DYNASTY | ATEEZ game of thron...

De Ghouliafied

2.9K 106 80

Unrest has fallen over Westeros once again. With Kings and Queens dying like flies, the people have grown res... Mais

2: Burning Fury
3: Turn of the Tides

1: Threads Of Memory, Chains Of Dreams

632 24 11
De Ghouliafied


Seonghwa laid still in his bed as he tried to ease his breaths. He felt his heart thump against his chest as his ears drummed. He could feel his head pound and no matter how hard he tried, the dreams wouldn't go away.

He threw an arm over his eyes as he tried to focus on the serene sounds he could faintly hear outside his hut. It was the early morning and he could hear the sounds of chirping crickets. Seonghwa would normally not wake up at this time, but he knew that he would not find any more rest if he tried to close his eyes again. The dreams would come back and dwell in his mind until he would once again wake up with a gasp and cold sweat.

It often happened to him. Too many times, he thought. The dreams had been with him ever since that night - something that he didn't like bringing up, even if it was only to himself. The memories seemed to haunt him and he concluded that his fears manifested into dreams, now having both of them to follow him wherever he went. It had been so many years, and he cursed himself for caring so much about them. It had already happened, and though he didn't understand it, he knew that no matter what, he wouldn't be able to change anything. There was nothing that he could do in his power to alter the way his life took course. Whatever transpired that night left him to fend for himself all alone, and it was something that no memory or dream could change.

He stayed in his bed for a few minutes, allowing him to catch his breath. The empty sounds of his surroundings rang in his head, but he had gotten used to it. He had already been alone for so long that he struggled to remember a time when he wasn't. His memories didn't seem to do him any justice at that; no matter how hard he tried, he'd always fail to conjure an image of his parents, or any relatives at all. All he remembered was a burning sensation and the taste of his tears.

He rubbed his temples, stopping himself from going down that memory lane. He couldn't afford to do so, he couldn't afford to make him distracted. It would affect him for the rest of the days, and knowing that he had a busy day ahead of him, he needed the necessary strength and the stillness of his mind to help him.

Deciding that lying in bed was useless, he swung his legs out of his bed and got up, walking over to his makeshift dresser to change into some more fitting clothes. The area where he lived was a desolate one; he rarely encountered any people and he liked the seclusion. However, it did become humid and warm every so often, so he needed lightweight clothes that wouldn't be heavy on his body as well as give decent coverage. Thus, dressing in beige robes, he hissed as he felt the pressure around his ribs. Touching the white bandage, he cursed himself as he remembered how he fell onto rocks when he went out to get building materials for his hut. It was a stupid mistake and even one that left him useless from doing any work for days.

His fingers lingered on the material, but he quickly drifted his attention back on the rest of his outfit, finishing with steady boots that helped him get through all sorts of terrains. Seonghwa lived near the Free City of Pentos, which meant that he occasionally had to travel to the city to buy some goods such as food from time to time, something that he had planned for the day. His storage was running low, and he knew that on the markets of Pentos prices could fluctuate. They could be extremely pricey on one day yet drop drastically the next, and he hoped that he dealt with the latter today.

It was a choice he knowingly had made to live away from the city. He knew that his mind was already occupied with the buzzing of his memories and dreams and he figured that if he'd live in a place where the complexities of other people seemed to overpower anything else, he'd find himself in a much more hectic situation than now. Besides, though initially doubtful, he had grown to love his hut. He had built it all by himself by gathering wood and such from the area around him and when it finally stood on the ground, he knew that it was the right place for him. The barren landscape that surrounded him mirrored his solidarity, but he liked to imagine that the dew-kissed grass and the few blooming flora resembled hope. He liked to see it as a way of him growing out of his past, a way to forget things.

Nonetheless, it was a slow process. The memories of that night were carved into his brain like a scar on his skin. He'd carry them wherever he went, and even if he would forget them, the aftermath would stay. He'd always be alone, for he had nothing to return to nor anything to look out for. Seonghwa was a man without a name, a man without history. He dwelled in between worlds where he seemed non-existent, and he wondered if he'd ever find himself there. He wondered if there would be a time when he'd simply know about all the things that were taken away.

Finding it pointless to care about his concerns, he grabbed his bag and put his small iron dagger in there that he had once found in a cave. It was his first adventure. He had found the dwelling and without a thought, he entered it. The cave was dark and humid, and although he struggled to even see his hand in front of him, he came to a halt in front of something firm. Realizing that it was a wooden chest, he felt excitement at the thought of opening a treasure and he almost felt child again. In it, there were a handful of gold coins and the iron dagger that he had kept all this time. He chuckled at the memory, glad that it was one that brought him happiness in much contrast to the other ones.

Stepping out of his hut, the air was still cool and crisp, carrying the earthy scent of the grass. Despite the desolation, he found comfort in it. The chirping crickets continued their symphony, welcoming the dawn as he began his day.

It was not a long journey to Pentos, but he knew that once he arrived in the city, the sun would almost be set at its highest point. He found it ironic that he was actually grateful for his dreams to have woken him up, as the journey to and from Pentos would lead up to him arriving back at his hut at nightfall, had he not woken up so early. For once, the dreams would serve him with clarity. Most of the time, he was not so lucky.

His dreams were vague, and though ultimately less painful than his memories, they were no less troubling to his mind. He found it hard to explain the dreams, but there was a recurring theme to them; a tree. It was always a dream about a tree, its branches adorned with the first snowfall. Sometimes, he could feel the icy chill of the wind howling through the branches, but every time he wanted to get closer to the tree to inspect it, he'd wake up. It left him yearning for answers, as he struggled to know what it meant. If it even meant anything, that was. He knew the confusing nature of dreams and he knew that most of the time, they didn't mean anything. But every time he'd find himself gasping awake, it would be the result of dreaming of the tree. A tree he had never seen. A tree that seemed to carry whispers of something.

The dreams only started soon after the events of that night. He didn't know why, and frankly, he refused to delve deeper into that reason as he felt uncomfortable when bringing up the memories, but he felt as if the two were in connection with each other. He knew that the dreams had to mean something, and the lingering uncertainty that clouded his path towards the answers frustrated him. The mystery of his dreams seemed to mimic the mystery surrounding himself, and Seonghwa would give up anything to finally put it all to rest.

Having walked the route countless times, he soon approached the city of Pentos, the distant hum of activity growing closer. The bustling markets and crowded streets awaited him, contrasting starkly with the tranquillity back at his hut. He didn't like to be in such a crowded place, knowing that in the cities, danger could hide in every corner. It was one of the reasons he chose to live away from populated areas. There, he could manage the wildlife and the weather. Inside the walls of the city, he couldn't. He had to make his run swift, and he dearly hoped that he could find wherever he was looking for. He looked into his bag once more to see the pouch of gold coins, remembering he had put around thirty of them, hoping it'd be enough. Seonghwa's pace quickened as he tightened the straps of his bag, his iron dagger offering reassurance to him.

Like he had predicted, he arrived in front of the city gate during the midday, when the sun stood at its highest. The temperatures had risen, much to his dismay, as the heat engulfed him and only seemed to become worse when he entered the city. He was grateful that he had gotten his hands on his beige robes, knowing that they'd ease the heat to an extent.

Entering Pentos, the city's vibrant atmosphere enveloped him. Everywhere he looked, he'd see stalls and merchants trying to sell their goods in hopes of making money. Even though he'd come here more than he liked, he still hadn't got used to the bustling sounds of the city. The streets were busy and he was occasionally pushed aside by the people approaching from the other direction and in turn received angry reactions from the people.

Most of the sellers and people in the city were locals of Pentos, while some of them came from overseas. Seonghwa could recognize them immediately. He was naturally observant, and very often he could distinguish the locals and strangers even only by their attitudes. The strangers who came to visit the city always seemed more hesitant towards the nature of Pentos. He knew that their only purpose was to sell goods to the locals or buy estranged items themselves, and he wondered how it felt to have such freedom.

The strangers could visit any city on their own accord. They were pleased to go wherever they liked and had the means to do so. They could travel from Essos towards the other lands, and it made Seonghwa yearn. He had been stuck here his whole life. With no ships nor any gold to buy one, he was left on the heated grounds of Essos with no way of leaving. He wanted to know the ways of the people who lived beyond the Narrow Sea or venture into the lands that were yet to be discovered. While his mind told him to stay low and fade into the background, his heart longed for something else. Perhaps it was his desire to simply know about things, a desire that came from the struggle of not knowing things. His whole life had been a haze the moment he was born, and though he made the conscious choice of settling down in the outskirt lands surrounding Pentos, he wanted more. He wanted to see the world for himself, and not be burdened with scavenging and living on the edge his whole life.

It struck him early on in his life that he would always be stuck there. Stuck in a cycle of knowing and forgetting. He knew his dreams, yet forgot their purpose. He knew the events that his memories displayed, yet forgot the history behind them. He wanted to see, to know, to live. He didn't want to imagine what snow would feel like, or what sailing on the waves of the seas would do to his body. Nonetheless, no matter how deeply that desire was left rooted in his bones, it would never be free. It would always be just that; a desire. Never a reality.

Averting his attention back to the present, he followed the streets further into the city. His first destination was the market square, a place which he was sure would be crowded with people, yet essential to his shopping. He just had to endure it, he thought. Seonghwa's boots echoed against the stone streets as he walked towards the square. The sun beat down on him, intensifying the warmth of the city. The bustle of activity surrounded him, voices merging into an indistinct hum, and the vibrant colours of market stalls painted a lively scene.

The market square loomed ahead, its heart pulsating with trade and commerce. As he entered, the chaos intensified. Stalls lined the square, each merchant vying for the attention of passing customers. Seonghwa navigated through the crowd, his senses on high alert. The constant ebb and flow of people tested his patience, but he reminded himself of the necessity of his task.

His first stop was the grain and pulse merchant, where he exchanged a handful of gold coins for a sack of rice and a bundle of lentils. The merchant, a stout Pentoshi with a beady-eyed gaze, inspected the coins before nodding in approval. Seonghwa continued through the square, weaving between people and stalls. Next on his list was the butcher's section. The aroma of fresh meat hung in the air as Seonghwa approached the display of cuts. Haggling ensued, the butcher negotiating with practised ease. Seonghwa left with a modest portion of poultry, already eager to have it for dinner later that day.

His journey through the market continued, each purchase draining his pouch of coins. Despite the flurry of activity, Seonghwa managed to maintain his focus. The vendors' calls and the variety of goods on display both overwhelmed and fascinated him. The city life would never be fit for him, he concluded. After strolling down several other stalls and securing bread and fresh vegetables, Seonghwa's bag bulged with the weight of his purchases. He felt a mix of relief and weariness as he contemplated the last item on his list; a visit to the herbalist.

His decision was an abrupt one. It wasn't one that he had planned on doing when he woke up that morning, but he figured that it would have come sooner or later. There were days on end when he'd get little to no sleep, and he simply couldn't afford to become tired and weak. He had too many duties, so, he figured that there would be herbs that could help him have a night's sleep for once.

As he approached the herbalist's stall, a sense of anticipation settled within him. The elderly Pentoshi woman behind the counter regarded him with shrewd eyes. Seonghwa felt uneasy in her gaze, but he kept his cool. He just needed the herbs and then he'd be done for the day. He was merely looking around her stall, hoping that he'd find herbs that he recognized, until her voice caught his attention.

''Looking for something, boy?'' the woman asked him, her voice raspy with age yet carrying a certain wisdom which intrigued Seonghwa.

''I need something for sleep,'' Seonghwa replied, keeping his words concise. The herbalist's eyes seemed to pierce through him, making him feel even more conscious of himself.

''Sleep, you say? The kind that eludes you like a wily shadow in the night?" Her voice held a hint of amusement.

Seonghwa nodded, offering a small smile. "Something to quiet the dreams."

The herbalist hobbled to a shelf lined with jars containing an assortment of dried leaves, roots, and flowers. She studied them with an intensity that hinted at a profound connection with the plants. After a moment, she plucked a few items and placed them in a small pouch.

"Beetroot, chamomile, and a touch of lavender. Brew them into a tea, and drink it before you lay down to rest. It won't silence the dreams, but it might provide a gentler passage into the night."

Seonghwa accepted the pouch, glancing at the elderly woman with a mixture of gratitude and curiosity. There was an unspoken understanding that passed between them, a recognition of shared burdens carried in the quiet depths of the night.

''Thank you,'' he said, handing over the necessary payment. The elderly woman nodded as he took the coins before Seonghwa left her stall, pleased with his purchase.

Finally relieved of his chores, Seonghwa felt a renewed sense of purpose. He looked up to the sky and saw that the sun was already starting to set. If he wanted to make it back home before dark, he had to leave the city now. He may know the route by heart, but anything could cross him in the depths of the night, and he wasn't particularly counting on any nasty encounters.

He was glad that he was now stocked up on food, but he was even more glad that he went through with his visit to the herbalist's stall. Perhaps tonight he could finally get what he longed for; rest. He couldn't wait to get back to his hut to make dinner, brew some tea and finally lie down on his bed. He felt hopeful for what the night could bring to him, something that hadn't occurred to him in a long time.

The midday sun bathed Pentos in a warm glow, casting long shadows along the stone streets. The distant sounds of the market gradually faded as he ventured away from the heart of the city. Most of the merchants were either in the market square or had left the city, but he came across a few stalls on his way back to the city gate. Normally, he wouldn't pay any mind to them, knowing that most of the people who stood there sold junk and generally unimportant things. However, when he saw the shimmering of something in the corner of his eye, his gaze travelled to a stall that he had never come across.

The stand was much smaller than those who stood in the market square, yet when he came closer, he saw the things that the merchant had sprawled out onto the table. There were all sorts of jewellery, ranging from necklaces to bracelets and pendants. Seonghwa was normally not the person to buy things such as jewellery, as he was after all a man who could not afford to spend his money on such expenses, but when his eye saw the pendant that was earlier shimmering in the sun, his breath hitched.

It was a round pendant with on it a small symbol of a tree. The material had a smokey-grey colour with a rippling pattern on its surface. Unlike the other goods that the merchant offered, this one seemed different. To Seonghwa, it felt different, like a calling. He knew it must have been his imagination, but it just felt right to him. He found it ironic, considering it depicted the things that seemed to haunt him all his life. Still, it seemed to resonate with him, and in a way, it felt endearing.

Picking up the pendant, he felt the weight of it in his hand. It felt significantly lighter than any other material, despite the pendant looking heavy and rough. He turned it around, tracing the back of it with his thumb before locking his eyes back on the symbol of the tree. It seemed to be too much of a coincidence, almost as if the Gods had put this pendant here simply to mock him. Furrowing his eyebrows, he closely examined it.

The merchant, an older man with weathered features, observed Seonghwa with a knowing smile, ''Beautiful, isn't it?''

Seonghwa's head snapped out, almost feeling embarrassed by the way he was so entranced by the simple piece of jewellery. He quickly placed it back on the table, giving the merchant a nod.

''Yes, it certainly is,'' he replied, and a question itched in the back of his mind. He wondered if he should ask it or not, but decided to do it anyway. ''Where did you find this piece? It seems so... intricate, compared to your other goods.''

The man chuckled, ''I'm not even sure myself. I was merely on one of my journeys when I found this pendant. Hidden away in a bandit's lockbox. I am sure that he wasn't even aware of the true worth of this pendant.''

Seonghwa's ears perked as he listened to the merchant. It suddenly came to him that this man wasn't from here. He could not only tell by his exterior, but the way he carried himself and the different pieces of jewellery that seemed to have come from all over the world told him that this man came from somewhere far away from Pentos. A sudden curiosity sprung up inside of him; an urge of wanting to know more.

''If I may ask, you are not from here, are you?'' Seonghwa asked, watching the man with attentive eyes. The man shook his head, the lingering smile still on his face.

''No, my friend, I am not,'' the man truthfully answered.

''Then, if you don't mind me asking, where are you from?'' Seonghwa continued, ''Why sell your goods here? I am sure that there are places in the world where these have a higher value than the mere streets of Pentos.''

The man chuckled, seemingly amused by Seonghwa's questions, ''I am from a distant land, collecting pieces from the world where I go. I live by the tale, and I seek things that carry the essence of the place it comes from, even those whose story might not immediately be understood. Pentos may not be the most affluent market for my wares, but it has its own unique character, a charm that draws me in."

Seonghwa found himself intrigued by the merchant's words. It was not often that he encountered someone so well-travelled nor even willing to speak with him. The pendant, with its mysterious origins, seemed to embody the stories the man spoke of.

"You seek stories in the things you sell?" Seonghwa inquired, his gaze returning to the pendant.

The merchant nodded. "Indeed, my friend. Stories are the threads that weave the fabric of the world. Each piece I sell has a tale, whether it's the hands that crafted it, the journey it took, or the history it witnessed. People are drawn to stories, and in their desire to own a piece of the narrative, they acquire these artefacts."

Seonghwa pondered the merchant's words. His own life felt like an untold story, filled with mysteries and unanswered questions. The dreams, the memories, the yearning for something beyond his current existence - it all seemed to resonate with the tales the merchant spoke of.

Seonghwa looked at the pendant once more and felt the urge again; the urge to know. ''How much for the pendant?'' he then asked, already grabbing for his pouch of coins.

''Twelve,'' the merchant answered. Seonghwa pursed his lips, knowing that the price was close to the coins he had left in his purse. Still, he knew that if he were to refuse, he'd forever regret it. He desperately hoped that the choice he was about to make would be worth it.

''I'll take it,'' Seonghwa decided, grabbing the needed twelve coins from his pouch as the merchant grabbed the pendant. Seonghwa handed over the coins while the man wrapped the pendant in some protective paper.

''A gift?'' the merchant asked, looking up at Seonghwa with hinting eyes. Seonghwa understood what he meant and felt his cheeks heat up, briefly looking away.

''No,'' he answered, chuckling lightly. He had no one to give it to, even if he wanted to.

''Well,'' the merchant said as he handed the wrapped-up pendant over to Seonghwa who grabbed it with a careful grip. ''An interesting pendant for an even more interesting man. May its story resonate with your own, my friend.''

Seonghwa thanked the merchant and, with the pendant securely wrapped in his hand, left the market square. The midday sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the stone streets. As he walked towards the city gate, Seonghwa couldn't shake the feeling that the pendant held a significance beyond of what it seemed.

The journey back to his hut was fortunately uneventful, yet his mind could only seem to travel to the pendant that was stored in his bag. He knew that the pendant was worth much more than the price the man sold it to him, yet he was grateful that he had made the decision to buy it. The day's tasks were behind him, and the anticipation of a quiet night ahead lingered in his thoughts.

The sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow that painted the landscape with hues of orange and pink. Seonghwa's steps were steady as he navigated the familiar path, the rhythmic crunch of the ground beneath his boots accompanying the tranquil sounds of nature. The crickets resumed their evening songs, and the cool breeze carried the fragrance of the grass.

Upon reaching his hut, Seonghwa felt a sense of relief and comfort. The familiar sight of the landscape surrounding his dwelling greeted him, and the hut stood resilient against the changing light. As he entered, he noticed the lingering scent of the herbs he had bought from the herbalist earlier in the day.

Seonghwa set about his evening routine. He lit a small fire in the hearth, the crackling flames casting dancing shadows across the walls. The aroma of a simple stew filled the air as he prepared his dinner, the fresh vegetables and poultry sizzling in the pot. He quickly ate his dinner, enjoying the taste of the meat and vegetables, and felt nourished.

After the meal, Seonghwa prepared the herbal tea as instructed by the elderly herbalist. The aroma of beetroot, chamomile, and lavender mingled with the warmth of the fire. As he sipped the soothing drink, he couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the chance at a restful night. The night descended outside, enveloping his hut in darkness. Seonghwa sat on the edge of his bed after lighting a few candles. The day's weariness clung to his limbs, and the memories of the dreams that haunted him seemed momentarily distant. As he sat, he glanced at his bag. Unable to resist the temptation, he reached for it to grab the package that contained the pendant. Holding it in his hand, he took a breath before carefully unwrapping the paper, revealing the grey symbol of the tree. The tree that seemed to have appeared this time outside of his dreams.

With a sigh, Seonghwa finally laid down on his bed, the pendant remaining in his hand. The flickering fire cast a soft glow in the hut, creating dancing shadows that seemed to echo the elusive nature of his dreams. As his eyelids grew heavy, Seonghwa, a man without a name and a dweller between worlds, found a momentary respite in the embrace of dreams that carried whispers of something beyond the known. The night held its secrets, and he, with closed eyes and a heart full of yearning, surrendered to the gentle currents of slumber.






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