Mafia Series: Second Chance

By HaileyWritezzz

90 7 3

Leon De Luca is the Don of the Italian mafia, he's cold to everyone around him other than his family. He's fi... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 1

22 3 3
By HaileyWritezzz

"Please tell me your not serious Brody."

"I can't do that Lee." This man is lucky that he is one of my best men and that he's dating my sister. Because I want to punch him so hard right now.

Not that he has done anything wrong, it's just the fact that I'm pissed at everything and everyone. These past two months have been nothing but a pain in my ass.

I am having to deal with this street gang who thinks they're entitled to take my shipments and mess with my shit, which honestly isn't that big of a problem considering if I even showed my face to one of them it would have them running for the hills.

My main problem is tracking Jordan Bennett and his wife down. Noah and I had decided that we were going to find them and take care of them just like we did with Ivan.

I am sick and tired of these people messing with my family, and the longer their alive the more opportunities they have to mess with us again.

But no, instead I have been left on babysitting duty. Since Noah is too busy being a damn husband and father. Asher's no help either because Victoria is four months pregnant with my twin nephews, so he's turned soft.

"How the hell did they manage to get pass the guards I had set at the pier?" I asked Brody who just told me that the low life gang members somehow managed to fuck with another one of my shipments.

I had been holding off on killing them only because I thought they were only doing this for their egos and would eventually grow tired. Well I guess I was wrong.

"I'm not sure, both Emmanuel and Kris were knocked out on the sight when Quinn and I arrived." I look over to Quinn to see her nod her head in agreement with Brody.

"I want both of them locked up in the cells for questioning." Brody doesn't say another word, he just nods his head before leaving my office.

Once the door closes behind him I let out a long sigh as I leaned back in my chair.

"Need a stress relief." Quinn asked as she sat on my lap. Quinn and I have been fucking around for a year now since she joined my mafia, we have a mutual understanding that it is only sex and will always only be sex.

Besides, She's more attracted to pussy than she is dick. But in her own words "your dick is the only one I will ever fuck".

"I would if I had time." I look down at my watch to see that it's ten at night which mean't she was off of work in two hours.

"Suit yourself, I'm heading out on a date anyways." She shrugs her shoulders before she gets off my lap.

"Your going on a date yet, you wanted to fuck another person?"

"Gotta keep my options open, anyways call me if you really need me. Because if you cockblock for no reason, I don't care how good the dick is. I will cut it off and feed it to my dog." She leaves my office without giving me any time to reply.

I look down at my phone as I hear it buzz to see an incoming phone call coming from my mother.

"Hi Mama." I answer into the phone as I started gathering my things to leave.

"I'm guessing your not joining us for dinner again right?" My mother asked with disappointment in her voice.

This is the fifth time this month, that I had to skip a family dinner with my family and my mother hates it. She and my aunts put so much effort into these dinners and I hate that I have to miss so much of them.

I don't live at the house anymore with my parents so my mom expects me to show up to the dinners at least. Just like Victoria, when she married Asher they moved out into their own house, and they still managed to make it to all of the dinners.

"No, I'm sorry Mom. I fell behind with some work and I-"

"Please don't use your job as Don as an excuse. Leon your father managed just fine when he was Don, is there something your not telling us?"


"No Mom, I'm sorry I'll make it next week. I promise." I could hear her let out a sigh on the other end of the phone as I enter my black audi.

"Okay, I love you."

"I love you too, Mama." I hang up the phone before I exit the parking lot of the warehouse and make my way to my next destination.

Fucking Noah.


I pull into the parking lot of my nightclub "Phoenix". I opened the club up last year and it has managed to make its way up the club chain.

It is now the most popular club in all of New York City. When my Dad heard that I was planning on opening another club he wasn't exactly happy with the decision. He said that we didn't need another club and that it would be a waste of money.

As if we didn't have enough to go around.

"Good evening Mr De Luca." The security guard at the entrance greeted me as I approached the door to the club, where a long line of people awaited to enter.

"You seen her at all tonight?" I asked him which made him look at me confused for a second before he realized who I was talking about.

"Only when she first arrived this afternoon sir." I thank him before I enter the club. As I enter I am greeted with the bright lights flashing and loud music.

I walked past the dance floor and walked towards the stairs that led me to my office that's on the top floor. Once I enter my office I take off my suit jacket before I take a seat at my desk.

I turn on my computer and then login into the security cameras, I started flipping through the views until I found one that focused just on her.

Lydia Jones.

The woman who has been the biggest pain in my ass for the last year. Not that she knew any of that of course, considering we've never actually had a conversation before.

She's the woman that both Noah and I had been after for the past four years. Except by some fucking coincidence, she ended up applying for a waitress job here last year when we first opened.

She had applied under the name of Lucy Meyers. The only problem with that was that both Noah and I already knew what she looked like and who she really was.

She's Ivan's ex-wife who ran away from him and his family once she had given birth to her daughter. She was one of the main reasons Ivan was here in New York, he was chasing her.

The thing is she still thinks he is after her, she isn't aware of the fact that he's dead. The only people after her now are Jordan and his wife Elena. That's why Noah had given me the job of looking after her incase either of the them show up, or if they send anyone from the British Mafia after her.

We're not exactly sure what they want from her, or how she ended up getting married to Ivan fucking Volkov. All we know is that Jordan wants to get his hands on both her and her daughter.

I can't lie and say I'm not fascinated by the red headed woman. I mean she is beautiful and innocent. So innocent that her being married to Ivan makes no sense at all, I'm not even sure it's possible for a woman like her to even end up with someone like Ivan or anyone else related to the Mafia world.

I unlock my phone to send Noah a quick text letting him know that I'm here at the club.

Me: I'm at Phoenix, Lydia's here and everything looks fine.

Noah: Okay let me know if anything happens and if you need any back up.

I shut my phone off before turning my attention back to my computer. Noah is aware that I watch Lydia at the club, but what he doesn't know is that I also accompany her on her walk home.

For a woman on the run from the British Mafia, she really sucks at watching her surroundings for a black car that follows her home every night. Who sometimes also stays outside her shitty apartment complex too until sunrise.

Some would say that I'm stalking her, but I'm simply just doing my part by keeping a close eye on her. Noah and I had both agreed that we were to bring no harm towards her because as far as we knew she was innocent.

She didn't seem to have any involvement in anything shitty that Ivan and Jordan started. I watch the computer screen closely while She was doing her usual rounds around the club.

She approached one of her usual VIP lounges, sitting in it was Richard Green. He was a forty year old CEO of Green Corp. He was one cocky son of a bitch, who thinks he can do whatever he wants. Which is why he always requests for Lydia to serve him and his cocky friends.

He hasn't done anything too out of line, other than flirt with her which she ignores. We have a strict policy here that none of the workers here ever feel uncomfortable and if they ever do they will report the situation to me.

A part of me has been waiting for Green to cross the line, so it gives me some kind of reason to kick his ass out of my club. As Lydia enters the lounge I find myself turning up the sound on the footage.

"Good evening red." Richard greets her with a ridiculous nickname, and by the force smile on her face she wasn't a fan of the nickname either.

"What can I get for you tonight, Mr Green?" She asked in a forced polite tone her British accent strong.

"You know Lucy, I was hoping you could help me and my friends out with something tonight."

My fist clenched on the arms of my chair for a reason I couldn't describe as I see Richard stand up from his seat and make his way towards her.

He runs his hands up and down her arms which makes her look at him with a wary expression on her face.

"Mr Green, I'm sorry but I-"

"Why don't you sit down and have a drink with us." He cuts her off mid sentence while he pushes her to sit on the couch.

He then walks over to the mini bar in the lounge and poured a drink for her. I didn't miss him opening some kind of packet before putting it in her drink before he gave it to her.

It wasn't against the rules for the waitresses to drink with the customers, especially if it got them tips. Maybe I should enforce the rule after tonight.

"Mr Green, I don't drink with the customers." She says in a soft tone as she places the glass of alcohol on the coffee table in the lounge.

"If you have a drink with us, I'll give you a tip of a thousand dollars." He tells her with that stupid smirk of his on his face.

I could see the wheels turning in Lydia's head, she didn't want to drink with him but at the same time she wanted the money. I would have gave her more than that, and for free too.

She slowly picks up the glass with shaky hands before she downs it.

She really shouldn't have done that and I really should have moved in there to stop her from doing it, but I didn't need to make anything suspicious.

She then stands up and looks at Green and his friends.

"Can I go now?" She asked her voice coming off slightly slurred. Shit it's hitting her quicker than I thought, I didn't stand there to see what was going to happen next.

Instead I rush out of my chair and office making my way towards Greens VIP lounge. I bumped into a few people on the dance floor and they had all turned to say something to me, but once they saw the look on my face their lips sealed shut.

Once I make it to the VIP lounge where Green was, I didn't bother with knocking on the door instead I just swung it open.

Once they heard the door swing open all of the men moved away from a unconscious Lydia and looked at me with fear in their eyes.

Their not completely stupid they knew who I was and what my family and I did for a living.

"Leon my friend, what are you doing here?" Richard asked in a failed attempt of trying to hide his irratation about the fact that I had interrupted his rape attempt on one of my workers.

"I own the club Richard."

"Ah, yes how could I forget such information." I could tell he was trying to distract me from the situation at hand which didn't work one bit.

I look down at Lydia who was fast asleep and then back at Richard who was smiling at me.

"You should really keep tabs on your employees, this one came in drunk off her ass." He says as he pointed to Lydia.

I slowly move closer to where he was standing, as I moved closer it looked as if I was checking on Lydia but in reality I was moving closer so that I had a better advantage for what I was about to do to Richard.

I couldn't kill him because that would direct too much attention to me. Not that I couldn't get away with it, I just didn't want to add to my long list of things that need to be handled.

Once I'm close to Richard I grab his arm and twist it so that it was now uncomfortably placed behind his back which made him groan in pain.

"I do keep tabs on them, why do you think I'm here right now stronzo." I whisper in his ear as I added more pressure to his arm.


"I don't know what your talking about Leon." Richard says as he winces from the pain I'm causing him.

"Don't play stupid with me Green, from this day on I no longer want to see you in my fucking club. That goes for all of you." I look over to his friends who were cowering in the corner of the lounge.

"If I see any of you here again, you're going to wish you were never fucking born, do you understand." I pull his arm further behind his back and I'm pretty sure I heard a cracked before he let out a loud groan.

"Okay, yes I understand." I let go of his arm and instead of staying behind to say anything else him and his friends run out of the lounge. Once they leave I turn my attention over to an unconscious Lydia, who was laying on the couch in the corner where Richard left her. I slowly walk over to her to check her pulse to make sure that she was okay.

The last thing I needed was for Noah to get on my ass, because she overdosed on some drugs she was given. As I was looking down at her I got a closer look at her face, I couldn't see her green eyes because they were close but I could see little freckles that covered her nose. Her copper red hair was tied up into a high ponytail and her skin was pale. I knew it wasn't from the drugs, she just had really pale skin, I mean what else would someone expect from a woman from London.

I see that a stray piece of hair had fallen out of the hold from her ponytail, so I moved my hand down to move it away from her face. Instead of removing my hand I ran it down her cheek in a smooth comforting manner. Her skin was soft and smooth as I moved my thumb up and down gently on her cheek, I then heard her let out a content sigh as a small smile appeared on her face. I instantly removed my hand from her face and put both of them in the pockets of my suit pants.

What the fuck was that?

I need to get her out of here and back to her house, and fast before I did anything else that would have me regretting agreeing to any of this for Noah. I can't take her home myself because then her nosy neighbor who watches her daughter for her would be asking questions, that I didn't want to deal with.

So I went with the second best option I had in mind.

"De Luca, I swear to god you better have a good fucking reason as to why your calling me." A breathless Quinn answers the call which makes me smirk. I know she said not to cockblock her tonight, but she was the only other solution I had right now. At least if Lydia's neighbor asked any questions Quinn can just say they worked together at the club.

"I need your help."

"For fucks sake." She says something to someone else and I could hear her getting dressed.

"Send me your location, oh and Leon."


"You owe me a fucking orgasm, and it better be a good one." I let out a laugh as she hung up the phone. I then send her a text telling her that I'm at the club and that she had herself a deal.

I could use the release.


AHHHHHHH, the first chapter of Leon's story!

What do you all think?

I'm not sure if any of you caught on, but yes Leon is a bit of a stalker. I mean i just thought why not, I have never written a stalker character before so I wanted to give it a go for future stories.

Brody Garrison 24

Quinn Marino 27

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