Marvel's Kamen Rider

By Decade05

898 31 0

In a different universe within the scope of the Multiverse. There was one where heroes are not like they are... More

Batta Aug-02
Rider vs Augment
Rider Number 2


277 5 0
By Decade05

    Japan, the city filled with hope and dreams of multiple people that live within the light of hope. Unknown to them that under the shadows, their lives are being controlled by an unknown organization hell bent on world domination with its tendrils within every sector of the world. A limo was driving at night time with two goverment officials inside the limo. The older gentleman inside the limo was looking out at the wonderful city of Tokyo while the younger gentleman would type on his computer before looking at the older gentleman. "Sensei," the younger man spoke and looked back at the computer, "About tomorrow's meeting with Stark."

    "Yes Nobiko?" the older gentleman looked at the young man.

    "If you go to represent Japan's interest, the economy would change drastically, multiple jobs would open up," Nobiko would continue to say but then the older gentleman just smirked and chuckled. "What is it Sensei?"

    The older gentleman looked at his young friend, "That is what I intend to do. Make more jobs within Japan with no strings attached, so that people would be allowed to live freely," he explained until the car came to a halt. The two were lurched forward but kept their composure as they looked at the left window to see that their limo was covered in webbing. "What the hell?" The older gentleman asked as he started to see something near the lamp post.

    The figure seemed to be hanging off of something as the head resembled a spider while the rest of the body was a human shape. The figure grew four extra arms before a liquid string substance hit the left door. The figure quickly crawled over on the string to the car window and then punched through with one of its arms, choking the old gentle man until a neck snap was heard. Nobiko would shiver in fear as he saw a pair of six eyes glowing green stared down at him. "Hail Hydra," the figure spoke in a robotic voice as if he was speaking through a helmet before the figure crawled in to the limo fully. A scream was heard and then silence as a blood red moon shined above the scene, as a new legacy started and a old shadow organization shows its wicked hand once again.


    Inside an unknown location, several different people were around a round table with the symbol of the World War II Nazi science division known as Hydra were in the middle of the table. "I call this meeting of Hydra in session," a German voice called out as the men and women sat in the table. A black glove came out of the shadows and sat carefully strum the fingers against the table, "Status report of our agents."

    "The research you gave me has been most fruitful," a woman with black hair, brown eyes, and seem to be of Italian decent spoke. "So far, the genetic and cybernetic enhancements for the Augments has held together. Along with nano machines within our agents blood stream which will dissolve them if they are ever captured or killed."

    "Thank you Scientist Supreme," the voice called out. "The status on Spider Augment?"

    An older Asian gentleman in a buisness suit would lean forward as he nodded at the figure shrouded in darkness. "He successfully killed the Japanese minister of Economic affairs and his assistant, Japan is still under the control of Hydra as is the U.S. goverment and parts of Russia."

    A older man, seemingly in his nineties adjusted his glasses and looked to the other members. "Which brings to our next problem," the man spoke in a heavy German accent, "S.H.I.E.L.D is starting to take notice of some of our... activities."

    "Ah...yes..." the voice of the leader of Hydra spoke. "The organization that has been a thorn of our sides since the end of the second World War," the hand went back into the shadows. "Indeed, our spies has confirmed this which may mean we need to create another soldier. One to take the fight to S.H.I.E.L.D's bases and holdings, to destroy their system of communications."

    "Another Augment?" the Asian asked. "Why not send Kumo-Aug to destroy the S.H.I.E.L.D database or have Koumori-Aug destroy them?"

    Scientist Supreme would look at the Asian and narrow her eyes at him. "First thing first, the main database is on the Helicarrier to which we don't have any spies on due to how paranoid and careful Nick Fury is," she explained. "The next thing is that we don't know if Spiderman is with our enemy or not, so if we send in Spider-Aug we would be sending him in to fight an enemy that might have Spider-Aug outmatched in stregnth and skill," she leaned back. "Also Bat-Aug is currently working on a virus at A.I.M.'s labs at the moment."

    "Which is why we need a new Augment, something we need to retry where our old allies failed to do during the second Warld War," the older German spoke.

    The Scientist Supreme looked at the old man and asked, "What are you thinking about Zola?"

    The man named Zola would pull out a folder and slid it along the table to the Scientist Supreme. "The Heuschrecke Augment, Fräulein."

    She read the files before looking back at the Zola before turning her head to the center of the room that covered the leader. "The Grasshopper Augment project? To my knowledge it was only experimented once by a different organization, and it backfired on them," she said before looking at Zola. "Not to mention that I need a year to produce more nano machines as a self destruct mechanism," she pointed out, "A year which we don't have."

    "We are low on options Supreme," the voice spoke from the darkness. "Right now the Spider Augment is from Germany, Bat-Aug is Russia, find the candidate for the Grasshopper Augmemt in Japan. We need someone with a great intellectual prowess as well as great physical talent for the project. Have the Hydra soldiers go collect them when you found the candidate."

    "Yes sir," the Scientist Supreme stated as she stood up with the others and performed the Nazi Salute. "HAIL HYDRA!"


    The rev of a bike engine could be heard as a Honda CBR1000RR would zoom past a empty track that is used to train several motorcyclist for the usual grand prix. The bike rider turned as he leaned more to the right before coming to a older gentleman, he would slow down to a halt before taking off his black motorcycle helmet. Revealing a young Asian of 18 years old, with dark brown hair, brown eyes, and wearing a black leather jacket, white motorcycle gloves, blue jeans, and black Nike shoes. "Sensei," he called out to the older gentleman, "How's my time?"

    "Not bad Shotaro," the older gentleman called out. "However you will need to go faster in order to beat your previous time to qualify for the grand prix," he stated.

    Shotaro leaned back as he just sighed for a moment. "Oh come on Professor Masu," he whined before smirking at him, "That is almost an insult, I haven't even pushed the bike to the limit yet."

    "You need to be serious about this Shotaro Hongo," Masu stated as he looked at the stop watch. "The bike is more than just a tool for your ego, it is your partner and you need to treat it with respect if you will ever end in first."

    Shotaro put his bike helmet back on as he revved the engine. "Then watch me take off an entire minute off of my previous time," he said before he drove around the track again. Picking up speed to best his previous time.

    Masu just sighed when he took a look at the stop watch when he reset and started it again when Shotaro drove off. "He is still a child at heart but he is also one of our most brightest students in the university," he told himself. He would wait for Shotaro to finish the laps until the young man would come to a stop and Masu hit the stop button on the stop watch. "Wow, two minutes off of your previous time."

    "I told you Sensei," Shotaro stated as he kicked out the kickstand for the bike and got off. He pulled the helmet off and pulled the zipper down, "I was able to push the bike to its limits and prove our skill," he said as he gently punched the older gentleman's arm. He pushed up his left sleeve to show the time, "I'm off now. Got to go home," he said as he went to the bike and pushed the kickstand up and walked with Masu off the track.

    The two went away from the track and then Masu would lock up the gate before the two would then leave. Masu got in his car while Shotaro got on his bike and waved at his teacher before putting his helmet on. He would then drove off within the speed limit, back towards the city of Osaka. He went around a few cars before going towards a tunnel and he looked around for any police cars. He smirked underneath the helmet and started to speed up to test himself once again.


    Shotaro would come to a small house as he would just turn the engine of the bike off and took the helmet off. He looked at the house under the moonlit night since it was now night time, and it took him a few hours to get there. He put his helmet on one of the handles before going up to the house, he put his hand on the door knob but felt something strange. He pulled his hand away to show a web like substance, "What the?" he asked before a bright light shined behind him.

    Shotaro turned and covered his eyes for a moment before feeling something hit his arm. He looked down and saw a tranquilizer dart hit his arm, he pulled it out and looked up to see men with green and yellow jump suits with red gas masks infront of him. "You want to fight?" He asked as he stepped down the steps and towards them, but then he went to a knee.

    "Welcome Shotaro Hongo," one of the men spoke as they lowered their heads at him. "You have been selected to join Hydra," he said as Shotaro went to the ground. "Grab him and take him to the base, the Scientist Supreme will send instruction for the augmentation," the leader stated as Shotaro closed his eyes. The men went to pick him up and carry him to the back of a truck.


    Shotaro would groan as he tried to reach to rub the sleep and drowsiness away from his eyes. He couldn't which caused his eyes to widen as he looked to the left and right, seeing that his arms were chained to a metal table. He quickly looked down and saw that his legs were also chained and his clothes were removed except for his underwear. He tried to pull against the chains to escape but couldn't budge them as panic started to settle into his mind.

    "I wouldn't of I were you," an unknown voice called through the intercom system. "Welcome Shotaro Hongo, our newest member of Hydra."

    Shotaro looked around before he would try to calm himself down, "Hydra?" he asked.

    "You have been chosen to be our soldier, our own instrument against our enemy and for world domination," the voice explained.

    Shotaro pulled against the chains again as he looked at them again, "But I didn't ask to be apart of Hydra, let me go!"

    The voice would just laugh at the panicked state of Shotaro. "It's too late, young Hongo," the voice stated. "Your body has been surgically modified into an Augment, an enhanced human if you will, you will carry put Hydra's wishes and to be our willing slave. There is only one more thing to do before you fully turned into a cybernetic warrior that is loyal to us."

    "Cybernetic warrior?" Shotaro asked as he saw a few of Hydra warriors coming in with a white belt with a silver oval at the center of the belt. The belt was attached to Shotaro's waist before two silver casings would be attached to the side of the belt. "What are you doing, stop it! STOP IT!" the young man yelled as a scientist would come forward to a control pannel.

    Shotaro looked up and yelled, "HELP ME!" out of fear but to no avail as the scientist ignored him. Then a turbine would slowly lower in front of Shotaro, the scientist flipped the switch as the turbine was turned on. The roaters of the turbine started to turn before picking up speed, blowing 60 miles per hour winds directly at Shotaro as he screamed. The circular hatch in the center of the belt opened to reveal red turbines that began to spin at high speeds before the scientist turned the turbine off. Shotaro would just take in a deep breath of air before feeling something within him, like a surge of electricity that fired within every muscle he had.

    "Typhoon has siphoned the wind energy and empowered Batta-Aug's cybernetic enhanced systems. Batta dna is holding, now bringing it to the surface," the scientist announced as an electrical surge went through Shotaro's body for a brief moment. His entire eyes turned red while his body mutated to a hybrid between a human and a grasshopper, the center of the forehead a slit appeared before opening above the eyebrow line to reveal a red gemstone, the hands became more insect like as his muscle mass also grew. Shotaro opened his mouth as the bottom jaw split opened and he roared like a monster from the pain. "Enhancements are holding and the subject is not dying from the 50,000 volts of electricity that jumpstart the insect DNA."

    Shotaro closed his lower jaw and his mouth as he looked at the scientist as tears ran down his cheeks. He closed his eyes for a moment until all of the lights would then turn off. This caused the now cybernetic mutant to open his eyes and look around. Hydra members were scrambling and then he felt the clamps on his wrists and legs actually unlock. He looked around as he also was able to see in the dark, he got up and started to run faster than he was able to do before. Shotaro continued until he came to a half cracked door and stopped, he slowly backed up and opened the door to reveal a bike he never seen before. A Honda 250R as he would get on it, he put his hands on the handles and revved the engine as the head light turned on.

    The wheel quickly squealed against the metal floor before Shotaro put his feet on the bike and drove away at incredible speeds. He looked behind him and around to see a no one was coming after him at the moment. He looked forward and saw a gate coming up, he hit a ramp and went through the gate as the bike plowed through it. He swerved a bit before continuing on his way as sirens would sound as the lights came back on. He went out of the tunnel and got outside, continuing to drive in order to save what was left of his humanity. Unknowingly being one of the few newest heroes to be born from fear and pain, to give humanity hope and freedom once again. While carrying a legacy that was held once back during the 40s, a new hero has been born from zero. A old legend returns in a new hero. This is the story of that hero.

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