Just friends //Onesided RUIKA...

נכתב על ידי KinLey707

573 9 29

Damn this sucks, THE END IS SO RUSHEEEEEEEEED...‼️ עוד



170 4 11
נכתב על ידי KinLey707


I woke up by the loud sound of my alarm clock. The time is 5:00 am, on a monday morning. Class starts at 7 am.

"It's so early... I don't want to wake up"

I got out off bed and hear a voice, it is my sister, Saki.




*Door closing sfx*

Saki left now I guess. I better start getting ready. I thought to myself.

6:00 am

I am walking to school. Alone. I usually follow Saki to her school to insure her safety but she woke up early without waking me up! Ugh... I hope she is safe..

I walked past a park and noticed something orange on a tree. I came closer to take a closer look at it and it is a cat? And it's owner is a little girl trying to let the cat down.

"Meooooow!!!!! 😿"

"Jump Coco! You can do it! I'll catch you"

Said the little girl trying to encourage the cat to jump


Tsukasa shouted

Tsukasa climbed the tall tree but failed because he kept sliding down. As he was about to give up, Tsukasa saw a tall wooden plank hidden behind a tree. He Made the plank lean on the tree and successfuly rescued the cat.

"Thank you so much kind sir" *sniff*

(She was crying okay, not sniffing smth 😭)

"It's no problem for a future star like me! Well take care of the cat okay?"

"Okay! Thank you so much future star"

I smiled at the little girl and said my goodbye.


"Where are the other students?"

I wonder to myself.

Tsukasa took his phone from his pockets and looked at the time.


And with that he dashed through the school's doors and head straight to his classroom

"I can still make it! The teacher is probably still doing the attendance!"

I thought to myself.

When he was near his classroom he heard the teacher calls his name for attendance Tsukasa then barge open the door.



The classroom went silent after Tsukasa's loud shout.

"Ugh... Just go sit down."

The teacher said, breaking the silence in the room.

"U-uh yes ma'am!"

When Tsukasa was walking to his seat, he heard his classmates gossiping about him.

"Hehe, right??.. ______ he is s_ch a ___"'

"Agreed! Hehehe..."'

The voices of his classmates gossiping and giggling were faint but Tsukasa knows that it was about him.

Tsukasa just sighed and shaked it off.

He reached his seat and was greated by a person who has a blue or cyan streak on his hair.

It was Rui. Rui is Tsukasa's classmate and a director of the musical show unit Wonderlands×Showtime. I guess in the campus they are known to be "partners in crime" because in their 2nd year they are known to cause mischief around the school, but it was mostly Rui's doings. Now, Tsukasa would try to avoid Rui's mischief because Tsukasa is now part of the Disciplinary committee.

Moving on ...

"Oh? What made you late for class?"

"Well, I rescued a little girl's cat. As a future star, I should always help those around me!"

"Oh? Hehehe! I should'nt expect anything less from you Tsukasa-kun!"

Rui giggled but Rui's giggles was heard by the teacher. Great... 🥲

"What's funny you two? Remember Tsukasa if you don't keep Rui out of trouble you will be out of the disciplinary committee."

"Ah... Yes ma'am"

I stomped on Rui's right foot with my foot signaling "Don't be so loud".

Rui looks at me with a face that screams "Ow 😿"

After some time...


"Finally! I am starving..."

"Fufu... Do you wanna eat on the rooftop?"

"Sure I guess."
"I'll just get my lunch, you can go without me I'll catch up!"

"Alright, I'll wait for you on the rooftop Tsukasa-kun."

Rui left the classroom and heads to the rooftop. Tsukasa heard some whispers.

"Look it's Tsukasa, he's alone now."'

"Why is he even in the disciplinary committee? The teachers and students know about their past doings, why give him a chance?"

"Sometimes I don't get what they are thinking."

" He doesn't deserve being in it."

" Let's go, I don't wanna waste my time talking about him."

" Yeah haha- "

Upon hearing those girl's words, he could only force to hide his tears.

As those 2 students left, he grabbed his lunch and left the classroom.

Why, why him? Why do people have to think negatively rather than positively?
He thought to himself.

It's okay Tsukasa..! One day they will regret spouting those awful words about you...! I am a future star after all...


Rui is probably waiting for me, I should hury up so he won't think I'm a liar...

...On the rooftop...
• 12:20 pm •

Tsukasa open the doors to the rooftop and met Rui.

"Oh hello Tsukasa-kun!"

"Sorry to keep you waiting ...!"

"It's fine!"


"Is there something / someone bothering you Tsukasa-kun?"

"Uh... No? Why?"

"You seem down."

" ... "

Am I really that easy to read?...

"You are wrong HAHAHA!!! A star like is never sad!"

Tsukasa striked a pose.

"Oh, hahaha! Right."

Rui replied with a smile on his face



Rui's POV:

He is clearly lying...

-Sometime later-

Both went back to their classroom and prepare for their next class .

Tsukasa is basically in another world at this point since he kept spacing out.

"Tsukasa? Tsukasa??? TSUKASA!!"

"H-HUH?! Oh uh sorry!!!"

"Are you okay? You keep spacing out"

"Oh haha, don't worry about me. Im A OKAY!!"

Tsukasa striked a pose and some students glared.

"Oh okay.. If you say so."

"Rui, keep calm. You don't need to care for me, I'm fine."

"But I-"

Before Rui can finish the sentence the teacher walked in the classroom.

"Silence everyone.. Good afternoon students."

Students: "Good afternoon miss Himari..."

-After the class ends-
(You can tell I'm getting lazy 🫠)

Both Rui and Tsukasa went to the exit where they sre supposed to meet Nene

Nene is sitting on a bench near the exit playing video games while waiting. Typical Nene.


Rui shouted to get her attention

" Oh. It's you two."

Nene made an annoyed face.

"It's almost like you aren't happy to see us"

"It's just you."


I was stunned and was offended by those hurtful words!

"Fufu, let's just go to the cafe we promised Emu we'd go to."

Rui said, changing the topic.

" Yeah, I don't want to keep Emu waiting "

Nene nodded agreeing with Rui.

The 3 of them walked to the cafe they promised Emu they'd go to.

During the walk no one is speaking.





Something jumped at Nene.

That something is actually someone



All three of us shrieked when Emu jumped and landed on Nene's back.

"I got bored waiting for you three!!"

"Sorry Emu, these 2 took their sweet time"

"The teacher got mad at Rui and made him do a special task, so I insisted on waiting!"

I explained to them both

"Whatever, lets just go inside."

Nene couldn't care less about my explanation, hmp rude!

---Some time later---

They were enjoying some milkshakes then over heard some guys talking behind them.

"How is your day dude?"

"It was great before that stupid classmate of mine from the disciplinary committee showed up."

"Oh, that loud guy?"


" I heard he's i bit famous aswell."

"I think so yeah... Many fans looked up to him but he is just so overly confident and just so loud it hurts my ears."

"He doesn't deserve fame to be honest."
"You are so unfortunate having him as your classmate."

Upon hearing this, Rui stood up.

"Rui, don't do it. They are not worth it."

Nene is holding his arm trying to make Rui sit back down and Emu was comforting Tsukasa.

Nene lost her grip and Rui lost his cool

Tsukasa ran out not wanting to stay

The 2 girls was unsure what to do while Rui is yelling at the 2 guys.

Emu and Nene pulled Rui out of the Cafe and chased Tsukasa but failed because they lost him.


WORDS: 1389

So like yeah hopefully you enjoyed it??

המשך קריאה

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