The Goofball Of CHS | (Male r...

By MEME-Corp

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You were a somewhat average student at Canterlot Highschool when all of a sudden you saw a girl come from a m... More

Chapter 1:New Girl?
Chapter 2:Getting Elected
Chapter 3:Sleepover
Chapter 5:Help Her Win The Crown
Chapter 6:The Dive To The Heart
Chapter 7:A Fight With The Heart
OVA 1:The Gutair,The Tambourine,and The Drums
OVA 2:The Keytar and The Bass
OVA 3:The Dumbass
Chapter 8:New Problems
Chapter 9:Battle of the Bands?
Chapter 10:A Plan of Attack
Chapter 11:Sleepover
Chapter 12:Round 1
Chapter 13:Betrayal
Chapter 14:What is this a crossover?
Chapter 15:Hearts can do that?
Chapter 16:Two Become One

Chapter 4:Friends Unite

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By MEME-Corp

You and Twilight were walking to school.

Twilight:Alright Y/n.I think this time I definitely have a plan that's going to work.

Y/n:Is it how we can take over the Bolivian Government?


Y/n:.....Can it be about overthrowing the Bolivian Government?


Y/n:Your plan sucks.

Twilight:Fluttershy said I need to win over all the different groups if I wanna be Princess of the Fall Formal.So I compiled a list of talking points.

Y/n:Wooooow......I don't know what those are.

Twilight:I'll start introducing myself to them.I'll sprinkle in some things I learned about their world into the conversations and show them what I learned.

Y/ mean normal conversations.

Twilight:*Sigh*Yes Y/n normal conversations.I have to in order to save both worlds.

As you began to walk through the school everyone began to look and Giggle.

Twilight:What are they laughing at?

Y/n:Oh wait I know why.

You unzipped your pants.

Y/n:There we go.I think my zipper was done.

Spike:It's,"Zipper was undone."


That's when someone grabbed you and Twilight and pulled you into a room.


You looked at who dragged you in.

Y/n:Ok buddy!You rip my clothes I rip your ass-

Y/n:Oh its you Rarity!

Rarity:Hello darling.

Y/n(menacing):Now prepare to be clapped.

She quickly ran over Twilight and began to do some measurements.

Rarity:Hmm...I got it!

She then reached into her bag.

Y/n:In the words of Acevane.She gaht a phat ass.

Rarity then pulled out an outfit and put it on Twilight.

Rarity:Oh yes this is gooood!No one will recognize you.

And she was right.

Y/n:Oh god where did Twilight go?!?She just vanished!!Did she log off the server somehow?!

Twilight:What?Why do I need to be disguised?

That's when AppleJack entered the room.

AppleJack:There you are Twilight!.....Why are you dressed like horribly drawn 90's character?

Rarity:She looks stunning!!

Y/n:More like she looks stunned.

AppleJack:I've been lookin all over for ya.

Fluttershy:Me too.

Pinkie:Me 3!!

She looked at Twilight's disgusting.

Pinkie:That drip looks fire!

Y/n:Needs to be set on fire.

Rarity:Well I do have an eye for these sorts of things.Not that you seem to care.


Twilight:Why do you think she doesn't care?

Y/n:Because nobody loves you Twilight.


Twilight took off her wig.

Twilight:Why were you all looking for me?

Fluttershy:Oh.She hasn't seen it yet.

Twilight:Seen what?


Twilight:What's ligma?

Y/n:Ligma balls-AGHK!!!

MEME:*Choking the shit out of Y/n*CEASE!!!

Pinkie put her laptop on the desk.

Pinkie:Oh its really not that bad.*Nervous laughter*

She opened it and played a video.

Woman:Ohhhh!!Yes right there-

She slammed it shut.

Pinkie:Whoops!!Sorry wrong video.

Y/n:Huh.My pants feel funny after hearing that.

She played the correct video.

Sunset(video):Twilight Sparkle wants to be your Fall Formal Princess.

Sunset(video):But what does it say about our school if we give someone like this.

Sunset(video):Such an important honor?


Y/n:Hahahahaha!!!Bahahahaaa!!!Wow Sunset was right!It is just like a YouTube poop!

AppleJack:What are you talking about?!

Y/n:Oh well Sunset had this really funny idea and asked me to compile all this footage into a YouTube poop.She said it could help Twilight gain votes.

Pinkie:Y/N NO IT WON'T!!!She pikced up a book by her mouth!

Y/n:I do that.

Fluttershy:Y/n.That was really mean of you.


Rarity:Yes darling.

Y/n:Pssh ok guys!So you're telling me that Sunset ASKED me to do this because she's taking advantage of me and I've been doing mean things the entire time without me knowing?


Y/n:...W-Why is no one correcting me?That was the dumbest thing I ever said in my life.Sunset's my friend.

Everyone looked away in awkwardness.



AppleJack:She was never your friend....She played ya like a fiddle.

She said while lowering her hat.

Y/n:No!No you're lying!!

You said with a panicked voice and leaving the room.

Y/n(crying):I'll prove you wrong!!

Fluttershy:.........So....are we gonna talk about that other video-

Pinkie:I have needs too Fluttershy!!

*With Sunset*

Sunset was grabbing things out of her locker when she heard someone blasting music down the hall.

Sunset(under breath):Dude it's 8:00 Am nobody wants to hear the music your dad played before he left you.

She closed her locker and saw you with tears on your face.

Sunset:Y-Y/n!?....What happened who hurt you!?

Y/n(crying):.....Did you lie?

Sunset's heart sank.

Sunset:.....L-Lie?.....Lie about what?

Y/n(crying):....Are we.....really friends?


Y/n(Crying):*Sniffle*Everything that you asked me to do....It...*Sniffle*wasn't just you taking advantage of me right?!...I know it wasn't that!.....It.....It can't be......


She could lie.She could lie right now and you would've ate it up without any second thoughts.Just one,"No" and this would be done forever.But she couldn't.Every fiber in her being wanted to lie to you....but she couldn' didn't feel right to her.....

Sunset:........(Crying)I'm so sorry.....


Before you ran away you dropped something.


She picked up what you dropped....It was a paper Tiara with,"Princess" written on the inside.

Sunset(crying):What did I do?.....

She said hugging herself and leaning on her locker.

Sunset(crying):Please......don't leave me.....

*With the Humane 5*

Twilight had her face on the desk.

Twilight:No one is gonna vote for me after this....

Fluttershy:Not that it'll make a difference but I'll still vote for you.You were so nice to me when Sunset Shimmer picked on me yesterday.

Pinkie:If you wanna run maybe there's something I can do to help.

Fluttershy(whisper):Word of advice.Don't accept her help.She doesn't take anything seriously.

Pinkie:Uh!Why do you have to be so awful to me?!

Rarity:Oh pff don't play innocent Pinkie Pie!You're no better than she is!

She said pointing to Fluttershy.


Rarity:I am happy to offer my assistance as well.TO SOMEONE THAT APPRECIATES IT!!

That's when Rarity,Pinkie Pie,and Fluttershy began to bicker among themselves.

AppleJack:Listen yo y'all bickering!Get over it and move on!

Rarity:You mean like how you've gotten over it with Rainbow Dash?!

AppleJack:She said she'd get the softball team to make an appearance at my bakesale.And then not a single one of em showed up!She made a liar out of me.That's different!

Fluttershy/Pinkie/Rarity:Is not!

AppleJack:Is too!!!

As they all continued to argue and bicker they began to grow on Twilights nerve until she had enough.


Pinkie:And then I said,"Why don't you join your kind at the zoo you black nig-" Oh we're done?

Twilight pulled out the year book.

Twilight:You all used to be friends.Remember?

They all saw the photo Twilight showed you.

AppleJack:Mmm.The Freshman fair.Y'all remember that?

Everyone nodded.

Twilight:But something happened.And I think that something was Sunset Shimmer.She got the best of you all just Y/n....

Rarity;That's a nice theory darling-


Rarity:.........But Sunset had nothing to do with it.

Fluttershy:She's right.Sunset Shimmer isn't the one who ruined my silent auction by bringing a bunch of fireworks and noise makers!That was Pinkie Pie!

Pinkie:What?!You said that you didn't want a silent auction!You wanted a big party!!I got the receipt right here!!

She said showing Fluttershy her text messages.

Fluttershy:I never sent you a text!

Pinkie:Wait huh?

Rarity;You don't think she's the one who's been sending me those emails do you?

Pinkie:You mean the ones about big dilfs in the area?.......*Looks at readers*Hey Y/n's gone for the next few chapters somebody has to pick up the comedy ok?

Rarity:Everytime I decorate to help with the decor at the school functions I get an email from Pinkie Pie saying she has plenty of volunteers.Only for me to find out she's done everything herself!

Pinkie:The only emails I send out are to Y/n!

Fluttershy:What are the emailsabout?


Pinkie:....Oh!A new email from Y/n!A-click!

Y/n(Email):39 buried.......0 found.....

Pinkie:........*Sigh*Guess I gotta break his record again.*Grabs shovel*

*End of flashback*

AppleJack:Maybe she's the reason Rainbow didn't show up for my bake sale?

Twilight:I did ask Rainbow Dash right?To clear up any confusion?


Pinkie:It amazes me how simple our friendship could've been saved just by asking questions!This why I don't trust the Government.

MEME:Ok Pinkie gettin' a little too political here.

*Next scene*

AppleJack tapped Rainbow's shoulder while the others were watching from the bleachers.

Rarity:They're talking!That's a good sign.


Rainbow and AppleJack hugged.

Pinkie:Hugs!!That's always good!

They then walked over to the others.

AppleJack:Apparently a certain somebody.And I think we know who told my Bakesale was moved to a different day.She showed up with the whole softball team and thought I canceled on her.

Rainbow:So you're the one who's gonna dethrone Sunset Shimmer and become Princess of the Fall Formal huh?


Rainbow began to jungle her soccer ball.

Rainbow:Gotta say.I'd really love to see that happen.So yeah I'll help ya.

Fluttershy:Just like that?

Rainbow:On one condition!You gotta beat me in a soccer match!

Twilight:*Gulp!*I do?


She then bicycle kicked the soccer ball into the goal on the opposite side of the field.


Twilight(thoughts):Ok.I can do this!If I just try hard,do my best,and maybe with just a little bit of luck-

*One horrifyingly 69-0 soccer match later*

Rainbow:After what she did to Y/n?She's gonna get what's coming to her.I'm talking a good old fashioned hood gang initiation!!

Pinkie:Ahp-bup-bup-bup-bup(Through teeth)Children's movie....

*Next scene*

Everyone was at a Yogurt Shop or something....a Dairy shop?Eh.

Twilight:Can I have extra oats?

Employee:Oats?Haha.What are you a horse?We don't have oats.


The employee gave her her Yogurt as she bumped into Flash.

Flash:Whoops!Sorry about-

Twilight:Sorry I'm already spoken for.

She said said getting up and walking away.

Flash:.......Wow.Rude much?

He walked up to the counter.

Flash:Can I get a Cookies and Creme parfait?

Employee:Sure.You want anything on that?

Flash:Yeah extra oats please?

Employee:.......*Sigh*I don't get paid enough for this.

*With the others*

AppleJack:Alright y'all.Tomorrow is the dance and without Y/n getting Twilight to be Princess is gonna be harder than ever.

Twilight:How come?

Fluttershy:Well Y/n has been so nice to everyone in the school he really has a social influence.

Rainbow:I once saw him get the entire school to ban together to move a test BEFORE spring break so that way it felt more rewarding.He could move mountains!!

AppleJack:Exactly.And without his help it's up to us to make the entire school see Twilight differently after that video.So now we need ideas.

Everyone began to think.
Rarity:I GOT IT!!!

She screamed so loud someone who was about to walk in the store walked back out out of fear.

Rarity:S-Sorry everyone!*Ahem!*Now this might be an absolutely preposterous idea.

She then pulled out her idea.

Rarity:But what if we all wore these as a sign of unity?...........

Twilight:I feel offended.

Pinkie:You wouldn't happen to have one of those in a.....metal "plug" form?

Rainbow:Metal plug?!Gross Pinkie!!

Pinkie:I need something to keep me sane!!

Fluttershy(who was about to ask the same question):

Rarity:I agree.Gross but no.During Freshman year they were super popular!It was a way to show school Spirit!

Rainbow:Ok.But how many have you sold?


Rarity:Look.The 5 of us are obviously very different.

She said passing out the ears.

Rarity:But deep down we're all Canterlot Wondercolts!

Rarity put the ears on Twilight.

Rarity:Sunset Shimmer is the one who divided us.And Twilight is the one who brought us together!And we're gonna let everyone know it!


End of Chapter 4.

*Bonus scene*

AppleJack tapped Rainbow's shoulder while the others were watching from the bleachers.

Rarity:They're talking!That's a good sign.


AppleJack then pushed Rainbow.


AppleJack and Rainbow began to fist fight.


AppleJack knocked out Rainbow as blood splattered on the grass.


???:That was a pretty good punch.


She slowly turned around.

Goku:You must be pretty strong......

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