Y/N 10 : Hero Of Heroes

By anirud11

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I don't own ben 10 or the characters , it's owned by man of action , but the story and characters , or variat... More

Episode 1 : And Then There Were 10
Episode 2 : Animal Mayhem
Episode 3 : The World Of Steam
Episode 4 : Krakken
Episode 5 : Slimy situation
Episode 6 : The Rise Of Lucky Girl
Episode 7 : Sludgepuppy Wedding
Episode 8 : Phil Billings And The Null Void
Episode 9 : Trouble In New York
Episode 10 : Y/N 10,000
Episode 12 : Meeting Xylene
Episode 13 : Gwen 10
Episode 14 : Zs'Skayr
Episode 15 : The Fentons
Episode 16 : The Clown's Last Laugh
Episode 17 : Y/N V.S Malware (Re-Write)
Bio (Update)
Episode 18 : The Forever Knights
Episode 19 : The Big Tick
Episode 20 : The Vengers
Episode 21 : Aqua Mania
Episode 22 : Ken 10 Part-1
Episode 23 : Ken 10 Part-2
Episode 24 : Blast To The Future
Episode 25 : Nature's Judgement
Episode 26 : Y/N V.S Albedo / Verdona's Visit
Episode 27 : ???
Episode 28 : Negative 10 Part-1
Episode 29 : Negative 10 Part-2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 1
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 2
Secrets Of The Omnitrix : Part 3 (End)

Episode 11 : Tetrax And Bounty Hunters

625 17 11
By anirud11

The team has made a quick pitstop to fix up the rust bucket abit , they're in this strange place called Slatesville , this grandpa Max's home when he was a kid , before the war struck and people had to abandon it completely , also this was a chance for y/n to brush up on his training

Max was tying up some cans up to some upper support , so they can hang , he also set up test dummies in few separate areas , along with some more target practicing areas

G.Max: (giving a thumbs up) alright sport! Good to go!

Y/n: Okay , let's do this! (Slamming the omnitrix)

Y/n: alright! I got what I wanted!

G.Max: alright , so , first , you need to learn on not be cocky , and think first in scenarios before charging in....

Y/n:(scoffs) pfft , grandpa , what is the need for that? I have the omnitrix , I can do anything! , now let's do this!

(I wanted to show y/n's cockiness , along with his pride and arrogance, since that was the whole thing with Ben in the franchise , I didn't like how omniverse rebooted ben to that personality , they should have continued with the same ben , at the end ultimate alien , who was mature and overall more developed , anyway , sorry for my intervention , back to the story)

Y/n shot crystals at the hanging cans , max threw some more into the air , y/n shot them with perfect precision

G.Max: alright now! Let's try it from all directions !

Y/n: (giving a thumbs up) okay!

The two of them then moved onto another area , that looked to be the townsquare , target boards were all set up in a circle , layers upon layers

G.Max: alright , this will step up the difficulty alittle , give it a try!

Y/n: alright! I wanted to show the new move I've been working on !

He then gets into position and spins like a beyblade , or like a tornado , crystals were shooting at every direction , hitting almost everything , when he stopped spinning , every target was hit .

G.Max: (wiping dust off) alright , that was pretty good , now come with me for a sec , I want to show a memory of mine , and check it it's still here

Y/n: (confused) okay...

The both of them begin walking through the town

Y/n: so , this is where you used to live as a kid?

G.Max: Yeah, this place was once bustling with life , but World War 2 struck , slaterville was the first to fall , since then , it's been abandoned .... my parents were a part of the lives claimed...oh look we're here

(Actually , in my world here , world War 2 is the beginning of when the plumbers initiative started to grow secretly with the recent discovery of otherworldly technology , Germany acquired more of the technology , turning the tides , Hitler was killed by the plumbers , the war was won , but the story said in history books was just a cover up by the government , well , by the government at that time , it still exists , and the present government is working on plans , tests with the recent spike in paranormal activity over the past few years)

They are at a giant dead tree in the middle of the current district

Y/n: (confused) a tree?

G.Max: not just any tree , wait for it

He dusted off a specific spot in the tree , revealing a cute gesture

(Focus really hard and you will see the words)

G.Max: this is where I proposed to your grandmother....it was the most beautiful moment of my life

Max looks into the sky , thinking about his late wife (she died to heart failure when y/n was 9) tearing up , he had never managed to move on completely , she knew about his secret life all the way through , he left the invasive for her and their family , the life they had built together

Y/n: aw , grandpa....I miss her too , but , she wouldn't want you mourning like this , she would want us to be strong and move on with our lives..

Y/n then does something , he forms his hand into a spike and begins to carefully carve out the heart , then , he ties it up with a slim strong thread he found earlier , making a necklace out of it

Y/n: here (putting it on max's neck) this is a memory that will be with you forever

G.Max: (putting his hand over it) I don't know what to say , other than thank you

He then gives him a hug , y/n times out , turning back

G.Max: let's take a break , we don't want to get too burnt out , do we? We'll continue in an hour

Y/n: okay!

The two of them begin walking away , and end up back at the rust bucket , where they see gwen and Lucy wrapping a sparring match

Gwen delivered a punch, before casting a shield spell , blocking Lucy's giant muddy blows , gwen's charm lit up yellow , forming a gianyt bubble arounde her , she then cupped her hands and released , causing a mini Shockwave, Lucy lost , gwen won

Lucy: (getting you and shifting back) wow gwen! That was really awesome , your super strong!

Gwen: (panting) thanks , I'm getting the jist of my magic down little by little, besides , your strong too!

Lucy: (squealing) thanks! (Notices y/n and max) hey y/n! Uncle max! How was training?

Y/n: it went well , but I still think I'm stronger than both of you!

Gwen: keep dreaming ! Anyway , it's lunch time , what do we have?

G.Max: I was thinking some sandwiches , made of squid ink .

Gwen: gross!!

Y/n: beats me! I'll eat anything!

Lucy: I'll try it!

G.Max: alright , two out of three , I'll take it , come on in ! And gwen , I might be able to whip you something else .

The three make their inside of the rust bucket

(Cut to space)

We cut to space , inside what looked to be an unknown ship , we see two figures brawling

The kraab one used its giant claw to try and grab the pink one's jetpack , but one of the arms pertruding out of his suit grabbed it , then the lasers that were coming out the pink mask's shoulder shot the yellow humanoid crustacean , it fell to the ground defeated , the other one landed safely , it's white arms and laser going back into its suit , then suddenly, the screen that was present blinked to life , revealing a masked figure clad in what looked to be in a huntsman's gear

This was khyber , the deadliest huntsman in the universe , and a part of the murray dynasty , serving as the general to the people of vilgaxia

(Thats right , in my world , vilgax is an emperor , he's conquered 3 other planets so far, he is known by the title "Destroyer Of Worlds" , he doesn't seek the omnitrix , not yet , he's preparing , getting stronger , learning everything he can , to wage his war on the universe , conquer it and shape it to his image , he's already conquered his home planet as his first , he has since then acquired new abilities , he's inst gonna stop there , he needs to prepare for his destiny , ensuring every chance at victory , he doesn't know about earth , malware himself is preparing for his attack on our omnitrix wielder)

Kyber: (in a deep , dark gravelly voice) you two will serve the task at hand nicely......., go to planet C-28319 of the milkyway galaxy , retrieve the omnimatrix......I trust you two , kra-ab...six-six.....do it right and you'll be granted riches as promised

The two mentioned bounty hunters then kneel on one hand and make strange noises , before nodding and heading to steer the ship to earth

Cut to another ship

Another figure was alerted of the current situation , inside the ship , we see a yellow eyed red mass in a suit

This was gluto , a member of the crew , suddenly, the chamber doors opened a figure walked in , he was menacing , clad in armor , and a little white living organism on one of his pouches

Voice actor: Dave fennoy

(I've been watching the mandalorian and I fucking love it so far , plus I love tetrax , he's such a badass character, it's a shame he never appeared in omniverse , except for that ben 23 episode , that will come in the limax war saga btw)

This was tetrax shard , the last alive petropian alive after vilgax destroyed petropia , years ago he made a deal with him for a large sum of money, in exchange he had to give a special crystal that belonged to his people , the crystal would be used as a power source , since it produced unlimited mystical energy , to aquire it , tetrax had to hundreds of his own kind , his kin , in the end , vilgax double crossed him , and destroyed his home planet , now , he's a bounty hunter , taking whatever job possible , killing in the most brutal ways , a cold blooded killer , he was paid handsomely for his tasks across the universe , eventually , he met gluto , and after that , squishy , this small tiffin that was abandoned by his parents , he took squishy in and made sure make him a part of his family , since he had no one left , they were his first and only friends , his hands were covered in alot blood of the lives he's taken

Tetrax: (serious) gluto , set a course to planet C-28319 , earth , khyber has sent bounty hunters to retrieve the omnitrix , we need to get there before it's so late

Gluto: (gnarls and snarls and nods)

Tetrax: squishy , stay put , earth's gravity might change your gravitational form

He gives squishy some headpats and puts him in the mini seat , the white mass curled into a ball and fell asleep

Tetrax's heart melted , the day they joined him , he vowed to protect him and gluto from any danger out there , he then headed towards the armory to prepare for the upcoming battle

Tetrax: I'll need to see if the wielder is worthy....by making him prove himself in combat

(Cut to earth)

After a satisfying lunch , it was back to training , y/n was upgrade , he chose this because he hasn't used him a whole lot since the night gwen unlocked her magic ( I'm gonna try and make this a correct timeline and try to connect things from the previous episodes and future ones)

Y/n: alright , let's figure out upgrade can do aside from stretching!

He tried various poses , did different things with his hands , nothing worked , then , he concentrated a whole lot and a huge purple laser shot out from his eye , which turned the object into ash

Y/n: woah! Okay , that's cool!

G.Max: well , get used to it , here's more coming your way!

Max throws a whole lot of different objects like cans , metal , tech parts , etc. Y/n used his stretchy limbs to get some things like metal , gears , rusty guns and other things , he began concentrating abit , and tech was absorbed into his body , and his arm shifted into what looked to be a blaster

(Alright , listen , to me it was kind of pathetic and disappointing that ben didn't get to keep the upgrades as a permanent thing which he can equip or turn into when he's transformed , so with y/n here , everytime he upgrades something , he can actually access them or turn into them while transformed , like for example a giant mech , the omnitrix will immediately save the modifications into its database and allow y/n to change into the mech even if it's not there , upgrade is one of my favorite aliens btw , this new power kind of works like malware to be honest , but , don't care , I love malware too , one of my favorite villains next to vilgax , also , y/n can actually upgrade other people's tech if he chooses)

Y/n: (shooting targets) okay! Now this is so flipping awesome! (Shoots a giant one) take that!

G.Max: well , that's really useful! , could really come in handy when we're need of a tech guy.

Gwen: (reading her book) I agree with that !, upgrade is one of my favorites now , it's so cool ! But I still am bummed about my laptop crashing , for the fourth time! Seriously , my parents got me this for schoolwork , I cant even do thay with this!

Lucy: (just playing with a hamster) oh your so cute! , I'm so gonna get a pet one of these days (putting it back on the ground) go , be free! (it runs away) so , what'd I miss?

Y/n: oh nothing , gwen's still bummed about her laptop crashing....

Lucy: actually , I am bummed about it too! , that thing is so slow that videos don't even load fast!

G.Max: well , let's forget about that , maybe we'll find some shop to get it checked out on the road...

Gwen: (sighs) I hope so....

Suddenly, they heard the loud noise , maybe a plane , they looked up to see that it was a spaceship

Y/n: holy guacamole!

It then landed on the ground , and out came kra-ab and six-six . The two of them begin looking around , but their eyes then settled on y/n

Kra-ab: omnimatrix detected.....commencing retrieval....

Six-Six: (beeps and growls)

The two begin charging at y/n , who quickly dodged and weaved , he then aimed his new blaster at them , and began firing away , that target practice paid off since he hit his shots at the intended target

Y/n: that's what I'm talking about! (Beeping) oh no!

The dial began beeping , y/n got in a few more shots , before turning back

Y/n: (mad) you seriously have bad timing omnitrix.... (seeing a shot headed straight for him) oh man! This is gonna hurt! (Braces for impact and closes his eyes)

G.Max/Gwen/Lucy: Y/N!!!!

but , just when it was about to strike , it didn't, y/n opened his eyes and saw a figure in front of him , none other than tetrax

(Without tiffin , squishy is back in the ship)

Y/n: woah! Who are you?

Tetrax: the names tetrax , tetrax shard , don't worry , I'm an ally.....you?

Y/n: y/n , y/n tennyson , it's nice meeting you!

Kra-ab: ah~well look who it is , the last child of petropia~it's a shame , really, a traitor to your own kind , we , along with six six could have made a good team , but you threw all of that away , and traitors deserve punsihment~

Tetrax: we shall see about that (turns his hand into a diamond mace) let's engage in combat.....

Both kra-ab and six-six begin charging , tetrax turns to y/n

Tetrax: is you device recharged?

Y/n: (shows his wrist , the dial is still red) nope , we have to wait about like , I don't know , 16 more minutes?

Tetrax: we don't have that long...let me

He takes his hand and begins fiddling with the omnitrix , and then , it turns back to green

Y/n: woah! How did you-

Tetrax: no time! Transform now!

Y/n slams it down , choosing four arms

Y/n: what?.....ghostfreak.....oh well.........

Tetrax: enough communication , we have to deal with with the task at hand!


The two of them charge , y/n then concentrates and his claws turn bigger and more darker

(I'm giving ghostfreak darkness manipulation , he can manipulate the darkness he has in his body and his surroundings)

Y/n: okay.....cool.....come on ......take this!

Y/n them begins attacking the two enemies with his claws , which dealt some damage , y/n then turns invisible and their attacks just phase through him , y/n then concentrates even more and tentacles pertrude from his stomach


Y/n is able to control these tentacles and traps them in , he then hold them like that for tetrax


Tetrax then swoops in and deals a blow that frees both kra-ab and six-six , but now they were really injured , their suits were damaged

Kra-ab: you! You ruined everything ! I'm gonna kill you!

The humanoid yellow crab charges the the bounty hunter , but tetrax simply deals a powerful punch , that makes the robot shatter into millions of pieces , it laid on the ground , dead

Six-six: (growls)

The damaged six-six then flies away on its injured jetpack , the day was saved

Y/n: (timed out and turning back) thanks for the help ! I would have gotten my butt kicked!

Tetrax: it is not a problem , earthling , I apologize , y/n , that's your designated name , right?

Y/n: yep , you got it!

G.Max: whoo! Thank god , your safe ! (Turning to tetrax) thank you, for saving my grandson , who are you?

Gwen: yeah? Who are you?

Lucy: and why do you looks so strange?

Tetrax: my name is tetrax , tetrax shard , the last petrosapian (taking his helmet off)

Y/n: (shocked) your a diamondhead!?!?

Tetrax: um , I am , if that's what you call your petrosapian form ....

G.Max: so intresting , so there are versions of y/n's aliens out there , I thought they were just synthetically developed....

Tetrax: that is incorrect , y/n's Grandfather,  the omnitrix has alien DNA samples from all across the galaxy....now , for the real reason I'm here (gets into a fighting stance) I want to test y/n to see if hes worthy of the omnitirx and weight that he will eventualky bare on his shoulders! (He fiddles with the omnitrix again , recharging it once more) now come on!

Y/n: I've been itching for a fight! (Slamming it down)

Y/n: let's rumble!

The two of them charge at each other , beginning their match

(Cut to later)

The two of then were on the ground , panting

Y/n:(slowly gets up) that was awesome! Your so strong! You can do stuff I can't even do as Diamondhead!

Tetrax: I agree with your statement , it was truly an amazing match (gets up and pushes a button on his gauntlet , his ship then arrives) my transport is here...before I leave , I must give you something (pulls something out of his pocket)

Tetrax: it's a "Handheld Exterdimensional Communication Device" , or "H.E.C.D" for short , it will allow you learn more about alien life , the externet,

Y/n: wait , externet? , what is that? Like the internet?

Tetrax: similar , it's a universal network that carries alot of information , anyway , I must be off , I will meet you at a later , y/n tennyson....

With that , he salutes , and the ship pulls him in with the tractor ship , and leaves in a blue blur , y/n then meet sup with grandpa max , gwen and Lucy

G.Max: what's that, a new phone ?

Y/n: kind of , tetrax gave it to me , it's called a "H.E.C.D" , but I'm calling it it "A-Phone" for alien phone , like iPhone, get it?

Gwen: I do get it! That thing looks intresting , meanwhile I'm stuck here with my crummy excuse for a laptop....

Lucy:Hey cheer up gwen! As uncle max said! we'll get it checked out !

Gwen: sure...but let's check out y/n's A-Phone first!


Alright guys! That introduces tetrax to the scene,  in the next one , we'll be meeting xylene , who actually helped in the creation of the omnitrix , also , I want to wish everyone a happy new year ! Hope you all have a great new year out there in there in the world , anyway , i hope you liked the things I added to the lore of my version of vilgax and the plumber , but , thats enough , also , I think you'll be able to access alien porn on the A-Phone , sorry for the disturbing joke if you are uncomfy

I once again wish everyone a happy new year from your Indian fellow here ! And I'll see ya in the next one!

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