Blood Of The Hero

By TheDerangedCrouton

615 58 59

Percy Jackson is as average as any teenager gets. He liked sports, ate way too much, and grew a little sporad... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 4

51 5 3
By TheDerangedCrouton

I thought that to be claimed was a good thing.

But all it brought was more loneliness.

The process of moving out of Cabin 11 was a sad one, even if I'd been there for only two nights. It was probably the most hectic cabin at the camp, but everybody was genuinely welcoming and great to me. I don't think I've ever experienced that kind of friendship before, or I ever will again.

Luke in particular was the one I was bound to miss, even if we would be around each other at camp all the time. He was so cool to me, from putting up with all my questions to saving me from Clarisse at dinner, he'd only been kind to me, even going so far as to steal toiletries to make me feel welcome.

So when I dumped my bag in Cabin 3 for the first time, the sense of loneliness overpowered any feeling of awe I had for the beauty of the view, or the amazing interior design.

I sat down on the blue couch, staring into the fountain that happened to be in the corner of the lounge area, and I just digested my thoughts.

I never really got the chance to properly mourn my mom, the fast paced nature of this camp gave me an opportunity to forget about the internal grief I had locked away.

But now that I was alone, all I could feel was the lack of that loving figure in my life now, the one who would stick with me no matter what. And it got to me.

A tear ran down my cheek. Then another one. And another. Soon enough, I was sat curled up on my new living room's sofa, crying and sobbing into my knees, hiccuping as I wailed.

I sat there for a good half an hour, doing nothing but ache physically and emotionally for my mother, the purest person I ever knew.

She worked three jobs for me, put up with my expulsions, dealt with Gabe, all the while knowing my real nature. And I felt horrible for every time I acted up, or made her life anymore difficult that it already was.

I was crying so much that I had no more tears left to give, and my diaphragm began to ache with all the sobbing and hiccups I was doing.

So I just sat there, unmoving, just remembering my mother, Sally Jackson.

I'm not sure how long I was doing that though, but I do know that at some point, I looked at the clock and nearly shit myself, knowing I was completely unprepared for dinner, rushing to the bathroom for the quickest shower I've ever had in my life.

That was at least one positive thing about being claimed, I had my own... well, everything. Own bedroom, own bathroom, own TV.

I could appreciate that.

I ran out the cabin in a change of clothes, hoping to get to the dining pavilion in time, but when I entered, a man in a leopard print shirt, hawaiian-print shorts and sunglasses, who I could only imagine was the 'Mr. D' Chiron told me about on my first day, yelled out from the table Chiron was at.

"And our unlucky winner for cleaning duty is the Poseidon Cabin!" He smirked, pointing to his cheap looking watch mockingly. "You're the last here kid."

I blushed, feeling everybody's eyes on me, and I started to quickly hurry towards the Hermes Cabin's table, before realising I wasn't part of it anymore and turning back halfway there, to sit by myself at the third table. That was even more humiliating.

Now I could really feel everybody's eyes on me. Especially the Ares table but that was understandable. The last I saw of Clarisse and her two brothers were a couple of Apollo Cabin members awkwardly pulling them out of the earth and lying them on a stretcher, probably to the infirmary.

"Well, now that we're all here, let the feast commence!" Chiron declared, and everybody started chattering away as soon as the words left his mouth, the smell of various different foods flooding the area.

I looked down at my plate and remembered what Luke told me, thinking of a blue chicken wrap, like the ones at KFC, only, well, blue. Sure enough, it appeared.

I got up to wait in line to sacrifice our food, and I looked straight down to avoid any glances people were shooting at me.

I understood why they were doing that, apparently I'm - and these are not my words - 'a forbidden child' because Zeus, Poseidon and Hades shouldn't have kids for whatever reason. I didn't really care though, I wasn't sure what was so special about it, and honestly, I'd rather not be bothered about it.

Unfortunately enough though, one person in particular decided to go against that.

I felt a tap on my shoulder from behind, and without thinking much, I turned around.

It was Annabeth. She had her usual cold expression on, and I met it with one of my own. I wasn't exactly in the best mood to begin with, and I didn't really want to see the woman who almost had me killed for a fucking children's game just a few hours earlier.

"What?" I asked, apathetic. She seemed a little taken aback, not expecting the attitude.

"Just wanted to ask, no hard feeling from earlier?" She responded, and I felt a special type of anger rise in my chest.

The audacity of her expecting forgiveness for sacrificing me like a lamb was too much to stay calm. She wasn't even really apologising, just asking me if I was angry at her.

But I kept all that anger contained, instead, choosing to turn back around and ignore her. She wasn't stupid, she could probably understand what that meant.

She seemingly got the message, not bothering me anymore, and that might have been the best thing for everybody, because I don't know what I would have done if I was pushed anymore than I already had been.

When I reached the hearth, I tore off a piece of my wrap and chucked it in, closing my eyes and taking a deep breath.

To you, Dad.

After finishing my food, I got up to leave, honestly exhausted with the day so far, physically, mentally and emotionally.

But before I could leave, I got a tap to my shoulder, and I snapped my head around, assuming it was Annabeth since that seemed to be her thing to get my attention.

Instead, I was met with the lower body of a horse, and I looked up in surprise to see a stern Chiron. "Not yet, Perseus. Follow me."

I internally groaned, just wanting to crash on my bed and sleep till morning, but I followed him without protest, leaving the dining area and heading towards the Big House, the center of the camp and the 'cabin' Mr. D and Chiron both slept in.

The centaur walked inside, closing the door behind me and inviting me to sit down in a chair, which I happily did.

He cleared his throat before speaking, stroking his beard the entire time. "You may be wondering why you're here."

I nodded, but really I was more concerned of when I could leave to rest.

"Well, Percy, you understand that each Olympian has a symbol of their power, right? Hades has the Helm of Darkness, Athena has her Aegis, your father has the Trident, and so on."

"Yeah. And?" I asked.

"I'm getting to that. You see, Zeus's symbol of power is the Master Bolt, potentially the strongest weapon in the universe. However, it was recently stolen, and as you can imagine, he wasn't best pleased."

"Was it one of the other Olympians?" I asked, and Chiron shook his head.

"Impossible. They are all forbidden from touching each other's symbols of power directly. But they can use others to facilitate that for them, specifically half-bloods, my dear boy." Chiron crossed his arms.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Well, Zeus believes your father had some involvement in this tricky business. It's true to say that Poseidon has always been slightly resentful of his brother's kingship, but he remains adamant he didn't take it. Zeus doesn't believe him. So he gave Poseidon an ultimatum. The Bolt would need to be returned by the summer solstice, in eight days, or there would be war."

"War?" I cocked my head, curious.

"War. The kind that would force the other Olympians to choose sides, and we end up with a Trojan War situation again, except this time it would be a direct battle between them all. It could quite literally end humanity as we know it." Chiron gravely spoke, and I felt goosebumps run down my body.

"So what are you saying? Because I'm Poseidon's son, Zeus thinks he used me to steal it?" I was bewildered but Chiron nodded. "But I've never been to Olympus! I only learnt about all this magical fuckery a couple days ago!"

Chiron shrugged. "I'm not sure Zeus cares, boy. All he knows is that his weapon is gone, and his main suspect just revealed how he could have stolen it  by claiming you. But I believe Poseidon claimed you for a different reason."

"Like what exactly?"

"He may have claimed you to prove his innocence, Percy. He trusts you, and you alone, to represent him in your search for the Master Bolt." Chiron's eye began to twinkle, but I took that news another way.

"So he only bothered to claim me so I can do his dirty work?" I felt disgusting just saying that. Almost sixteen years of absence in both me and my mom's lives, but that was all ignored so I could do him a favour like I owed him anything.

Chiron's expression soured. "You could see it that way. But either way, he made his will clear. He wants, no, he needs you to partake in the quest to find the Master Bolt. Olympus and the future of the world as we know it relies on you, Percy."

"No pressure." I mumbled under my breath. "So I'm guessing I don't have a choice here?"

Chiron shook his head no, and I groaned. "Look, even if I wanted to do this, where would I even go? America's a big country, where do I even look?"

Chiron's face soured even more. "Poseidon may have always been envious of Zeus' position, but he at least achieved a powerful domain. But the third brother... he's always been unhappy with the cards he was dealt."

"Hades." I muttered.

"Yes. He's not even allowed on Olympus, he must stay in the Underworld for eternity, and I'm sure you can understand how that may make somebody a little resentful. It stands to reason that out of all of the gods and goddesses there are, he is the one with the most motivation to carry it out." Chiron sighed.

"Is that why Miss Dodds attacked me?" I asked, putting the pieces together now. "She was one of his Furies right? And she was asking me where something was, was that the Bolt?"

Chiron nodded. "Probably."

"Why don't the other gods suspect Hades then? Can't they just take it from him themselves?"

Chiron closed his eyes and sighed. "It's not that simple, Percy. Poseidon most likely does suspect Hades, but gods may not trespass into each other's domains without express permission, and they certainly can't take a symbol of power directly from another, even if it doesn't belong to them."

I nodded, that made sense to me. But there was something else that didn't.

"Where am I even meant to find the Underworld? Is there like a special place where it stays or what?"

Chiron blinked, a little surprised. "Why, Los Angeles of course! Hollywood to be exact. I thought it was obvious, my apologies Percy."

"Why the hell would that be obvious?" I couldn't help but think, but I shrugged it off. At least I knew where to look now.

I looked down at the floor, a million thoughts running through my mind at once, but one suddenly stuck out.



"My mom... she looked like she died. But all that was left of her was a pile of that gold dust that the Minotaur and Miss Dodds turned into." I started.

Chiron seemingly caught onto what I was saying and nodded. "Well, I know for a fact that monsters never truly die, they get sent back to the Underworld before they can regenerate enough to appear back on Earth. Do you think that's what may have happened to your mother?"

I couldn't help but grin, hope running through me for the first time in ages. "Yeah, exactly! My mom's not dead! She's just in the Underworld!"

Chiron smiled. "Most likely. Maybe if you have enough time, you'll be able to retrieve the Bolt and save your mother in the process?"

I nodded, excitement flooding my head. "I'll do it then! When should I leave?"

Chiron chuckled, shaking his head. "Don't be so hasty, young Percy. Quests are usually undertaken in groups of three, a satyr and two half-bloods typically. As the group leader, you may have choice of the satyr you bring, but the other member will be chosen by myself."

I grinned even more. I thought of my best friend, Grover, slightly guilty. It had been a while since we last talked, I didn't even really know where he was. We could catch up on this quest though.

"Great! I choose Grover!" I wasted no time, and Chiron laughed heartily.

"Excellent! I shall inform him. You will leave tomorrow, at the crack of dawn. Meet your other quest members next to Thalia's Tree, I'll make sure to have a bag ready of things you may need on the quest." Chiron spoke and I nodded giddily.

"I'll go get my things ready!" I sat up, ready to leave excitedly, but Chiron stopped me.

"Not yet, Percy, pace yourself. You still have to face the Oracle, receive your prophecy for the quest. It will detail all the events that will inevitably happen throughout your journey." Chiron pointed upstairs, toward the attic.

When I got my tour of the camp, Chiron explained the Oracle to me as 'the mystical force that foretold legend', whatever that meant. I paid it no attention at the time, but now that I was being told to speak to it, I was a little nervous.

"Right." I cleared my throat, trying to hide my nerves. "So I just go to the attic?"

Chiron nodded, but stopped me again before I could head up the stairs. "Before you leave, I have one last gift to give, Percy."

He reached into his suit pocket, pulling out a golden ball point pen, holding it with utmost care. I stared at it confused.

"This is actually a gift from your father. He gave me this, with the promise that if there ever was a child of the Sea again, I would give this to them. Now I believe he was talking about you." He handed me it, and I examined it carefully, but it just seemed like a pen.

"It's name is Anaklusmos." He sighed and I perked up, somehow translating it in my head.

"Riptide." I breathed and he nodded.

"Yes. Do me a favor Percy? Take off the lid." He pointed to the pen and I obliged, but I nearly dropped it in shock afterwards.

As soon as the lid left the pen, a beautiful, golden, two-feet long sword popped out, perfectly weighted and even. It radiated with a dull bronze glow, and a trident was inscribed at its helm.

"Woah..." I muttered, in awe of the beautiful weapon before me.

"It's made of Celestial Bronze, so it's effective on any monster, half-blood, giant or even titan you choose to use it on." Chiron listed and I nodded.

"Percy, do me another favor, will you? Visualise it as a trident, my boy."

At my questioning look, he just shook his head. "Humor me."

I shrugged and closed my eyes, thinking of a long trident in my grasp, before opening them again, only to see a trident a little taller than me stand proud and powerful, radiating with the same golden glow as the sword.

"Use that how you wish, it is now yours." Chiron smiled, and I grinned. "That will never leave you, it will always return no matter where it is. Remember that."

"Thanks!" I laughed, looking at my new weapon with amazement.

"To return it to its pen form, simply visualise it as such, like the trident." He informed and I nodded, doing so and watched it collapse back into a ball point pen. I stuck it in my pocket.

"Well, don't let me stop you any more. Make your way to the Oracle. Please try to stay sane."

I walked up the creaky steps, careful not to step on a broken floorboard or something while my eyes adjusted to the terribly dim lighting of the attic.

All around me was Ancient Greek junk, vases with patterns, mosaics, old spears and shields that seemed like they were hundreds of years old, and even a stuffed hydra head, with the caption HYDRA HEAD, WOODSTOCK, NY, 1969.

There were random things in jars everywhere, pickled eyes, a hairy claw, and I think I even saw a tongue somewhere, but I'm not sure.

However, the thing that was the most eye catching was what looked like a cheap Halloween decoration at the other end of the attic.

There was a mummified, dead body of what seemed like a woman, but it was missing it's eyes, had dark grey skin and its hair was thin and falling out. It was in fairly good condition, assuming it had been there for as long as the other things in the room, and it sat on a rotting, fragile rocking chair, slowly moving forwards and backwards.

In all honesty, it was by far the creepiest thing I'd ever seen, but I could only assume it was the Oracle since nothing else stuck out to me the way it did.

I mustered the courage in my mind and body, staring at it before taking a step towards it gently, and another, and an-


Green smoke was suddenly released from the body, exiting out of it's eyes, mouth, ears and nose, filling up the room instantly. I jumped more than I card to admit, but I quickly composed myself, watching the green smoke slowly start to take shape into something, no, someone.

There was a double chin, followed by a scraggly beard, receding hairline and broken glasses, and soon enough I was face-to-face with... Gabe?!

Before I could even shout out in surprise, Gabe's face twisted into a sick grin, speaking in a horribly sharp and raspy voice.

"I am the Oracle of Delphi and Phoebus Apollo, slayer of the mighty Python. Come forward and speak your wish!"

Gabe, well, the Oracle, commanded, and I nodded nervously, clearing my throat.

"Tell me the fate of my quest to the Underworld... please!"

The green smoke started to swirl around me, making my clothes flutter as it flooded the room. Gabe's eyes lit up with an orange glow as it spoke.

"You shall go west, and face the god who has turned,

You shall find what was stolen, and see it safely returned,

You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend,

And you shall fail to save what matters most, in the end."

As soon as the words left Gabe's mouth, the green smoke was suddenly sucked in, swirling the attack before being taken straight back to where it came from, leaving the room exactly how it was as quickly as it came.

It only gave me more questions though, really only providing me with vague statements that didn't mean much.

Two things in particular stuck out to me.

"You shall fail to save what matters most, in the end." Was pretty ominous, but whether that meant my mom or the Bolt was something I pushed to the back of my mind, it would only stress me out the more I thought about it.

But what really got to me was the third line.

"You shall be betrayed by one who calls you a friend."

Wasn't exactly great for my morale if I'm being honest.

Word Count: 3,507
Overall Word Count: 14,015

Next chapter should be a lot more exciting, this one was just to slow down a little, instead of rushing through the story.

I took a lot of inspiration from the new Disney+ show, and I think that shows lol. Its also the same prophecy, but the way they go about their quest is different, trust me.

Anyways, I hope you enjoyed and see you next chapter!

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