The DrugDealer's Babygirl

By LuhBxddie_Ebony

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When walking home from school leads you into a bad situation...... More


Chapter 1

25 0 0
By LuhBxddie_Ebony

"Wow, can you believe it, Tatiana?" I exclaimed as we strolled through the dimly lit streets after our cheer practice. "I was so sure your mom would be here to pick us up. It's getting late, and I can't help but feel a little uneasy." Tatiana's brows furrowed as she scanned the surroundings, her eyes darting from one corner to another. "I don't know where she could be," she replied, her voice tinged with worry. Although her behavior puzzled me, I decided to shake off my concerns and continued walking alongside my best friend.

The night was growing darker as we made our way home, our tired feet carrying us through the quiet streets. Just when we thought we were almost there, a car suddenly pulled up beside us, its headlights illuminating the pavement. Startled, we turned to see a stranger peering out of the rolled-down window. "Do you girls need a ride home?" she asked, her voice filled with concern.

At first, I was hesitant, confident that we could make it on our own. But my best friend, always the cautious one, sensed the danger lurking in the shadows. She grabbed my arm gently, her eyes pleading with me to reconsider. "Girl, it's really dark outside," she whispered, her voice laced with worry. "It's completely dangerous. Let's not take any chances." Her words struck a chord within me, reminding me of the potential risks we could face.

"But you can't be certain if they're kidnappers or killers," I voiced my concern to her, my tone laced with worry. She looked at me with a mischievous glint in her eyes and replied, "What if they turn out to be beautiful girls?" Her response caught me off guard, challenging my preconceived notions. I couldn't help but wonder if I had been too quick to judge. Trying to lighten the mood, I mentioned Juice Wrld's lyrics from one of his songs, hoping to distract her from the dangerous possibilities that lay ahead. However, my attempt to change the subject was met with resistance as I snatched my arm away from her's.

"Have you come to a decision yet?" the girl asked, her annoyance evident in her voice. I couldn't help but feel a surge of defiance as I responded, "Yes, I have. And the decision I've made is that I don't need a ride from a couple of strangers. So, goodbye." With those words, I turned on my heel and began walking away, determined to prove my independence.

To my surprise, the girl and her companion started chasing after me, their footsteps echoing in my ears. Panic surged through my veins, urging me to run as fast as I could. As I glanced over my shoulder, my heart skipped a beat. In that split second of distraction, my foot collided with an unexpected rock, causing me to lose my balance. I tumbled forward, crashing onto the soft grass below, my head making a sickening thud upon impact.

Darkness enveloped my senses as I lay there, unconscious. Time seemed to stand still, and the world around me faded into oblivion. How long I remained in that state, I couldn't tell. Eventually, though, a faint glimmer of consciousness began to seep back into my mind.

As I slowly seeped into unconsciousness, a gentle touch enveloped me, cradling me in a comforting embrace. It was as if a pair of delicate hands had carefully lifted me from the ground and placed me in the plush backseat of their car. My head throbbed with a dull ache, causing me to wince in discomfort. As I tried to make sense of my surroundings, the muffled voices of the strangers who had rescued me reached my ears. Curiosity got the better of me, and I couldn't resist the temptation to eavesdrop on their conversation, hoping to glean some insight into the mysterious circumstances that had led me here.

"Oh my gosh, Kylee, I can hardly believe it! We actually managed to get her! Bae is going to be over the moon with pride when she finds out," the other girl exclaimed, her excitement evident as she danced in the driver's seat. Kylee couldn't help but join in, her own enthusiasm bubbling over. As they glanced back at me, I quickly shut my eyes, pretending to still be unconscious, not wanting them to discover my little secret."I couldn't wait to see the look on bae's face when we finally revealed our surprise." Kylee said.

After a couple of hours, we finally arrived at our destination. As we stepped out of the car, they gently lifted me up, cradling me in their arms like a precious baby. It was a sweet gesture, unlike the typical bridal style. As we entered the house, I slowly opened my eyes and was greeted by a bustling crowd of people. The atmosphere was filled with excitement, as if the place was transformed into a lively party scene. Strippers gracefully moved around, and money seemed to be scattered everywhere, adding a touch of extravagance to the ambiance. However, our attention quickly shifted as we made our way upstairs, drawn towards a set of grand double doors. Curiosity piqued, I glanced over to the corner and noticed a baby crib, leaving me wondering what purpose it served in this intriguing setting.

The room was dimly lit, with the soft glow of the bedside lamp casting a warm ambiance. The woman sat comfortably against the plush headboard, her slender figure outlined against the backdrop of the room. Her fingers danced gracefully across the keyboard of her sleek MacBook, the rhythmic tapping creating a soothing melody in the otherwise quiet space. The soft click-clack of the keys echoed through the room, as if each stroke was a piece of her soul being poured onto the screen. Lost in her thoughts, she was completely absorbed in the world she was creating, her eyes fixed on the screen with unwavering focus.

"Hey, sweetheart, we've got her," she whispered excitedly, unaware that I had been awake the entire time. Ann, with a mischievous smile on her face, turned to one of her girlfriends and asked, "Did you have any idea that she was awake all along?" Fluffy  looked at her with confusion and shook her head. Suddenly, Fluffy gently nudged my head, causing me to lift it up and reveal that I had been fully conscious the whole time.

"She must have just woken up," she said, her voice filled with confusion as she tried to explain herself to Ann. Ann, still half-asleep, simply nodded and reached out to grab me from Fluffy's arms. However, I instinctively moved away, sensing something was amiss. This small act seemed to ignite a spark of anger within Ann, causing her to snatch me away from Fluffy and forcefully place me on the bed. Before I could protest, she swiftly changed my clothes, replacing them with a peculiar onesie that seemed to be designed for adults.

The battle against Ann's formidable strength was intense, and for a moment, victory seemed within my grasp. However, my triumph was abruptly halted when a searing pain shot through my thigh, courtesy of Ann's swift retaliation. The pain forced me to abandon the fight, surrendering to her will. With a gentle touch, she proceeded to dress me, her nimble fingers expertly maneuvering the fabric. Once she completed the task, she scooped me up into her arms, cradling me with utmost care. Together, we embarked towards the cozy haven of the baby crib, where she gently placed me inside. Determined to assert my independence, I attempted to stand up and escape the confines of the crib, only to be met with disapproving gazes from the trio observing me. Realizing the futility of my defiance, I reluctantly acquiesced and obediently laid back down. In an attempt to appease my stubbornness, they presented me with a bottle brimming with milk. However, my reluctance to consume it was met with their insistence, as they gently coerced the liquid into my mouth, ensuring I received the nourishment I needed, even if it was against my will.

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