Mythical Academy (Undergoing...

By CatesPencil

528K 22.1K 1.5K

Meet Kate. A snappy powerful free-runner, or rogue, with a strong animal side that even she doesn't know. How... More

Chapter 1- History
Chapter 2- New People
Chapter 3- Fights
Chapter 4- Test
Chapter 5- Passed
Chapter 6- Home
Chapter 7- Old Friends, New Friends
Chapter 8- Movie Night
Chapter 9- Cooking Relationships
Chapter 10- Brother
Chapter 11- Scars
Chapter 12- Threat
Chapter 13- Mate
Chapter 14- Pleasure or Pain
Chapter 15-Attacked
Chapter 16- Animal
Chapter 17- Blood-Sucking Bastard
Chapter 18- Morning Tease
Chapter 19- Eclipse
Chapter 20- Kidnapped
Chapter 21- Escape
Chapter 22- Demontic Fight
Chapter 23- Done with Sass
Chapter 24- Alleyway
Chapter 25- Too Slow
Chapter 26- War Among Lovers
Chapter 27- The Capture
Chapter 28- Love or Life
Chapter 29- Love Wins
Chapter 30- Back Together, Fighting Together
Chapter 32- The Demon King
Chapter 33- Plans with Old Pain
Chapter 34- Final Fight
Book Two: Mythical War

Chapter 31- Love and War

8.7K 447 43
By CatesPencil

The queen was furious. "My husband did WHAT?"
"He made Ethan marry Sheila after Daniel tortured us and I was sent into a normal hospital because of my coma." I repeat.

The queen shakes her head, gritting my teeth. "We need to talk with my husband right now."

I nod my head, I like her so much!
"Can you break down the door sweetie?" She asks.
"Of course Marie!" I say with a smile as my body begins to transform.
As the transformation finishes, the queen stares at me and my shimmer scales with awe. Before cursing to herself, "My husband is stupid!" She mentions to the door. I grin and rear up on my hind legs and slam into the door. The door creaks and groans.
"BOOM!!!!" Echoes the castle as the doors drops. The king's mouth drops open.

"Charles!!!" Yells the queen, strutting toward the throne room. The king visibly pales. "Y-yes my darling?"

"How dare you force our baby boy into a marriage that is not right for him! How dare you make him go into a marriage that isn't with his mate! Look, I know we are not mates and you want to follow in your father's footsteps by making him marry a woman that you think fits best for him, but that is not right!"


Queen Marie holds up her hand for him to stay quiet. He listens and I grin.
Marie sighs, "I've learned to love you Charles, but our son has found his mate." She places her hand on my scales and I shiver, transforming back. King Charles' mouth drops even more. Ethan smirks proudly.

"Don't you think our kingdom should fall to a ruler who has his other half to rule with him? To always have his side? To make him more powerful than before? Or would you rather have a weak ruler who always is gone drinking away because he hates his wife who is spending all of his money?" She scolds him.

The king mumbles and looks down, "The strong ruler."

The queen continues, "Exactly! Did you even listen what Daniel Howl did to our son's first and only pack? A pack that is the strongest pack currently?!? No! Of course not!"
Queen Marie sighs, "Charles, I really do love you. But don't take away our son's opportunity for true love."

The girls and I share a look and grin. Girl power!!!

King Charles sighs and walks over to his queen. "Marie, I love you too. And I will cancel the wedding." He kisses her before walking over to me. "So um...."

"Kate..." I finish for him.
"Um, yes. Kate. May I ask what your animal is?"
I smile, "Of course your highness. I am an animal transformer that is lunar eclipse dragon with certain elemental powers like ice and electricity."

The king nods, "Kate, would you like to join this family and become the Luna of our son's pack through marriage."

I grin, "I would absolutely love too. But...."
The king tenses.
"Only Ethan can ask me to marry him,"

The queen and Ethan smirk.
Ethan walks over to me and gets down on one knee.
I blink. I didn't expect him to already have ring!!!
"Kate.... Will you marry me? I know this isn't quite the romantic place but-"
"Yes!" I squeal and kiss Ethan on the lips. He smiles as I break the kiss and hold out my hand.

Gently, he puts the ring on my finger. It was a silver dragon ring. The face connected with the tail to create a ring. The eye was a sapphire blue gem. I was crying from happiness.

"Ethan, let me see the other ring." I say.
Ethan blinks in surprise but pulls out another dragon ring, exact to mine, except with a red gem for the eye.
I take his hand and hold his eyes, "Prince Ethan, I would love to accept your hand in marriage." I slip the ring on his finger and he grins. He sweeps me off my feet and kisses me.

My girlfriends go into applause before being also swept off their feet by their mates.

"Do you know I love you?" He asks with his eyes shinning with awe. "And that I would never have been able to do this without you?"

I grin, "Do you know I love you? And that this would also have not been done without you?"

Ethan smirks, "Absolutely."
I smile and he kisses me again.

The sound of trumpets sounds in the distance and everyone freezes. The king, however, visibly tenses.
A light laugh sounds through the large throne room. Ethan possessively clutches me as his narrowed eyes search the room. "Pierce." He hisses.

The air shimmers ahead of us and Pierce magically appears. He smirks, "Hello family...."
Ethan growls as Pierce scans all of us. His eyes lock with mine before glancing down to my hand. He raises an eyebrow, "What's this brother?" He points to the ring on my finger.

"She is MINE!" Ethan hisses. Pierce's blue eyes flash red. Jack and Athena tense, Léo and Ana growl, while Will clutches Linda tighter.
"Don't you dare hurt her." Anna snarls as they slowly gather around me. I couldn't feel prouder to be part of this pack.

Pierce looks toward King Charles. "Dad, you let them come back together? And you let the marriage CANCEL?!?"

King Charles holds his head up high, "Yes."
Pierce ponders the thought. His eyes move across my pack, to his parents and back. He smirks, "Then the war has begun."

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