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BแปŸi -alsephina

45.9K 2.5K 386

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BแปŸi -alsephina

"Min-Ji." Kyung-Jun call out for her, the girl turn around as she was ready to go inside the house, Kyung-Jun had given her a ride home after spending another great day with each other. "Yeah?" She hums, walking closer to him as she then tilt her head to the side. Kyung-Jun look down on her small figure and smile, putting a hand on his nape.

The two of them just finish their date, Min-Ji was flushed whenever Kyung-Jun would ask her here and there, knowing that she's not busy and he would free up his schedule just for her. This time, he had taken her to a Fun House, in where they spent their days playing all of the games that are available, he had heard her talk to Yoon-Seo how she wanted to experience that kind of date and to have fun with escape rooms. Kyung-Jun wanted her to experience all of the things she wanted to do, he had already made a bucket list for them to do and one of them is:

"Let's watch fireworks together." It's not even him asking if she would like to watch it, but it's more of an invitation and he surely won't take a 'no' for an answer. "There's a place where we can watch it, it's near here." He once again spoke, waiting for her reply. Min-Ji chuckle at his way of asking her out once again, they've spent 5 days of the week of being together, shaking her head as she look up at him.

"Sure. I'd love that." She smiles, Kyung-Jun almost melted at the sight. Before she could enter the house, Kyung-Jun had grab her wrist and she stumble on her feet but before she could fell down on the pavement, the boy had wrap his arm around her waist and grab her face with his hand and collided his lips on hers, her eyes were wide and she closes it as she grab in his arms for support, melting into the kiss as she then felt her knees weakening at how Kyung-Jun is kissing her, the way his lips move on top of hers and how he had entered his tongue in her mouth when she was too shock to kiss back.

"I'll see you next week then." Pulling away, he stared at her face and smile at her, he can feel how hot her face was becoming and how scarlet hues had form on her flush cheeks. Placing a kiss on her forehead, Kyung-Jun wave his hand and climb on his motorcycle, he watch as she wave her hands at him and put on his helmet, before leaving he waited for her to finally enter the house and from the distance, he heard her lock the door and it was followed by a bang, he was worried but then he heard her squeal along with some jumping noises.

"She's cute."

. . .

Park Min-Ji obviously talk what happened and their plans to her friends: Park Se-Eun, Lee Yoon-Seo and Oh Jung-Won. The two girls were squealing over the phone that night, while Jung-Won just stared at the screen of her device as the three was gossiping with one another, she doesn't get how they could be that flustered and smiling over someone else's relationship. But she was happy for the girl, the plan sounds great and Yoon-Seo wanted to know the location since she was near Min-Ji's house and Se-Eun literally just live next door while Jung-Won was the one who lives far.

And with that, Yoon-Seo talked about it with Jun-Hee, and the boy had asked her if she wanted to come with him to watch it. The plans of two then became plans of four, Min-Ji was ecstatic at the development of her two friends and even suggested outfit ideas for Yoon-Seo to wear, saying thag she'll be wearing a red top and try to combine her clothes and make everything work.

"What time will he be coming to your house?" Min-Ji thought about it, she then scroll over their conversation and look at her screen, there she was having a face time with her friends who lay on their bed while Jung-Won was busy programming, Se-Eun would voice out for help to the other techy girl. "Around 10:30." She answered and lift her body of the bed to go to her closet.

It was only 8 in the evening and she still have 2 hours to get ready, but she knew herself that she needs more than two hours. She pulled out a red square neck crop top puffy long sleeve, putting it over her chest as she grab the hem of the sleeve, Yoon-Seo eyed the top in awe, she doesn't want to know the brand since it would be really expensive, she knew how Min-Ji love expensive things, but she aint materialistic like how others view her as a spoiled brat.

"Lemme change." She turn her camera off and the girls nodded, talking to one another and Yoon-Seo saying that she'll be wearing a red dress to match with Min-Ji's top, she smiles at that and Se-Eun also will be wearing red clothes and they manage to urge Jung-Won to do the same. Putting on her black stockings before she wear the mini skirt with a slit on the side, looking at herself in the mirror, she like how it turned out to be.

"You're so pretty."

"It looks nice."

The two girls gush over it, she smile and pull out a high heeled mary hane shoes, if they estimate it it would be probably 3 or 4 inches high and it was chunky, Yoon-Seo ask her how can she walk in those type of shoes. "Years of practice." Min-Ji laugh it out before bidding good-bye to them as they had already said they'll be getting ready. Min-Ji didn't put on her shoes first and fix her hair in a wavy style and put on her headband. She didn't match glam herself up as she just put on a makeup that matches her outfit, not putting too much, just enough to look clean and be decent in front of Kyung-Jun.

She didn't even notice that the time was ticking quite fast, it always happens when she was busy with putting her makeup and fixing her hair, time is so fast that she almost curse when she heard the doorbell ring downstairs. No one was home, her parents was busy, typical, and she was an only child.

Putting on her shoes and grabbing a black purse that only fits her wallet and her phone as well as her lipglossz she walk the stairs fast but carefully.

Sighing as she fix her hair once more before opening the door, her eyes widen seeing Kyung-Jun with a red rose in his hand, it wasn't a bouquet like how the other wanted or would thought of him to give her, but it was a single rose. Min-Ji wanted to chuckle at the thought, she did mention that she doesn't really like receiving big bouquet or whatnot, she did receive few bouquets from him here and there, and thought that what if he just show up with a single flower in his hand?

And look, it did happen.

"You look beautiful." Kyung-Jun complimented and she smiles, linking her arms on his, the two of them are matching, red top and black bottoms. It suited him, when they were in front of his motorcycle, he climb on it and Min-Ji sit with her both legs on one side. It is fun having a long ride with him in his bike, even if she were in a dress or a skirt, it's fine.

"Hold on tight, princess." He chuckle as Min-Ji tighten her grip on his stomach, pinching him when he suddenly grab her hands and let it sit right on top of his abdomen. Leaning her chin on his head as he then started his bike, the air blew past the two of them and they both stayed silent. Min-Ji didn't really expect Kyung-Jun to buy cars or ride them, it was like him when he suddenly arrive in her house with his bike on their first date.

Looking up the sky, the stars couldn't really be seen that much because of light pollution. Once, Kyung-Jun showed her a place on top of a hill, he arrive in her house with his Dad's car so it wouldn't be hard for them to climv the hill with a bike. There, Min-Ji was awestruck looking at the millions star shining brightly on their own, if only there weren't lights down, they could possibly see more bright stars from the distance. Kyung-Jun did promise her that if they'll get the chance, he'll take her where they can see the stars and even the Milky Way. She is excited for that day.

Holding out his hand on her, she grab it and jump on the pavement, they were at a park in the subdivision, there were lots of people there, waiting for the fireworks but Kyung-Jun grab her hands and connect it with his as he guided her somewhere they'll be alone, no one can disturb their peace that they deserve.

It was much higher and further away from the park, Min-Ji kinda regretted on wearing heels as she didn't expect to climb. Kyung-Jun even offered to carry her but she shook her head and tighten her hold on his hand until they finally arrive in a tree, there was a blanket underneath it with a basket.  So he did planned this. Chuckling, Min-Ji took a sit as Kyung-Jun patted the spot next to him, placing his jacket on her legs as she then lean her head on his shoulder.

"You really did planned this, don't you?"

"Of course, anything for you."

Shaking her head at his words, she place her hand on his arm as they watch the crowd buzzling on the park, there were couples there. Min-Ji saw Jun-Hee and Yoon-Seo together, she wave her hand at them and was planning to call out to the couple but didn't bother as they probably had plans on their own. Jung-Won and Se-Eun was together, the short hair girl guiding her cousin on a place that's not crowded. They're cousins on Se-Eun's mother side, while she and Se-Eun are relatives on the techy girl's father side.

"There are a lot of people." Min-Ji mumble, opening her mouth as Kyung-Jun feed her with some grapes as he then grab sandwiches in the basket, opening it before handing it to the girl who thank him in response. "Yeah, they'll be welcoming the new year with their love ones." Kyung-Jun shook his head at how messy Min-Ji was eating, the girl pouted as the boy put pressure as he wipe the sauce on her lips.

"You're so messy." Min-Ji just roll her eyes and continue eating, her eyes looking up and saw from somewhere, there were already fireworks in the sky, even how far it was, it's amazing. "But you love me." She snuggles in his arm and he just laugh. "I don't know the connection of you being messy on how I love you." Pinching her cheeks and earning a whine from the girl.

This is one of the moments where they want time to just stop.

"Oh look, it's only a minute before midnight." Putting down her food as she look up, Kyung-Jun put their food on the side as he put an arm on her shoulders, looking up as well before looking at her face. She was in awe at the amount of stars in the sky, he discovered her love for stars and moon when he took her to the hill, and since then, he had gifted her something that is related to those things.

People were already having a countdown, they can hear it on top of of the hill at how loud they were. 20 seconds before the new year arrive. Looking at Kyung-Jun with love in her eyes, she notice that he was already looking at her with a soft smile on his face before looking back once again on the sky.





Holding her hands as she smiles, tightening his hold on her as he doesn't want to let go.




Fishing something on his pocket as he grasp the box, Min-Ji was still looking in the sky, too busy to notice his actions.




Grabbing her face as soon as the fireworks woosh in the sky, she was confuse at first before she felt his lips landed on hers, smiling into his lips as she lean in to kiss him back. The fireworks continue to fizzle and crack into the sky, colorful sparks consuming the dark night. Leaning in further, Kyung-Jun grab her by her nape and deepend the kiss, the girl gasp and he took it as a chance to insert his tongue on her mouth. Min-Ji was drowning at how passionate Kyung-Jun was kissing her, it isn't like how they would normally share a kiss, she can feel his emotions that he's pouring in this one passionate kiss.

Pulling away, Kyung-Jun peck the side of her lips before showing her the black box, Min-Ji once again let our a gasp as he opened it. Inside was a necklace, there was a star dangling on the necklace, and when she look down once again on the box, she notice a ring.


Kyung-Jun pulled out the ring, it was a promise ring, it was a beautiful color of gold, he smiles as he grab her hand and slip the ring in her ring finger. It fits perfectly, she wonder how he knows her size but a memory flash in her head, it was when Kyung-Jun had ask for her rinf before and she notice that he was tracing it on a piece of paper, and all of those paper rings he made with tissue. She smile at the thought, it brought her to tear up as the man she loves delicately place the necklace on her neck, she lift her hair as he lock it behind her.

"I promise to love you with all of my life." Placing a kiss on her forehead, Min-Ji hug him as the both of them look at the sky, unbeknownst to them, Woo-Ram's camera was focused on them earlier. Se-Eun was the one who planned it, asking for Woo-Ram's camera and film the entire scene.

"I love you."

"I love you, always."


"Yah! I didn't get to watch the first firework!" Min-Ji playfully hit him as they lay on the blanket, they're stargazing but there's occasional firewords that swish and swirl in the sky. "Oh, so you prefer watching fireworks than kissing me, huh." Her eyes widen at his sudden attitude before bursting into laughter.

"This.. ahh.. It's not lot like that." She moves closer and snuggle in his chest, the man just laugh at her. "Just teasing." Placing his hand on her waist and pulling her closer even though there was no gap nor space between them.

"Se-Eun was filming us earlier."

"I know. Let them be."


AGORA HILLS! i just wrote this earlier, 5 in the afternoon.. it's kinda shitty but please deal with it, I'm sorry.

Happy New Year everyone! Thank you so much for the support for this book! I love you all!


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Bแบกn Cลฉng Sแบฝ Thรญch

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