
By whitelightning_

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He might not know it yet, but Carrie Lancefull, a senior student who's about to graduate from Edison high sch... More

Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 
Chapter 4 
Chapter 5:
Chapter 7 
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9

Chapter 6

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By whitelightning_

  What if I was in Futuramous, A Virtual Reality RPG?

Chapter 6: Three Days of Torcher Part 1

Days can move on pretty quickly, but as soon as night comes, it's nothing but a nightmare. All dreams and wishes are nothing but just despair and silence. So, remember whenever you feel like you are in darkness, there is always someone who his listening to your dark plea. Even if it is just a teacher, a doctor, a nurse, or your neighbor because reality is, us humans cannot be alone. When stuck in your own thoughts, you are your own enemy.

Written by Professor Guadalupe Garcia, psyche specialist of the headquarters of Futuramous.


Exiting from the South balcony with my body teleported back with the real world then as I started heading down the stairs trying to make sure I do not trip over the cords. Thinking to myself, __how could I allow my anger get the best of me? I never allowed myself to get wired up, but something about that assassin then finding out principle John Matters is governor, something told me that nothing good was going to come out of this. I could just feel it in my bones. Now if he was just a principle, then I wouldn't think anything of it, but seeing a bard, an assassin then a governor, I just knew that I was in trouble. Maybe, because of my actions any most likely, they wouldn't get assassinated but for them not knowing, I still will be bullied more than I am going to be right now because once my stats is shown on tomorrows announcements because the school always spread everyone's stats so, students know who is the biggest threat when the students participate in the end of the school years tournament. I know that I will be made fun of due to my poor stats, then I will never hear the last of it. If that is the case, it will just force me to kill myself. When I said I wanted to join Futuramous, I was talking about being the first blind person to join the royal tournament, then win it with just my impressive stats, not be some kind of clown where everyone is going to laugh at me. Talking about the end of the year tournament, though I want to join, but I don't know if I will even though I know my restriction will be lifted within three days and the tournament is in four. However, I would not have that chance to enhance my skills to improve my stats.__

Walking down the hallway until I approached a clearing from the left of me by its opening airy sounds just by the echoing sounds of others students but it wasn't really an official hallway because to the left of me, is the library and to the right of it is the door that leads you into the main hallway, but to the right of that door, is the dean's office which, is my very first time going to besides being late due to my bus picking me up then traffic stopping us from being on time since I am 40 minutes from my home.

Entering in, I heard an elder woman speak to me and asked, "What is your purpose of being here Mr.—" Knowing that she needs my name, so retrieving my ID from my wallet then giving it to her, she asked me, "what's your reasonings for being here Mr. Lanceful?" Taking a deep breath knowing that my last year of high school is going to be ruined from my actions, I told her that I was here for mouthing off to the principle in Futuramous and he would demand for me to see him in the principle's office. Feeling her eyes become big in astonishment, she said, "first, this is the Dean's office, not the principle's office and second, what in the world? Why did you mouth off to Mr. Matters for." Explaining everything with the best of my ability of having a gut feeling and that I saw that his chaperones were an assassin and a bard and that I felt threaten because of roomers of the new king of Garth wants to tamper with our wins/ loses records due to Lady Lynn's 25/1 record and so others will never will be able to have a streak like hers ever again.

Listening in and as I waited for her to absorb the information, she finally said, "I do not know what to say. It's bizarre to even believe that a principle who is also the governor that is possibly affiliated with the lord. You do know Carry, with these accusations of believing that Mr. Matters is here to tamper with the students by hiring fake chaperones to purposely destroy a student's stats is a true crime, right? If you are proven wrong and that he is not affiliated in the roomer that you are assuming that he is in, you can be suspended. Do you understand that?" With a nod, she continued, "hearing your plea, I will start doing a secret investigation some other higher ups, but this must be between us and the people I will bring into this investigation and if I may ask and this is confidential. How were you able to find out about the assassin's class? Also, who is the bard that you have brought up who was assisting the assassin. Lastly, what are their names?"

Taking it back surprise that she would even help me because normally teachers wouldn't be the type to even to such a thing and that's including to perform an investigation on a higher up. Thinking about it as I took another breath remembering that they are sisters, I started with that by saying, "first, they are sisters and the assassin is this lady named Eirian and her bard sister is named Aislinn."

No sooner as I brought up Aislinn's name, something told me to stop speaking because I was able to feel with my senses that she have frozen stiff in shock. "Did you just say Aislinn? Thee most beautiful and inspiring bard of Futuramous?"

"I think that is her. A lot of the students were looking up to her, but I don't know what is so impressive about her. She's just a level one bard who possibly loves to sing."

"And that's where you are wrong Carry." I imagine she has a predatory grin as she faces me which brought shivers down my spine. "Let me tell you something." She stood up from behind her desk and stepped next to me. "Come with me to the next room." Not liking what's about to happen, I had no choice but to follow her. Stepping into another stale room as she closed the door, she continued by saying, "I need you to understand whatever that is being said in this room stays in this room because what I am about to tell you is so confidential that this could even cause me to lose my job of being a dean." Waiting for her to respond then feeling certain that I understand, she said, "listen, I'm not going to give you any excuses about Eirian because Aislinn's sister has always been a wild child when her and Lady Lynn was still around which, I am not going to express their past. If somehow both of you become friends, then possibly she'll tell you, but with promise, Aislinn is 100% not after you and your stats. Normally when her sister is with her, she will not disobey even with let's say governor Matters is commanding her too unless it is a real reason because Aislinn is not for violence. She would rather sing than participate in some assassin mission and if Eirian is commanded to do so and Aislinn has to obey to her sister, Aislinn will deny due to how that type of deed can tarnish her reputation."

"Why does it seem that you know them from in and out?" I asked not believing that it was all in her profile. She must have known her for a long time.

"Well, it's because I do. I have known Aislinn since she's been a little girl. You must understand that I have not always been a dean for Edison High. No, with a brief history about Aislinn, she use to be a very sick child. I mean, deathly sick due to stage 4 chronic leukemia which is a type of cancer that affects your white blood cells. To make it easier for you to understand, your white blood cells is considered your immune cells that protects viruses from effecting your body. For example, let's say you have a miner cold, your white blood cells are the one's that helps fight it off, as your red blood cells are the one's that helps bring oxygen through your body but with this disease, your white blood cells are extremely high while your red blood cells are low which also means it's trying to fight off an infection while your red cells are not receiving enough oxygen. Enough with the medical terms, back with the story, I was her nurse when she was in the hospital. She didn't really have long to learn and during this time, Futuramous was just forming and as you know, Futuramous was formed 22 years ago. However, before it was allowed for others to join what you know it as a virtual reality video game, 24 years ago, it was made only for scholars, doctors who became wizards/ witches, and the king himself. At the age of four, although Futuramous was not ready for players, but due to Aislinn being extremely sick, her family desperately wanted her to live and if Futuramous was her only place where she might have a chance, they took that risk for their daughter and payed $50,000. As you know Carry, Futuramous can heal medical conditions even though at a pricy rate minus certain blindness, deafness; etc. With the risk that Aislinn's family took because during that time, nothing was promised because of technology, but after 10 years of her having to stay in the hospital then continue to join Futuramous even after when players were able to join. She successfully beat her cancer. Not just it went into remission, but due to our technology, it was completely cured that it will never come back ever again." Then with a chuckle knowing what I was going to ask, she said, "Before you ask, the difference between 24 years ago and now is completely different. As you know, fighting, dungeon exploring, training with other players, and even fighting other monsters help you level your stats and your level, but back then, we didn't really have monsters, dungeons, and fighting arenas. Actually, we had to create that all ourselves. Yeah, we could have had our designers to help create the world you see now. However, if you did everything yourself, that was our way to gain stats and levels and trust me, we received a lot. Yet, the developers did add the dungeons and monsters after when the game was fully developed for players to join and the reason why it did take so long was due to making sure that if a player does receive an injury, the health mechanics were developed correctly or else the hype of a virtual reality video game that promised to cure any health conditions with the best of its abilities and so, once we were able to cure Aislinn then continuing on with further cures, that's when we focused on advancing the world of what you see today. Also, if you have noticed if you were there during the match up between Lady Lynn's and Prince Flinn's match up their stats were extremely low even with a high level. That was because Futuramous did not add the added stats the receive during their fights. It was based on their actual strengths. I don't know if you knew this during there fight, at the time, unfortunately, Futuramous only gave you the options of what stat you could choose from either if you were going to be a tank, a healer, a magic based user, an agility based character, or even on rare bases, someone who was in between, but now, because of the complaints due to you having to choose either if you were giving up your intelligence for perception or strength for agility, so now, because of the complaints, the designers now allow players to be able create on how they want to create their characters without mandatory decisions.

"How do you know all of this stuff?" I finally asked the most important question."

"I'll give you one hint and you can figure the rest out." She grinned towards me. "Since you cannot see my name tag which is only my last name, but as we were speaking, I'm for sure you young lad can figure out when I tell you that my last name is Sung."

"Wait a second." A dawn of recognition sparked of knowing who exactly I am speaking to and if it is who I am thinking it is, that is why she is able to form a secret investigation against Principle matters. "Sammy? Sammy Sung? The head of Futuramous?"

With another chuckle, she said, "yes, that is me." Not believing that I'm actually speaking to thee Sammy Sung, before I was able to ask any questions, she cut me off and asked, "now, how were you able to read their class and names especially if they have their class and names blocked out unless—"

Completing her thought since she told me some confidential information about Aislinn and herself, knowing whatever I said will stay in the room, I said, "I know that in order to unhide her blocking spell, you must be a higher growth rate from her and since Eirian is a rank A, also, since whatever I will say will stay in the room even though it might be shown during tomorrows news articles about our stats. I have a rank S growth rank."

"A rank S?" She said with amusement. "You do know besides your classmates, your growth rate will not be shown during the reveal of students stats, right?"

"No. I did not know that." I honestly replied.

"Well, I really hope none of your classmates will announce your growth because having such a high growth rate, you can become possibly as strong as Lord Flinn himself. Please tell me, is there anyone else who you might know who has a high-ranking growth stat? The reason I ask is so I can immediately cover your rank so no one can access it unless they have the highest command under me on the people I choose."

"Thinking about what she is asking and knowing one other besides myself who does have a high growth rate even though she doesn't know that I know she does is Kayla Grey. Noticing that I was hesitating then her asking me what's wrong, I finally said, "can you keep a secret?"

"Well, we are in this room so, shoot."

"I mean, she doesn't know that I know, but do you know Kayla Grey?"

"I'm familiar with the name. What about her?"

"She's definitely going to kill me." I mumbled out loud. "Kayla Grey wants this as a secret and for a great reason because no one knows that she even exists. What I am about to tell you is that this is as confidential as your dean's position." Sensing that she is nodding furiously, I continued, "she is the hidden daughter of King Andrew. The former king of Futuramous." Hearing a gasp from Sammy, I said, "she has an S cap growth rate like myself."

"He has an air?" She questioned more to herself than to me. "I'm not saying that you're lying, but does Mr. Matters know?" With a nod, she cursed to herself and said, "this just made it more difficult. Because if he knows and if he is in contact with Lord Flinn, then she will have a target on her back because what you are saying that the lord is tampering with beginning players wins/ loss ratios, I think you just saved the uprising princess future. Yeah, you can have a loss to your record, but in the royal tournament, having a mark of death especially for a woman who probably wants to take her fathers seat should not have a loss unless it was during training because in the royal tournament, they feel that having too many losses can cause complications for being able to deserve a seat at the royal kingdom and if she does not have a mark on her, she'll have the chance to face the current lord after beating everyone in the tournament as a wish of hers. If she does have a mark or more then win the total tournament, she'll still receive a wish, but she will not be offered the chance to take the royal seat from any of the nobles including the king. Do you know the difference between a loss and a permanent Loss?" With a shake of my head, she said, "a loss is what shows on your record when you are defeated, but when you die in Futuramous, that loss never leaves your record when a normal loss does after a year." Understanding what she was saying, now I knew how desperate the situation is.

"Oh man, that is strict." I said feeling just a little relieved that my friends still have a chance.

"Exactly, but it looks like we're out of time. The principle should almost be in his office if not already and so, if you do not want to be scolded even more, you better run and quick and I'll make sure to perform an investigation for your serious accusations."

Before she was able to push me on, I asked, "can you help me find the principal's office because I never had to go there."

"Let's just prey that you never have to ever again. As a reminder and I do know you do understand that mouthing off to a higher figure will place you in serious predicaments slash consequences even if I do agree that your actions has possibly saved a class full of students from getting their stats tampered with."

"I understand." I replied.

With her helping me out from the exit doors that led into the main hallway until she brought me in front of the glass doors, she wished me luck and as I stepped in, a young woman behind another desk said, "Carry Lanceful?"


"The principle is waiting for you and he is not happy."

"Figures." I simply replied as I was guided by the lady who came behind the desk to assist me to his office. __Here we go again into another office.__ I thought to myself as she opened the door, but before I was able to take even a single step into his room, I heard a pencil break, then my name being called to take a seat.

"Thank you, Griselda. I have this under control." Dismissing her, he said to me, "were going to have a long talk about your behavior of being disrespectful." Closing the door, Principle Matters asked, "did you honestly think it was cool of putting all of the attention on yourself just because your aggravated of being the weakest player of all Futuramous? I told you if you tried harder instead of clowning around, you wouldn't have to be dead last at level 1, but no! You decided to not listen to me, then with your S cap, you chose to read my assistance class then place all of your stress on them . You just made an enemy to the deadliest set of twins. You're just lucky that Aislinn is against violence or else Eirian would mop the floor with you." He said angerly. "The twins are considered nobles to the king. He has also assigned whenever she is around or available, Aislinn agreed to be his personal bard while Eirian is his personal assassin and the reason they were with me is not because they want to mess with your stats, but to simply assist by signing the students to the adventure guild which, if I am correct, I have explained that to all of you about that from the very beginning."

"And let's say if I was wrong and they do not have anything to do with tampering our stats. Then why hire an assassin instead of an official chaperone? It seems pretty fishy if you ask me."

"You know Carry, for students to meet real celebrities, you do not seem to be grateful and before you say that you don't know them doesn't mean no one else does. Also, has it ever been brought to your attention that the only reason why Eirian was there was for her sister sake? They are sisters." Noticing that I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, with a grin, he said, "the next time you ever speak to someone like that ever again, you might not be so lucky and because of your biting words, if you want to be forgiven, I mandate you to join the schools tournament or else I will communicate with the king to remove the royal signature on your hand. Before you say anything, I am friends with the lord."

Finally finding some words I said, "don't you think that is an abuse of power?"

"In Futuramous, I have the power and whatever I say goes. In the school, I have strings to be able to do as I please. You're just lucky that I have to stick with the board of education's rules, but if I feel that it will help you with your experience, I cannot get in trouble, but let's say if I was misusing my power to have you assassinated in Futuramous or in the real world, then, yes. I will lose my position."

"So, now what? I cannot access Futuramous for three days, I cannot train to become stronger, and everyone is going to see my weak stats." I stated rather than question knowing what he's about to say next."

"Well, it's not my fault for mouthing off to all of us and so, I believe this is a reasonable discipline. So, head back towards Grizelda's desk and fill that form that you are in the tournament."


Dismissing me out from his office without a note, signing my name that I will accept that I will be apart of the schools tournament, I stepped back into the main hallway and as I checked the time on my smartphone, it said, 2:07. Knowing that I was 7 minutes late to my seventh period trigonometry class, the last class of the day. Hauling ass, I moved as quick as the hall monitors will allow me to move since they seem to love give out tickets like police during holiday season.

Kayla: 1:57 P.M.

After leaving the gym and since they were on the second floor where her math class is at, heading towards the opposite side of the gym that lead to a door that would bring her to the second floors hallway, pushing open the heavy door, she felt a present stepping behind her and since she knows Crystal has Lucio, there's only one person who it could be and it's the person that she really doesn't want to speak to, but since she request that they should talk to one another, holding the door for her, Leticia thanked her and as they stepped away from prying ears, Kayla asked, "so, what is this about?" Although she had a feel what it might be, but she was curious enough to listen to her out right.

"I think we both know what this is about." She said sweetly, but Kayla was able to hear a slight edge to her words.

Continuing to walk down the busy hallway with statue students who seems to love to stand in the middle of the hallway to get in your way where sometimes, you just want to punch them in their faces on your worst days when you cannot tolerate bs from anyone and as Kayla got her thoughts back on track, she said, "let me guess, it's about Carry."

"Bingo. We both know that he has a crush on me and you might not want to admit that you have eyes for him, but come on. How obvious do you have to be that practically everyone in the gym class knows you do but you never seem to take action."

"What are you trying to get at?" She asked the mysterious woman who is wearing a silky baby blue shirt that barely hid her flat tan stomach as she has her black hair scattered across the middle of her back with fresh expensive perfume sprayed on her neck and probably her two wrists.

"I must admit that I do have eyes for him too, but knowing that you're trying to but for whatever reason you are not pursuing him, I must say, if you don't do something soon, I might just take him for myself."

With irritation, she replied, "what makes you believe he will choose you? You say you have eyes for him too, but why don't you pursue him?" Kayla stopped with all the other statue students in the hallway then placed her hips on her hips with a glair appearing in her eyes.

"First things first, I said I had eyes on him, I never said that I was interested in him. At least not as interested as you are into him. To be truthful, I really don't think that is healthy. Now for your second question, if he shall approach me then ask me, then I might just say yes if you don't take the initiative because like you, I'm not the chaser, I'm the waiter. Don't worry, I have heard of some roomers that Jose has interest in you."

__Jose has eyes for me? That can't be right. I would have noticed, but maybe she is right that my infatuation of Carry has been distracting me. I can say that he is pretty charming and handsome, but... I never have thought of him like that. Also, I have never hung out with him. Will it even matter if I gave it a try with a man that I don't really know?__

"I know you are thinking about it, but if I were you, I would just allow him to choose who he will like to be with. You do know that prom is just next week, right? Maybe, you can ask Carry to go or maybe Jose if the rumors are true."

Continuing to head to math class before we are too late, I said curiously, "if I should ask out Jose, are you going to ask Carry out?"

"Like I said before, I don't chase, I wait. If he shall ask me out, then I might just say yes. Like I have said earlier, whatever decision he makes is what I will go with. There's no reason why I should interfere in your or his love life, but it drives me insane when you are not making the first move."

Ugh... why can he not just make the first move instead of me? Is that so hard?" She said more to herself rather than Leticia but she answered anyway.

"That's because he's not a boy but not yet a man. A man's hormones don't suppose to mature until he is at least in his older teens into his 20's when he is able to correctly think on his own without other... (THINGS) to distract him." She placed, things in air quotes.

"You mean when they become more... confident, arrogant, and when they think that they are big shots because they found their ego?"

With a soft chuckle, Leticia said, "sort of, but are you gonna check Jose out?"

"I'll see." Kayla said as she started thinking about Carry and his actions/ behavior from earlier today during gym class. Whatever that got him going, there must have been something because he never gets angry towards people. Trying to reflect herself back during that incident, a slight memory came back to her of him saying something that the governor is trying to rig them from their stats, but why would they do something like that? __I have never heard of that before, but at the same time, it does make sense that the current king is celebrating his win against Lady Lynn and could that mean, if Aislinn's sister were to kill us off, wouldn't that mean that I will never be able to challenge the king himself to receive her throne?__ If that is true, she doesn't blame him from blowing off some steam and most likely because of confronting them, that could have possibly saved her from being disqualified. With a perma-loss, if she could remember from her father that having that type of loss will never be able to come off of your sheet. Almost like a jail record. Stepping into class with Mr. Turner staring at us with a scowl knowing that we just interrupted his class, she dropped the thought, but it does get her questioning about Jose. she really does like Carry, but if she does for some odd reason try it out with Jose, would it be the same? __I mean, Leticia knows how to use her charms and I know she will try to manipulate me to give him up, but again, it is not healthy. She is right, I am quite obvious with him but it doesn't seem that he notices my cues. Should I stop trying and move on? Why do I have such strong feelings for him anyway? I know the answers, but most likely, he only thinks of me as just a close friend or a sister figure.__ Taking a deep sigh of disappointment then allow herself to sink into her chair to listen to another boring class of trigonometry, pulling out her notepad on her device, she just waited and took notes as her thoughts swirled in her mind.


After leaving the adventure's guild starting to head into the city of Garth, Eirian was fuming not just the boy cursing her out because of her poor customer service, then claiming that she would tamper with their stats then just to find out that, that boy was right the whole time. How could he figure it out before she did? Has she been blinded from the truth? She knew that he has a higher growth rate which is amazing enough like the princess which doesn't surprise her much since there is a high chance that she is the official air of King Andrew, but she should have known that he could read her level and class just by dismissing her hide spell like what Cassady has. If she was in his shoes, she might've flipped just like him, but that stands the point. If she was given that mission, she doesn't know if she could have had one it due to her morals of killing someone who is nearly 3 to 4 tears below her. It's petty. Then remembering what that boy had said that there are roomers that the king is killing off new players so they can have a perma-loss where their stats will never be able to be wiped and if that is, all that work that Lady Lynn did to make a change for Futuramous will just go down the drain especially for a king who never did anything to help the land like her and Lady Lynn did when they were 17.

"Eirian, your brain is about to explode." Aislinn said with a wide smile.

And that is another thing that is pissing her off. How could she keep a smile on her face if he also cursed her out too? "So? What if it does?" She placed her arms across her chest.

"You won't see me cleaning that mess up. You know that nursery song Humpty Dumpty, right? Certainly, if you break, I can't put you back together ever again."

"What are you? 5?" Eirian said with her irritation starting to fade from her sister's crazy antics.

"To answer your first question, I am an elf. For your second question, I don't know what you mean by five, but if you want a high five then put it up their sis."

"Erg... what the hell am I going to do with you?" A slight smile started to creep onto Eirian's lips.

"Oh, there's many things you can do, but I don't think you would enjoy any of them."

"Fuck you." She gave Aislinn the middle finger.

"Well, that's one of them." She chirped.

"You fucken sicko. What's wrong with you? Don't answer that, but for real, how are you not bothered on what that boy—"

"You mean Carry?" Aislinn said with a smile while interrupting her sister.

"Yeah... Carry. How are you not offended of his remarks?"

"Life is too short, why be so angry about every little thing? I thought I taught you better than that Eirian. It didn't look like you did your part. First things first, you were a bad actor because if were at least somewhat a decent woman, you wouldn't have had your emotions of distain of the students to show and second, if I was him being able to read our classes then to find out that the governor was pretending that we were just chaperones, I would be pissed off too. Just saying because like he said, having a bard to enhance you who is an assassin who can kill them all off just a swipe of a sword would even get me agitated."

"Makes sense." She said cooling off knowing that her sister was able to understand the boys mistrust in them. She would most likely do the same thing. Staring back at her sister, Eirian said, "I am going to that broke down bar down the road, want a drink?"

"Not this time. Normally I would after having such a long day but I have to meet up with another friend at the edge of town in the woods. No, before you start getting paranoid, I trust her with my life." Seeing a sigh of relief from her younger sis, she gave her a hug and told her that everything is going to be alright.

Heading off towards their own separate ways, staring up into the illuminating semi-light skies which were becoming dark as evening slowly came around which told Eirian that it must be 5 o'clock somewhere. After separating from her sister, she stepped into the shadows where she felt the most comfortable at. Ever since the purge of the darkness that her and Lady Lynn have caused and dispatched. Like a vampire, she stays in the shadows and during their peak of killing those who were evil, she was given the nickname of Lady Doom. She had killed so much even people who had the chance to see her before she killed them have said that even her rapier turned into a demonic red color making her even faster. The difference from back then to now is that she always wanted to be called the gothic killer due to the dark make-up she would where . Some would get it confused her from being a punk rocker because her black eye shadow would look like it was running down her cheek like black blood. Then having white make-up to pronounce her dark blue lipstick then as her hair turned into a midnight blue whenever she would fight, she swore when staring at herself in a mirror that she was some kind of psycho killer. Finally, when she wore her black studded leather one-piece suit with matching black high heels, really quickly, people knew to move out from their way because when they would see their blades, they knew they were ready for business. With Eirian's gothic look while Lady Lynn would wear her long crimson dress with the slip cutting high to her thigh and her red high heels, back in the days, people would call them the Devil Twins. Now, she doesn't to the look anymore. It's like... she grew out of it. To be honest, she did look cute with all the make-up, the leather, the lipstick, and her funny nicknames, but once the new governor was appointed from the king 5 years-ago, all of that disappeared and it seems like... she has matured. Again, the only reason they were a part of the purge of the darkness was because of her sister who was deathly sick when she was four. Unfortunately, she couldn't visit her sister as much as she really wanted to because how young she was. They only gave her a 25% that she'll make it out of it. It wasn't until she turned 15 when she was allowed to step free from the hospital and by that time, she pretty much lost all of her time of being a child. It made her angry because the only education she was given was during her time when she was in Futuramous just to cure her disease. When she was finally able to go to school, she did not know how to socialize with other students and she would be made fun of. It pissed her off so much that even allowed herself to be expelled because she nearly killed the kid just for purposely tripping her as she was caring six other books and she couldn't see the floor. Eirian punched him so hard that his jaw broke, then as she continued to pound the living shit out of him, it took eight others to get her off of him. His face was so bloody that it was hard to distinguish him. He hardly was able to breathe. When her parents found out, it didn't matter if she was 14, her mother pounded her ass so hard that she felt welts appear on it. Then her father: Oh no, her father was so angry that he was about to do the same thing that she did to the boy, but if it wasn't for Aislinn stepping in the way crying and telling them to please stop, she doesn't think she'll be here today. The only person besides her sister who had her back ever since they were ten was Cassady Lynn. Even after the expulsion for a temporary time, she didn't care and that she told her to fuck them. They aren't worth your time. You did the right thing. Most likely, I would have done the same thing. As she thought about it, she thinks that it was Cassady who gave her the idea to start causing hell in Futuramous because they have heard about this goddess who goes by the name of X who originally removed the darkness from another part of Futuramous. Wanting to follow after her, three years later, they were slaughtering everyone who had the motive level of 30 below. During an ambush that separated her from Lady Lynn as Cassady was fighting about 12 of them on surface while she was fighting about 12 of them in the gutters., though they killed them all somehow making her the Devil Queen, it was Lady Lynn who was recognized as the start of the Amazon of everything steel because nobody saw Eirian. No one knew what Eirian did. That never bothered her because like Lady Lynn, she wasn't there for the attention, she was there for blood shed, but after the ambush, the purge of the darkness was over. They killed them all. Allowing Lynn to go her own way to attend tournaments, she went her own way and started toing some PA work. A.K.A private assassin. She was quite successful. That's how she received the name of Lady Doom, the shadow of the night.

Reflecting from her memories as she crept through the darkness of the shadows, feeling like if there are eyes staring at her through the shadows. Feeling uneasy, trying to not allow anyone to know that she knows they're there. Performing an SDR, (surveillance detection route) to see who is following her by staring at reflections by using mirrors, glass from the buildings and shadows then once she would walk in a circle periodically making awkward turns where only she knows where she can catch her lead. Then from there, she'll decide on how she's going to proceed, but before she was able to proceed with her plan, a figure stepped out in front of her about 20 feet ahead of her and as she was about to pull out her blade, she heard a voice behind her telling her, "if I were you, I wouldn't do dat." By analyzing the voice, she could tell that it is a male but is his accent from Rhome? Before she was able to think any further of how she was going to get herself out of the predicament, the voice continued. "Lady Doom, is that you?" The voice asked like if he was a fan of her which, most likely it's anything but a fan.

"What do you want?" her voice was as sharp like her blade. Spotting the shadow ahead of her coming closer to her position, the voice told her to turn around and when she did, she couldn't believe what she was seeing because the person she was seeing was anything but human. Actually, it was anything but alive, he is a—

"Yes, looks like you know who we are." The man smiled wickedly with his sharp fangs.

"You're a vampire." She stated not believing what to do because they are beyond what you see in movies, TV shows, and books. Actually, completely opposite. They are very agile, deadly, and not even the sun can slow them down. They are completely immune to it. The only way to kill them is like zombies. You must chop their heads off and that's if you are able to because if you don't out pass them in their speed or successfully sneak up on them then perform a finishing blow, you are completely screwed. If they decide to infect you into one of them, pretty much, you are a mindless zombie whose being controlled from your own body unless you kill the one who has infected you but you cannot reverse the curse.

"Obvious eye Ms. Doom or shall I say, Eirian. The only legends I have ever heard of are already dead."

"What do you want?" She snarled.

"Ha! Ha! Ha! Hot tempered as we were told. I'm going to make this quick because it seems like you're heading to somewhere important." Purposely coughing to clear his undead throat, he said with that same predatory smile, "here's my deal and I will give you two weeks to decide, but I want you to be a part of us." Taking her astonishment as a good thing, he said, "yes. I will also allow you to lead my undead warriors to your arsenal. So, how about it?"

Shaking her head out of shock, she asked with skepticism, "Why me?"

"Don't underestimate yourself Eirian. I know you are strong and having you a part of our clan will make us stronger. With your abilities to kill many people with just the flick of your wrist, why fight you if we can join you?"

Listening to him understanding his proposal, she said, "I have a couple of questions. You said join your clan, what does that impose? Will I be leading the clan as a leader? Second, what if I say no?"

Chuckling like if she has told a joke, he replied, "no my dear Eirian. I am in charge. It' I,s, Sir Bruno. The head leader of the Shadow society. If you were able to beat me in a fair battle then we'll see, but if you say no, then... we'll have to force you to join us and transform you into us without the choice to be able to lead my army of other vampires."

Licking her lips while trying to come up with a decision if she should join or not and even if she doesn't, she'll change into one of them, but if she does join, she might be given something worthy to her strengths, but if she doesn't, she might just be given something basic that will not help her in the long run, but does she really want to become a vampire? Always wanting blood to satisfy her thirst and what if she does become crazy? Will she accidently attack her sister? Staring back at Sir Bruno knowing that she was thinking about it, she said, "you said that I have two weeks to think about?"

With a nod, he said, "yes. I'm really hoping that you decide sooner, but if you don't, then that'll be okay. I just hope you choose the right decision." Seeing that was the cue for his minions to leave, they started separating but before Bruno left, he said one more important thing. "If I were you, I wouldn't tell anyone. If you do, we will kill them with no remorse. Even Lady Lynn." He gave her a predatory grin by showing his fangs. There's too many of us to kill." Then suddenly, he disappeared.

Knowing that he wasn't bluffing, she couldn't help but wonder, __how did he figure out that Lady Lynn is back? That is very disturbing especially if even they know.__



Stepping through the admiring fans of giving them her autographs, hugging their children, and even being able to hold one of the adventures who are parents 2 year- old baby boy. Finally, being able to leave the city gates heading towards her hidden spot where only her long not forgotten friend only knew of the location and as she stepped through the low visibility forest that were full of weak creatures and though she is a level one, she does have some powerful abilities to take them out with ease and when she made it to a clearing near a river full of fish with the sunset lowering into the horizon turning the sky into a beautiful sets of purple, orange, and blue which told her that tomorrow was going to be another beautiful day, a footstep caught her attention thinking that her old friend can sneak up on her especially since she is in her element. Because of the wilderness is consider her home since she is an elf, although yes, she is a high elf, not a wood elf, but because elves do share commonality with each other. With just the briefest twitch of her fingers, she trapped her friend in a rope of vines and with a gasp of astonishment, Aislinn asked, "Still trying to find a way to sneak up on me?" She said with a smile while turning around seeing Sammy Sung who is playing as a mage that is stuck in her vines. With her friend smirking back at her, she took that as a yes. "So, you wanted to speak to me?"

"I might talk if you release me." She pretended to pout. Feeling her ankles being release from the vines, she dusted herself off and said, "thank you." Taking a deep breath, she stepped up to Aislinn and with a reunion hug, Sammy said, "I have missed you. How long has it been? 10 years ago, when I last checked up on you after when your cancer was cured?"

"That sounds about right and so, what brought you out from Lezid?" Aislinn asked after departing from her old nurse's arms.

"Well, I am under investigations and I need your story to see if it compliments one another."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow with the sun beautifully glowing Aislinn's frame into a golden hue like just looking at her was magical itself.

"Yup, since I trust you and also, since I know that you were in an altercation, I wanted to ask you about that incident from earlier."

"You mean with Mr. Carry." A brief grin appeared on her lips.

"Yes. Can you tell me in your own words on what happened?"

"Sounds like this is more of an investigation rather than a reunion. Come with me." Aislinn softly grabbed Sammy's wrist and pulled her to the river. With Aislinn remembering when she was a little girl a few years after the treatment for her disease, Sammy would bring her to a river and sit down with their feet in the water as they watch the sun to set over the horizon. Staring back at Sammy knowing that she sees the memories in Aislinn's eyes, with a smile, they did just that. "Beautiful isn't it?"

"Indeed, it is." Sammy said also remembering the rough but good old days.

"Remember what you use to say when I had a lot of stress on my mind?"

"Of course, There's nothing more to life except stress. If you allow it to overcome your life, then you just allow defeat to overcome you. So, what should you do?"

With a smile and a sparkling tear starting to drip down her cheek, Aislinn said, "then just take life one day at a time."

"Because?" Sammy wanted her to continue on.

"If you took one day at a time, it won't allow you to think any further except what needs to be done."

"Exactly. Why do you ask?"

With that smile still appearing on her face, she replied, "it's so you can remember silly." With another tear coming down Aislinn's eye, she continued, "I have always thought of you like a mother figure and so, I love you. No need to jump into business. I haven't seen you for ages. I want to spend as much time with you as long as possible." With a slight breeze, her copper hair blew her locks in front of her face making her younger like if she was12 again.

With a chuckle, Sammy said, "ha, ha! You are right Aislinn." Finally taking off her rugged brown boots, she placed her feet into the cool river and enjoyed the little fish nibbling at her feet. Enjoying the silence between both of them, she finally spoke up and said, "I came over her because of that boy named Carry. He was stressed out because of Governor Matters I suppose."

"That was rough, but my younger sister has it all under control. Whatever the governor and her has going on, it doesn't include me. I'm only with her because I love seeing new faces in Futuramous. Even as long I've been here, it never gets old of how surprise they get when they see how Futuramous feels so surreal."

"The reason I came was because I wanted to make sure that you were okay because anyone who brings you up, you bet I'm coming to check on you." Sammy said with a smile while staring at her friend in the golden glow of the sun which was inching slowly beneath the horizon.

"What type of affiliations do you have with Mr. Carry?" Aislinn corked an eyebrow.

"Normally, I wouldn't give you that type of information, but I am a dean at a public high school in Illinois."

"Didn't Governor Matters ask... I mean, tell him to go directly to the principle's office?" A smirk appeared on her lips looking amused.

"Students get it confused. When you're being summoned to the principle's office, most teachers say, go to the dean's office." She replied with a chuckle of her own. Before you ask, no. He didn't know that I was thee Sammy Sung, the head corporate of Futuramous. Actually, nobody knows. Between him and I, I think we both have the same goals."

"What brought you to Edison High anyway instead of a director?" Aislinn asked feeling the fish nibbling at her feet making her giggle a little bit.

"The long story is that 5 years-ago when Mr. Matters became governor, because what you should know, he has been principle for Edison High for nearly 10 years now and ever since then, he has been extremely successful. Well, that's at least what I have been told, but when I heard he became governor of Garth under the consent of the new king, at first it didn't bother me. However, when I did some digging through his profile, what got me extremely curious of him becoming governor was that he wasn't even in Futuramous for a year when he took seat and since then, an odd sensation, more or less, a disturbing feeling got me curious. Yes, there has been some rumors that not just being friends with the current lord of Hightower, but hearing about him and the king trading secret information. Whatever that shall maintain, when I was approached by Mr. Carry Lanceful, then being told about him tempering with others stats, I decided to push my investigation further. Before you ask, I started in Edison High four years ago when things just started becoming strange."

With a frown appearing on Aislinn's face, she said seriously, "Most of this is between Eirian and him since she is an undercover agent, I don't know the specifics, but what level was Mr. Matters when he first started Futuramous?"

"That's the point!" Sammy said with exasperation. "He was a level 1 the same year when John ran to become governor. That's not strangest situation." With Aislinn patiently waiting, Sammy continued and said, "I do not know if you know the three ways of being a governor, but to have you understand the severity of this issue. Right as he started doing his campaigning, within six months, he became a level 94 and he's only an A growth rank. Not just that, you don't know him as well as I know him, but when he speaks, he is very charming, manipulative, and confident which makes him very dangerous. Now to those three ways of becoming governor, one, you can simply persuade your followers. Two, you can fight your competitors, Lastly, if you have the highest level, stats, or abilities, you can immediately become governor. However, it was neither." With Aislinn raising an eyebrow, Sammy explained, "it was Lord Flinn who brought him in."

"Did you say that he was a level 94 5 years ago within six months? Did he join Futuramous before then, then stopped? How about now? What level is he now?"

With a finger on her chin, Sammy said, "no... he has never joined Futuramous. Currently, he is a level 99. By the sounds of everything, he is trying to breakthrough his thresh hold out classing his growth stat."

"That's not unusual, but you saying that he became a level 94 within six months... that's nearly impossible. When you gave me my G rank after when my disease was cured at the age of 14, I was only a level 72 but that was also because I was healing and doing labored work. Not like how it is now with all of these monsters, tournaments, and dungeons." She started speaking in her reflective tone thinking about how hard it was back then. "Even if it is possible if he was a G rank. Truth is, he's not. He must be given levels by Lord Flinn, or..." Then a scary thought came to Aislinn's mind. "He might have been given a special ability to drain people from their stats and levels. Which if that is, we are in trouble."

With Sammy seeing Aislinn looking somewhere out beyond the horizon, she could tell that she seemed to be thinking about her past. "What are you going to do my goddess?"

"Quiet squire, thus you shall alert my disguise." Aislinn placed a finger on Sammy's lips. "I made a deal with King Andrew the dragon that if I shall ever return, it will be for a good cause. It will not be for a mongrel like governor Manners. If he shall ever become a threat to Futuramous, I am for sure someone else who is strong, if not as strong as me will be able to take care of him. That weak boy seems to possess something that I have never seen and that I believe he will be able to take care of the issue."

Pondering everything over on what Aislinn have said, she finally said, "that weak boy, who are you referencing?"

"Carry. He is a level one down the board, but he is an S rank with a motive level of zero, but for some odd reason when he was a kid, which I believe the system is broken because he use to be a motive level of 100. For whatever reason he is now a level zero, I have no clue. Yet, that's not the reason I chose him. This boy is very unique not because of his stats being one down the board, it's his elemental." Aislinn started reflecting to earlier today when she saw him.

"Elemental?" Sammy asked.

"It's different. I mean, in a disturbing way. Thinking about it, it reminds me of this woman a long time ago when I was a child who would visit the king every day. I remember approaching her to greet her that I was one of the scholars patients. When I shook her hand, she was abnormal and at the time, because I did not have the ability to read stats and ranks, but when I shook her hand with her giving me a pleasant smile, it was like, she was sucking something out of me just to find out later on that it was my manna. That's not why I brought it up, when I read Carry, he has the same ability."

"What is it called?" Sammy furrowed her brow in confusion.

"It's considered anti-manna. Meaning, he is able to drain those who are manna-based users leaving us nothing but husks. The true elemental that he has is something so absent that if he wanted to, he can destroy the whole world if not controlled correctly." Before Sammy was able to say anything, Aislinn continued on by saying, "It's called apocalyptical elemental. The destroyer of everything." As Aislinn said those words, a rare fear showed in her eyes, which even made Sammy shimmer away.

"What are you going to do?"

With Aislinn pondering everything over, what felt like hours that have past when it was only a couple minutes. She finally said, "I'm going to keep an eye on him. Once I know that he is a nice boy with a great personality, I got a person who still needs to pay their dets with me." An evil smirk appeared on her lips.


"Heh, heh, heh. You'll see." That smirked never left her lips.


Star and Sky:

In the middle of the night of the training yard of Garth in Futuramous, a man with pitch black hair, a built body that seems to be formed throughout the years of exercising with hard features making him older than he really is and a younger woman who is 18 years- old with an average frame. The man who goes by the name of Sky is training with his younger sister by throwing manna bolts at her which, her name is Star. From her brother who has the midnight hair, deep blue eyes, and shaven face wearing a black metal practice vest. Star has pure gold rosy hair with amber eyes and a young soft but beautiful face. As she continues to dodge and reflect, she can hear him say, "focus and find an opening Star."

"I'm trying to." She said trying to find and analyze his style of fighting although, they have been training with each other since she's been 16. Even though it has been two years, but considering that his growth is a lot higher than her measly C rank and he is an A rank, he has a lot more over her. What can she say, he needs to be strong since he is a lieutenant of the royal guard under Captain Jack. When thinking about it, she couldn't help but laugh to the pun of his first name then being captain. If she was three years older, she might actually try some Coke and rum. Now, if there was a man who goes by the name of Morgan, she doesn't think the Jack and Morgan would get along with each other in a bar. Knowing that her brother will scold her for not paying attention even though this is not her full potential, but she's afraid that if she goes all out, she will not be able to contain the rare extraterrestrial life which runs through her. With experience, she knows that if she should, the alien within her will overtake her then, it will do whatever that it pleases. The last time that this has ever happened was when she had nearly killed her best friend. If it wasn't for her brother being there at the right place and at the right time, she might've killed him which brought shivers down her spine. She remembers hearing a voice from the creature telling her, __if you don't out grow your growth rank, I will take over you and bring you to a level that I am more comfortable with.__

She remembers asking it, __What rank do I need to be to be able to use you?__ When it told her, she did not know how that was going to be possible. So now, ever since that incident, her brother has been training her to be stronger without completely pushing her overboard. She can tell with this creature inside of her that that this thing loves to fight and it wants to be release, but if she does, she will not be able to handle it and she knows what her brother will say. If she doesn't train with him to contain the creature from within, that same incident will happen again and next time, she won't get so lucky and that is what scares her the most. If she doesn't go all out, then she won't show her brother that these training sessions are not a waste for her and that she is improving. However; if she does, she's afraid that she will not be able to contain its abilities. It was 4 years ago. When she was 14 the legal age to be able to walk around the city of Garth or any city just as long she is in a city, but if she wants to adventure, then she will need to have to have someone to come with her who is at least a level 50 or more for safety measures just until she turned 18 years old. So, during this time as she was about to create her class and race, she did not know that something from the outside world entered in with her until suddenly, she started feeling very sick in the virtual world. It nearly got so bad that she did not think that she was going to make it through it until a strange message appeared in her interface. She can remember it clearly as daylight.

WARNING! Due to unknown viruses from the outside world which was detected on your body. The condition has been combined with you making it a part of your race. Unfortunately, due to a life form being detected being a part of you, the organism will not detach from you unless a stronger force can eliminate or take on the new Futuramous creature.

CAUTION: Due to the ET not being created in the world of Futuramous, you have unlocked a new race. You are given extra attributes points to the following:

Strength +5

Agility: +5

Dexterity: +5

Cognition: +10

Perception: +10

Current growth rank of D. Due to new life form, your are now rank C.

Congratulations! You have out ranked your current growth rank. You are one of a very few who are able to outgrow their growth rank.

CAUTION: Due to this life form being a unique creature, it is your responsibility to take care of the life form that you have brought into Futuramous.

Then 2 years ago when she was sparring with her friend, when he pushed her over the edge, then the alien force speaking to her in her mind which, freaked her out because she never knew that it can talk to her. That message was the one which scared her the most that brought her to this day on why she is training.

WARNING! The life form has requested you to have a growth rank of S.

WARNING! Due to not matching its recommended growth rate, you are more precepted to its affects. If not corrected right away, the next time if you fight, you might not be so lucky to fight off its affects.

Feeling her skin crawl when thinking about it, that's not the only reason why she is training. In three days, she was just aware that in her high school, they will have their end of the year tournament where all grades will be able to participate and she was one of the first participants under another name that goes by the name of Carry Lanceful. Well, whoever that kid is.

__Must be as enthused to fight in a yearly tournament as much as she is.__ Normally, she gets defeated on the first round because her alien always seems to get in her way, but not this year. She will win, and she will move onto the second round. It's not that they are anything to talk about. 9 times out of 10, they're normally the same rank as she is to make it somewhat fair.

"So, are you going to attack me or are you going to continue to look out into outer space?" Her brother asked making her realize that she must have stopped fighting in the amongst of her flashbacks.

Feeling embarrassed, she replied, "Sorry brother, just a lot on my mind."

With a sigh then letting his guard down, he said, "alright. Place your weapon back in your sheath." Watching him placing his great sword back in his black leather sheath, he gave her the two fingers to come with him.

Doing as told, placing her long sword back in hers which is connected to her side then stepped right beside him. Everything was silent minus the beautiful sounds of the crickets that the designers perfectly created to make it feel like if she was out of Futuramous. Thinking about it, as much work that the designers have placed in the world, it's as realistic as it comes. Then as she searches around her environment by doing some sight seeing like the futuristic buildings with colorful lights which illuminates the sidewalks, the streets for the flying cars and if you enter underneath one of the buildings as you approach their entrance, an automatic advertisement from one of its speakers from above where you can take shelter from the sun or the rain will announce its menu, its daily special, or even what's on sail. It will even announce what shop it is by stepping underneath. Continuing wherever her brother is leading her, she will never stop being amused of how the streets glow green, yellow, or red when approaching a traffic light. Though there are flying cars and they do not need to use roads to drive on, there are still erotic animals which pulls carts or buggies from far away merchants who does not have our type of technology. Luckily in the city of Garth which is nearly an hour away from the kingdom, our technology is up to par meaning, our flying cars use solar to refill its energy so, there's no use of have gas stations when current flying cars do not need to use them. Spotting numerous of advertisement signs which we would pass, I finally asked, "Where are we going?"

Glancing briefly towards her, he replies, "to a place I just recently discovered not too long ago. It's a bar that has an arena, some music, and food. The reason I am bringing you hear is so you can watch the festivities."

Crossing her arms, she said, "really? Is that your reasoning for bringing me? Or is it because you want to test your poison tolerance."

"Why can't it be both?"

"Mom's not going to like that you are drinking with me around you." She said warning him, but it seems that he is just pushing her worries away with just the wave of her hand.

"Get off my back. It's been a long day of gruesome training for the royal troops and I just heard that we will be taking on two more potential troops who Governor Matters introduce to the king and by the sounds of it, the king is very interested of training them to become new commanders."

Stepping into a desolate street where she sees a rundown building with its wood rotting away and its property unkept. She says, "this run-down building? What is so impressive about this piece of crap?"

With a chuckle escaping from his lips, he says, "that the beauty of this building. What seems like a piece of crap from the outside, is actually beautiful from the inside."

"Okay..." She said slowly unsure to believe him, but as they stepped in, he was right beside a couple of men beating the living shit out of one another in an arena at the other side of the room. Around her, she heard a few bards singing and playing their instruments what presumes to be their own version of (Break Down from Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers.) but as a tavern version. Continuing in as they searched around for a table that they can eat at and watch the couple men continue to beat each other up until exhaustion. Suddenly, a figure caught her attention who is sitting at the bar speaking to a beautiful woman who must be the bar tender. When she tried to grab a better location to see the woman who was sitting at the bar, she couldn't believe who she was seeing. The red ruby hair, the rapier connected to her hip, and her leather one-piece suit. It was Eirian, the sister of the most famous bard of all Futuramous, Aislinn. When she saw the bar tender meeting her eyes with her piercing Amber eyes that seem to be familiar like... she have seen her from somewhere before, but due to her hair, her clothing, and her eyes being different, she can swear that the woman who caught her eye was no other than Lady Lynn. __But can't be.__ she thought to herself. As soon as the Lady Lynn wanna be caught her eye, Eirian turned towards her direction too, and once her amber eyes met Eirian's dark hazel eyes, a shiver ran down her spine like if she can assassinate her right where she sits without a single blink. Walking faster away from them knowing that she does not want to be disturbed, she asked her brother, "who are these new recruits?"

"I don't know and I really don't give a damn. All I know is that Jack and I are forced to train these numb nuts so, they can take over our group. Well... that is what is told and that's if they can even handle the harsh reality of what the royal militia is really about." He said as they found a seat not too far from the action.

"Then why even accept them? They must be pretty good especially if they're being recruited by the governor and the king themselves." Star asked as a waitress stepped up to their table and asked what drinks that they would like. With her asking for a Koney Stone which is similar to 7-up/ Ginger ell with a slight kick but not alcoholic then her brother ordering an Ail. Once the waitress left, she continued to stair at him until he finally relented.

"I guess... One of them are blind but they have a very unique earth class elemental while the other guy has some ability that seems to be able to steal someone's manna ability which is hard to believe, but if the king is into fantasy, then allow him to believe." He shook his head of the nonsense of it all.

"Maybe they do have a unique ability to do those things and maybe... they might be worthy adversaries to be trained." She said with hope knowing that the king is lacking in militia power against the Silver head Medallion's.

"Doubt it." The waitress came back with their drinks then ordered their food. With the lady taking down their order after leaving, he continued, "the last person we had hope on who had those abilities is the woman who died 10 years ago and you don't see her coming back anytime soon. People like her are nothing but flukes. An anatomy of Futuramous existence. The only thing I can hope for is that the Silver heads can defeat us swift and soundly. When I first joined Star, I had visions of being able to train a powerful set of troops. Like damn. They don't even know how to wield a sword rather what to do with it. Hell, I don't even think if I told them to place their swords up their asses that they would even find it."

"Are they really that bad?" She asked sipping on her drink feeling the sparkling kick drip down her throat.

"To be honest sis, the only thing I know is that I want you to finally win your first battle against anyone without having to feel like that, that thing is going to rip you apart."

Staring back at him feeling his frustration of not her failing, but not being able to use her full potential. She can understand. Hell, she's living it. There's nothing in the world that she wants but to finally go onto the next round. She doesn't really care about winning the whole competition. Taking another sip from her soda as her focus landed outside towards the blackness of the outside, she thought, __I just want to get better and not have to worry about my life being taken away from me whenever I try to fight.__

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