Forgotten Friend | tomlinson

Oleh heytherehemmings

344K 8.6K 9.5K

"You look familiar." "Yeah... I was your best friend." Louis Tomlinson had an ordinary life, until he auditio... Lebih Banyak

1} X-Factor
2} Back Home
3} All Over Again
4} Promise
5} I Forgive You
6} More Than Friends
7} Complicated Relationship
8} We'll make this work
9} We're One Direction!
10} Buns and Fun
11} Eleanor
12} Slowly Drifting
13} Together
14} Last Few Days
15} Goodbye
16} Back Where We Started
17} Remember
18} Dinner Humiliation
19} Twisted Ankle
20} I-I'm Sorry
21} Little By Little
22} Nerd
23} Unexpected Turns
24} Absolute Truth
25} We're Healing
26} Becoming Closer
27} Forgive But Can't Forget
29} Our Dream Jobs
30} What If
31} The American Experience
32} Love?
33} Sweet & Bittersweet
34} Rain
35} Beginning to an End
36} Journey to Fantasy
37} Prince (Somewhat) Charming
38} Holding On
Author's Note

28} This Isn't Goodbye

5K 134 50
Oleh heytherehemmings



"Louis, get the door please!" Jessica screams from upstairs.

I mentally groan in my head because I just got comfortable, but I didn't have a choice. Slowly getting up from the couch, I walk over to the front door to answer who ever is awaiting on the other side.

"Oh, hey." I say as I open the door to the pizza guy.

Struggling to get my wallet out of my pocket, I hand the man the money and take the warm pizza in my hands.

"Aren't you, um, Louis? The guy from One Direction, right?" The man asks me before I shut the door.

I smile, "Indeed I am."

He smiles and his eyes lit up, "It was an honor to serve pizza to you then."

I chuckle, "Thanks, mate. And I guess it was an honor receiving pizza from you, as well."

He laughs and makes his way back to his car. What a nice fella.

"Jess, I got the pizza!" I scream to wherever she's at.

Soon, I hear her rushing footsteps coming down the stairs with pure excitement on her face. Just the thought of Jessica can bring a smile to my face.

"You owe me the money back," I state, setting down the pizza on the couch.

"Says the millionaire," she says and plops down beside me, "I bet the pizza guy literally gave you the pizza for free anyways."

"Sorry, people just find me irresistible."

She rolls her eyes and takes a bite of her pizza. I grab the slice with the most toppings and lay back into the couch.

"You ready to go back on the road again?" Jessica asks with a smile on her face, "On the road again? Get it? 'Cause it's the tour's-"

"Yea, I get it." I say smiling with her.

She criss-crosses her legs and turns to face me, "So, what's it like being on stage?"

"Loud. Very loud."

She laughs that beautiful laughter of hers, "I bet. But like, how does it feel? I mean, your standing in front of thousands of adoring fans, it must be amazing."

I wanted to say, that its not as amazing when I'm with her - but it wasn't the right time, yet.

"Um, it's incredible. Yea, they're absolutely incredible. Just standing there, looking out into the crowd, its-its... agh." I explain.

She smiles and stares at her pizza, "Mate, your living the life."

"You should come with us!" I say, a bit too enthusiastic, "I mean, you could come with us for one night and see what it feels like. Our first show is in America, but you could come on the plane with us!"

She grins but looks down to her lap, "Yea, that sounds great but... I-I actually have a job internship."

This takes me by surprise, "Really? Wow. Um, where are you working, er, interning at?"

"I-It's a company that designs and builds new structures for other businesses and people. Basically an architect... or engineer."

"Where is it?" I ask, a bit concerned.

She bites her lip, "In London."

"What?" I say upset, "That's like hours away from here."

"I know, I know. But it's just an internship, not like an actual job... yet."

"Yet? Jess, before you know it your gonna be hired as a top engineer and practically move to Paris by then."

She chuckles, "Chill, Lou. It's only an hour away, and even if I do move to Paris - which I don't mind - you can just fly there in a snap. Don't forget, you are in the worlds largest boyband."

I sigh, "But once you go, I'm afraid..."

"Afraid of what?" She continues for me.

"That we're gonna drift away again." I admit.

"Louis, that won't happen. I won't let that happen."

"But I feel like if your farther away, we-we won't be as close."

She lightly laughs, "Really? Try flying around the entire world for nine months, while millions of obsessive fans are literally at your knees."

I laugh, "Okay you got me there."

"Yeah, it's fine. Besides this is just temporary, until I'm ready to get a real job."

"But in the meantime, we can just sit back and enjoy our pizza, huh?"

"Damn right." She says and lays back with me. "So, if I were to be any food, what kind would I be?"

"Uhh, well-" I say, but get interrupted by my phone vibrating. "Shit, be right back."

"More pizza for me," She mumbles as I walk away and flick her off.

I go into the hallway and check the caller ID on my phone. It's Niall, or as it says for my contact Neil Horan. He's probably just calling because he wants a sandwich or something.

"What's up, mate?" I answer.

"You gotta head down to the studio. I guess we gotta meeting or some shit, but they said that there was no excuse."

I groan, "Seriously? We're on break. And the tour starts next week, can't they just contact us then?"

"I know how ya feel, but they called all of us in. I dunno, mate, but you better head over there. They didn't seem too happy."

I sigh, "Alright, see you there. And don't be surprised if I'm late!"

Before I could hang up, I could here Nialler's laugh at the end of the phone - which makes me smile a bit myself, but then I remember I have to leave Jessica... again.

Slowly walking back towards the couch, I stroll next to her but don't sit down. My movements make her question, as she sits up and takes her eyes off the television.

"What?" She asks, with a mouth full of pizza.

"Um," I look to the ground and bounce on my toes, "I-I have to leave."

"Wha-Why? I thought we were spending the day together."

"I know, but the management-"

"Oh," she says, immediately understanding.

"Yea, it's sucks. But we have all this week to ourselves, so it's not that bad."

"I guess... Okay, well, text me when you get there. I'll just eat this large pizza, alone, with no one to eat my leftover crust."

I chuckle, "Too bad, I was looking forward to finishing your half eaten pizza slices."

She laughs, "Alright, see you, Lou."

"Bye, Jess!" I say as I step out the door.

Starting my car, I pull out of her driveway - leaving the one person I want to be with the most, and being forced to go to listen to overdramatic men who control my entire career.




I unmindfully chomp away on my pizza, as I watch old Disney shows by myself. Typical day in my life.

Louis and the boys are continuing the tour next week, and we were suppose to spend every last minute we had together. Or at least try.

But now, the management took Louis away... again.

I'm not mad. It's not Louis' fault - its the management's fault, but then again, it is their job.

I guess I'm just a bit frustrated. I mean, I know nothing will happen to me and Louis, but we're spending four months away from each other. And it's gonna be hard to keep in touch, since he's gonna be busy with all the shows and I have my new internship. I'm worried that with our plates completely filled - almost to the point where they're overflowing - that our entire relationship will-

Stop. Your overthinking. Chill, nothing will happen.

I close my eyes and take a big breath, letting myself disappear into the delicious taste of pizza. Refocusing my attention to The Suite Life Of Zack And Cody, I do what I do best.

I ignore my problems and hope for the best.


My knees buckle as I drag five luggage bags with me to the entrance of the airport.

"Niall, aren't you gonna help? Those are your bags anyways," Harry says, defending me.

But Niall is too busy digging in his bag to even acknowledge Harry.

"It's okay, I need the workout." I puff, continuing to drag the tons of luggage.

"Here, love, let me help you." Harry takes enough bags so I could actually stand up straight.

"Aha! Found it!" Niall exclaims and places on his sunglasses.

"Sunglasses? For a fuckin' plane?" I say.

"Of course." He says like its no big deal and continues to walk towards the doors, still leaving me with his bags.

"Oi ve," I mutter and trudge along with the boys.

Thank god the luggages a had wheels, or else I think I would've popped my back.

"Are you guys excited for the tour?" I ask as we walk.

"Definitely. I still have the banana suit from last time, Harry." Liam answers and smiles at Harry.

Harry gives him an annoyed look, "You know bananas are my thing. Your lucky I didn't sue you."

"Banana suit?" I say confused.

"Yea, the fans throw us lots of stuff on stage and it's pretty interesting." Liam says.

"There are tons of videos on Vine and Twitter. It's pretty easy to find them, and then you'll know what we're talking about." Harry adds.

"Remember when Louis ate that burger from the stage?" Niall cracks up.

"Ew, you did that?" I ask disgusted.

"I was hungry. I asked for a burger, and I got one. I wasn't gonna turn that offer down." Louis argues, with no regret.

"That's not even a quarter of what we've done on stage." Niall tells me.

"You would have the experience to see if you come with us." Louis chants behind my ear.

"You know I can't." I say back.

"So? Ditch the job and come hang with us!"

"Louis, I wanna make my own money. Plus, I need to do something to make a living."

"Oh right, you went to college." Louis remembers.

I laugh, "Yea, and this girl wants her knowledge to go to good use."

After walking across the entire airport - stopping numerously for pictures or autographs from the some fans - we finally enter a doorway between two security guards. Only we are allowed to enter in, and I feel pretty special at that point.

The door leads us outside.

"What are we doing out here?" I ask, wind furiously blowing in my hair.

"Look ahead of you." Liam explains.

I tilt my head up and see a single plane. No, it's a jet. Although, there's nobody else lined up or even on it. A private jet?

"A-A private jet?" I ask in disbelief.

"That's right." Liam says with a smirk on his face.

"You lucky bastards." I say, beyond jealous.

Once we reach the stairway, I can finally let go of all the heavy bags so another server can pack it into the plane, er, jet. With the wind and the jet powered on, I could barely hear myself talk.

"Well, this is it!" I scream as loud as I can to the boys.

"It won't be long, but we'll miss you, Jess!" Harry exclaims back and brings me into a bear hug.

Some of his long, curly hair is flopped into my face from the wind, but I try to ignore it and focus on the comforting hug.

"Bye, Jess! Take care! Good luck on your new job!" Liam yells, even though he's only a foot away from me.

"Thanks, Liam! Hope you get a new banana suit!" I scream back and hug him as well.

"Alright, see ya, Jess! Don't forget us!" Niall exclaims.

I laugh, "Don't worry! And get me a pair of sunglasses when you get back, 'aight?"

He laughs and throws me his, "Take these! I got twenty more in my luggage!"

Last but not least was Louis.

The fact that he spent over an hour in his hair this morning, and for it to be ruined in under a minute in this condition, makes it harder for me to say goodbye to him. I won't be able to enjoy all the little things with him gone.

Before we say anything, I go straight into Louis' arms and hug him with everything I have.

"I don't wanna say goodbye but I have to. G-Goodbye, Tommo!"

"This isn't goodbye! Let's just say this is... see you soon!" He says as if we were in a movie.

"When did our lives become a soap opera?" I yell at his cute sentence.

"Your ruining the moment!" He argues, but with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll see you in a couple of months! I'll miss you so much!" I wave to him as he walks off, "Don't eat anymore stage-burgers!"

"Okay, mum!" Louis remarks with his little laugh of his.

"Tell Skylar I said hi!" Harry screams before he steps into the jet.

"Alright! See you guys soon!"

I vigorously wave my right hand as I see Louis - the last to get on the jet - and blow him a kiss.

He catches it and places it on top of his heart, which makes my heart all warm and cuddly.

One of the security guards lightly grab onto my arm and pulls me away from the jet as it takes off. Hopefully they could see me through the windows.

Not stopping, I keep waving my hand and slightly regret not going with them.

Once the jet is a good distance away and my arm feels like it's been chopped off, I rest my arm as I admire them flying off.

This isn't goodbye.

A great gap in my heart suddenly pokes into my mind and sends pain signals. I didn't even know it, but there was tears streaming down my face. Damn, I'm going to miss 'em.

But I tell myself it's not as bad as it seems. I'll see them soon. Real soon.

The atmosphere got much quieter as the wind died down, leaving my hair into a big mess of knots.

I stand there in awe, placing Niall's cool sunglasses on and think about everything. How the boys are feeling, how these couple of months are gonna be like...

But most importantly, how the fuck am I gonna get back to my car?


sorry I updated a bit late, but I wanted to update on ASHTONS BIRTHDAY!

THAT RIGHT, THE LITTLE EGG IS TURNING 21 TODAY! (but I still don't believe that he's 21, he's still 18 in my mind)


so thanks y'all for voting & commenting & reading & sharing & breathing & living & asdfghjkl

love you so much, with all my heart xxx

vote to wish ashton a happy birthday!

and share if your proud of ash as much as i am :') ... and that's a lot.


- lauren :))))

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