I Hate Him

By ra_aira20

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"I hate his guts .. Look at how he is showing off." Both Ohm and Nanon have only this words for eachother. "... More



276 28 100
By ra_aira20

The ground was filled with noises of people and cheering of them . A handsome boy was running behind the ball tricking the opponents with his awestruck movements and skills in football he managed to keep the ball in his legs and moved to the goal post with it.Every one were cheering his name which is Ohm Pawat and he was wearing a Jersey and shorts which is their team Jersey and it have a number 10 written on it as well there is also his name written there.Everyone in the crowd were too excited for that moment and for a second everyone were become silent . With his magical legs, Ohm managed to get a goal of doing his tricks with the goal of the opposite team.

He heard the loud cheering sound, and he managed to get another goal against the opponents. Now they are leading it . Ohm smirked at the opposite team and waved at the crowd. He happily jumped and hugged his teammates, who congratulated him. But as always, he avoided one person who had a despised smirk on his face, and he returned the same face to that person. He has a headband in which is written as Nanon .

Now it was Nanon's turn to make a full show for his fangirls and fan boys and to say more accurate to piss ohm with the same expression. Nanon is the goalkeeper of the team which including Ohm, and he is not in a good term with Ohm . The opposite team was fighting for a goal . If they managed to get this goal, then it would be tied in the match because the time is running out. They clearly crossed and tricked all of Nanon's team, and it's Nanon's turn to make the team not get a goal because the ball is coming into his direction. The whole audience was watching this scene pausing for a second, and the game is now so silent.  Ohm and other members are watching Nanon . In a flash of the second, Nanon managed to catch the ball, and he fell on the ground along with the ball . The ground  is filled with cheering of the audience and praising of Nanon . The referee whistled, and the time was out . Now it's the victory of "Shadow Eagle," which was the team of 11 people, including Ohm and Nanon .

Nanon got up from the ground with flashing his dimples . His team members came towards him, not that one person, and he didn't want that person to come towards him too . But Ohm came towards Nanon as a formality, and with a smirk, he said

"That was good but not better as me . I scored a goal, " Ohm said in a mocking tone . Nanon smirked back .

"I dodged a goal scoring a goal is easy don't you think and if I didn't dodged the ball we will be tie and we will lose this match too . So, who is better . I am way better than you anyway . " Nanon said, patting Ohm's back . Have a victory smile by successfully pissing off Ohm with words . And before Ohm can say anything, the whole ground is making noises and cheering for their team for their victory .

"Seriously, guys, can't you even at least look at each other like normal team members ." Tay said, coming towards Ohm and Nanon, who again started with silly fights after the match .Most of their fights start with one  showing off and pissing off to the other.

"Not with him and never with him. " Nanon said, sighing .He drank the water and took off the headband shaking his head . Then there we can hear his fangirls and fanboys shouting, and they are all fanning and praising him  .

"As if I like him . In his dreams may be ." Ohm said and walked with Nani, who is Ohm's best friend, after he is done with Nanon's show off . But he was not ready to drop this off . So he just walked a little bit from Nanon and took off his shirt and took the water bottle, opened it like in a shooting of advertisements, and gulped the water . What else to shout out for his fans, really ? They also started fanning and praising his greekgod like body .

Nanon was really pissed off by this act and smirked at Ohm . Ohm smirked and gave Nanon a flying kiss to more piss him and walked with Nani from the ground .

Others just sighed by these two showing off like this .

"After these two come in this university, we are really out of picture.right? Tay," Krist said, sighing. Because no one minding them even a bit . Tay nodded and sighed, drinking the water normally, and looked at it blinking .

"What's there with drinking a water . These students are really crazy " Tay blabbered to himself .

"Don't forget to come to today's party, okay?" Krist said loudly, and Ohm gave a thumbs up and walked away from there .

Tay and Krist sighed .

"It's been two years from day one. Why are you guys so much fighting with eachother  hah " Tay asked . Almost everyone in the uni knows about the great hatred between the two good football players in the university football team. 

It was like that from the start.  They hate each other's guts . You will think that by looking at their sync in game, they will be good friends . But no, you are wrong they hate from their first meet .They have a lot of similarities . They have a rich family, handsome face , top in everything, and also well-known players of university. They study in the same faculty, having the same circle of friends, and then everyone is wondering why these two only hate each other.

"Seriously, Ohm, why you hate Nanon ? " Nani asked to Ohm while they were walking from there .

"Who will not hate him . I wonder what's there to hype him like this . He has only that showing off dimples, which I hate the most .Also , he really has so much self pride and is very messy . " Ohm said with an annoying look which he only had while talking about Nanon or looking at him . Nani shook his head like there's no use to say anything to Ohm is its about Nanon . But Nani is also a friend of Nanon, too .

"Ooii Phi, don't ask me about him more  . It's been 2 years, and still, he has that handsome face with lots of self obsession, and he is clearly an A+ level asshole . Also, how crazy he is and how childish it is. All the total, I don't even like even a bit of him . "Nanon said, rolling his eyes dramatically and thinking about Ohm. He drank the water and went from there with Dew  bidding a byee to Tay and Krist .

"These guys never gonna be a bit down with their ego . " Tay said with a done expression shooking his head.

" Let's make a way to make their pride down for a bit," Krist said with an evil smirk .

"What are you planning ? If it something evil, then I am sure you will not look this handsome ever again they will make you pay for that.  " Tay said .

"Hey, but I am your friend. You have to support me and help me too . " Krist said, pouting, and Tay looked at Krist in a done expression.

" I wanna saw them together, at least for. Second, without any arguments and fighting other than in the field . It's my last wish before graduation. " krist said, sighing.

" What are you really up to ? Its not like we are gonna make them lovers ." Tay said .

"Didn't you see a spark between them ? And also didn't you hear the famous say that where there is love there will be little fights also . Don't they look good together? Look at their looks towards each other, how lovely "  Krist said, looking at both who are in a different direction but giving a glance to each other. Nani and Dew are just done with the blabbering of them for sure .

"Krist.. I really think you need some eye test . Lovely? My ass ? Look at those to give death glare to both . Only god know when they will fight with eachother Seriously and the coach will dismiss one of them . " Tay said, sighing . They are warned by their coach already by getting into a fight . Tay was thinking like how can Krist see lovey dovey in these two who are ready to fight when they see each other.

"Tay... But we can try, right ? Both of them are bi, and there is a possibility to be ..." Krist was about to say something but interrupted by someone .

"I agree with that, and I am in this too, P'Krist .."  That was none other than Fourth, who is the 1 st year student and their junior.

"Ooii Fourth, you really want trouble ? And I am out of this . If they get to know about any of this, then it will be the dead end, " Tay said annoyingly .

"But what do we do ? " That was Film, who is their junior as well in the same gang of Ohm and Nanon.  She startled the other three by her sound .

"Ooii... you startled us .. can't you lower your voice . They will hear us, " Fourth said .

"Hey, I am your senior. Respect me, you little guy," Film said . But fourth smirked and turned to Krist .

"Don't mind her phi ,Now tell me what's your plan " Fourth said ignoring Film . Film gave an annoying look to Fourth, but she is not in the mood of fight but more curious with her favourite ship .
So the 3 pair of eyes was just looking at Krist, who is the master plan to make Ohm and Nanon fight end and make them like each other .

Krist whispered the plan to them and smiled so evilly. Fourth and Film also giggled like crazy . God knows what the two youngers think whole giggling . Anyway, Tay did not really enjoy the plans, but he had to agree with Krist because he didn't want a mess . So it will be good if someone with some sense is in this plan . But he wanted to end this fight, too .

It was the party of their victory, and its the party of their winning at the new club. Everyone is gathered here, and as always, Ohm and Nanon started with the little pissing off with their looks . Don't know why these two look at each other always .

"So Cheers guys..For our victory..." Krist said loudly, and everyone clinged the glasses of beer in their glasses .

"Cheers for Ohm and Nanon, who just made us won," Krist again said, glancing at Ohm and Nanon . Fourth and Film just said what Krist said to support him .
It's clearly shown in both so-called enemies that they are not pleased with the credits given to the other along with them .

"So how about we play something .It's so boring, really . " Dew asked everyone . Krist and his secret team were really waiting for this moment .

"How can we avoid Truth or Dare in these kinds of parties right . " Krist said with a smirk .

"That's a really good idea, I think . " Fourth said along with Film . They are saying things like programmed, and they are a bit over acting too . So krist gave them a side glance annoyingly . They both grinned and drank the beer .

Tay was a but nervous, but he managed to look pleasant.  Finally, the cursed game of every gang just started by krist flipping the bottle .

Everyone was looking at the flipping bottle like they saw some scary things . All are drunk, so nothing here is gonna be normal .

The bottle dropped in front of Kay, and he chose the truth .And he said his most embarrassing story made all of them laugh and tease him .

Then, the bottle flipped for a lot of times . Until it reached where krist wanted, and this time Tay was the one who flipped the bottle . So he has the right to ask him .

"So Truth or Dare," Tay asked, looking at Ohm, who is already a bit tipsy .

"Someone like me is always ready to do the Dare.  So what will it be ? " Ohm said excited . Nanon, as always, annoyed by the over showing that Ohm made .

Krist was glancing at Tay and giving him a sign to work out their plan .

"I dare you too.." Tay was making it slow, and everyone was looking at them with excitement .Tay closed his eyes and said

"I dare you to kiss Nanon.." Tay said, which made Both Ohm and Nanon jump from the seat, and Nanon was drinking the beer, so he spitted the beer to Ohm's face .

" Wow.. Now I am dead," Tay said, drinking the remaining beer in his glass and giving a death glare to the master brain of this plan. None other than Krist .

"What the hell.."

"What the fuck.."

Both Ohm and Nanon said in unison and Ohm wiped his face and gave a angry glare to Nanon . Nanon chuckled looking at Ohm's face which is fully wet .

"Not in this life " Ohm said annoyingly .

"Do you think I allow it ? " Nanon said with despised look .

"Hey Phi..its a game and be fare in this ..everyone agreed with this so why can't you guys ." Fourth said because he really wanted his seniors to be with eachother.


"No buts...but kiss " Krist said, interreputing Ohm.

"Kiss...kiss..kiss.." Everyone around them started to cheer up .

OHM sighed and really pissed but left out with no choice . Nanon realised the scene is really not good, and he also has no choice but to agree with this .

"Fine .." Ohm said and drank the whole glass of beer, then he grabbed Nanon by his neck and then pressed his lips on Nanon's lips, which tasted like the beer .
Nanon was shocked by Ohm's sudden move, and his lips tasted like the beer, and he also smelled like the beer . As a neet freak, Ohm would not like to smell anything like this, but it was Nanon who spitted the beer in his mouth. 

The kiss started to get aggressive, and Nanon realised it, too . He was also pissed by Ohm's move, and as always, he was not ready to give up with Ohm . So both started to kiss, and everyone around them wasn't thinking something like this . They all looked at the scene with wide opened mouth and shocked will be out of  word to describe their expressions.

"Hey .. they take it easy, guys ... take it easy.." Krist said, seeing the things are getting out of hand .

They both pulled back from each other because they were so pissed and they both   drank the different beer bottles looking at each other while gulping with the same expression and same rage .

They both put the beer bottle on the table with a loud sound and walked away from there with so much anger .

"Hey, where are you guys going ? " Tay was asking, but they were really fast, and they already vanished from there .

"I think this is messed up ." Nani said .

"Not just messed up but really out of hand this time . Hope they will not kill each other this time . " Dew said, sighing .

"How about we look for them ." Tay asked .

" Are you insane phi .. if any of us meddle in their fight, don't you remember once you got really a bad punch when you meddled in their fight ." Nani said because he clearly knew his friends.

"Yeah, that's right. It's better to leave this party, right?  It's already night . Jane ,Film ,Ploy, don't you guys think it will be better to leave . " Krist said to the girls and other guys.

Everyone nodded and started to leave from the club . Tay and Krist looked at each other.

"Can we check them . It was your stupid plan, you idiot . I hope they will not kill each other. " Tay said, slapping krist .

"I didn't think it would turn out like this . I saw the spark .."

"Spark my ass.." Tay said, sighing.

"Phi, I think it's better we leave them here to sort out their own . I will text them we are leaving . " Fourth said. And both Tay and krist nodded. Because it will not be good if we meddle in their fight . It will make it worse, and you will be injured too. So better to stay away and leave them to sort out by their own.
Tay and krist sighed.Fourth texted to both guys, and they left from there .

Ohm felt really angry this time, and he is pissed but he wanted to taste those lips once again for sure.what was that ?

"Shiaa...what are you even thinking, Ohm ?  " Ohm said to himself, slapping his head.

"I must be really drunk and high .." ohm said sighing. He looked at his phone and saw the text of Fourth .

"They really abandoned this time.  So why am I staying here alone ? " Ohm thought, and he started to walk but saw Nanon in a corner all alone, and he have a cigarette in his hand.

"So let's have some fun .." Ohm smirked to himself.

"When did you start this ? " Ohm asked, looking at Nanon, who is looking annoyed and smoking the cigarette in his hands .

"What do you want ? Aren't you enough of that kiss ? " Nanon said, sighing . He was about to take another puff of the cigarette, but Ohm grabbed Nanon's hand and took the cigarette in his mouth.

"That was good, though.." Ohm said, which made Nanon look at Ohm.

" What ? The kiss or this, " Nanon asked, looking at Ohm's eyes, and no one could read his eyes like that .

"What if I say both ? " Ohm said, which made Nanon smirk and grab Ohm's Neck and smash Ohm's lips with his lips . Which made Ohm a bit startled . But he smirked and was not ready to give up the chance he got with the dimpled boy . Nanon was also so deep into the kiss with the boy who had a fine body . The kiss tasted like smoke and beer.


                                      To be continued .....


Hey dear readers... So it's the first chapter of my new story . So it's my New Year's gift for all my lovely readers. Hope you guys enjoy this story .

So, how did you feel with the first chapter?

If you guys liked it, vote support and let me know the comments ❤️

See you all in next chapter ❤️💚

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