๐๐„๐€๐”๐“๐ˆ๐…๐”๐‹ ๐‹๐ˆ๐€๐‘โ„ข...

By -godsch1ld

8.8K 317 37

my love's dying inside. ยฉ -godsch1ld More

beautiful liar
โ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌโ–ฌ vol. 1
i, serial killer name
ii, respect
iv, justin timberlake
v, trust gaining
vi, cha cha cha
vii, blurred vision
viii, the thing about the past
ix, casanova
x, pinky promise
xi, attitude
xii, dumb decisions
xiii, betrayal

iii, nicknames

589 23 0
By -godsch1ld

▬▬▬▬▬▬ iii, nicknames 

IT WAS LATE AT night when Verona and Mia sat down in the older ones bedroom. Loud music was playing downstairs in the house and they heard laughter. There was a party going on, but they didn't attend. How could everyone be so calm when Dom still hasn't shown up? It was normal for him to be late, but it didn't suit him to not show up at all.

Mia lay with her head on Verona's thighs while she hummed and stroked through her sister's long brown hair. She had been doing this since the two were little so that the youngest could at least relax a little.

Verona was just freaking out inside, thinking about Dom and somehow also about Brian. The blonde had somehow managed to gain the girl's interest. He was so mysterious that she wanted to know more about him. But she knew it would be weird if she'd so obvious about it.

The younger one looked up to her sister. "What
are you thinking about?" she asked her, so Verona fell out of her thoughts.

"Hm?" she responded in confusion.

Mia smiled slightly, "Are you thinking about Dom?" Verona nodded.

"Yeah, yeah." she muttered. She bit her lip and then lifted her sister's head before she hopped out of her bed. "Ugh, I can't just sit here," she said, walking up to commode, grabbed her jacket and her car keys. Mia sat down on the bed and looked at her. "I'll look for Dom to make sure nothing happened." She bit her lip again, putting her jacket on.

Mia stood up and walked over to her sister.
"Alright, I'm coming with you." she said.

Verona shook her head, "You wait here to call me if Dom shows up, alright?" Mia thought about it for a moment. She wanted to protest, but she knew her sister would win, so she just nodded.

"Take care." she yelled after her sister, who was already running down the stairs.

The music was now louder in her ears and she looked at all her friends. They were dancing and laughing with beer in their hands. Her eyes searched for Letty, but instead she met Jaime's.

She sighed heavily as she saw him approaching her. "How you doin', Vero?" he asked and she was already rolling her eyes.

"Didn't Dom tell you to stay away." she said, crossing her arms.

"You know Dom. I'm family," he stepped closer to the girl, making her face turning into disgust. "He would never disown me." he said.

Verona smirked at him, turning her back on him to walk over to the front door. "Maybe. But I disown you, Jay." she said, opening the door and stepped outside.

"Where are you goin', Vero?" he asked, looking how the girl walked to her 1995 mitsubishi eclipse, while he stood under the door frame.
"Verona!" he yelled, but she didn't answer him and got behind the wheel.

Faster than Johnny could look, the Toretto girl had already disappeared from the driveway and was racing down the dark streets of Los Angeles. She thought the city was even more beautiful at night.

"Where are you, Dom?" she asked her self, driving down all streets and places he could have been. She was no longer driving fast and leaned forward a little to see more on the dark streets. Her front teeth landed on her bottom lip when she didn't find Dom in the family cafe either.
"Damn it." she hissed and turned back around.

She wasn't able to search the entire city in the short time she had. In addition, she only had a limited area as she was not allowed into some streets. Of course the Torettos had many friends, but also some enemies, so everyone had their own territory.

She drifted in front of the endangered area and parked briefly on a side street. A few meters further and she could be shot. So, she took a quick breath and thought about where Dom could be.

A sigh left her lips as she started her car again. She looked briefly in the rearview mirror, to make sure no one that could kill her was coming that way. But two figures suddenly caught her eye. She narrowed her eyes when she realized that there were two men who were about a hundred meters away and apparently hadn't noticed her yet.

Her eyes widened when she recognized Dom from his height and bald head. Through the light of the lanterns her eyes fell on the blonde guy next to him. Her eyebrow rose as she recognized Brian. Without thinking, she drove straight ahead for a few meters, drifted and then drove towards the two men.

The two of them's eyes were initially lowered as they laughed until they heard a car that braked sharply next to them. They stopped immediately and Dom smiled when he recognized his sister's car.

Verona rolled down her window and looked into two relieved faces. "Need a ride, boys?" she asked, grinning at them, while they crossed the street.

"Man, you're the best, María." Dom said and Verona laughed.

"Get in." she said and Dom didn't hesitate to take place in the passenger seat. Her eyes caught them of the blonde guy, still standing next to her car. She raised an eyebrow. "Wassup, Spilner." The corners of his mouth rose, making her grin too.

Dom also looked at him. "Do you want to stay there all night or get in?" he asked, making Brian to open the back car door and get in.

Her honey brown eyes met his blue ones in the mirror before she started the car.

"So," she said, driving down the streets, while she took a short look over to Dom. "What did you two do on the other side of the city?" she asked.

"Long story, short ending; He let my new car blew up." Dom said, turning his head a bit, just to see Brian laughed.

Verona smiled a bit. She liked the idea of Dom and Brian maybe becoming friends.

It didn't take long before she parked her car in the driveway of the house and the three of them got out. Dom shook his head as he heard the loud music from the party. Verona just shrugged her shoulders and followed her brother along with Brian.

When they stepped inside, Verona looked around and saw people making out, Letty lying on the floor to watch TV and some others that looked at Dom with a shocked face.

"Where have you been, girl?" Letty asked as she looked at her friend. Before Verona could answer, Dom used to catch their attention.

Verona bit her lip, while Brian stood next to her and stuffed his hands in his pockets.

Letty stood up and faced Dom, but he walked over to Leon who looked like he's about to cry, while Dom threw the beer out of his hand. He had this look on his face that scared everyone.
"Yo, Dom. We were just about to go lookin' for you, brother." Leon tried to explain.

Dom walked over to Johnny and Vince. At the same moment Mia came down the stairs with
Rayan behind her. Verona raised an eyebrow and couldn't help it but smiled, so Mia did the same.

"I'm glad you found him." she said relieved.
She looked over to Brain. "Wassup, Brian?"

Brian smiled quickly, "Hey, Mia." Then he looked to Rayan. "Hey, man." he said.

"Wassup?" Rayan responded, but the next moment all of the four turned their head back to Dom.

Dom tensed his jaw and turned from Vince to
Jaime. "What are you doin' here?" he asked and
Jaime cleared his throat briefly.

"Listen, Dom. You know I can't miss your
parties." he said and Dom laughed, but not in a good way.

"Real funny, man." He grabbed his beer before he looked over to Vince. "What about you, huh, " Vince eyes met the floor for a second. "Where were you?" he asked.

"There were mass cops there. They came in form every direction." he tried to explain, but Dom basically didn't care. "Their shit was orchestrated." he added, making Dom looking him dead in the eyes.

"This your beer?" Vince didn't even answered as Dom already grabbed it and took a sip.

The oldest Toretto walked away and stopped at Letty who leaned against the wall. "You
alright?" she asked and Dom looked at her in disbelief.

"Am I alright?" he asked with a sarcastic tone.

Letty shrugged, "It was just a question."

Dom walked over to his sisters and the two guys.

Mia came down the stairs and walked past her brother with Rayan. "Don't do this shit again,
Dom." she warned him, taking Rayan to the kitchen for some drinks.

Dom wanted to say something, but when he heard Jaime's voice behind him he immediately turned around and gritted his teeth.

"Yo, Dom," he yelled and Verona rolled her eyes again. "Why'd you bring the buster here?" he asked.

Dom pointed his finger at him. "'Cause the buster kept me out of handcuffs!" he yelled back and suddenly it got a bit silenced around them. "He didn't just run back to the fort." he added.

Verona lifted her head and looked up at Brian since she was a head shorter than him. Their eyes met. "This true?" she asked and the guy nodded, lifting the corners of his mouth.

Dom turned to everyone else listening as Jaime set his jaw. "And if my sister has to drive alone through the night again to look for me while all of you are partying," he said and Verona felt a bit uncomfortable because it was her choice of what she was doing. "Are you no longer part of the family." he said, making everyone silent.

He walked over to Verona and Brian again and handed the blonde one Jaime's beer. "Thanks,
man." he thanked him.

"That's Jaime's," he said with a smile. "So enjoy it." Brian nodded, but instead of just drinking it, he cleaned the opening of the bottle with his
t-shirt, which made Jaime tense his body.

"You—" he pointed at Brian, but Verona interrupted him.

"Cut this bullshit, Jay." Verona yelled at him.
She was so sick of his attitude because in her eyes he acted like a little kid whose toy was stolen.

Brian tapped on the girls shoulder. "Where's the bathroom?" he asked.

"Upstairs, first door on the right." she answered with a small smile and looked at him, walking up the stairs.

"I'm gonna look for Mia." she said to Dom, making him turn to her.

"Thanks, María." he said honestly and with a warm voice.

Verona laughed and playfully pinched her brother's cheek. "Don't get emotional, big boy."
she said with a smile before she walked down the corridor, just to see Mia and Rayan kissing at the corner of the room. Her eyes widened. Although she always knew that the two were into each other, it was a bit shocking that Mia had never told her. She ran over to the two of them and tapped her sister frantically. "Are you two
crazy?" The two separated and looked at Verona.

Mia wipes the smeared lip gloss from her face.
"V, I-" she started, but she couldn't find the words.

"First of all, Ew," Verona screwed up her face.
"Second of all, I'm really hurt that you didn't tell me." she said and put her hands on her hips.

Mia bit her lips, "I'm sorry,". She looked down for a second. "I definitely should have told you." she admitted.

Verona nodded and then faced Rayan. "You know what happens if you hurt her, right?" she asked him with a serious look on her face.

"I would never hurt her, Vero." He said honestly and Verona changed her face into a warm smile.

"That's good to hear." she said and let out a relieved breath. "But don't let Dom catch you."
she warned them again.

Mia gave her sister a quick kiss on the cheek.
"Thanks, sis." she said.

Verona grimaced a second time. "Ew, Mia,"
she cried. "Not with your dirty lips." she laughed and Mia did the same.

The two then disappeared into the living room with the others, which is why Verona also went back to see if Brian was back.

She looked up at Dom and Letty who were standing on the stairs looking down at Brian.

"You know you owe me a ten-second car,
right?" Dom laughed and so did Letty before pulling him up the stairs.

Brian wanted to turn around when he saw Verona standing a few meters away from him. The corners of his mouth automatically rose.

She saw that he was about to say something when Jaime crashed them. "Did you wipe the seat?"
he asked in a provoking way.

Verona huffed in annoyance and stood between the two. She placed her hand on Jaime's chest before pushing him away from Brian. "Didn't I just tell you to cut it?" she said with a loud voice.

"But, V—" Johnny started, but Verona had already grabbed Brian's hand.

His big warm hand was in her cold little one as she turned back to the other guy. "Shut up already." she said. "Let's get a drink." Verona pulled the blonde behind her into the kitchen.

Verona slowly let go of his hand as she walked around the table and leaned against a dresser. Brian, on the other hand, went over to the refrigerator and opened it. She tilted her head slightly and watched every move he made.

His head turned slightly towards her. "What do you wanna drink?" he asked her.

She shrugged. "Eh, coke." she said, so he grabbed a coke and opened the bottle.

"Coke, huh." he said, not looking at her.

"Yeah, what's wrong with that." she asked him.

He shrugged. "Nothin'," he said, closing the fridge. "I just thought you were a gin gurl." he told her.

Verona smirked, "Maybe I am and you just don't know it yet." she said.

"Oh, really?" He walked over to her and gave her the drink.

"Yeah, really." she breathed.

Brian leaned right next to her and rested his arm on the dresser so that it was almost on her shoulders. She looked up at him as she took a sip from her bottle.

"I don't get why my brother likes you," she admitted and shrugged. "He usually doesn't like new people." she said.

Brian laughed, "So, he's a complicated guy."
he said.

"Maybe a little." she smiled. "What about you,
Spilner?" she asked and he smirked when she called him that.

"I'm simpler." he said.

Verona raised her eyebrows, "Nah, you're a shitty liar." She couldn't stop smiling.

She liked the way he talked. Mysterious, but open at the same time. On the other side Brian loved the way Verona said everything that came on her mind.

"Well, I'll take that as a compliment, Verona."
The girl cringed when he said her real name because most of the people called her V or Vero.

"You can call me Vero, you know." she said and the blonde guy smiled, holding eye contact with the girl next to him.

"Oh, yeah?" he asked.

She nodded slightly. "Yeah," she answered, looking from his eyes to his lips and back. She loved to make guys crazy — that's exactly what she did with Brian. "Or you just call me whatever you want." she added.

Brian was lost in her eyes, thinking about whether her lips were really as soft as they looked. "And you could stop calling' me Spilner, Vera." he said with a smile.

Verona smiled at him because she liked the way he called her Vera. No one before did. He just pulled it together with Verona. It was creative.

"Maybe I should 'cause your name is kinda stupid." she joked, making him laugh. "But I like the name Brian." she whispered. It was the first time since they knew each other that she said his name.

There were only a few centimeters left between the two of them before their lips would touch. At that moment Verona was so close to a man for the first time again. She thought she would be more anxious, but for some reason she enjoyed it. But her ego told her not to give Brian everything just yet. So she just looked at him him and grinned.

"You definitely need a shower. You smell disgustin'." she said, ruining the moment. She backed away a little and Brian laughed and looked at his sweaty shirt. She carefully grabbed a piece of his t-shirt and made a slight movement of her head. "C'mon. I'll take you home." she said, walking out of the kitchen with Brian following her.

Verona didn't know why, but the whole time they were together she felt a smile on her face. But to be honest, being with someone who has humor and makes you laughed wasn't a bad thought.


I. NAH I LUVE THEM! i like the idea of verona not giving brian the whole world just because he wants it. and i love the nickname vera even though vero is my favorite so far. what do you guys think?

II. i'm so hyped for the next chapters.

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