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By kiera_Maya231

7.7K 206 181

Her hips rotated up meeting my pelvis as she latched her lips back onto mine, I matched her rhythm and drove... More

Chapter 1 - Crush
Chapter 2 - Alleyway
Chapter 3 - Negligence
Chapter 4 - Teamwork
Chapter 5 - The Update
Chapter 6 - Lunch
Chapter 7 - Calzone
Chapter 8 - Work Meeting
Chapter 9 - "Casual" Lunch
Chapter 10 - Let's meet in the middle
Chapter 11 - Take the Leap
Chapter 13 - Eat in or Takeaway?
Chapter 14 - Woven baskets and Movies
Chapter 15 - Slaps and Tears
Chapter 16 - Desk Activities
Chapter 17 - Pancakes and Confrontations
Chapter 18 - Valentines Day (Part 1)
Chapter 19 - Valentine's Day (Part 2)
Chapter 20 - You're done.
Chapter 21 - Competitive much?

Chapter 12 - Officially Official?

323 11 5
By kiera_Maya231

"Hello earth to Ora?" I saw a hand wave in front of my face during my lecture. It was Uche, my closest friend on this course.

"Yeah hi, sorry about that." My eyes snap back to look into her dark brown ones. Her radiant face showed a smile as she leaned into her hands as her elbows rested on the table.

"I know Marshall is boring but usually you're extremely engaged, what's on your mind sis?" She asks me narrowing her eyes. Her intuition strikes again I see.

"Nothing! I just stayed up doing my essay last night, that's all." I say shifting my gaze back to the board showing the extremely bare PowerPoints Marshall was always reading from, it really made me question the amount I was paying to even be here but at this rate I only have a couple more months left until I'm finished.

"Yeah I'm not believing that for a second, but you know what? I'll let you off the hook this time." She said lowly before looking at the board with me.

Uche was a friend I got really close with during my second year, she was an international student from Nigeria and was actually doing modelling on the side through her eldest brother's editorial company. She was very tall with a slender frame and probably the best sitting breasts I've ever seen anyone have, she had the most radiant mahogany skin and sharp facial features. She was extremely beautiful; the kind that would leave you speechless.

We initially bonded over a stupid internet reference and we've studied together and sat next to each other since then. She's been amazing to me when it comes to getting me to open up and be more myself in my course and it's started to help me be more approachable with other people too.

As Marshall concluded the material for today we took our stuff and walked out into the wide corridor, it was 1pm so I still had a lot of time before my shift at work started.

"So how's your dissertation coming along? Our due date is so close by; I don't know why they want it so soon." Uche asked me as she leaned her body against the wall looking at me.

"It's definitely coming along, there was a lot of material for my title so that helped me a lot," I explained to her. "But I still need to perfect it, what about you?"

"I did the title." Uche gives me a tight smile that signals to me not to ask her anything else. She quickly retracts what she says as her eyes shift to whatever is behind me. It must be him.

"Hello girls! How's the work coming along? Dissertations going smoothly?" The smooth deep voice of our programme leader rings into our ears. Damon Sharpe. Uche, I understand you.

"Yeah sir, I was just telling Aurora here that I was nearly done with mine." Uche shyly gets out, stuttering a bit with a cheesy smile.

She's so real for lying like that.

"Yeah! And I've nearly finished just need to tidy up some parts." I smile and pat Uche on the shoulder.

His tall frame in a very put together outfit that consisted of tailored pants and a matching jumper with a Hugo logo on it. He smiled down at us, his wavy short blonde hair combed back as his friendly blue eyes looked down at us; his grown out facial hair having some sparse grey hairs.
A beautiful man that made coming in worth it indeed.

"Excellent to hear, proud of you girls! Can't wait to see your work." He dismisses himself before jogging away and waving at us. Uche looks back at me and sighs.

"One day I'm going to get that man, subconsciously with my mind though. We both know I never make the first move." She deadpans as I throw my head back laughing. Uche has had a crush on Damon Sharpe since second year, that's when he was announced as our old programme leader had left - she said it was to find herself but another guy mysteriously dropped out roughly at the same time.

"So what's going on with you today?" She changes the subject.

"Girl you know how it goes, I have work in a couple hours since it's a night shift. Nothing special." I say as I sense my voice start to betray me towards the end. She nodded understanding what I'm saying.

"Anything interesting going on at work? Or is it just like how you always describe it to me?" Uche asks wrapping her arms around her chest. My eyes started to flutter a little and I felt my cheeks getting a little warm when I thought of my weekend but ultimately I think the wisest thing would be to not tell her about that.

"No nothing at all, boring as always." I nervously laugh and she follows me along with that but her eyebrows knot a little. She looks around before looking back down at her watch and then cussing; she probably had a session booked and needed to head off.

"I have to go but I'll see you sometime again this week sis, have a good shift today!" She cheerfully smiles at me as she speed walks away.

I had walked to the university library, my favourite place. Getting situated and finishing off what was left to do for my dissertation, my split-screen computer display crammed with tabs and jumbled references as well as annoyingly specific searches. When I felt like I rounded off my conclusion well enough I decided to book a session with my personal tutor before submitting, with the email request sent I lean back in the squeaky old chairs and stretch looking around to partially full library.

I peered over at the clock and realised it was time to start my evening shift. I pack up everything and make my way to the restaurant, making a mental note to check up on Tom and tell him everything during our break.

As I walked through the restaurant and to the staff lockers and changed into my uniform, butterflies in my stomach started to erupt at the thought of seeing Oliver after my shift. There was a slight nausea at the idea of being completely rejected but I had an inkling to just wait at see. As I shut my door I notice a new face preparing for work, she had a big blonde 4c Afro with blonde dyed eyebrows, piercings and smooth dark, brown skin. She was beautiful, but looked extremely nervous, so I go over to her to introduce myself.

"Hello I'm Aurora, you new?" I say, slapping myself mentally because honestly what kind of blunt introduction was that for someone nervous enough as is.

"H-hi um is it that obvious I'm new? I'm Amara by the way," she nervously chuckled and gave me a little wave. I smiled - I like her vibe. She had such an ethereal beauty to her, it was hard to look away from her face.

"I was just as nervous as you were when I started, don't worry you'll be great. Usually they assign new workers to someone, who were you assigned to?" I ask, tilting my head to the side.

"The manager told me her name was Samantha." She said, looking in her lap.

Oh god help her!

I waved goodbye to her when I heard the manager barking orders, she pointed at each table she wanted me to serve and tutted as she walked away. I huffed then put on a bright smile and begun serving, it wasn't as chaotic in here as I thought it would be considering having the evening shift.

But that didn't mean a bitch couldn't still be worn out.

In the corner of my eye I saw Amara stuttering while asking for her tables orders while Samantha was hissing at her; poor girl got thrown in the deep end. Making a mental note to check on her later on I decided to find Tom for my break; walking around the corner and finding him gossiping with Fiona in the corner. She threw her head back laughing at something Tom said as she met my eyes and waved.

I smiled walking over and greeting the both of them, Fiona gave Tom a knowing smirk before excusing herself as Tom looked back at me and lightly slapped me on the shoulder.

"What the hell was that for?" I asked, taking my shock as I touched my chest.

He stared back at me with his arms crossed over his chest and gave me a pointed look before I cleared my throat.

"Okay so I'll explain everything, let's go on break how about that?" I offered and he smiled.

"That's more' fucking like it! Let's go!" He cheered putting his arm around me as we left to our designated bitching space.


"You slutty bitch! You made out in his car?" Tom hissed at me while eating his sub from our favourite deli.

"Well yeah but the lunch was good too! I regret nothing." I hold my hands up as if I'm surrendering.

"I'd be quite pissed if you two didn't make out Ora, so what's happening next then you guys getting it on or official or what?" He asked me pointing up with his finger.

I gave him a rundown on him asking to meet me in his office and how I felt as well as the simmering insecurities that were bubbling up out of me as it got nearer to the end of my shift. His eyes softened as I finished word vomiting and he finished the rest of his sub before wiping and putting his hands on my shoulders.

"Ora can I be completely honest with you?" Tom asked me and I nodded.

"I'm literally going to tell you the same as Ingrid but I feel like you need to just go for it. You haven't felt like this about a guy since I've known you and honestly that man looks at you like you're the most precious thing on earth. I say go for it, screw it - that's what I did with Fiona." He joked at the end before chuckling before pulling me in for a hug.

"Thank you Tom, I love you so much." I gushed as he squeezed me and then released me, lightly patting on my head.

"Now let's get back to work, we don't have long until we finish anyway." He patted my knee and went ahead of me.

As we pushed towards the end of our shifts we parted ways and before doing so he updated me on everything. He had finally gotten a small side gig at a tattoo parlour and was starting in two weeks.

Aurora was finished with her shift. As she rolled up her apron and stuffed it into her locker she pulled out her phone and saw a message from Ingrid reading "good luck tonight!". As Aurora smiled, she closed her locker and took a deep breath while walking towards Oliver's office.

She stood in front of the large timber door and raised her hand to knock, taking a little step forward to hear his response.

"Come in!" She heard as she turned the doorknob and let herself in and closed the door behind her. She placed her arms behind her and looked up to meet his determined eyes and gentle smile.

There was something so serene about the atmosphere, while unintentional the lighting and ambiance was working perfectly with the feelings brewing in that office. Oliver had been in mental anguish trying to figure out how to phrase what he wanted to say but he knew deep down when he looked at her, his mind would go bland.

And that's exactly what happened.

Oliver was in front of his desk, leaning back with his hands resting on the rim of his desk looking ahead at Aurora. She looked breathtaking, as usual. Only this time he would hopefully get to see her much more often.

"Thank you, for coming up here to meet." Oliver thanked. Aurora nodded and smiled walking towards him, his eyes glued to her hips as they swayed closer to him.

"You wanted us to talk right? What about?" Aurora questioned, this time her arms were wrapped around her chest.

"You Aurora. I thought it was obvious," he chuckled, stepping closer towards her. Her body stood still and rigid out of nervousness, she knew what he meant she just didn't expect him to be so blunt - which was dumb of her.

"Aurora, I like you - quite a lot actually. Quite frankly I think we both like each other and I couldn't rest properly until I told you - especially after our lunch date." His low voice rang as his steps got closer to her, her head turning up to meet his eyes.

"I guess Ingrid was right then." Aurora mused in her head.

Her beautiful eyes looking up at him and her clear freckled skin - the radiance alone made Oliver's hand read out and lightly touch the side of her face. Aurora's eyes fluttered feeling his big hand caress the side of her face as he confessed.

"Was this really happening?" She thought she stared into his hazel eyes.

"What about you though, how do you feel?" He asks her gently. Which was extremely audacious considering she could barely hold it together but all the pep-talk she'd gotten from Ingrid and Tom prepared her for this, she needed to take the leap and just go for it.

"I feel the same way, I really like you too." Aurora says, sighing as if a huge weight had been lifted off her chest as her heartbeat continued to beat rhythmically as she stared at this attractive man standing in front of her. Oliver's lips turned into a smile and his eyes expressed relief as he also sighed.

Oliver couldn't help but snake his arm around her waist and bring her warm soft body into him as he continued smiling down at her and her returning the smile back at him. It was as if they were both telepathically establishing where they stood from now on- but Oliver being awkward and Aurora wanting further clarification they both figured they'd speak it out loud.

"So just to be clear, this is me saying I'd like to be with you." Oliver grins down at her.

"And just to be clear Oliver I'm absolutely fine with that." She cheekily smiled back and with the overwhelming burst of happiness she had in that moment she elevated herself onto her tippy toes and pressed her lips into his plush pink ones, his hand that was rested on her jaw now meeting his other arm around her waist.

Her arms slowly worked their way around his neck as his arms ran lower, curving around the arch of her lower back and lighting gripping her upper butt. He wanted to lift her and sprawl her out on his desk so badly that the thought of that alone made his pants tighten, he knew her flushed face looking at him as she laid over his paperwork would drive him crazy and he loved it.

Aurora felt the area concealing his cock poke into her lower belly and that urged her to drive her hand up his neck and grip his hair while deepening the kiss, Oliver's hands gripping her plump ass and then hunching down a little before scooping her legs and carrying her over to his desk. Their groans and moans filled the room as the tension got stronger and stronger, Oliver's arms resting under her legs and his hands gripping her ass as her fitted skirt rose up her waist he lowered her on his desk - Aurora reluctantly breaking the kiss as he placed her gently on his desk.

Aurora peered at him as his chest heaved looking back at her. His cheeks looked rosy and his wild wavy hair was framing his face as he looked down at her, his muscles his fitted shirt so deliciously as he bit his bottom lip grazing his hands up and down the back of her thighs until one arm reached up, extending her foot until he gripped her ankle, bringing it closer to him and kissing it as he stared deep into her eyes.  He was already pretty determined before, but Aurora noticed a sudden shift in his eyes.

"I'd like to take you out to dinner right now, come on let's go!" He slapped the side of her thigh lightly as he grinned and reached out for his blazer. He extended his arm out to her to help her get up, Aurora embarrassed and flustered but accepting his hand and coming up. He picked up on her shift in body language and facial expressions and after slipping the blazer on he used both his hands to cup her face to face him again.

"This isn't over, frankly you are the ideal dinner even however, I don't want to move too quickly for you. I really enjoyed the lunch we had and want to experience more with you, how does that sound?" Oliver's deep voice explained to an anxiety-struck Aurora and her face became more relaxed and reassured as he finished talking.

"That sounds lovely, now please help me get off your desk Oliver." Aurora pleaded as they both laughed.



Hope you enjoyed! Sorry it's so long please let me know if this was too much lmao!

Don't forget to like, comment so on so on!

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