By yunstary

13.6K 462 180

❝ Despite the promises I made to you being left broken, I still lived every moment loving you just the same ❞... More

1. moving to seoul
2. memories of you and i
3. unexpected reunion
4. the beach of memories
5. it's time to let it out
6. date and betrayal
7. in the car
8. let's meet
9. surprises
10. the truth
12. hurtful words
13. birthday party planning
14. convince her
15. the long awaited reunion
16. an attempt to fix
17. let's meet again
18. their heartbeats
19. the truth finally told
20. kisses & true promises
thank you for 10K + surprise

11. storytime

476 20 5
By yunstary

"Let's get that" Somin pointed at the cute bunny plushie that caught her eyes.

"Min, haven't we already bought enough things? We were supposed to be buying groceries and now look where we are" Jiyeon followed the girl who was still bubbling with infinite energy.

It's been almost 3 hours since they left the house and Somin doesn't seem to get tired at all, while Jiyeon can barely walk.

They had left the house to buy groceries but now they're buying useless stuff they'll probably never even look at.

"This is the last. Let's go pay" Somin walked off to the counter before Jiyeon could even reach where she was standing, making Jiyeon sigh. "How are you real?"

Jiyeon proceeded to walk to the counter with slow steps when her eyes landed on a plushie kept displayed on the white rack. She walked over to it and picked it up, holding on to it while memories flooded back to her mind.

It looks like a plushie Jeonghan had gifted her on their first date. It's a white baby sheep plushie. Jeonghan said that the sheep reminded him of Jiyeon so he bought that for her on their first date.

Jiyeon unknowingly let out a giggle as she remembered Jeonghan's blushing face as he handed her the plushie and the way he explained why he got her a sheep plushie and not a teddy bear like others probably would.

Meanwhile, Jiyeon's dear best friend got engrossed in a flirty conversation with the cashier behind the counter. In less than 2 minutes, they've already exchanged numbers.

"Call me anytime" The handsome cashier winked. Somin smirked and proceeded to walk out of the store until she felt the loss of presence around her.

Looking back, she found Jiyeon holding onto a sheep plushie and recognized it almost immediately because a plushie similar to the one in her hand haunts her for some reason — probably because Jiyeon would bring that plushie to the dinner table and even to the bathroom sometimes?

Walking back into the store, she snatched the plushie from her hand and kept it back on the shelf. "You're not buying that shit"

Somin pulled Jiyeon by her arms and walked out of the store, not forgetting to steal a glance at the handsome dude, who was already watching her the whole time.

"What took you so long to pay?" Jiyeon asked, realizing the time had passed more than she had expected.

Somin giggled, clinging on to the slightly older's arm before whispering: "I got his number"

"YOU DID WHAT?!" Somin instantly covered her mouth with her palm, preventing another loud noise from leaving her mouth.

She removed her hand after Jiyeon calmed down a little bit. "You flirted with that dude?"

"He flirted with me first" – "That doesn't mean you need to flirt back. Do you know how dangerous men are?" Jiyeon scolded like a mother scolding her daughter to stay away from boys.

"You literally slept with Jeonghan on his eighteenth birthday" Somin spat, slightly moving away from her to not get a smack on the head.

"Th–" Somin raised her eyebrow, teasing the girl who has now lost words to say.

She didn't lie. Jiyeon was indeed careless and slept with Jeonghan on his eighteenth birthday. But she has no regrets.

"That's different" She fired back.

"Different? In what way exactly?" Somin teasingly questioned.

"He wasn't a stranger. We were friends. That dude is a stranger to you" Somin finally shut her mouth. "Okay, fine. You got a point there"

"Should I call Mr. Yoon to pick us up?" Jiyeon asked, slipping her phone out of her pants pocket and checking if she had gotten any calls or texts from her brother.

"Let's just get a cab"

3.47 PM

"This place finally feels like home," Jiyeon said, looking around the kitchen that's now filled with all kinds of stuff. Jiyeon never likes her kitchen empty, she makes sure to always buy groceries before she runs out of anything.

The two girls got home almost an hour ago after having late lunch at a restaurant and they got to organizing Jiyeon's kitchen and fridge as soon as they got home. After almost one hour, they're finally done.

"Let's cook some ramen, I'm hungry from all the work" Somin said, closing the refrigerator door after putting the last item in. "Sure, you go ahead and take a shower, I'll cook for us"

It didn't take long for Jiyeon to finish cooking ramen for the both of them. She placed the hot pot and set the utensils on the table.

While waiting for Somin to join, Jiyeon decided to text Joshua who hasn't contacted her at all since the day before.

After sending a few texts, she stared at the screen of her phone that displayed their chat. The last time he texted her was yesterday morning, saying he would call her at night but he didn't and he hasn't contacted her the whole day either.

It worried Jiyeon to the core to see him not contacting at all. She wondered what he could be up to that he wasn't able to send even one text in the whole day.

Could he be sick? Or even worse, was he kidnaped or something even worse? Jiyeon thought, her worries getting the best of her.

Not being able to resist anymore, she dialed his number and impatiently waited for him to pick up and assure her that he's alright.

After what felt like hours to Jiyeon, the call finally stopped ringing and she heard the sweet voice of her younger brother, her heartbeat finally coming to a normal pace.

"Hey, there, miss hong" Joshua greeted, trying to sound as cheerful and casual as possible, despite the heavy weight of Jeonghan's head on his chest, who fell asleep with his whole body over him and Seungcheol.

"Hong Jisoo, do you know how worried I was? You haven't called or texted me since yesterday morning. I thought you were kidnapped or something" Jiyeon whined over the phone, to which Joshua responded with a laugh.

"I am so sorry, Noona. I know I said I would call you when I get home yesterday but I got home so late and felt so tired, I fell asleep as soon as I changed" Joshua explained, obviously lying, but his sister doesn't know that.

"You at least could've texted me this morning. I was truly worried about you" Joshua apologized again and again for making his sister worried, which is nothing new of her. She worries even when he goes out to clubs with his colleagues.

"Ahh, I'm so hungry, the smell is making my mouth water.'' Somin walked into the dining room, with a towel still wrapped on her head, unaware of her best friend being on a call with her brother who has yet to be informed about Somin's surprise visit.

"Isn't that Somin's voice I hear? Or did you already make a friend?" Joshua asked, being able to hear every word clearly.

Jiyeon chuckled, handing the phone over to the now confused girl and signaling her to talk on the phone.

Checking the contact, Somin smirked and brought the phone close to her ear, holding the phone with her left hand while picking up chopsticks with her other hand.

"How has my brother-in-law been? Did you miss your sister-in-law?" Somin asked, teasing the younger.

"Miss you?" He scoffed playfully. "Did you even think of your brother-in-law in the past 2 months? What reason do I have to miss you?"

The two continued teasing and laughing with each other before eventually having to end the call because Joshua 'had some paperwork to complete'

"You said you have a whole person's life worth of stuff to tell me. What's up? What miracles happened in your life while I was busy taking care of my grandmother?" Somin initiated the conversation.

"Oh– right. I have so much to tell you. You won't even belie–"

"Oh my god, just tell me already, so I can believe" Somjn cut her off, getting impatient after hearing her repeat the same thing she said earlier.

"Okay, let me start from the very beginning. The day I moved into this house, basically the day after I came to Seoul, I went out for a walk at the nearby park, and you won't believe who I met!" – "Oh my god, that ugly jerk you had a crush on in highschool?!"

"What the fuck? Why would it be him? I don't even remember his face" Jiyeon gave a disgusted look.

"Exactly. So just tell me who it is" Somin grew even more impatient, wondering if she met who she's thinking about. There's no way she met Jeonghan, right? She thought.

"I met Seungcheol and Soonyoung!" She finally announced, making the other's eyes open wide. "What?! Choi Seungcheol? That hottie?"

Jiyeon's shoulders slumped, hearing Somin's words. She isn't taking this seriously. "I'm being serious, Min. I actually met them. And that's not the only time"

"And I'm being serious, too. Come on, don't you find Seungcheol hot?" She asked, like stating the obvious.

"Of course he's hot. But you're not his type, so give up. And you literally got a cashier's number today. It's time you take this seriously, Min. You can't keep playing around. You're over 30, it's time you find a real man and not someone you can fuck around with"

"Okay, wifey. Calm down. I'm not gonna date before you get married and have kids" – "Bu–"

"I said what I said. I wanna be an aunty before being a wife. I'm afraid I won't be able to make time for my future niece and nephew if I get married before they're born"

Somin has always had this weird dream. Jiyeon never understands why she does. "You're so weird" Jiyeon shook her head in disbelief.

"Anyways. So after meeting them, we had dinner together and it was the best time spent with someone in a while. And the day after, something even more unbelievable happened" Jiyeon stopped, shoving a mouthful of ramen into her mouth.

"Can you please stop pausing and just tell me the whole thing? I'm starting to think you met Jeonghan" Somin rolled her eyes, getting annoyed by her best friend's habit of making her stories sound more dramatic than they actually are.

Not getting a reply from Jiyeon, Somin realized what she said was right. "YOU MET YOON JEONGHAN??"

Jiyeon nodded her head hesitantly, chuckling slightly in the process as she prepared herself for the long lecture and possible tears she's about to shed in the next few hours.

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