His Reject, Her Rotten Apple

By Socialparasite21

2.5K 33 4

Gigi Dolin's best friend and Darby Allin's childhood friend is going down a dark path but only one thing or s... More

A Conversation Nobody Wanted

The Moore The Merrier

321 6 1
By Socialparasite21

*1 Year Later*

Well I've taken time from Wrestling to focus on my other love, music. I've loved playing music and especially singing since I was little. My brother was really close with the band "Alice In Chains" so I spent a lot of my childhood that evolved my brother with those guys. They actually let me tour with them since I turned 18 so sometimes I'll take time off from Wrestling to tour with Alice. So that's been what I've been doing for the past few years. Sam is still with Priscilla which I love and Priscilla and Sam have been kicking ass in Wrestling and I'm so proud of them. I'm still depressed but it's gotten worse. I'm isolated all the time and I've turned into a ghost. I don't talk to anyone anymore, even Priscilla. When I'm home I'll usually just go straight to my room. Today is no different I've been in my room pretty much all day. I've had a really bad day today so I really don't wanna be around people. I've just stayed in my room, laying on my bed when I quiet little knock came on my door.

Me: Yeah!? Come in!

My door cautiously opened and revealed Priscilla. She slowly made her way in and I looked at her while staying sat on my bed.

Me: Hey Scilla. What are ya up too?

Priscilla: I came up to hang out with Sam but I wanted to see what you're up too?

Me: Nothin really just hangin out really.

Priscilla looked deep in my eyes. There's just been something about when I look in Priscilla's eyes, I feel something and I don't feel really anything other than when I do shows either concerts with Alice In Chains or Wrestling.

Priscilla: Will you come hang out with us? Please for Scilla?

I really didn't want to but I love Scilla and I can't say no to her. I sighed before I dropped my head and smirked.

Me: Yeah, Scilla I'll come hang out.

Priscilla: Thank you Jackie boy.

I stood up before Priscilla and I left my room. I walked out in the living room and up to Sam then we fist bumped.

Sam: Sup bro.

Me: Sup.

I sat down on the couch and we all hung out together for the day. Later, I cooked for everyone and while Sam and Priscilla ate I was on my phone. That is until Sam got my attention.

Sam: You're not gonna eat bro?

Me: Nah bro I'm not hungry.

Sam: Well can we talk to you about something?

I set my phone down before I looked at them.

Me: Yeah bro, go ahead.

Sam: Well Priscilla and I have been getting really serious over the past year. We've decided to move in together here.

When I heard their decision, I smiled. I was actually happy that they are taking that step. I also kinda knew what that meant.

Me: I'm so happy for you guys. Hey, I'll pack all my stuff...

Sam interrupted with a confused expression on his face.

Sam: ...Pack all your stuff? Why?

Me: Well I just figured that since y'all are movin in together that you guys didn't want me...

I was once again. This time it was by Priscilla and it was more abrupt.

Priscilla: NO! We love having you here. Please stay J. Please, for Scilla?

I smiled again. This time do to the abrupt nature of the interruption and how cute Priscilla is.

Me: Well if I can get a fucking word in edge wise...

I paused for interruption and for dramatic effect. After a few seconds, I was finally able to finish a thought in this conversation.

Me: ...Yeah I'll stay.

We all sat and talked while Sam and Priscilla ate. After the food was gone, I cleaned the kitchen. After the kitchen was in order, I joined Sam and Priscilla in the living room. I sat with them on the couch as they watched a movie.

During the movie, Priscilla looked over at me. I returned her gaze before she smiled and patted her thigh.

Me: What?

Priscilla: Lay your head here.

Priscilla once again patted her thigh. I smiled before I shifted to the side and laid my head on Priscilla's bare thigh that her shorts didn't cover as I draped my legs over the arm of the couch.

Sam: Fuckin J Whisperer.

We all laughed as we went back to watching the movie. Later on, I went to bed before getting up early the next morning and getting on a flight. I started a tour with Alice that I was actually very excited about.

*A Few Weeks Later*

I still don't even talk to people including the boys on the bus as much the only difference is I talk to Uncle Jerry who's the Alice guitarist and he knows what my mental situation is. I just go out and sing and after the show I just go to the bus and get in my bunk. I use to relax before going to sleep. I'm really skinny now because I don't eat. I've also changed my hair, it's still long but I just shaved the sides and I have dreads now.

I'm always wearing my sunglasses because my eyes are really dark and sunken in.

I don't want Sam and I especially don't want Priscilla to see me like this. I'm in a lot of pain and I don't want them to see me like this. I'm not gonna make excuses, I did this to myself. I wrote my own part.

Most of today, I've been throwing up all day because I caught some kind of food poisoning.

*At The Arena*

I spent most of the time in the bathroom throwing up before showtime. I smoked a cigarette before going out on stage.


I walk out and the place erupted. It's Seattle and it's the Moore Theater so it means even more then it normally would. One of if not the best performance of Uncle Layne's life came at this arena so I'm extra motivated to bring it. I walk up to microphone stand.

Me: How the fuck you doin Seattle!? Didn't you have anything better to do? We didn't think you guys would make it with all the snow on the ground. I used to walk 6 miles in the snow to school. You know that?

Two audience members shouted something in response. There voices sounded very familiar.

Audience Members: UPHILL!

I smiled and pointed in their direction before responding.

Me: Uphill. Good answer. This setlist is pretty heavy tonight but we more specifically I thought we'd take advice from the great Sammy Hagar and open with something a little special.

The music starts and it's time to go to work. The set goes as follows.

Me: Man y'all have kicked ass tonight thank yall so much for coming out. That last song and this next song are dedicated to someone who stole my heart the first time I met her. Even though we're no longer in contact with eachother because of me, I just want you to know I'm still keeping tabs on you. Please know this was not you're fault and you did nothing wrong, this was all on me. I miss you and I love you.

After we finished that last song, we all took a bow before heading backstage. After meet and greets were over, I went into the dressing room bathroom and started throwing up again. When I came out, I was shocked who was in the room waiting on me.

Me: Sam? Priscilla?

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