Broken Souls

By --mananwriter--

658 83 44

Dive into the intriguing world of "Broken Souls," where the city wears mysterious midnight colors, hiding a c... More

Broken Souls | Introduction
Character Aesthetics
Chapter 2: Lost and Found
Chapter 3: The Best Friend
Chapter 4: Sparks in the Air
Chapter 5: The Forgotten Journal

Chapter 1: The Rooftop Encounter

137 19 15
By --mananwriter--

SHE had just moved into her new flat. The day was long and tiring, filled with boxes, furniture, and the chaos of shifting. By the time the sun dipped below the horizon, She was exhausted. Her hair was tousled, and her clothes clung to her tired body.

As she looked around her new place, the walls echoed with emptiness, and the unfamiliarity of it all made her feel a bit lonely. Needing a break, she decided to explore the building and stumbled upon a staircase that led to the rooftop. A small sign read, "Rooftop Oasis."

She climbed the stairs, her footsteps echoing in the quiet stairwell. The door creaked as she pushed it open, revealing a serene rooftop bathed in the soft glow of twilight. The city below was beginning to light up, and the cool breeze whispered through the air.

Finding a cozy spot near the edge of the rooftop, She sighed and sat down. She took in the breathtaking view of the city lights and felt a sense of calm wash over her. The fatigue started to lift as she gazed at the stars emerging in the evening sky.

Unknown to her, on the other side of the rooftop, a young man was also seeking solace. He had been living in the building for a while, and the rooftop had become his refuge whenever he needed to clear his mind. Tonight, however, he wasn't alone.

HE sat on the old bench of rooftop, the cool breeze ruffling his hair as he cradled his guitar in his hands. The night sky was sprinkled with stars, and the soft glow of the moon added a touch of magic to the moment. His eyes were closed, shutting out the world around him, as he gently strummed the strings of his guitar.

Lost in his own world, he began to play a soothing melody, each note echoing through the quiet night. His fingers moved effortlessly on the frets, as if dancing to the rhythm of his memories. The music seemed to transport him back in time.

The melody echoed through the rooftop, reaching her ears like a gentle lullaby. Intrigued, she followed the sound until she found the source of the enchanting music. There, she spotted a young man, his eyes closed, lost in the rhythm of his guitar. The peaceful aura of the rooftop oasis seemed to amplify the soothing melody, drawing her closer

As she approached, the young man, He , opened his eyes, catching a glimpse of her standing there. They exchanged a brief, uncertain smile, acknowledging the shared moment as if recognizing a connection they couldn't quite place.

The surrounding seemed to hold its breath as he broke the quiet with a voice carrying the weight of old betrayals. He looked straight at her, his eyes revealing a history of pain and mistrust. The tension of unspoken secrets hung in the air, as if the past had woven itself into the fabric of his voice.

"What brings you here?" he asked, his eyes holding a mix of curiosity and guarded emotion. The room seemed to hold its breath, and she felt a tension in the air, as if unspoken secrets and lingering mistrust hovered around them.

She paused, feeling the heaviness in her voice, as if carrying a burden of hidden sadness. "Just moved in," she replied slowly. There was a depth in her words, a layer of emotion hinting at a desire for solitude over the echoes of the past.

She continued, "It's been a long day, and this rooftop looked like the perfect escape. The music drew me in."

He nodded, a shared understanding passing between them. "Music has a way of doing that," he said, his fingers idly strumming the guitar strings. The conversation flowed, tentative and cautious, like two strangers navigating the delicate dance of opening up to one another.

 He strummed a few more chords on his guitar, and the music continued to weave its way into the quiet night. The rooftop seemed like a haven, a space where two strangers found themselves sharing the same moment of escape.

As they sat in the tranquil rooftop oasis, the conversation unfolded, bridging the gap between their unfamiliarity.

She shifted on her spot, fidgeting with the edge of her scarf. "So, do you often play up here?" she asked, trying to keep the conversation light.

He nodded, a distant look in his eyes. "Yeah, it helps clear my mind. Music has a way of doing that."

She curiosity grew. "What were you playing? It sounded beautiful."

He smiled faintly. "Just something I've been working on. A mix of memories and emotions, I guess."

She sighed, her gaze fixated on the city lights below. The rooftop oasis provided a sanctuary for her thoughts, a quiet corner where she could reflect amid the chaos of life. The events of the day had left her emotionally drained, and she found solace in the cool breeze that whispered through the air.

"Memories have a way of haunting, don't they?" she mused, her voice carrying the weight of introspection. She spoke as if thinking out loud, acknowledging the power memories held over one's mind. The haunting nature of memories, she felt, was like having unwelcome guests in the corners of her thoughts, refusing to leave.

He, engrossed in his guitar, looked up at her and nodded in understanding. "Yeah, it's like these memories are ghosts, you know?" he replied, a thoughtful expression on his face. "They just stay there in your head, not wanting to disappear." He gestured with his hand, emphasizing the stubborn persistence of memories. "It's kind of like when you can't forget something, and it keeps playing in your thoughts, like a ghost that won't leave you alone."

Her eyes met his, and there was a shared understanding between them. It was as if the rooftop oasis had become a space for them to open up about the complexities of life, where words flowed freely in the quiet night.

"I get it," She said, a soft smile playing on her lips. "It's like they have a life of their own, these memories. They pop up unexpectedly, especially when everything else is in chaos."

He continued to strum his guitar, the notes resonating with the emotions of their conversation. "Exactly," he affirmed. "It's like they're hanging out in the corners of your mind, not ready to fade away, no matter how much you try."

He adjusted his position on the rooftop bench, creating a space for her to join him. She moved closer, the cool breeze playing with her hair as she sat down beside him. The melody of his guitar continued to weave through the air, and the distant city lights provided a serene backdrop to their growing connection.

After a moment of shared silence, he decided to break the ice. "I'm Manik, Manik Malhotra," he said, a spark of genuine interest shining in his eyes as he made his introduction. The laid-back atmosphere of the rooftop oasis surrounded them, making the moment feel comfortable and inviting.

"Nandini Murty," she replied with a small smile. However, if you paid attention, you could detect a touch of sadness beneath the surface. "You play the guitar really well. The music you played, it felt like it was telling a story about some deep hurt." Her words held a mix of appreciation and a sense of connection with the emotions embedded in the music. It was as if the melody mirrored a pain that many could relate to, creating a unique and somewhat bittersweet atmosphere.

Manik nodded, acknowledging the depth in her observation. "Music has a way of expressing what words sometimes can't. It's a language of its own," he explained, his fingers idly strumming the guitar strings. "I guess I've been using it to work through my own thoughts and emotions."

Nandini looked at him, intrigued. "Is there a specific story behind the music you were playing?"

Manik hesitated for a moment, as if contemplating how much to share. The rooftop oasis, with its sense of shared vulnerability, encouraged him to open up. "Well, it's a mix of memories and emotions, like I mentioned earlier. Some happy, some painful," he admitted, his gaze drifting towards the city below. "I find that playing helps me process everything."

Nandini nodded, understanding the therapeutic nature of music. "I get that. Sometimes, it's easier to let the emotions out through something like music. It's like a release."

"So, Nandini," he began, a spark of interest in his eyes, "what do you do for a living?" His question hung in the air, and the rooftop oasis seemed to hold its breath, waiting for her response.

Nandini's eyes lit up with a passion as she spoke, "I'm an artist." Her voice carried a quiet pride, and her fingers played with the edge of her scarf. "I love painting. It's a way for me to express emotions and tell stories without words."

Manik leaned back on the rooftop bench, a genuine smile forming. "That's amazing! I've always admired people who can create art. What kind of paintings do you usually make?"

Nandini's gaze wandered to the city lights below, and a thoughtful expression crossed her face. "I enjoy capturing moments, emotions, and the beauty in simplicity. Sometimes, I paint landscapes that speak to the soul, and other times, it's about the intricate details of everyday life."

Manik nodded, intrigued by her description. "Sounds like you have a deep connection with your art. Do you have a favorite piece that holds a special meaning for you?"

A soft smile played on Nandini's lips. "There's one painting I did a while ago. It's of a quiet alley with a lone street lamp, casting a warm glow. To me, it represents finding light in the midst of darkness, a reminder that even in solitude, there's beauty."

Manik admired the imagery she painted with her words. "It sounds like your art is not just about what you see but also about what you feel."

Nandini nodded, a sense of understanding passing between them. "Exactly. Art, for me, is a way to connect with the emotions that often go unspoken. It's like giving a voice to the silent stories we carry within."

As they delved into a conversation about art, the night unfolded like a canvas of shared interests and stories. Manik found himself captivated by Nandini's passion for creativity, and Nandini appreciated Manik's genuine curiosity.

Nandini listened intently to Manik's words, captivated by the vulnerability in his gaze and the sincerity in his voice. The rooftop oasis, which had become their shared refuge, seemed to hold a deeper significance for him.

"Escape," Manik repeated, as if tasting the word on his lips. "I come here to escape." His eyes were fixed on the twinkling city lights below, a sea of tiny stars in the urban night. "This rooftop is like my safe haven, you know? It's where all the loudness of the world just disappears. Here, I can finally confront the quietness inside me. It's like my own secret retreat where I find peace away from everything."

Nandini, intrigued by his revelation, couldn't help but ask, "Confront or escape? Which one is it?"

A gentle smile graced Manik's face, and his eyes held a mix of longing and reflection. "Maybe it's a little of both, you know?" he responded. "There are moments when you just need quiet, so you can face the whispers of your own mind. It's like having a conversation with yourself in the peaceful hush of solitude, where thoughts echo softly, guiding you through the maze of your feelings. There's a certain magic in those silent moments, where you can truly listen to the echoes within and make sense of the symphony of your thoughts."

Nandini nodded, understanding the delicate balance between escaping the chaos and confronting the inner self. The rooftop, she realized, was more than just a physical space for Manik; it was a sanctuary for his soul.

"I think I get it," she said, her voice soft. "Sometimes, we all need that space where we can be alone with our thoughts, away from the noise of the world."

Manik's gaze shifted from the city lights to Nandini, a grateful expression in his eyes. "Exactly. And it's comforting to know that I'm not alone in seeking solace up here."

After a moment of reflection, Nandini shared, "You know, Manik, art is my way of confronting and escaping too. When I paint, it's like I'm diving into a world where I can untangle the threads of my emotions. It's a conversation with colors and strokes, a dance with the canvas that helps me navigate the maze within."

Manik's eyes lit up with understanding. "That sounds beautiful. It's incredible how different forms of expression can offer a similar sense of release and understanding."

Nandini smiled, her eyes reflecting a shared appreciation for the power of creativity. "It's like we each have our own language to speak to the soul, and in these quiet moments, we find the courage to let that language flow."

Nandini's phone beeped, and she instinctively looked at the screen. Her eyes widened as she saw the time—2 AM. The rooftop oasis, with its enchanting conversations, had woven a timeless spell, making them oblivious to the passing hours.

"Oh my goodness, Manik, it's already 2 AM!" Nandini exclaimed, a mixture of surprise and realization in her voice. The city lights below still twinkled, but the night had quietly marched on.

Manik glanced at his watch, a look of mild shock on his face. "Wow, time really flew, didn't it? I didn't realize it was so late."

They both chuckled, a shared amusement at losing track of time in their rooftop haven. Nandini sighed, a bit reluctantly, "I should go. I have work tomorrow, and I need to get some sleep."

Manik nodded in agreement, "Yeah, I have an early start too. Let me grab my guitar, and I'll walk you to your flat"

As Manik picked up his guitar, they made their way down the stairs, the echoes of their footsteps resonating in the quiet stairwell. The rooftop oasis, now a cherished memory of shared moments, held the promise of more conversations under the stars.

As they descended the stairs from the rooftop, the city below was wrapped in a blanket of stillness, the early hours of the morning lending a tranquil atmosphere to their surroundings.

Reaching Nandini's floor, she turned to Manik with a grateful smile. "Thanks for the wonderful evening. It was unexpected but truly special."

Manik returned the smile, a warmth in his eyes. "No, thank you, Nandini. It was a wonderful night, and I'm glad we shared it."

Nandini bid him goodnight, and as she entered her flat, the quietness of the night embraced her. The realization of the delightful conversation and newfound connection lingered, making her appreciate the beauty of unexpected friendships.

Meanwhile, Manik, with his guitar in hand, made his way to his own flat. The hallway echoed with the soft strumming of his guitar, a melody that seemed to carry the essence of the night's shared moments.


Author's Note

Hey there, dear reader! I really hope you've had a blast diving into this first peek into the developing story. 

Did the characters and their new connection make you feel something?

Do they strike a chord with you?

Is there a part of the story that made you go, "Hmm, I wonder what happens next?" 

Your thoughts are crucial – they're like the heartbeat of this whole tale! So, go ahead and share your feedback and thoughts on this chapter. Can't wait to hear from you!❤️

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