It's always been you | J.West...

By isabellaromanoffhill

157K 4.1K 749

Y/n Vega is the youngest Vega sister and the last one to join Hollywood Arts. Jade West takes an immediate in... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 26

Chapter 25

3.5K 90 73
By isabellaromanoffhill


I slam my locker closed with a sigh, sliding my bag onto my shoulder before grabbing my phone out.
"You seem happy." Jade observes, standing beside me.
"Just tired. I'm glad the group assignment is almost over." I reply. Today's the day we're performing and after a few long weeks of working with some intensely strange people I'm so ready to be done.
"God, me too." She sighs.
"Guys! It's almost Christmas!" Cat's chirpy voice yells down the hallway as the redhead runs towards us.
"It's the 1st of December, Cat. It's nowhere near Christmas." Jade replies.
"There's just under a month. That's such a little amount of time!" She states before running off in Robbie's direction.
"It's nowhere near Christmas." Jade repeats.
"It's kinda near Christmas." I reply.
"It's a month away." She says as we begin to walk to class.
"Just under a month." I smile.

The performances take up the whole lesson, thankfully. The performance was pretty good but the last thing I want to do is work with Sinjin again.

I join the group out in the courtyard for lunch and listen in to the conversation. By the sounds of it, Cat still hasn't stopped talking about Christmas.
"Is she still going?" Jade asks as she takes a seat next to me with her salad.
"Yup." Tori sighs, stabbing at her food.
"It's never too early for Christmas." The girl chirps.
"Well, what's everyone's Christmas plans, then?" I ask, giving in.
"Carly and Spencer are going to come over to me and Sam's place." She replies.
"My older sister will come but no one else, my family isn't really big on Christmas." Jade says.
"You have a sister?" I ask, the rest of the table looks pretty confused too.
"She moved out a while back." She states.
"You've never mentioned her before." Tori says.
"She's never come up before." She replies. It makes me think, and I realise I don't really know all that much about her. Not about her family, anyway. An older sister?
"What's her name?" I question.
"Sapphire. She's 27." She states, though more quietly, presumably so not everyone hears. If there's anything I've learnt about Jade it's that she's quite a private person.

It hits the weekend and I decide it's time to go Christmas shopping. It's now the 5th so just under 3 weeks to go. I take Trina with me, it's nice to have her opinions on things.
"So, Jade has an older sister who she's never mentioned before." I say as I browse some things in Sephora. I pick out a Dior lip oil for Tori and put it into the bag.
"She does?" Trina questions, trying to choose between two different blushes for herself.
"Yeah, her name's Sapphire." I reply, finding an elf present bundle for Cat.
"Do you think you're going to meet her?" She questions, putting both blushes into the bag.
"I'm not sure. I've not met any of Jade's family." I reply. "She's met mom and dad but they don't know we're together so I guess it's different." I sigh, heading up to the counter to pay. Sephora always leaves a hole in my pocket.

We visit a bunch more stores before ending up in Pandora. I look around while Trina buys some earrings for mom. I spot a ring, the stone in it a jade stone. It's silver and simple. I had already gotten a few bits for Jade but decide to get the ring as well.

"Who's the ring for?" Trina questions as we walk out of the store.
"Jade, it reminded me of her." I reply, sliding it into one of the bags.
"Are you proposing to her already?" She asks, her face scrunching up in confusion.
"What? No. A ring doesn't mean a proposal, Trina." I scoff but rethink my decision. "Does it?" I ask.
"Well, no. I guess not." She mutters.
"She wears a lot of rings so I thought I'd get it for her." I state.
"Aww, who knew you could be so adorable." Trina smiles, pulling me in for a hug.
"I'm not adorable." I mumble, fighting my way out of her grasp.
"Whatever you say. Is there anywhere else you want to go?"  She questions.
"Hollister?" I suggest, I want to get Jade some clothes since I'm always borrowing hers.

Who thought that wrapping was a good idea? I spent the last 2 hours wrapping the gifts that I bought and I'm left with a big pile of wrapped gifts.
"We're decorating the tree now." Tori says, appearing at the doorway with a smile. She's in her Christmas pyjamas since it's around 8pm now. "Get your pyjamas on!" She says before heading out. It's our tradition to wear Christmas pyjamas and decorate the tree with Christmas music.

I quickly change before running downstairs to see Trina and Tori making hot chocolate. Mom and dad are normally at work for this so it's just the three of us. Trina hands me a hot chocolate before we gather round the tree.
"Ready?" Tori asks, holding some tinsel.
"Let's do it." I state with the lights in hand. Trina presses play on the music and we get to it.

After a few hours we successfully managed to decorate the tree to an acceptable standard. We went for a red and gold theme with the decorations which looks so good.

I grab my phone out and send Jade a picture of the tree before asking if she's put her tree up. Jade of course being the grinch hasn't.

Sunday rolls around and Jade comes round.
"I can't believe you haven't put up your tree yet." I mumble as I let her in.
"It's too early to put it up." She replies, following me upstairs to my room.
"When do you normally put it up?" I question, taking a seat on my bed as she follows.
"Like the 21st." She says. "Why's it such a big deal?" She asks.
"It's not, it just surprises me that not everyone loves Christmas as much as me, Tori and Trina." I explain.
"How many gifts did you buy?" Jade asks, looking around the room frowning slightly.
"A few." I smile. "It's gonna be hard to have to wait until Christmas to give you your gifts." I sigh. I love giving people things, sometimes it's my downfall.
"Gifts, multiple?" She questions.
"Multiple many." I reply with a smile. "You don't have to- get me lots, I mean. I just like to get stuff for people." I add, not wanting her to feel pressured to spend lots considering we've only been together for a few weeks.

We end up watching a Christmas movie downstairs with Trina and Tori. We take the bigger couch and I end up leaning my head against her with a blanket over us. I have a feeling that Jade doesn't love Christmas movies all that much, but she's made me sit through the scissoring a number of times.

It's the last day of school before Christmas break. There's a week until Christmas. WIth each day I'm getting more and more excited for it.

I walk with Jade towards her locker before 1st period.
"So, I was thinking that we could go to the mall this Saturday?" Jade questions as she focuses on the books in her locker.
"I'd like that!" I smile, holding my bag over my shoulder.
"I'll pick you up at 10?" She asks.
"Perfect." I reply, excited for it.

Saturday rolls around quickly and I get ready for Jade. I wear her hoodie that I haven't gotten around to giving back to her yet. I wear a skirt and some tights and then a pair of boots before waiting out in the living room for her.

After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door. I quickly get up from the couch and open the door.
"Hey!" I smile, pulling her in for a quick hug.
"Is that my hoodie?" Is the first thing she asks, returning the hug.
"Maybe." I reply, heading out the door and locking it behind me.

The drive to the mall was quick and sweet, Jade's hand resting on my thigh. Christmas music plays lowly in the background as we talk, enjoying the ride.

"So, where do you want to go?" Jade asks as we enter the mall, her hand slipping into mine. I freeze a little at first before holding it back and smiling up at her.
"Can we grab a coffee?" I ask, looking over at a stand.
"Of course." She smiles slightly, leading us over to the coffee stand. "Caramel latte?" She guesses and I nod in response. She orders the coffees and before I could even grab my purse she's already paid. I look up at her, my brows slightly furrowed. "What? Can't I treat my girlfriend?" She asks, causing me to smile.
"Thank you." I reply, leaning up and placing a kiss on her cheek.

Once we have our coffees we head into a few stores and look around for a while.
"This next store, I'm gonna need you to wait outside." Jade says as we walk.
"Why?" I question with a sigh.
"Just wait here." She says, kissing me on the cheek before heading inside. I take a seat on one of the benches nearby and wait for her to get back. A familiar voice comes from behind me making me turn. I see the back of a familiar head, Beck. He hasn't seen me, he's turned the opposite way. I listen to the phone call that he's having.
"I will get her back." He says to the person on the other end of the call. "I'm getting rid of the Vega girl." He says through gritted teeth. Just then I spot Jade with a bag in hand. I instantly rush over to her and pull her away and into the toilets.
"Y/n?" She questions. "What the hell was that about?" She adds,
"I just, uh, really needed to go and didn't want to go alone." I say quickly, heading into one of the stalls.
"You're acting weird, are you feeling okay?" She asks.
"Yeah, yeah. Uh, are there any more places you wanna go to? I came here with Trina the other day so I'm ready to go when you are. Maybe we could go back to yours?" I ask, trying to get out of here as soon as possible. What the hell did he mean by 'get rid of the Vega girl'?
"Uh, sure." She sighs.

I finish up in the toilet and we get back to Jade's car.
"What's really going on with you?" She pushes as she focuses on the road.
"Nothing, I just, I saw Beck and I didn't want to run into him with you." I admit.
"Are you scared of him?" She asks, her brows furrowed as she turns to me.
"Can we please just not talk about him?" I ask. "I just want to have a good time with you and that doesn't include him." I sigh.
"Yeah, okay." She mutters, turning back to the road.

We get back to Jade's house and head upstairs. As usual her parents aren't home. We get into her room and Jade takes a seat on the bed. I grab the little Christmas tree I bought and put it on her desk.
"What's that?" She asks.
"Your room is to grinch-y." I state, laying next to her on her bed.
"That's how I like it." She replies. I lean my head on her chest, her arm snakes around my back, rubbing up and down my arm. I put my arm out and over her waist, pulling her in a bit closer. "Did he see you?" She asks.
"Hmm?" I mumble, feeling almost too comfortable in this position.
"Beck, did he see you?" She repeats.
"No... Can we drop this? Please." I mumble.
"Why are you being so secretive about it?" She questions, moving slightly.
"I'm not, I just want to spend time with you without talking about your ex, is that okay?" I reply, getting slightly too defensive.
"You're acting like he's trying to kill you! Why are you so scared of him?" She asks, raising her voice slightly, causing me to sit up.
"Because he is!" I reply, my voice matching her volume.
"What?" She asks, sitting up fully, her brows scrunching together.
"He said that he was going to get rid of me." I mutter, breaking the eye contact we were holding. "Does that not sound like he's going to kill me?" I ask. She gets up off the bed. "Where are you going?" I ask.
"To find out what the fuck he's up to." She states.
"Jade, please." I mutter, tearing up slightly. "He wouldn't- he wouldn't do that... right?" I ask, getting up as well.
"Sometimes he'd get angry, violent. So I don't know." She mutters, her volume dropping.
"Did he ever...?" I ask, my brows furrowing as I get closer to her.
"Almost." She says. "I never let him get that far." She states.
"I'm so sorry." I mutter, pulling her in for a hug.
"It's fine... it's nothing. But the last thing I'll let him do is do something to you." She says.
"I'll be fine." I huff.
"Jade?" An unfamiliar voice calls out, Jade sighs.
"Who's that?" I ask and before I get a response, the door opens.
"There you are!" The girl says, pulling Jade into a hug. They look familiar, except she's got blue in her hair and it's black, not brown.
"Hey, Saph." Jade says, hugging the girl - Sapphire, back. That must be her sister. "This is Y/n... my girlfriend." She introduces me once they've broken their hug.
"Nice to meet you." The girl says, pulling me in for a hug, too. Definitely the opposite to Jade, when I first met her at least.
"You too." I say, hugging her back.
"Told mom and dad, yet?" She questions, turning to Jade.
"Nope." She sighs. "They just think she's my best friend." She adds.

We sit and talk for a while and Sapphire is the complete opposite to Jade. She's very welcoming, and when I first met Jade she was most definitely not.

I head home after a while, making sure to get Jade to promise not to do or say anything to Beck. We'll deal with that when it's time to go back to school.

It's now the 23rd, 2 days before Christmas. It started snowing a few days ago but it's been getting heavier. Jade's on her way over so we can give each other presents. I make my bed cosy, putting a blanket down and adding some extra pillows. I then put her presents on the bed before heading downstairs and letting her in.

"The snow's getting pretty heavy, I've never seen it like this." Jade says as we walk upstairs.
"Me either. It's nice to have it though." I state, heading into my room. She sets her bag down and sits on the edge of the bed with me following. "Okay, who first?" I ask, looking at the collection of presents.
"Here." She says, handing me a rectangular shaped box. I unwrap it and see a photo we took at the beach in a frame. I set it on my night stand.
"Thank you." I beam, leaning in and kissing her cheek. "Now you." I mutter, grabbing a gift and handing it to her. She unwraps it, it's the hoodies I got her. "Because I'm always stealing yours." I say.
"I was beginning to run out." She states with a smile, pulling one on.
"I'll be stealing those as well." I smirk before she hands me another present. It's an exfoliator and body butter.
"Since you're always in the bath." She says. "Insanely long as well." She states.
"A normal amount of time, you mean." I reply, handing her a gift. It's a milani green eyeshadow palette.

We exchange all of our gifts up until our last ones.
"I saved the best for last." I explain, handing her the pandora ring in a wrapped up box. She opens it, her face scrunching up when the pandora logo is revealed.
"Y/n-" She mutters, opening the box.
"If you're worried about the cost, it's okay." I state.
"You're crazy." She chuckles dryly. She opens the box and sees the ring. "It's beautiful." She states quietly before sliding it onto one of her fingers. "Thank you." She smiles, leaning in and kissing my lips. "Here's your last one." She says, handing over a wrapped box. I smile before untying the ribbon and taking the top off of the box. I see a necklace with (your initial) and a little J carved into it. I take it out and put it on.
"I love it, thank you." I reply, kissing her cheek.

We lay on my bed for a while, watching a few movies. Her arm is round my shoulders, my head leaning against her as her free hand holds mine. I grab a blanket and put it over the two of us since it's starting to get colder in my room.
"Your sister is nice." I mumble against her.
"She's the first person I came out to." She replies, her hand moving up to stroke through my hair.
"She seems supportive." I state, falling into deep relaxation.
"She is." She says, kissing the side of my head. "I should get going soon, I don't want to get snowed in." She adds, standing up and looking out the window. "Crap." She mutters. "Too late." I get up and look out the window with her.
"Shit." I huff before quickly heading down the stairs and checking the front door. A bunch of snow piles into the living room causing Tori and Trina to look over.
"That's a lot of snow." Tori mutters, looking at the floor.
"Jade needs to get home." I explain, looking out the door. By this time Jase's now made it downstairs and is behind me, looking at the same view.
"There's no way I'm making it out of here tonight." She sighs.
"No need to sound so sad about it." I joke, receiving a glare from her. "Right, not the time to joke." I mumble. I head over to the TV and turn on the news to see the forecast.
"We're going to be snowed in for at least the night, and possibly tomorrow night too." I explain after around 15 minutes of watching the news.
"Just great." Jade sighs, slumping down onto the couch bedside me.
"It'll be okay." I reason, trying to put light onto the situation.
"Will it? It's the first time I'm seeing my sister in almost a year and now I'm stuck here." She huffs, standing up and heading upstairs.
"Well that could've gone better." I sigh, turning to Tori who has a sympathetic look on her face.

I leave Jade for a while to let her cool off before heading upstairs with some food and a drink.
"Hey." I mumble as I open the door. She's turned on her side, facing away from the door. "I'm sorry you're stuck here." I say, placing the food and drink on the bedside table.
"It's not your fault so don't apologise." She says. "I'm sorry for snapping at you, I'm not a people person if you haven't noticed." She adds.
"5 minutes into knowing you I noticed you weren't a people person." I joke, taking a seat on the bed. She turns slightly, looking me up and down before moving her body so that she's lying towards me.
"You were still nice to me though." She replies.
"Good thing I was, huh?" I smile, offering her the food.
"I suppose so." She jokes with a half smile, taking the food.
"So I have some vodka in my drawer, how about we turn this night around?" I question, rifling through the drawer to get the alcohol.
"Perfect." She smiles.

After around 30 an hour, the alcohol starts to hit.
"I wanna build a blanket fort." I announce, standing up from my bed, leaving Jade lying there. I grab some blankets and some pillows from the corner of my room and throw them over to her.
"A blanket fort? Are you 5?" She asks.
"If that means you'll build it with me then yes, I'm 5." I reply, jumping onto the bed. "Please, build the fort with me!" I almost beg.
"Fine." She sighs with a smile growing on her face. She jumps up from the bed and we begin building it.

15 minutes later, our fort is done and it looks amazing. There's fairy lights inside attached to the blankets and pillows everywhere. We have the vodka, coke and some snacks in the corner.
"This is cosy." I say, leaning into her side.
"It's nice to shut out the world." She replies, taking another sip of the drink.
"So you agree my fort was a good idea?" I ask, leaning over her.
"Our fort, baby." She smiles, grabbing a hold of my top and pulling me in slightly. "Is this mine?" She asks, breaking the eye contact we were previously holding and looking down at it.
"Maybe." I mutter, my face pink from the pet name.
"Aww, you're all flustered." She chuckles slightly, pulling me in a bit closer. "How about now?" She asks before kissing my jawline, pulling away to see my reaction. Now completely flustered, I break the eye contact. "Look at me, Y/n." She orders gently, using the finger from her free hand to direct my gaze. "Is this okay?" She asks, lower than before. I nod in response, not being able to muster a response. "Words, baby." She demands, placing another kiss to my jawline, this time on the other side.
"It's okay." I mumble, looking at her before looking away. She props herself up onto her elbow so her face is now mere inches from me. She angles my face slightly before leaning in and kissing me slowly and passionately, as she sits up better, holding me with her hands. After a moment her hands start to wonder down my chest, hips and thighs before guiding me so that I'm straddling her waist. They then make their way to my hips once more before roaming once more, her grip tightening in some areas. The kiss gets more heated, and then the kiss stops, causing my face to scrunch up.
"Patience." She says sweetly, with a smile, holding my face before kissing my cheek and pulling me to lay down against her.

For the next few hours, I can't look at Jade. My head remains leaning against her as my cheeks calm down, as well as the rest of my body. Her hand strokes through my hair as we talk about everything and nothing.
"Maybe being snowed in isn't the worst thing ever." She says. I sit up and smile at her, kissing her gently. "What's the time?" She asks, looking around for a phone.
"11:30." I state, handing over her phone. "I'm gonna change." I state, making my way out of the blanket fort and over to my dresser.
"Are we keeping this up?" She asks, following me out.
"I think so, don't you?" I question, handing her some clothes.
"You find so much joy in the little things." She observes, taking the clothes and heading to the bathroom to change.

Once we're changed, we get back into the blanket fort and get comfy once more.
"What's your favourite Disney princess movie?" I question, getting my iPad.
"Disney princess? Really?" She questions, raising a brow as she looks at me.
"Well, what did you watch when you were a kid?" I ask.
"Not Disney princess movies." She replies.
"Have you seen Rapunzel?" I ask, my mouth dropping agape slightly. Rapunzel is the best Disney movie and I'll be shocked if she hasn't seen it.
"Nope." She replies.
"You're worse than I thought." I sigh, dramatically falling to the pillow. I put Rapunzel on and balance the iPad before leaning my head against her. "I'm about to change your life." I state.

I fall asleep halfway through the movie, unable to keep myself awake. I feel Jade's arms slide around me as she repositions us so that she's spooning me. With this I fall into a deeper sleep feeling warm inside.

The next morning I wake up with a collapsed fort on top of me. I push the blankets to the floor and look to the side, seeing Jade still asleep. I get out of bed and open my advent calendar and head downstairs.

I see a girl with dyed blue strands and pause. Sapphires here? But why.
"Morning, honey." Dad calls from the kitchen.
"Morning, Dad. What's she doing here?" I question, pointing to Sapphire.
"She does freelance painting, your mother and I wanted a mural done. She got snowed in last night." He explains. I can't wait to tell Jade about this.
"So, Jade stayed the night, she got snowed in." I reply.
"You two are getting awfully close. You seem to wear her clothes a lot. I'm glad you've made a friend, a good friend, sweetheart." He says, giving me a smile.
"Uh, yeah." I mumble, grabbing 2 glasses and a carton of orange juice before heading upstairs once more.

I get back to my room and shake Jade awake.
"Wake up, baby." I say, receiving furrowed brows in response before it quickly turns to a smirk.
"Did you just call me baby?" She asks, moving herself up a bit. I pause for a second, my face going red.
"I did, is that okay?" I ask, nervously looking at her.
"Of course it is, as long as you're comfortable." She says, holding my face and kissing me. "Why are you so chirpy this morning?" She questions, moving some blankets off of her.
"I have a surprise for you." I say, holding a glance of orange juice out to her.
"Is the surprise orange juice? Because that's a terrible surprise." She states, looking disappointed.
"Oh no, something much better." I reply. She takes the orange juice and takes a few sips.
"So, when do I get to know what it is?" She questions.
"Depends." I say with a smile. Before coming into my room, I had made a plan with Trina. She was going to text me when Sapphire wakes up and that's when I would get Kade to come down. It would be weird to show her a sleeping girl on the couch.
"Depends on what?" She asks, looking slightly irritated.
"Just be patient. Did you like Rapunzel? I question.
"It was miserable." She replies. "But it was nice to watch it with you." She adds, trying to make it better.

We sit and talk for a while before I get the text from Trina.
"Okay, come with me." I tell Jade, standing up and taking her by the hand.
"Where are we going?" She questions as I lead her downstairs. "Sapphire?" She mumbles, looking across to the kitchen where dad's making some food. "How the hell did you manage this?" She asks, turning towards me.
"I'd love to take credit for it but it was just fate." I state as we walk downstairs and over to her sister. She pulls her in for a hug.
"I thought I'd miss Christmas with you." Jade sighs into the hug.
"We might be out of here before Christmas." Sapphire replies. I head over to the front door and take a look out, the snow is still pretty thick. "But it wouldn't be the worst to be stuck here, huh?" She does wiggly eyebrows to Jade who rolls her eyes.

Tori, Trina, Jade, Sapphire and I all sit down for a movie. My legs are thrown over Jade's lap with my head resting on her shoulder. Sapphire is the other side of Jade, with Trina the other side of her and Tori in the arm chair. We get a selection of snacks and drinks before putting on Home Alone, arguably the best Christmas movie out there.

After the first movie I head upstairs and grab the first hoodie I see before going back downstairs and joining the others back on the couch.
"You just bought that for me." Jade says, looking at my hoodie.
"I told you I was gonna steal it." I smile, getting comfy once more. "You can have it when you're cold." I add.
"What if I'm cold now?" She asks.
"I'll be your blanket." I reply, kicking my legs back up to their original position.

We spend most of the day watching movies since there wasn't much else to do but as we're halfway through Elf, the power cuts out.
"No way did that just happen." Jade grunts, throwing her arms up.
"I'll go get some candles." I sigh. "Come with?" I ask Jade, slightly scared of the dark. She nods, standing up and following me.

It's dark outside as it's around 5pm now. We grab a few candles and torches from the garage.
"I just wanted to say thank you." Jade says.
"For what?" I ask, looking up at her from the drawer with the candles.
"For last night, for calming me down." She explains.
"You don't have to thank me, y'know?" I reply, making my way over to her and huddling her as well as I can, the candles and torches making it hard. I give her a sweet kiss, smiling up at her before heading back into the house. We set up the candles throughout the downstairs and light them, giving some visibility in the room.
"It looks like we're gonna have to stay the night again." Sapphire sighs. "I'm sorry for being an inconvenience." She apologises, looking between us.
"You're not, I'm glad you were somewhere safe." I reply.
"Sorry to you guys, not being able to spend Christmas with your family." Tori says.
"It's never the best Christmas there anyway." Sapphire states.
"How so?" Tori asks.
"There's always so much arguing, everything's our fault. And the family say some quite offensive things." She explains. "Obviously we love them and all but it's relieving being without them." She adds. I look up at Jade, she's silent but nodding slightly. She's never really spoken about her family so this is the first I'm hearing. Jade looks over to me and meets my gaze, smiling almost sadly. I lean up and kiss her cheek, putting my arms around her and leaning my head on her shoulder.

The power has been on and off and I have to make several trips to the garage. One time Sapphire offers to come with me, following me to the garage.
"Thank you for being there for Jade. She might not show it, but she needs someone in her corner, somewhere she can stay if she needs to." She says, helping me with the candles.
"Of course. She was hard to get to at first, but I'm glad I kept trying." I explain. "So your parents, are they homophobic?" I question. "Sorry... you don't have to answer that." I add, realising how personal it was.
"It's okay. They're a lot of things. They say homophobic things but I'm not sure how they'd react to Jade." She explains. "I can't be there to protect her most times." She adds. "That's why I'm thankful for you. She had that Beck before you, but he wasn't good enough for her. He was always dismissive of her feelings. She'd call me in tears when he would've let a girl flirt with him all night. She's the jealous type so be warned." She jokes at the end, smiling at me.
"I never liked Beck either, he's an asshole." I huff. It's now that I remember what he said. "He uhm, wants to get rid of me... his words." I explain.
"What?" Sapphire asks.
"I don't know, we were at the mall the other day and I overheard him say it." I add. I've known Sapphire for all of 5 minutes and I'm spilling my heart out to her, I have no idea why.
"I've got a friend on the force if you want to go to the police about it." She offers,
"No, no, that's okay. I'd rather not make it a big thing, but thank you." I reply.
"Of course, offer stands if you change your mind." She replies with a kind smile before we head back into the house.
"What took you two so long?" Jade asks, pulling, me onto her once I'm over by the couch.
"We had to look somewhere else for the candles." Sapphire lies quickly.

We head back upstairs after a while, Sapphire going with Tori and Trina to her room and Jade coming into mine. We sit back down on the bed, the fort now completely gone.
"Looks like we're stuck here for Christmas." Jade states, staring up at the ceiling.
"Are you okay with that?" I question, looking over at her.
"Yeah, I am." She replies, looking over at me.
"We could've opened our presents actually on Christmas." I sigh, looking at the pile of stuff from Jade.
"So, how many of my hoodies do you have?" She questions, turning to face me.
"Quite a few, along with some other clothes of yours." I reply. I stand up and open my closet. "This one's yours." I state, showing her a green body suit. "This too." I say, pulling out a skirt. I go over to the clothing pegs on the back of my door. "This one, this one, this one and this one are all yours." I tell her, showing her 4 hoodies. "And the one that I'm wearing." I smile.
"We've been together for what, a month? And you've taken most of my clothes." She replies.
"Okay this is not most of your clothes." I state. "Dramatic much?" I joke, getting back onto my bed.
"I'm not dramatic." She replies.
"You're super dramatic." I chuckle. I turn the fairy lights on surrounding my bed and light up a few candles before lying back down. "This is nice." I breathe, resting my head on my pillow and looking up. "I wasn't expecting someone like you at Hollywood Arts." I state.
"What do you mean, someone like me?" She questions, turning her head to face me.
"Well, they're all a little... funky there. You're the most normal person I've met." I state. "But they're mostly all extremely weird." I joke.
"Too right." She replies.
It's Christmas.
"Jade, it's Christmas!" I yell, nudging her awake.
"Go back to sleep." She groans, pulling a pillow over her face.
"It's Christmas!" I tug at her arm, causing her to look at me and accept defeat. "Come on!" I pester her, pulling at her arm harder.
"I'm awake." She grumbles, holding my arm still.
"Merry Christmas." I beam, kissing her on her cheek.
"Bah Humbug." She sighs, sitting up a little bit.
"My Scrooge." I smile, kissing her gently before getting up and throwing one of her hoodies back on. "Come on, I want to open presents." I say, holding her hand and lightly tugging on it.
"Fine." She huffs, throwing on a hoodie as well and following me downstairs.

Tori, Trina and Sapphire are already up as well. They're sitting in the kitchen drinking coffee.
"Morning you two." Trina says, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Head out the gutter." Jade demands, taking the coffee off of her sister.
"I will just make another, then, Y/n, do you want one?" Sapphire asks, being sarcastic in the first part.
"I'd love one, thank you." I smile before heading over to the tree and checking out the stockings. A wave of guilt washes over me and I walk back over to the kitchen.
"Why do you look so sad? Normally you're all up in arms about Christmas." Trina observes.
"I feel bad that you guys don't have anything to open." I say, taking the coffee Sapphire made.
"Don't worry about us, I'm a bit too old for the magic of Christmas, and Jade has always been the grinch." Sapphire explains.
"Are you sure?" I ask.
"It's okay, like she said, I'm the grinch." Jade says, resting her head on my shoulder from behind.
"Aww, who knew you could be so soft." Sapphire jokes.
"I'm not soft." She replies, removing her head and taking a seat at the table.
"She's soft." I smile once Jade's out of ear shot.

We spend the morning waking up and eventually opening presents once mom and dad are awake and downstairs. With them being here, it means that Jade and I can't be as close.

Once all of the presents are opened, mom gets started on the dinner and dad sits watching the TV with us all. I throw a ball of scrunched up wrapping paper at Jade in an attempt to get her attention. She looks over to me annoyed. I tilt my head over to the staircase and get up, heading upstairs.

"What?" Jade asks once we're upstairs.
"Nothing, I'm just bored." I sigh. "Dad watches that TV all morning long on Christmas and it's so boring." I add, slumping onto my bed. "It's cold." I mumble.
"Are you cold blooded or something?" She asks, following me onto the bed.
"Yes, you're my heat lamp." I smile, attacking her in a hug once she's comfortable.
"What have I got myself into?" She asks with a sigh.
"Get used to it, you're not escaping anytime soon." I smile, holding onto her tighter.
"How are you always asleep?" I hear Jade sigh, shaking me slightly. "It's time to wake up, food is ready." She says.
"But I'm so comfy." I huff.
"Now you know how I feel." She states, moving me off of her so she can drag me off the bed.

We get downstairs, receiving a few looks. I fix my hair, messed up from sleeping before taking a seat next to Jade with Trina the other side of me.

We dig into the meal, the family bigger than ever. The table is full of chatter and laughs. I ate an enormous amount of pigs in blankets, literally the best Christmas food. As we're nearing the end of the meal, Jade has her hand on my thigh, innocently talking to my parents as if she's just my best friend.

Once we're finished, Jade, Tori, Trina and Sapphire head over to the living room whilst I stay behind in the kitchen.
"Mom, dad?" I begin.
"What's up, sweetheart?" Mom asks, turning from her position at the sink.
"Uhm, okay." I sigh. "I'm gay, and Jade is my girlfriend." I state. I look up to meet their gazes and see them both staring at me.
"How long?" Dad asks after clearing his throat.
"About a month." I reply.
"That's great, hun." Mom says. "You know what this means, though." She sighs. "No sleeping over, door open at all times." She lectures. Why did I even tell them?
"Uh, yeah, okay." I reply before heading back over to the others.
"Why'd you hang back?" Tori asks, handing me my favourite monolopy piece. I place it on the board at the start.
"I just came out to mom and dad." I mumble.
"How did it go?" Sapphire asks.
"Good, I guess. But you've been banned from sleeping over." I sigh, looking at Jade. She gives me a 'seriously?' look, causing me to shrug and sink into the couch.
"I have my ways." She mumbles to me.

I watch as Jade rolls the dice, silently praying she rolls a 6. We're the last two left in the game, it's been going on for around 3 hours now.
"Come on, come on." I mumble. She rolls a 4, causing me to groan. "You couldn't have rolled a 6? I ask.
"No." She replies, moving her piece. I was hoping to get her out. We're both almost out of money, all the properties maxed out. It's my turn to roll and I'm coming up to the side of the board she dominates. I close my eyes and roll the dice, snapping them open the second they've stopped.
"No!" I huff, falling back onto the couch.
"Did someone finally win?" Tori asks.
"Jade did." I mutter.
"Don't be salty, baby girl." She mutters in my ear.
"I'm not salty." I sigh.
"Looks like the snow has finally cleared up." Mom calls, looking out the door. I sigh, looking at Jade, knowing that she was going to go. I had almost gotten used to her staying here.

I help Jade pack up her stuff before heading downstairs with her and Sapphire. I pull Jade into a tight hug, kissing her cheek before giving Sapphire a hug.
"You should get snowed in again, sometime." I say with a smile.
"It was fun." Sapphire replies, walking out the door with her stuff.
"Here, your hoodie." I say, handing Jade the hoodie I got her for Christmas.
"Thank you." She smiles, kissing my cheek before heading out.

Best Christmas ever.

A/n: This chapter is 6.5k words long... I deeply apologise. Thank you for reading, this chapter went on for forever, but I wanted to make a Christmas chapter. I hope you enjoyed<3

This is not proof read, I don't have the energy so I hope it's okay as is<333

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