His Reject, Her Rotten Apple

By Socialparasite21

2.5K 33 4

Gigi Dolin's best friend and Darby Allin's childhood friend is going down a dark path but only one thing or s... More

The Moore The Merrier
A Conversation Nobody Wanted


460 10 2
By Socialparasite21

Well ever since my brother Darby Allin moved out to go to school I was miserable. He's been my best friend since I was almost 4 and his family took me in when my brother died when I was 8. Ever since I lost my brother, I haven't been the same. Now instead of being a bright sunny day personality wise I'm more like a normal Seattle day, dark and rainy.

When I was in Junior high, I was exposed to things that alter your mind. Well ever since then, they have been helping me out. I never do it in front of Sam out of respect to his personal beliefs. I'm also a skater and during school I played football. I took AP classes so I graduated about a year after Sam did. After I finished school, I got into wrestling and moved out.

Independent Wrestling isn't the most financially beneficial venture when you first start out so I like Sam was homeless and slept in my car for a while. When Sam got in the business and heard what I'd been doing, he called me and we put our savings together and finally was able to get a place.

Today I'm just hanging out in my room since I'm not booked. I just cleared my mind and now I'm playing my guitar. My brother knew the band Alice In Chains during the Layne years so I knew then too. I was closest to Layne but after he passed, I grew even closer to Jerry Cantrell, the guitar player. He taught me to play and ever since then, I really enjoy playing guitar. Sean Kinney taught me to play drums and both Mike Starr and Mike Inez taught me Bass. Anyway, I hear a knock on my door so I sit my guitar on the bed as Sam comes in.

Sam: Hey bro.

Me: Sup?

Sam: Come out here and hang with me. You can bring your guitar and play it in there.

Me: Cool.

I grabbed my guitar and unplugged my amp before I carried them to the living room. I sat down on the couch and plugged my amp back in. I started to play again and got a little practice on some riffs and some solos before Sam once again got my attention.

Sam: Hey bro?

Me: Sup bro?

Sam: You know how I been dating this girl?

Me: Yeah bro. What about it?

Sam: Do you wanna meet her?

Me: Sure, I guess.

Sam: Glad you said that because she's coming over.

Sam laughed and I kinda cracked a smile. I started to play again a little bit before a knock came at the front door. Sam got up and went and answered it. I wasn't even paying much attention before someone walked over and I looked up at them.

???: Hi...

Me: Hey.

I stood up before we shook hands. I know she's my best friends girlfriend but she's beautiful. This man Sam really outdid himself.

???: Priscilla.

Me: Jackson but everybody just calls me JJ.

Priscilla: Hi J.

Me: Hey Priscilla come take a seat.

As Priscilla walks by me, I look over at Sam.

Me: Bro, the fuck happened to your manners?

We all laughed as we all sat down. I just relaxed on the couch as we all started talking.

Priscilla: Babe, you never told me you could play guitar.

Sam: I can't babe.

Priscilla pointed to the guitar.

Priscilla: Then what's that doing out here? Are you trying to learn?

Sam kinda chuckled as he pointed to me.

Sam: No but he plays a lot.

Priscilla looked to me. I met her gaze and wow she has really big and really pretty eyes.

Priscilla: You can play Guitar.

Me: Yeah. My uncle Jerry taught me when I was younger.

Priscilla: Will you play for me? Please?

I looked in Priscilla's eyes as she asked me. I don't really like playing around or for other people but there's something about her eyes.

Me: Okay.

I picked up my guitar and got comfortable with it. I thought about it for a few seconds before finally deciding what to play.

I set my guitar on the side of the couch and tossed my pick on the coffee table. I kicked my feet back up. It was quiet for a second and I could tell I was being looked at.

Me: What?

Priscilla: You're really good.

Me: Thanks. Sam?

Sam: What the fuck was that!?

Priscilla: What was what babe?

Sam: He did what you wanted him to do the first time you asked. That never ever happens. J dances to his own beat, how the fuck he was a football player I'll never know.

Priscilla upon hearing this turned to me and looked at me.

Priscilla: Is that true?

Me: I fuckin guess haha. I never cared enough to pay attention.

We all laughed. I don't really laugh or anything very often. I'm kinda stoic and in a consistent mood. I guess that is kinda what helped make me such a good Quaterback. I just don't let things bother me anymore.

Priscilla: So J, tell me about your parents.

Me: What about em?

Priscilla: Are you close with them?

Me: Haven't seen em in god knows how long.

Priscilla: Oh okay, I'm sorry.

Me: No big thing Scilla.

Priscilla: If it makes you feel better, I'm not close to my parents either.

I looked back to her.

Me: If that does anything, it pisses me off. Hey it's there loss though. They made a hell of a daughter.

Priscilla smiled at my compliment. She then looked over at Sam.

Priscilla: Awe Babe, he's sweet.

Sam: Yeah, that's a new one.

We sat and talked for a while. I'll never put this over or anything but I like Priscilla as a person. She's really cool and down to Earth. Sam really found a gem in her.

Later on, we were all hanging out in the living room. Priscilla was sittin by Sam and I was sitting in my recliner.

Priscilla: Hey J?

Me: Yeah?

Priscilla: Will you play a song for me?

When she asked me to play, I figured out exactly what song I wanted to play for her.

Me: Yeah I will.

I grabbed my guitar and got it situated. I got my pick before I started to play.

When I finished, I looked over and Priscilla was looking at me wide eyed.

Me: What?

Priscilla: You never said you could sing.

I shrugged at her.

Me: You never asked.

Priscilla let a little giggle escape her lips. She playfully slapped my chest as she giggled.

Priscilla: Shut up smartass. You're really good.

Me: Thank you.

Sam then came into the conversation.

Sam: Hey Babe it's getting late, do you want to spend the night?

Priscilla thought about it for a second.

Priscilla: Only if J plays me...

I already knew where this was going so I interrupted. I answered before she could even finish.

Me: ...Let me go get something and I'll do it Scilla.

Priscilla smiled really wide and excitedly clapped her hands.

Priscilla: Thank you J!

I got up and answered on my way out.

Me: Yeah, yeah.

I went and got my talk box and my foot pedal for my amp. Once I got what I needed, I went back to the living room and got situated. I loaded up the baseline on my phone and started to play my guitar.

After I finished, I looked over at both Sam and Priscilla.

Me: Okay you two keep it down. I have a hard enough time sleepin. I don't really need to hear y'all "make mac and cheese".

Everybody laughed as I unplugged my amp and stuff I took it everything in my room before I returned to the living room. I walked up and shook Sam's hand.

Me: Night bro love you.

Sam: Night bro love you too.

I then turned to Priscilla and extended my hand. Priscilla looked at me before looking at my extended hand and once again looking at me. She smiled before she shook her head. She then wrapped me up in a huge hug. It caught me off guard for a second but I hugged her back. We held the hug for a second before we pulled away.

Priscilla: Night J. It was nice to meet you.

Me: Yeah it was nice to meet you too. Night Scilla.

I left and went to bed. It was weird but in a nice way to meet Priscilla. I meant what I said earlier, Sam has a gem here in Priscilla. I really hope they stay together.

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