met you at the party - a scen...


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Kyle decides to join on the "Craig Party System's" infamous weekend long parties. He happens to run into an o... Еще

Chapter 2 - The First Party
Chapter 3 - The Second Party
Chapter 4 - The Third Party
A/N !!

Chapter 1 - The Club

484 18 71

— Friday Night —

Kyle's Pov:

I downed my 8th drink of the night, crushing the can against my head and screaming as a crowd of people cheered for me.

"OH MY GOD I AM SOOO FUCKED UP RIGHT NOW." I screamed as I stumbled over to Tweek.

Ever since I was introduced to Monster's version of alcohol I haven't been able to control myself. I find myself everynight at this club, dancing until I eventualy pass out somewhere, and either ending up outside on the curb, back on my couch, or in a strangers bed. Today though, I brung along my bestie Tweek (if you could even call him that, I just don't really have friends besides for the occasional fellow scene people who pop up in the clubs from time to time.), he was a newbie to the scene lifestyle so everytime I'd try to get him comfortable, it just seemed like he was more worried about panicking over superficial shit.

"Uh K-Kyle, don't you think you're, AGH!.. Overdoing it?", Tweek said as he yanked the 64th piece of hair out tonight (I kept count).

"Oh sssshuuut upp I'm finee. I wanna dance, you wanna dance? Okay lets dance." I said slurring and pulling Tweek back out onto the club floor.

I felt fire in my body as one of my favorite club songs, Scene Girlz, began playing. I spun Tweek around and around the dance floor as he continued occasionally yelping from time to time, but nervously smiling as if I was holding him hostage. I didn't care though, I was wayyy to drunk and way too hyper to care. People began hyping us up again, and I heard Tweek yelling something about being under too much pressure, and trying to release from my grip, but I didn't let go. I kept dancing until I felt mysef getting dizzy. Eventually, the feeling caught up with me, because I felt myself salivating, I always hated that feeling.

"T- *GAG* TWEAK. I HAVE TO *GAG*-" Before I could even finish the sentence, I bolted for the bathroom, leaving Tweek in the dance circle by himself as he frantically began screaming and dancing at the same time.

I burst through the stall door, falling to the floor and holding it closed with my leg pushed against it, as I puked my guts up. It felt like the room was spinning as I felt myself throwing up every single drink, and the sour vodka gummy bears I had for dinner.

"Yo, you good bro?"I heard a faint voice say from outside the stall.

"Yea- *GAG* I'm great." I said sarcastically, looking back as I slowly let my foot off the door. I saw a tall dark boy peak in.

He had long dark neat dreads, and a style that told me he wasn't planning on being in the club, some corny streetwear consisting of a purple jacket, black baggy parachute pants, and bapestas.

"Don't look at me creep." I said rolling my eyes as I continued gagging into the toilet.

"Chill, I was just making sure you weren't like dying or something." He said looking down at me with a smirk on his face as I rolled my eyes yet again.

"Well I'm not, so you can go now." I snapped back at him. I had always been told I acted like a brat or a bitch, but I couldn't help it. I couldn't pretend like I was some nice guy, and that usually drove people away, but for some reason, this guy liked it.

"Well, I'm not just gonna leave you in here sick, what if you, like, pass out." He said opening the door more and standing in the doorway of the stall.

"Trust me, I don't need your help. Its happened before and I haven't died yet!" I said sarcastically as I turned back to the toilet and spit the remaining taste of vomit and alcohol.

"Okay well, I still don't care. Even more of a reason to stay." He said smirking as I sighed.

"So, whats your name?" He said as he finally came in and closed the door behind him, making me want to smash my head into the toilet at how corny he was being.

"Why does it matter? After tonight I'm never gonna see you again." I said, already being used to the fastness of club life.

"Just curious."

"K-" *GAG*

I threw up again.

"Kyle." I said wiping my mouth with some toilet paper in the holder beside me.


I paused for a second, looking back up at him.
Oh god please don't tell me he goes to school with me. I closed my eyes to try to shield myself from his analyzing gaze.

"Oh shit, you go to South Park don't you?" The loser said, I plopped my head on the side of the toilet, not caring about all the germs because worse substances have been on my face anyways. I groaned at the conversation I was about to have.

I had just became more open with my style, and a lot of people had been talking. I knew he probably was one of the people who was being gossiped to.

"Let me guess."

"Yeahhh, you're that one weird kid everyone talks about." He said with a smile that made me want to sock him in the face.

I rolled my eyes and stuck my middle finger at him behind my back as I continued to gag.

"Haha, chill, people just overreact. You're style is unique, they just don't get it because they're unoriginal."

My eyes widened a bit when he said this. Usually, for someone like him, I'd probably just be another freak or loser or whatever, but he actually was being nice, and not to make a joke out of me or something with his friends, no, he was actually being nice.

I flushed the toilet and turned around, still sitting down and looking up at him. I finally got a good look at his face and had a realization on who he was.

"Hey.. I remember you. You won the championship baseball game for the school right?"

"Yes sir, I'm Tolkien incase you forgot."

"I never knew your name.. but thanks." I said lying, trying to seem cooler than I actually was right now. He just laughed a bit and we sat in silence.

"So, what are you even doing here, you don't look like you came to party." I said snarkily, teasing him for his contrasting outfit compared to all the others.

"Yeah, I didn't, but I heard a song I liked and for some reason wanted to come in, so like when the bouncer turned around I just ran in. And had to piss so.. here we are." He said as he also sat on the bathroom floor in front of me. It looked like he was somehow getting really comfortable which confused me. Here we were, sitting on this dirty ass bathroom floor, a dirty ass jock and a (coolass) scene kid, and for some reason, everything felt normal.

"What about you, why are you here?"

"To dance, duh." I said eyeing him annoyed at his stupid questions.

"Yeah, but like, what made you wanna like, I don't know, be an emo."

I felt my face getting hot as I was insulted with the 'emo' title again, like I always was in school.
"I'M NOT FUCKING EMO, ITS CALLED SCENE YOU FUCKING IDIOT." I screamed at him rolling my eyes and he put up his hands defensively.

"My bad! Damn.. sorry.. What made you wanna be, a scene?"

I snarled at him calling me 'a scene' then pondered for a bit after calming down from my defensiveness.

"To be honest, I always liked the style, and the music, and the vibe, but everyone is so judgmental, especially my parents, so I never could really be myself I guess." I said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"..So.. what changed that?"

I stayed quiet again for a bit.

"I don't know. I kind of ran away and started crashing with some rando's I met through my friend. We don't really ever see each other because we're always out so I really don't know them. It's fine though I guess, I don't even care about it anymore, I'd rather be anywhere than my stupid parent's house."

We sat in silence for a bit as the club music kept blaring in the background. I played with my kandi bracelets as I felt him staring at me.

Finally, he spoke up.

"You know, you can stay with me. I've been kinda looking for a roommate for my new apartment. I already moved out." He said a bit quietly, I felt my eyebrow raise at this random dude offering me to literally live with him after a few minutes.

"Uh, no thanks. I don't like to crash with people I know. They always know where to find me after I steal their shit." I said looking at him then back at my kandi.

He laughed a bit then turned to a more serious tone. "No, I'm serious. That sounds kind of shitty sleeping on a couch everynight."

"..Thanks." I said sarcastically with low eyes.

"Seriously though Kyle, take my number. If you change your mind, just call me." He said taking my phone without even letting me have a word. For some reason though, I couldn't help but think maybe it wasn't such a bad idea to take his number. Maybe having a roommate could be a smart decision, at least until I get my own apartment. Just then, I heard heavy breathing burst through the bathroom door.


I froze and rolled my eyes as I realized Tweek was having another panic attack. Tolkiens eyes got big as we both quickly stood up and exited the bathroom. I said nothing as I stared at Tweek, who looked like he saw a ghost.


"WE WEREN'T FUCKING HAVING SEX." I screamed back at Tweek as Tolkiens eyes nearly bulged out his head at the two of us screaming.

Tweek got quiet as his face turned bright red.
"Oh uh. Sorry, AH! Uh, Craig said he doesn't want me to miss out on his first party, AGH. Did you want to UBER- with me?" Tweek said as his eyes twitched looking at the ground. I saw Tolkien look at me through my side vision as I sighed and began walking, accepting that bouncing was probably a better decision.

"Yo, uh, I could drive you guys." Tolkien said pulling out his keys.

"Uh, NO! than-"

"Really? Come on Tweek!" I said excited that for once someone I knew actually had a car. Tweek tried to protest but I grabbed his hand and dragged him behind me as Tolkien took us to his car.

As soon as we got in Tweek began ranting too fast to even comprehend what he was talking about, but from what I understood, he was convinced Tolkien was going to kidnap and kill us. I whispered to Tolkien to ignore him, and he let out a nose laugh while smiling. There was something about his smile that made me smile, it was weird. As loud erratic-sounding rap music began playing I quickly turned it down impulsively.

"Whats wrong? You don't like Carti?" He said looking at me with an eyebrow raised as he began backing up.

"No, he sounds stupid." I said looking at him with the same face.

"Okay then freak, what do you like?" Tolkien said while handing me his phone, I snatched it out of his hand for calling me a rude name as I heard him let out a tiny laugh.

I quickly found my own playlist on spotify and began playing it, turning up the speakers to full volume and letting down the window while I heard Tweek yelling from time to time over the music. I hung out the window scream singing Ayesha Erotica as people on the sidewalks watched, occasionally yelling at me angrily, or in support. I looked over and saw Tolkien even bobbing his head to the music. I felt myself smiling at him, gross. But for some reason, I couldn't stop. He hyped me up as I danced in my seat just like as if I was in the club. He was so different than any other cocky jock I'd met before. Maybe I should give him a chance.

"So, 'first party'?" Tolkien asked with a raised eyebrow. I sighed knowing I'd have to explain to him the Craig Party System.

"So, Craig, basically the party god, decides to throw weekend long parties, basically one everyday until Sunday." I said rolling my eyes as I  fiddled with the flaps of my hat.

"That sounds like fun." Tolkien said getting a glimmer in his eyes.

"More like hell GAH-" Tweek said banging his head against the back of the seat.

"Oh shut up, we're gonna have so much fucking fun." I said smiling ear to ear as my feet continued dancing to the music.

Before I could even finish my 50th vodka gummy bear, we arrived outside a 2 story house with atleast 20 cars parked just outside in the lawn and driveway, with way more down lining both sides of the streets down the block. I felt my eyes light up as I realized just how many people were attending this party, I knew it'd be crazy, just how I liked it.

"Jesus, does your boyfriend always throw parties like this?" I said leaning forward to take in the view of the bustling environment.

"AGHH, shut up." Tweek said as he quickly escaped the car and ran up the stairs to the house, almost knocking various people over.

"Boyfriend?" Tolkien said looking over to me.

"Yeah, Craig? That's my friend Tweek. But his boyfriend is throwing the party." I said annoyed at his inability to keep up.

"Now that I think about it, I think I remember both of them. Damn, we really fell off. I wonder if he'll remember me." Tolkien said as we both stared at all the people who were just partying outside alone.

"Wait, you're coming in?" I said looking at him.

"Yeah? I wouldn't wanna miss this shit." Tolkien said as he smiled at me, before getting out the car. I laughed a bit to myself as I got out as well, he waited for me to close the door before locking it.

We walked around the car and began walking beside each other towards the door. I felt so many eyes on me, but didn't have a care in the world anymore to care what people thought of me. I walked in with a smile as me and Tolkien were immediately hit with the smell of weed, alcohol, and the shit teenage dreams were made of. It was the hugest party I had ever been to. I couldn't wait for what the night would turn into.

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