King of Lightning (Yugioh Zex...

By dragonhunter106

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Hi everyone! person reading this. I Just wanted to firstly thank you for deciding to read this, and... More

Where it All Began
Meeting the crew
Siblings of the Sea
Siblings of the Sea part 2
A Crowning Duel
A Crowning Duel part 2
Tiki Trouble
Terrifying Tiki's
Meeting a Creepy Deck
Odd dreams and Weirder People
A Deep Sea Duel Part 1
A Deep Sea Duel Part 2
Holy heck ALIENS REAL!?
Not a chapter, but a thank you!
Ever a Cat Person
Sheer Cold or Burning Hot Part 2
Dueling the Cat's Meow
One Problem After Another
Reaching My Peak
The Truth Finally Appears
Another Number Hunt Begins
It's All a Numbers Game

Sheer Cold or Burning Hot?

211 9 6
By dragonhunter106

YN: I gotta say, Girag, your work here is beautiful! The designs and patterns made are exquisite!

???: Hehe! Well I picked up some dang good skills while traveling around! I just hope your people like em!

YN: You kidding? They'll absolutely love them! They've always been huge art lovers, so there's no doubt in my mind they'll welcome these pieces with open arms!

???: Jeez, for a king you really like to praise others, not that I mind.

YN: Am I supposed to be all tyrannical and cold?

???: I'd rather you don't, heh. Anyways, I should probably start heading back. Lets hope we meet again soon. See ya, S-


*Your POV*

I opened my eyes and sighed as I turned my alarm clock off. Another new name...what was going on? These dreams weren't feeling like dreams anymore at this point. Maybe they're a message for something? Maybe the numbered cards are trying to take control of me by implanting these weird things into my head? I dunno...

I climbed out of my bed and realized for once I wasn't in Vetrix's little pocket realm. Weird. he's normally always here after I have a dream like that.

YN: whatever, I guess. Time to get ready.

I do all my morning stuff before grabbing my bag. After a bit of debating, I decide to grab the numbered cards too. Just in case I run into another user with one. As I walk, I end up running into Shark, walking alone for once. He looked over and noticed me, nodding to me as I walked over next to him.

Shark: Morning.

YN: Morning to you too. Where's Rio?

Shark: She forgot where she put her duel gazer so she's running around the house with her head cut off tryna find it. I just decided to leave without her.

YN: Well aren't you as cold as ever.

Shark: It comes with being the cool kid of the school.

YN: Ha! Yuma's starting to rub off on you a bit.

Shark: Never say that again.

Shark glared at me a bit as I just laugh and roll my eyes.

Shark: how was your little date with Cathy?

YN: Wh- you heard about that?

Shark: Yuma told me you two disappeared yesterday when you two and the others were hanging out. Not really hard to figure out what happened.

YN: Ah. Well I mean...I wouldn't really call it a date? Things are still confusing, I guess.

Shark:...You do realize Cathy and Rio are into you, right?


Shark didn't say anything, just gave me a "Are you serious" look.

YN:...Okay maybe Cathy does- I doubt Rio really does though.

Shark: Then why does she always cheer you on and get so excited when she sees you?

YN: She's....supportive?

Shark: YN, dude, I'm her brother. I think I'd know when she likes someone.

YN: You can still be wrong, dude.

Shark: Whatever. Lemme ask you this: How do you feel about them?

YN: Whadda ya mean?

Shark: Well...who do you prefer? Who'd you rather date?

YN: I...uh...

I stayed quiet, thinking about that question. After a bit, I just shook my head.

YN: Man, I don't know. Both of them are awesome, I can't just say one's better than the other.

Shark: Hm. Well I'm sure you'll find your answer soon enough.

YN: Yeah...lets hope.

Soon enough we got to school and met up with the others. About a minute before class started, Rio ran into the room out of breath. She came over and sat next to me as I handed her a bottle of water, which she quickly drank.

Rio: *Whispering* I'm gonna kill my brother...

I just laughed as class started, and school was...well, school. After school though, I stayed after to clean up the classroom. A few other students made a mess and I didn't want the teacher to have to clean it up after working all day. As I cleaned, I heard footsteps behind me.

Rio: Didn't know you worked secretly as a janitor here.

YN: Heh. I wish I was getting paid for this.

Rio: If only.

She walked over and sat on a nearby desk as I finished picking up the last of the garbage.

Rio: If you were wondering, the others already left. Had stuff to do.

YN: Why are you still here then?

Rio: Waiting for you. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out?

YN: Got something in mind?

Rio just giggled and stood up.

Rio: Follow me.

She started to walk off, so I did what she told me to. We walked out of the school and went over to a nearby river where she stopped and turned to me.

Rio: Listen, I never got to actually thank you fully for helping me out with the whole Kona situation, so I...wanted to give you something.

YN: What? Aw, that's sweet of you Rio, but...that's not necessary. I just knew she was making you uncomfy and I wanted to help you...!

Rio: And you did. Not only that, but you risked your safety and went up against a number in my place. Really this is the least I can do...

YN: Well again, it's not needed! Just knowing you're happy is all I need!

Rio sighed and smiled, walking back a bit.

Rio: I had a feeling you'd say something like that, so I came up with a backup: Duel me. If I win, you get my reward, but I want something from you in return! If you win, you get two rewards! Deal?

I laugh and slip my duel gazer on.

YN: You know I never say no to a duel. Bring it, Rio!

Our duel disks activated and drew our cards.


YN: I think I'll go first if you don't mind! Draw! I'll start by summoning ol' faithful! Electricity Knight Swordsman!

Swordsman ran past you, drawing his blade and readying himself.

Swordsman: lvl 4

atk: 1400 atk

dfns: 1200

YN: Next I'll activate this! The spell card Stormdark Armor!

A dark gray armor with yellow lightning patterns on it replaces the armor Swordsman had as he surges with a new energy.

Rio: Another Stormdark card, eh?

YN: After using Stormdark sacrifice, I realized these cards might be more useful than I let on! Anyways, I set one card and end my turn!

Rio: Heh, my turn! Draw! I'll start by summing Blizzard Thunderbird to the field!

A blue bird humanoid with yellow, lightning shaped wings flies in, snow following it.

Thunderbird: lvl 4

atk: 1600

dfns: 1400

Rio: Now I'll activate its special ability! I'll send one card to the graveyard to special summon two winged beast monsters! One from my Hand and one from my grave! I'm gonna bring out Aurora Wing in defense mode from my hand, and from my graveyard I'll bring out my Blizzard Falcon in attack mode!

Snow blew in from nowhere as two new monsters appeared on the field. One was blue bodied with blue and silver wings, and the other was a white bodied bird with bluish green wings.

Blizzard falcon: lvl 4

atk: 1500

dfns: 1500

Aurora Wing: lvl 4

atk: 1200

dfns: 1400

Rio: And since this was via my Thunderbird, the other part of its effect activates, sending itself back into my hand.

Thunderbird caws before glowing yellow and shooting into Rio's hand.

YN: Yeesh. You already got so much out of just a few cards.

Rio: Oh, I'm not done yet! I activate the spell card Back-Up Rider! This lets me give one monster 1500 attack till the end of the turn, and I'm choosing Blizzard Falcon!

Blizzard Falcon caws as it grows larger.

Blizzard Falcon new attack: 3000

YN: Oh...this is a lot more concerning...

Rio: Well I'm not done! I activate Blizzard Falcon's ability, letting me deal 1500 points of damage to you since its attack changed from its original!

YN: Oh crap-

Blizzard Falcon flapped his wings as a huge gust of wind and snow shot at me, flying me onto my back.

YN lp: 2500

Rio: Now Blizzard falcon, attack! Destroy Electricity Knight Swordsman!

Blizzard Falcon cawed once more before swooping down at Swordsman

YN: I activate the ability of Stormdark Armor! If the monster its equipped to is in battle, it gains 500 attack points!

The armor discharged energy into Swordsman as he swung at Blizzard Falcon.

Swordsman new attack: 1900

Rio: That's still 1100 points of damage to you!

YN: Or so you thought! Go, Stormdark Generator!

A trap card is revealed as a machine covered in clouds appears in front of Falcon as it flies into the generator.

Rio: What does that do!?

YN: Aside from negate the attack? Simple! It converts the damage I would have taken into life points, and you take damage equal to half of what I take!

The generator glows a whitish yellow before pure white clouds spew out of it around you as gentle sparks cover you.

YN lp: 3050

The generator then fires a lightning bolt at Rio, hitting her.

Rio lp: 3450

Rio: Nice trap, heh. If that's the case, I'll set one card and end my turn! Blizzard Falcon also goes back to normal.

Blizzard Falcon atk: 1500

YN: My turn, draw! I'll start by equipping my swordsman with Lightning Blade next, giving him another 800 attack points while weakening your water monsters by 500! 

Swordman new atk: 2700

Aurora Wing new atk: 700

Blizzard Falcon new atk: 1000

YN: Next I'll bring out Shocker Archer in attack mode!

Shocker Archer lands next to Swordsman. The two look at each other, nod, then look back to their enemies.

Archer: lvl 3

atk: 1100

dfns: 400

YN: And of course if this guys out, you know I'm playing Lightning Duplication! This lets me bring out two more Archers from my deck! Come on out, you two!

Two more archers drop down next to the two knights already present.

Rio: And here it comes...

YN: I XYZ summon!

The three archers glow yellow and shoot up into the overlay network before it explodes.

YN: Warrior of Lightning and Thunder, hear the roaring, storming cry of those that praise you and the glory you bring! Wield your weapon for the glory of your king in this duel of ours! Lightning Knight: Shocker Trident!

Trident's trident falls to the ground before Shocker Trident himself drops down and yanks it out of the ground, lifting it up and pointing it at Rio's monsters.

Rio: Ooooh, a new little dramatic entrance for Shocker Trident, huh? I like it!

YN: Thanks! Yuma and I spent, like, half an hour thinking of a good one!

Rio giggled and shook her head playfully.

Rio: Of course you did.

YN: Well anyways, lets do this! Now you lose 300 life points for each archer used for an XYZ summon! Ready! Aim! Fire!

Silhouettes of the three archers appears where Shocker Trident's overlay units were. They drew back their arrows before firing at Rio, all three hitting her dead center.

Rio lp: 2550

Rio: Gh...I activate the special ability of Guard Penguin! When I take effect damage, I can bring this to the field and regain the life points I lost! Guard Penguin, come on out in defense mode!

A small penguin with white and gold armor appeared, holding its fins up in a form of blocking stance.

Penguin: lvl 4

atk: 0

dfns: 1200

Rio lp: 3450

YN: Well Don't forget about Shocker Trident's ability! By using an overlay unit, he can destroy one of your cards and deal 500 points of damage to you!

Trident spun his weapon around a bit before hurtling it at her, stabbing one of her cards as the weapons energy electrocuted her a bit.

Rio lp: 2950

Rio: Jeez...I really can't escape your effect damage...

YN: Nope, and I still got my actual attacks! Swordsman, go! Destroy Blizzard Falcon!

Swordsman's blade was covered in lightning as he ran forward.

YN: And don't forget: When Swordsman attacks, Stormdark Armor activates, giving him an extra 500 points!

Swordsman's armor released more energy into him, raising his attack once more.

Swordsman atk: 3200

Swordsman leapt up and slashed downward, cutting Blizzard Falcon clean in half as a gust of wind shot and flung Rio back.

Rio lp: 1250

YN: Alright! Now Trident, attack Aurora wing next! Go, Surging Spear!

Trident looked back at me with an annoyed stance.

YN:...I'll work on the name- just attack!

He turned and charged at Aurora Wing, stabbing it clean through and destroying it.

Rio: Heh, thanks YN! You walked right into my trap! Torrential Reborn! Now I can bring back every water monster destroyed this turn and summon them back to the field! Come on back Aurora Wing and Blizzard Falcon!

The two birds flew back in, cawing angrily at my monsters.

Rio: Now for every monster that was just summoned, you take 500 points of damage!

Suddenly a huge gust of wind shot out of nowhere, bringing about a bunch of snow that covered you.

YN lp: 2050

YN: Not a bad play, Rio! I'll play Card of Sanctity, letting us both draw six cards!

We both drew and I smiled.

YN: I'll end my turn here!

Rio: My turn! Draw! I'll start by summoning out my Silent Angler!

A brown and white angler fish swam out of the ground.

Angler: lvl 4

atk: 800

dfns: 1400

Rio: Now I build the overlay network and XYZ summon!

Blizzard Falcon and Aurora Wing glow blue before shooting up into the overlay network before it explodes and-

Rio: Descend from the skies! Ice Beast Zerofyne!

A huge blizzard suddenly blows through before a woman glowing blue with navy blue wings appears in front of Rio. 

YN: Oh, I like that!

Rio: Thanks! It's a little quicker than yours, but I still think it works! Anyways, Next I play double summon, which lets me summon back Blizzard Thunderbird!

Thunderbird swoops back in, flying down next to Silent Angler.

Rio: Now I can activate the special ability of this! Sirenorca! If I control a Fish and Winged Beast monster, I can special summon this monster from my hand!

A brightly colored siren with the body of a light blue and white orca shoots out from the ground.

Sirenorca: lvl 5

atk: 2200

dfns: 1000

Rio: Also, when she's summoned this way, I can call either level three of level five! Depending on what I choose, all my monster levels change to that one! I choose level five!

Sirenorca suddenly sang a beautiful tune as Thunderbird and Angler were both covered in a white glow.

Angler new lvl: 5

Thunderbird new lvl: 5

Rio: Now I'll build the overlay network once more with Sirenorca and Thunderbird! XYZ summon!

The two monsters glowed blue before shooting into the overlay network, which exploded and-

Rio: Come freeze my enemies and shatter all hope of them winning! Ice Princess Zereort!

Another feminine body swoops in, wearing cyan armor with cyan and gold wings.

YN: Two XYZ monsters in one turn, eh? Hats off to you, Rio! Now this is a duel!

*To be Continued*

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