problem" she rubbed his back. "Thought it was about time you had your own collection" she smiled. "Now open the other one."

He laughed before nodding and opening it.

It was a smaller box, he wondered what it was as he took the wrapping out.

"Oh my god!" he exclaimed, brining the box closer to him for a better look. "Oh my god is this real!?"

She laughed, "yes."

It was a standing figurine of Iron man with his hand out.

"This is the best Christmas gift ever" he laughed, he went back and hugged her.

"You can leave your things here or take them to school- whatever you want."

"I'm definitely leaving the figure here I don't want it to break" he laughed. "Thank you so much Spencer."

"Anytime Jamie" she smiled. "And you have a bookshelf over here so you can put all of your comic book stuff on it" she nodded.

He leaned over to look at it, then took the figure and the collection, placing it on the second top shelf.

"How do I know when it's done?" Andrew called out.

They laughed before leaving the room and going back to the kitchen.

"Does it look like you'd eat it?" Spencer asked.

"Yes chef."

Harry chuckled, "he's really into cooking shows" Spencer told him.

"Put it on the plate then, that was the last one so we can eat them now" she turned off the stove.


Spencer turned on the car as Harry climbed into the front seat.

"Wow" he looked at the back of the car.

"I know" she laughed.

She backed up and drove out of the garage.

"You're licensed?"

"Yeah, apparently once you're 18 or older you don't need a permit. It was kind of easy" she chuckled. "At first I was really scared of the steering wheel, this is a big car and Arthur was in it with me and- I was just in my head about having his life in my hands."

"And now?"

"If it's our time it's our time kiddo" she chuckled.

He laughed.

Spencer looked at her rear view mirror, finding James and Lily in the back.

"You put your seatbelt on?" she asked him.


She nodded, "the Weasley's don't live too far, probably 10 or 15 minutes depending on traffic."

He turned on the radio.

"-taking over, thanks for tuning in- this is B46 bringing you the hottest 70s hits this hour. Up next is Video killed-"

Harry skipped the station.

"Hey!" Spencer and James simultaneously complained.

She laughed, "turn it back I like that song."

He chucked before turning it back.

She could see from the corner of her eye that he was nodding his head with the beat of the music.

She could hear Lily and James sing, she smiled.

"So video killed radio?" Harry asked her.

"There will always be new technology" she nodded. "It's not outdated just used less" she answered.

"Hmm" he thought about it. "Like phones?"

"Yes, like phones" she agreed. "I'm sure in about 20 years this won't be used anymore" she showed him her phone.

"Cool song" he noted.

"You can change it now if you want, 70s music is a hit or miss."

James scoffed, "in the sense that what's a hit for radio isn't necessarily a hit for me" she cleared up.

Lily giggled.

"I get it, to be honest when Professor Lupin would put on the Beatles I didn't really like it" he confessed.

"What!" James exclaimed.

"Me either" she agreed. "Some are good, some are... meh."

"Merlin, Lily... we have to get him out of here."

Spencer chuckled, "Strawberry fields forever is my favorite one though."

"Oh yeah, that song is great."

"Everyone likes that song" James rolled his eyes.

"But I feel like everyone likes that song" Harry added.

Spencer returned to look at him, a smile on her face.

She looked back at the road as she placed her hand on his head, running her fingers through his hair.

They pulled up and parked their car next to Arthur's.

Arthur came outside, hearing the noise from the house.

"Harry?" he asked as he saw him come out of her car.

"Dinner?" Spencer asked. "On me" she smiled.

Arthur shook his head with a smile before going inside, they followed.

"Dinner? Where?" Molly asked.

"My grandpa owns a restaurant nearby" she smiled. "I can drive."

"It's really good" Harry nodded.

Molly chuckled, "sure. Let me get ready."

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