Wanted by Demons AU


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Huge and I mean HUGE differences from the other story this one is mine the opening is a bit similar, but the... Еще

Yanderes part 2
Meeting the Hazbins
True Intentions
Drop the Bomb

In the woods

389 12 8

(Lucas's POV)

I've been living with my uncle in Louisiana for as long as I can remember. I don't remember if I had a Mom or Dad, just him. He was never really nice to me that much. The only times I've been around him was when he had to feed me. Any other time, he's always angry with me, yelling at me, and telling me to shut up.

Because of that, I've always been scared of him. Because I always thought I did something wrong to make him mad at me. Until one night when I was five, it was December and it was freezing and snowing outside. My Uncle got really upset after he found out that I had accidentally broken a plate while cleaning and he was trying to get into my room to beat me.

Uncle Mitch: (angrily) Come out of there you little bastard! Can't you do the simplest thing right?!

I locked the door and went over to the window, this was the first time he ever actually tried to hurt me, so I tried to make a run for it. I opened the window, and thank god he could only afford a one-story house. I slipped out the window, and rand towards a massive patch of woods outside.

I was about a half a mile into the woods when I realized... It was freezing and now, so was I because I didn't have time to put anything on except my pajamas. I fell to my knees and started to cry a little until I heard rustling in some nearby bushes.

Lucas: Hello? Is someone there?

I moved a little closer and pushed one of the branches aside to see... a coat? It was a hot pink over coat, and it was pretty big, even for a normal person.

Lucas: Uh... hey whoever's out here, you um, you dropped your coat.

No answer.

Lucas: Well that was stupid, no one's here. Why tell no one something, now you're talking to yourself, which is weird, and you're still doing it.

I turned my attention back to the woods

Lucas: Well with that said, I think I'm gonna go, bye mysterious person, and I guess I'll leave your coat here, if you are out here then I wouldn't want you to catch a cold.

(???'s POV)

I watched the little boy leave, and quickly went over to retrieve my coat without him noticing. I know plenty of humans who wouldn't have left it there, but he actually kept it there because he didn't want me to get cold which honestly was a possibility it was rather cold out, but then why didn't he have a coat?

Against my better judgement I decided do trail behind him before gently dropping my coat and hiding. I saw him turn around, I hoped he would take it, I didn't want the little thing to freeze.

Lucas: Um... is this a prank?

I watched as he got a little closer to the coat.

Lucas: Do, do you want me to take it?

He looked around, and if I weren't so worried about being caught then I would have just put it on him myself, but I couldn't let him see me, so I just sat there.

Lucas: Well, it's a very nice coat, whoever you are, thanks... I guess, but I hope you realize it is pretty cold out, you should keep it.

I saw him put the coat down and walk away. He was so sweet, he wasn't worried about being cold, he was worried about me, sure he didn't know it was me, but still.

Lucas: Excuse me, I don't know you, but I'm a little lost, could you help me? I live just up near the clearing.

(Lucas's POV)

He might've been angry, but he was still the only family I had, so I had to go back to my uncle.

(???'s POV)

I decided to help him, but on one condition. I started to write something in the snow.

(Lucas's POV)

I heard the crunching of snow and peered behind a tree, only to see a message that said "Put on the coat and I'll help you, my dear."

Lucas: Uh... again thanks, but it's too big, whoever you are, you must be really big and strong.

(???'s POV)

Haha! Big well maybe in height, I was roughly seven feet tall, and strong, well not physically but with my magic, I could be considered incredibly powerful. Either way I watched the boy, and wrote another message in the snow, he came over and read, "Put it on or I won't help you, can't have a little thing like you freezing."

I saw that he still didn't take the coat, so I decided to gently drape it over him, and teleport away before he could see me. I saw him look around, clearly confused at how my coat had made its way on to him, he honestly looked pretty cute in it sense the coat was more like a blanket on him.

(Lucas's POV)

I stood there, slightly bewildered, as the oversized coat enveloped me like a warm cocoon. The mysterious benefactor had vanished, leaving me in a state of confusion. Despite the odd circumstances, the coat did provide a comforting shield against the biting cold.

Lucas: (mumbling to himself) Well, this is weird... but at least I'm not freezing.

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating whether to follow the strange instructions left in the snow. With a sigh, I decided to comply. As I struggled to keep the coat from slipping off my small frame, I called out.

Lucas: Okay, I'm wearing the coat. Can you show me the way home now?

(???'s POV)

I observed the boy from a distance, satisfied that he had followed my instructions. In the blink of an eye, I materialized before him.

(Lucas's POV)

I looked up and saw a figure appear in front of me. It was a slim, woman with beige-colored skin, and a mouth full of sharp, yellow teeth. She had short pink hair and two large black-tipped tufts of hair extending from the top of her head that resembled deer ears, an undercut, and two small black antlers on the top of her head. She smiled down at me, but her smile was also pretty creepy, so I screamed until she covered my mouth.

???: (gently) shh, shh, shh, shh, shh, shh. I'm sorry my dear I didn't mean to scare you, I'm Alastra, and you are?

Lucas: (shaken) L-Lucas Credence, are, are you the one who owns this coat?

She nodded.

Lucas: If you don't mind me asking, what are you?

Alastra: What am I, you ask? I'm a demon, my dear.

My eyes widened with a mix of fear and curiosity.

Lucas: A demon? Like from hell?

Alastra: Precisely.

Lucas: Well, what are you doing here and not down there?

Alastra chuckled a little.

Alastra: I used to live here, years ago, and after I died I started to occasionally haunt this place. You know, if you really need to get warm, my old cabin should be very close.

Part of me wanted to run, something about her was so creepy, but I was freezing, and this way I could avoid my uncle for the night.

Lucas: (nervously) Okay, I guess. Lead the way.

(A/N: Did Dorian teach you nothing?!)

Alastra's lips curled into a pleased smile as she gestured for me to come closer to her, I complied and then she picked me up, and I curled up under the coat to stay warm.

(Alastra's POV)

I held Lucas in my arms as I walked through the woods, his small form nestled against my chest, the poor thing was shaking from the cold.

Alastra: So, if you don't mind me asking, why were you out here all alone, in your pajamas, without any supervision? Aren't your parents worried?

(Lucas's POV)

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how much I should share with this peculiar demon who seemed both creepy and caring.

Lucas: I... don't have parents. I ran away from where I was staying.

Alastra's expression shifted to one of understanding, her smile never leaving her face.

Alastra: I see. It's not safe for a little one like you to be out here alone. But don't worry, my cabin is just ahead, and you can stay there for the night.

As we approached the cabin, the glow from its windows painted an inviting picture against the dark canvas of the night. I gently set Max down as we entered, the cozy atmosphere a stark contrast to the harsh cold outside.

The cabin was surprisingly homely, a little dilapidated, but pretty cozy.

Alastra motioned for me to sit by the fire as she prepared some tea.

Alastra: So, if it isn't too personal, who is taking care of you if you're parents aren't around?

Lucas: (softly) I live with my uncle. He's not very nice to me. Most of the time, he's angry, and I try to stay out of his way, but tonight was... different, he... he tried to beat me and...

Just then I heard something that sounded like radio static.

(Alastra's POV)

What Lucas didn't know was that noise was actually me trying not to go into my overlord form, I didn't want to frighten him, but the thought of someone hurting something so innocent was disgusting, even to me.

Lucas: (nervously) Alastra... you okay?

I forced a reassuring smile, suppressing the unsettling static noise that threatened to emerge.

Alastra: Yes, my dear. Just a minor disturbance in my magic. Nothing to worry about. I'm gonna go outside to cool off.

(Lucas's POV)

I eyed Alastra with a mix of curiosity and concern. Something about her seemed... off. She was nice, but something about her, it was so creepy, and yet I didn't move it was either out of comfort from the fire or just plain nerves. Eventually I started to feel tired, which made sense because I hadn't slept at all that night and eventually I fell asleep beside the fire.

(Alastra's POV)

I was outside in on the porch of my cabin. And I kept thinking over and over, How could someone who's been through something like that be so sweet? How could someone hurt something so sweet? Should I ask him a bit more? I mean all this talk of his uncle was reminding me of... of my father. I felt my ears flattened back just at the thought of my father. He would abuse me and my mother back when we were alive, and it went on for years, and he would beat me all the time, and Lucas's uncle sounded like he was ready to cross that line. I figured I should pay Lucas's uncle... a little visit, maybe do with him what I did with my father. Then I thought about leaving Lucas all alone out here in the woods, he'd probably be pretty frightened. I cracked the front door open to look at him, only to see him asleep by the fire, and he looked so cute swaddled up in my coat.

Alastra: Aw, aren't you just precious~

I went over to him and carried him to the room I used to sleep in. Gently placing Lucas on the bed, I covered him with a blanket, tucking him in before I left the room.

Alastra: (warmly) Sleep well, darling.

I shut the door, my expression darkening.

Alastra: (menacingly) Now, for your uncle.

I walked out into the snow, and I knew I was gonna be gone for a while.

(Next Morning - Lucas's POV)

Sunlight filtered through the cabin's worn-out curtains, stirring me from my sleep. For a moment, I was disoriented, unsure of where I was. Then, the events of the previous night flooded back.

Lucas: (murmuring) It wasn't a dream.

I noticed a note on a nightstand next to me.

"Dear Lucas,

Feel free to make yourself at home. I've gone out for a moment but will be back soon. There's some breakfast on the stove for you.


As I read Alastra's note, a mix of gratitude and curiosity filled me. Despite her eerie appearance, she had shown me kindness in a way no one else ever had. I decided to explore the cabin while waiting for her return.

The quaint space was actually kinda melancholy. Especially this one door down near the kitchen, it had a rusty red stain on the handle. I know now what that stain was, but I was too young and innocent to actually know at the time.

(Narrator's POV)

It was better for Lucas not to know what was down in there, if he only knew, Alastra wasn't out she was in the basement, doing what? Well...


(Alastra's POV)

I head managed to track Lucas's scent all the way back to his uncle's house. When I got there I could here Lucas's uncle muttering curses under his breath.

Mitch: (angrily) That little fucker! Running away in the middle of the night! He'll get...

Alastra: (creepily) Oh, he's not getting anything except some solace from you.

He whipped his head around to face me

I stepped forward, my presence sending shivers down his spine. He stammered, struggling to find words as fear gripped him.

Mitch: Wh-who the hell are you?

Alastra: Someone looking for a meal.

Mitch: (rolling his eyes) Look, if you're some homeless lunatic then you're out of luck, here.

Alastra: Actually I have found a meal.

He looked at me, obviously confused.

Alastra: YOU!

I turned into my full demon form and lunged at him.

I pinned him down before...



Let's just say... he was disarmed, permanently.


(In Alastra's basement- Narrator's POV)

Alastra was currently talking to a shackled up Mitch.

Alastra: You know why I brought you here?

Mitch: (fearfully) To eat my other arm?!

Alastra chuckled darkly.

Alastra: Well yes, but also it's because I didn't want anyone to find you, you deserve to suffer. I knew a man like you once, and I killed him. Just as I am going to do to you. You didn't want to be a loving care taker to Lucas... so you can't have him... I WILL. Now the only question is what part of you do I have for breakfast?

Mitch: No wait Please!


She bit off part of his foot.

Alastra: That'll do.

Alastra wiped her mouth then she teleported upstairs to join Lucas in the kitchen where he was having breakfast.

Alastra: Good morning, darling. Did you find everything okay?

Lucas: Yeah, your cabin's pretty homey. Do you think I can stay here for a few more hours?

Alastra: I don't see a problem in a few more hours of fun, darling. Maybe I could show you some of my magic, watch this.

Alastra waved her hand, causing Max's shadow to come to life and poke him and he snickered a little.

Alastra: Uh-oh, look who's ticklish~

Alastra thought his giggling was cute so she made the shadow tickle him a little more to figure out everywhere he was ticklish. She found out that it was pretty much everywhere.

Alastra: Even your laughter is adorable~

(Alastra's POV)

I saw him blush when I cooed at him and he looked adorable so I did it again.

Alastra: Awww, someone's flustered~

Lucas: N-no I'm not.

Alastra: (teasingly) Oh really, darling? Your blushing gives you away. It's quite charming, actually.

Lucas: (embarrassed) Well, I... uh...

I giggled a little, he was so cute. I picked him up out of his seat and held him on my hip, even for a human he was light, and so warm.

Alastra's thoughts: He's like a little stuffed animal~

I  went into the living room and sat down in an armchair next to the fireplace, with my little darling sitting in my lap.

(Lucas's POV)

Her lap was so warm, and soft, I looked up at her smiling at me then she started to rub my, cheeks, hair, and nose. Her hands were surprisingly soft despite her claws which she was careful to not cut me with. She poked my nose then I tried to get up, but she pushed me back down on her lap.

Alastra: Come now darling. I see you like it there~

I did feel comfortable here, but I also wanted to get up. I tried a few more times before, but she always pushed me back down on her lap until I gave up, and just nestled up against her to get comfortable, and eventually I fell asleep.

(Alastra's POV)

I gently stroked Lucas's hair as he slept, a soft smile gracing my lips, he looked so cute.

Alastra: (whispering) You're absolutely precious~

I brought him up to my old room and cuddled up next to him in bed i figured he could use some comfort. I don't why I felt this way, it wasn't like me to get close to people, but this one was so lonely and helpless. He had no one, and if no one wanted him, I guess I could help myself.

Alastra: (whispering) My little baby fawn~

*Five hours later*

I just couldn't take my eyes off of his adorable sleeping face. Then I saw his eyes slowly open and I planted a soft kiss on his forehead.

Lucas: How long was I sleeping for?

Alastra: About five hours.

Lucas: What?! ... I gotta go home.

Alastra: What? You can't stay a little longer?

Lucas: I don't know, if he finds out that I'm still not there he might get really mad.

Alastra: (fake pouting) Oh, do you really have to go?

Lucas: I appreciate your help, Alastra. Really, I do. But I can't stay here forever. My uncle will be angry, but I need to go back.

Alastra's expression shifted, a mixture of disappointment and understanding.

Alastra: I understand, Lucas. Just promise me you'll be careful.

Lucas: I will. Thanks for everything.

With a reluctant nod, I stepped outside, leaving Alastra's cozy cabin behind. The cold air bit at my exposed skin, a stark contrast to the warmth I felt inside. The woods seemed both comforting and foreboding as I retraced my steps, guided only by the distant clearing.

As I approached the familiar surroundings of my uncle's house, a wave of anxiety washed over me. What would I find there? Was he still angry? Would he even notice my absence?

(Alastra's POV)

I sat in an armchair next to my fireplace humming to myself. I knew that he was gonna come back, his uncle was locked in my basement, and Lucas would need someone to watch him, he'll come back.

Alastra: Don't worry, darling. Mommy will be here when you get back~

*Seven hours later*

I was actually expecting it to take maybe a day or so, but nope. My baby must've gotten scared enough to come running back to the cabin.

Alastra: Hello, darling, are you alright?

Lucas: No, yes, I really don't know right now.

Alastra: What's wrong?

Lucas: My uncle never came home, and while I guess I'm kinda happy about that, it's getting pretty dark, and It was scary to be at home all by myself. Would it be okay if I spend the night here again? Please?

I let him stay, obviously. What kind of mother would leave her poor baby all alone?

Alastra: Of course, my dear, right this way.

I lead him up the stairs, back to my old room. I laid down on the bed and I pat a spot next to me to invite him to lay down. When he was all settled in a cuddle up against him and I saw him blush a little, it was so cute.

I couldn't help but think about how strange he was, where I'm from the worst humanity has to offer exist, and yet this child was so pure and he came from the same place. But, his uncle, I think I found him just in time, without me he could've turned out as bad as his uncle, but what was I gonna do now? I know I can't stay in the human world for long... then it hit me, maybe, maybe he could come with me. Of course he could, he was mine now after all, and a mother knows what's best for her baby. Then I noticed him stirring and I saw that my fingers where digging into his arm a little. I loosened my grip and pet his head so he would stay asleep.

Alastra: Rest, my little fawn, tomorrow you'll get to see your new home~

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