I'D Forgotten The Taste Of Ha...

Por The_Revenant_King

51 0 0

Jason finally comes back to Gotham hell-bent on doing by Crime Alley right... make a permanent change that Br... Más



34 0 0
Por The_Revenant_King

The air was buzzing with movement as people meandered about. It was stuffy. That black suit and tie bullshit that Jason really never found himself comfortable in. But even still, Jason found himself giving a small smile as he watched his people work. Haven had been hired to cater this big event for some richie-rich high-end family. And as always, Jason had his employees provide service on top of food. No way was he letting unknowns pass his shit around. Rogues love these fancy shindigs too much for Jason to be comfortable with just passing it all over and turning away. Besides...

Jason smiled more as he looked over at these two men carefully placing a large chocolate dragon statue onto a special freezer table. He liked to see everyone's expressions when they get a look at his creations. There were other deserts... little pastries and cakes littered about the dragon like a treasure horde of golden sweets.

It had been a while since he was hired for such a large project. He was grateful for the chance to show off. Even if the chance came with the unfortunate forced black tie event he was made to be in company for.

"Yo! Boss!" Jason frowned as he slowly looked up to see a man standing there seemingly wanting to burn the very clothes he was wearing to ash... with himself inside them. Their typically curly flaming red hair was straightened and gelled back into a firm professional fashion. He looked like a monkey in a suit and Jason couldn't help but laugh. "Why the fuck do we work these gigs again?"

"The Thousand dollar payday." Jason replied cooly, leaning back against the air just the slightest bit to give the other a sly smirk. "Hey, at least it's only the every-so-often event for us. These snob-heads have to go to every gala or event, every Chad, Michael, and Murry throw to show off how pompous and rich they are.

"Says the man who runs the top hot-spot Restaurant and Catering business in the Ally. Has made his name not only as the prime artist in the culinary world, as per Gotham standards anyway, but as one of the highest philanthropists in the whole of Gotham city. Not to mention..." Mads gave Jason a look that only made Jason laugh more.

"Yeah, yeah. Don't get yer panties in a bunch, ye Bitch." Jason teased before stopping as he noticed how more guests were starting to arrive. The event was more of a birthday party than anything but Jason didn't really care. It was still stuffy and boring. At least he could use the time to hear any juicy gossip or possible intel. The rich folk were of very loose lips that's for sure. "Now get yer ass movin'. We got a job to do."

"Again... says the main boss man who gets to do nothing but socialize." Jason shot the other a glare making Mads shrug with a knowing smirk. "I don't pity you. Have fun with the monkey fest, JT."

"Mr. Reade." Jason quickly took a breath, letting his mask fall into place, before allowing himself to turn and greet the woman of the hour. She wore an extravagant jeweled golden dress that matched the decor of the room only adding the main theme of her event. It was clear she saw herself as a treasure worthy of the dragons she was so fond of. Let's just hope nothing turns her into a rogue. Jason did not want to find himself on the other end of some dragon-themed villain. It's always the ones with a gimmick.

"Ms. Samson, don't you look exquisite. A true beauty surely you must be jesting." Jason purred his words watching as the older woman blushed and lit up with pride. "There's no way you're a day over twenty."

"Flattery will get you anything, Mr. Reade."

"Like a bonus?" Jason teased earning a soft laugh from the woman who whispered with a flirtatious wink.

"We shall see. And please... call me Maya." Maya handed him a glass of champagne, before looping her arm around his, and gently leading him through the crowd. "I wanted to thank you for such a beautiful display." Maya sang sweetly, as Jason let his eyes dart about the room taking everything in. He could see how his people easily danced about the crowd. He met Mads eyes once, the former giving Jason a firm nod before returning to giving rich snobs their drinks and snacks. Intel gathering at its finest... "Such a majestic creature, with her wings in full flight." Jason lifted a brow hearing the practical swoon in her voice as she leaned further into Jason. Laying it a bit thick on the flirting, hmm? Jason suppressed a roll of his eyes, taking a light sip of his drink before plastering on that trademark 'Wayne-y-boy' smile he never forgot how to do.

"But of course, Maya. A gift deserving of such a spender, that is what you asked for is it not." Maya giggled before giving such a light sigh staring up at the chocolate dragon.

"You have a gift, Mr. Reade. Why must you squander it in... Park Row?" Jason felt heat blooming rage in his chest as he turned to give the woman a confused look, showing none of the anger he felt writhing in him. He knew exactly what she was doing now, and he was not happy. "Oh, come now. Surely you can see your talents are wasted on such a place as that. Why with your looks, talents, and charitable personality, why... you could even beat Ol' Brucie for Prince of Gotham."

"Well, that's high praise indeed." Jason had to focus to keep his tone light and airy, as Maya just tilted her head, letting her golden hair flow over her shoulder and onto Jason's with a smile that clearly showed it was intentional. "I don't believe I am quite to that standard. Bruce Wayne is a man of good fortune."

"Fortune, yes... Brains... not so much." Jason gripped his cup tighter feeling the green blur the edges of his vision just a bit. Relax, Jason... This is exactly what Bruce wanted with his playboy persona.

"Indeed." Jason forced himself to take another sip of his drink shoving all that residual anger down. Jason knew better than to be so defensive of his 'old' family anyway. There was nothing there to even defend. "He is very... oblivious."

"That's to state it mildly." Maya agreed, with a slight hum before spinning around and holding Jason's hands with a bright smile. "But you Mr. Reade... You built your business from the ground up at only 19. Established a well-known and prosperous charity and programs for the people of Park Row, including funding one of the largest orphanages of Gotham-..."

"You've sure done your research, considering I've kept my name out of everything." Maya just laughed, but Jason couldn't help but feel his suspicions rise. Sure Ms. Maya Samson was a civilian. He made sure to check before accepting the job. Still, she knew more about him than he was pleased about.

"You did, that's true. Your business, however... It's not hard to look into everything The Haven is associated with, Mr. Reade. " Jason's eyes twitched but Maya just kept smiling away as if she had caught her own little gem for her horde. "Your talents are wasted in Park Row. You're far too bright to wither away in such filth. If you allow me, I could boost you to far greater tighter heights. Get your name really out there for everyone to notice you." Maya winked as she glanced off to the side making Jason frown and follow her gaze. He should have expected it really. There was Bruce Wayne smiling away as he schmoozed the shit out of the high-end fuckers that no one really gives a shit about but is still forced to interact with. "Maybe even get Brucie Wayne to take notice... or at the least knock him down a peg."

"Now, Ms. Samson..." Maya's smile faltered a bit at the name as Jason gave her a small smile and a very knowing look. "It almost sounds as if you want to snatch me up."

"Well, I will admit having such a bright youth working with me would be beneficial for the both of us." Both of them... Jason groaned internally at the thought. The high-end families were nothing but vultures. Jason was going to have to watch himself more now if people were starting to take notice. He's had many big names take an interest in his food and sculpture but the last thing he needed would be the spotlight on him himself. He had thought his anonymous actions would keep the general public from looking too deeply but he supposed even the smallest fly can dredge up information if they have enough connection.

"Are you sure you just don't like the prospect of getting your name on The Haven?" Jason's tone gave the ascension of humor but the look in his eyes was a clear warning making Maya blank a bit on any sort of answer. "Well, as flattering as the thought is, Ms. Samson, I'm afraid you give me too much credit. I just run a restaurant. I provide catering and yes... I do create my edible sculptures but that is hardly anything to boast about. My participation in the outreach programs is nothing more than that. Participation in the programs of my city. I am nothing overtly special nor am I deserving of such warm praise."

"You humble yourself, Mr. Reade." was all Maya said as Jason handed her back the now-empty glass of champagne with a small smile. "You could be doing so much more than that rinky-dink hole in the slums."

"That Rinky-dink hole in the slums is my pride and joy, Ms. Samson and I am very proud of what I've accomplished. I'm afraid I'm just not ready to part with her just yet. I don't see myself leaving anytime soon." Maya sighed, waving it all off as if unimportant, but Jason could see the frustration clear as day in each twitch of her eye.

"Pity. Gotham would have surely benefited greatly from you, but I suppose the citizens of Park Row will be the only ones to reap the gifts of your presence. " Jason couldn't help his smirk as he brushed Maya's golden hair back.

"Believe me, Dear... You could do better than a born and bread kid from Crime Alley." Her eyes shot wide as Jason gave her a wink. "Now, I must be off. Can't be selfish and steal all of your time, now can I?"

"Of course not." Maya laughed watching as Jason turned away with a wave. "I'll be seeing you, Mr. Reade."

"Please..." Jason lulled with a knowing look as he shot her back one last smile. "Call me Jasper."

"So be it... Jasper." Maya smirked before walking away herself, letting Jason meander on his own.

Jason held in his growl as he tried to get himself to calm down. He always hated all those prissy fucks. They always thought they were better than everyone. Always talked shit about the alley and thought her people were literal trash. Of course, someone would try and pull him away from it, like that would ever happen.

"You good, Boss?" Jason groaned, letting his annoyance slip into his expression for just a second, hearing the slight sigh from the man beside him. "Yeah, I figured. Noticed the Broad practically hanging off of you."

"She was trying to recruit me." Jason let himself smile a small bit over the startled laugh Mads made just at the thought. "Yeah. I know right."

"Fucking Bristol Bitches." Jason chuckled as he lightly punched Mads in the arm with a shake of his head.

"Don't worry. Not fucking going anywhere. Crime Alley is in my blood." Mads gave a firm nod, eyes shimmering with determined loyalty before Jason just sighed and looked around at all his people again. "We still got a while before we can blow this joint. Keep your nose down and ears open."

"You got it, Boss." Mads beamed as he started to move away with a smirk. "You just keep yourself from being kidnapped by those bloody cougars." Jason sighed, rolling his eyes and shaking his head.

"Get back to work, Micheal Madson."

"As you wish, Jasper Reade." Jason's smirk only grew watching Mads disappear in the crowd again, before taking a deep breath. Just a few more hours and they could go. Just a few more hours. He could do this. Just mingle and gather intel. You got this, Jason.

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