Companion Scenarios | Doctor...

By ridiculous_class

56 9 0

Some Doctor interactions and scenarios. Basically reader insert. Doctors included at the moment: 9-12 BUT wil... More

The Timeline

1st Encounter

22 4 0
By ridiculous_class

[How you meet the Doctor.]

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆


It's a regular day for you, working as a receptionist. At least it was, up until everyone fled the office while you were out getting more paper for the printer. You stepped back into the office to see what could have caused everyone to suddenly rush out.

You had assumed it was some mouse or something. But then again, judging by the fact that everyone might not be the case. You stepped back into the office, carefully looking around you. That's when you saw it.

It was some sort of creature. Not one you've ever encountered before. It was tall and green. Slimy and...pretty ugly looking if you were honest. You didn't know what to make of it. You just stood there, frozen.

"Eh, do you mind not standing there?" You heard a voice say from behind you. "You're in the way."

You turned around to see a man. A man with a leather jacket, pointing a gadget at you. Well, past you actually. Probably at that green thing.

"Where am I supposed to stand then?" You ask, moving out of the way a little.

"Use your eyes. There's a whole room free to stand in." The man says, now walking past you to get closer to the creature. "Pick any spot you want. I'd suggest the far corner."

"What are you pointing at that thing?" You ask the man, who seems to be cornering the green creature.

"Oh, you're a rude one." The man looks to you, before looking back at the green thing. "She didn't mean it."

"Are you getting rid of it?" You ask the man, now backing yourself towards your desk. While you wanted to stay safe and far enough away from the creature, you also kind of wanted to see what would happen. After all, this man doesn't seem to be scared of the creature...he looks quite calm actually. It's intriguing.

"Now why would I do that?" The man looked back at you and rolled his eyes. " I right?" He says to the creature in front of him.

"You say that as if you aren't human yourself..." You mutter, wondering if he could hear.

"Cause I'm not." The man simply replies. "Was that not obvious when I didn't totally freak out when seeing another life form?"

"But I didn't totally freak out either..." You shrug, sitting down at your seat. "And I'm fairly sure I'm human."

"You froze though, didn't you?" The man raised an eyebrow, but then smiled. "Anyways! Let's get you back to where you belong." He says to the creature. "You coming?"

At first you think he's talking to you, but then you see him ushering the green life form through the door. You watch the two, non-humans apparently, leave the office. Then the man's head sticks back through the doorway.

"I'll be back in a jiffy." The man smiles, then disappears. Only a moment later though, his head pops back up again. "Oh, and I'm the Doctor!"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:


You were walking down the street, coming home after a long day. You walked down the same street you've taken home all your adult life. You must have walked down it a million times. But never have you noticed a police box off to the side, just a couple paces from where you live.

Curious, you walk towards the box. It's a blue police box. You've never seen one of those before. As you started to inspect the sign on the front, the door to it opened.

"Hello." A man greets you. The man came out of the blue box, wearing a suit. "Having some trouble with the engine." The man explains, pointing his head back towards the box.

"Engine?" You ponder on the word. He can't be talking about the box, can he? "Um, that box you came out wasn't always here, was it?" You ask, confused as to why it's here. The man raises an eyebrow at your question.

"So, let me get this straight." The man says. "You never noticed a giant blue box on your street until right now?"

"I guess not, no." You shrug. But you're certain this is the first you've seen of it. "Has it really always been here?"

"No." The man grins widely. "I've just parked it here for a bit. Hope you don't mind."

"No, of course not." You shake your head. It's not your street, so it doesn't really matter whether you mind or not. But you have to reply with something. "I'm sorry, can we go back a second?" You say, his words just registering now. "Did you say you parked it?"

"Well how else am I supposed to land a ship?" The man questions.

"I'm sorry...ship?" You wonder. The more you ask, the more questions arise.

"Love this part." The man smiles to himself.

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:


You were walking down the street of the town you live in when you spotted a couple of people crowded around a blue box. You've never seen a police box before, and definitely not around here. It must be new. You decided to investigate, along with all the other townsfolk.

"Ah, well, you know." You hear someone say. You look to see a man with a bowtie standing next to the box, and closing over the door. "Box started acting up a bit. So I parked there, thought I'd try fixing it. But there's not much to fix. She's just being stubborn."

You can't really tell if the man is just talking to himself or to the crowd, cause he's certainly not facing anyone, just looking at his box. You get a little closer, standing next to a couple of people. You whisper to the lady next to you, who seems to be very drawn in by the situation.

"Why's there a Madman here...talking to a box?" You say to the lady.

"Oh, I wait for the day I find the answer to that question." The girl with bright red hair laughs, giving you a smile. Scottish accent, not from round here. Seems she's with this madman. "That's just the Doctor in his normal state, I'm afraid. Far from normal to us know."

"Uh, sure." You shrug, unsure of how to respond. "He's a friend of yours then, I'm guessing?"

"Who is? A friend?" The man approaches us. "Love those, I've got plenty." The man looks at the lady beside you and just smiles at her fondly. He then turns to look at you. "Hello friend of Amy's, I'm the Doctor."

"Doctor?" You repeat. "Doctor who?"

"That's exactly right." The Doctor smiles. "You catch on fast, I like you." The Doctor continues in excitement. "And who might you be?"

*✧・゚: *✧・゚:


You had been attending your first lecture from this specific professor who just calls himself the Doctor. Which at first, you found odd. Almost all the lecturers here have a PHD, so there was nothing really to brag about.

That's why you hadn't attended the first couple of lessons. You though he was some stuck up old guy who thinks he's better than everyone. But when you finally decided to go to one of his classes to see what all the fuss was about, it all made sense. He was the Doctor. The guy knows everything...about everything.

After the class was over, everyone had left after packing away their things in their own time. But you decided to stay back to explain your absence for the first couple of classes. You hadn't yet prepared what you'd tell him. You walked up to the front, where he stood looking at what he wrote on the board during the class.

"Why does that look like a pear? I hate pears." The Doctor groaned, his thick Scottish accent making him sound rather angry. He quickly wiped away a drawing from the board.

"I'm with you in that." You speak up. The Doctor turns around and finally notices you.

"Thank you!" The Doctor sighs. "Finally a human who gets it!" The professor grins slightly. "What are you doing here? Go on, the class is over. You're dismissed. Go study, do homework or something. Whatever-

The Doctor stops abruptly, and stares at the door. Then he looks to the window. He starts walking around the room, looking behind things and under things. Is he looking for something?

"Are you alright, professor?" You ask him, a little concerned.

"Professor? Where? Who do you see?" He looks to you with raised eyebrows. You say nothing, a little confused. He lightly smacks his head with the palm of his hand. "Oh, you mean me? Yes, I'm fine. And don't call me that."

"Are you looking for something specific?" You ask, following behind him as he walked around the class in search of something.

"Yes." The Doctor replies. He paces about the room a little more before abruptly stopping. "Did you hear that too?" He asks, and you shake your heading, having heard nothing but his footsteps around the room. "Then why are you here? You're of no help."

You just nod your head in response. This clearly wasn't a good time. You started walking away, but then you heard a strange high pitched noise. You quickly turned towards the Doctor, who was also looking your way.

"I heard it..." You whispered. The Doctor just nods and starts walking in your direction, and the past you, walking through the door with haste.

"You can always trust someone who doesn't trust pears!"

.  . • ☆ . ° .• °:. *₊ ° . ☆

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