Another Chance

Por MykieFin

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"Would you believe me if I told you other universes exist." "What-," "Answer the question, Tony." ___ Porta... Más

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: Dosen't Feel Like Freedom
Chapter 3: The Return
Chapter 4: On the Run Again
Chapter 5: God Damn Corvette Drivers
Chapter 7: Too Many Heros
Possible Story Ideas
Chapter 8: The Mystery Begins to Unravel
Chapter 9: Learning A Little Bit More

Chapter 6: This is Some Inter-Dimensional BULLSHIT

873 45 72
Por MykieFin

It had been a few days since Danny's second run in with the billionaire, and things were running rather smoothly.

The teen was chilling in central park, strumming away at an acoustic guitar he had bought just a few hours ago. The pure black instrument fit perfectly in Halfa's arms as he plucked a random tune that filled his head.

The teen briefly wondered what Ember would think if she knew that he knew how to play guitar as well. He had learned when he was a kid, and it was something he often did when he was feeling down or off. He never did it outside the comfort of his own home, though, so no one aside from his two friends and family knew. 

Not even Dani knew, not because he didn't want her to know, more so that it just never came up.

While the young hero was distracted thinking of his clone and ghostly buddies, a young boy walked up to him. The child tapped the young man on his elbow, pulling him from his thoughts. Danny gazed questioningly at the brown haired boy.

“Where is your hat,” the boy asked with a tilt of his head.

“My what,” Danny muttered confused. His blue eyes caught a couple of women a few feet back, watching the teen and child with small smiles.

“Your hat for money. You're a performer, right,” The child asked self consciously.

It was then that Danny saw a couple of dollar bills in the boy's hand. He thought for a moment. He didn't exactly need the money, but he had been contemplating getting a job under the table. He didn't want to use up too much of the insurance money so that he could use it when he got back home. Perhaps being a street performer would be a good idea since he didn't need to worry about falsifying documents or getting an employer in trouble for paying a minor under the table. It would give him some pocket change to use instead of pulling from his stash for things like food and toiletries. He would still need to use his stash for bigger things like his gym membership, which is where he kept up his strength training and took his daily showers.

Finally the teen gave the boy a small smile.

“Oh, I totally forgot I needed one of those,” he laughed,” this is my first day.”

The little boy giggled.

“It's ok, you can use the case! I saw a guy in Times Square use his case to hold money instead of a little hat.”

Danny nodded as he moved the open case in front of him,” That's a good idea, you must be a genius.”

The boy giggled again as he dropped the bills in the case.

“So, since you're a paying customer now, do you have any requests,” Danny asked the boy.

The kid frowned in thought before he smiled and nodded.

“Do you know Spanish,” he asked.

Danny nodded,” I do,”

“Can you play Solo Por Ti? It’s mi mama's favorite song.”

“Yeah, I can do that one. Is that your mom over there? Why don't you bring her over,” Danny smiled at the boy, gesturing to the pair of women who were now looking on curiously.

The little boy smiled wide as he ran off to pull his mother over, the other woman following closely behind.

“¡Date prisa, date prisa mamá! ¡Él va a tocar una canción para nosotros (Hurry, hurry mom! He is going to play us a song!),” The boy cried as he pulled on his mother 's arm excitedly.

“Ya voy querida, espera (I'm coming my dear, hold on),” the woman laughed as she gave the child an exasperated look.

Once the small group was standing in front of Danny, he began to strum his guitar.

Dime qué haría de mis días,   

quien soñaría si no estas.

Cómo podría respirar el aire,lejos de ti.

Cuando no estas aquí.

Solo por ti,caminaría

en la infinidad.


contigo la eternidad.

Solo por tí...

Dime lo que siente tu alma,

dime por qué vive en mi.

No se pero voy muriendo lento

Solo sin tí.

Triste me quedo así...

Solo por tí,caminaría

en la infinidad.


contigo la eternidad.

Solo por tí.

Te daré mil poesías,

las escribiré para tí.

Cantaré mis melodías,

con la música de tu alma...

Solo por tí,caminaría

en la infinidad.


contigo la eternidad...

Solo por ti,caminaría

en la infinidad.


amar por la eternidad...

Yo solo,solo por tí...

Danny opened his eyes, not even noticing that he had closed them, to find a rather large crowd now standing in front of him. He blinked in surprise as people began to clap, smiles on their faces. The boy and two women before were looking on with small tears in their eyes.

A few stepped forward to drop a couple of bills into the teens case, complimenting him before walking off to continue on with their day as the crowd dispersed. The woman from before walked up to him, her son holding her hand as he bounced happily.

“Eso fue hermoso. ¿Mi hijo te pidió que cantaras eso (that was beautiful. did my son ask you to sing that),” She asked.

“Sí, señora ( yes ma'am).”

“Thank you. It was the song my husband sang to me on our wedding day. It has always been my favorite. I will have to tell him about this when I get home,” the woman smiled. The small group then bid their goodbyes as they continued on their walk through the park.

A  warm spark ignited in the teens chest as he began another song.


Danny continued on like this for the next week. He walked to central park everyday around 4 in the afternoon, played a few songs, some singing and some just strumming away at his guitar, before going home.

The mornings usually consisted of heading to the gym for a few hours to work out and shower before grocery shopping and wandering the city. Once all his things were home then he would head to ‘work’.

He had actually made quite the name for himself. Many people came to see him sing each day.

Performing became an outlet for the teen. He sang songs that often reflected how he was feeling, putting a lot of his repressed emotions behind the lyrics.

That was why so many enjoyed his small performances. They could feel the boy as he sang, and they could often relate with what he was saying. He never sang anything original, but he was able to make each cover of each song his own.

Video of him had even made its way onto the internet, which was why Tony Stark was now watching the teen perform on his favorite park bench.

I'm just the boy inside the man, not exactly who you think I am

Trying to trace my steps back here again, so many times

I'm just a speck inside your head, you came and made me who I am

I remember where it all began, so clearly

I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your way

And you create in me, something I would've never seen

When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door

So when they say they don't believe, I hope that they see you and me

After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound

A strange type of chemistry, how you've become a part of me

And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire

You're the only one who knows, who I really am

We all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we are

We all wanna be somebody, we're willing to go but not that far

And we're all see through, just like glass

And we can shatter just as fast

That light's been burned out for a while, I still see it every time I pass

It was lost in the coldness of my mind, behind a box of reasons why

I never doubted it was there, just took a little time to find

And even when

I feel a million miles away, still you connect me in your way

And you create in me, something I would've never seen

When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door

So when they say they don't believe I hope that they see you and me

After all the lights go down, I'm just the words you are the sound

A strange type of chemistry, and you've become a part of me

And when I sit alone at night, your thoughts burn through me like a fire

You're the only one who knows, who I really am

We all wanna be somebody, we just need a taste of who we are

We all wanna be somebody, we're willing to go but not that far

We all wanna be somebody, (be somebody) we just need a taste of who we are

We all wanna be somebody, (be somebody) we're willing to go but not that far

I'm just the boy inside the man, not exactly who you think I am

Trying to trace my steps back here again, so many times

When I can only see the floor, you made my window a door

So when they say they don't believe, I hope that they see you and me

Tony smiled as he listened to the lyrics. He could feel the story behind the song choice, even though he barely knew the kid. 

The man stayed as the group dispersed after the last song, watching the teen with his usual smirk. He watched as the dark haired boy thanked the people who dropped a few more dollars in his case. Once everyone was gone and the boy was distracted by hiding the money away, Tony stepped forward and dropped a hundred on top of the pile of ones and fives.

The boy looked at it a moment before his head shot up as he realized how much money was currently laying in his hand. Blue eyes widened as he recognized the man.

“Tony,” he furrowed his brows in confusion,” What are you doing?”

“Tipping a street performer, A rather good one might I add,” The man grinned cheekily.

Danny rolled his eyes as he snached the hundred and shoved it back into the man's hand.

“I don't need it Tony, but thank you,” he said as he went back to organizing the money into a neat stack that he could easily fit in his ‘wallet’, which was actually a tiny pocket dimension just for his cash and other small valuables that he had hidden near his hand.

The billionaire only rolled his eyes back, amused by the kid's stubborn nature.

“I'm filthy rich, kid. I need the 100 even less than you do.”

“Then give it to another performer,” the teen shrugged as he closed up the case and swung it onto his back.

“Kid,” Tony growled, giving him a stern look.

Danny sighed with a shake of his head,” Look Stark, I may be on the streets but I'm not poor. I'm only performing because I enjoy it and the pocket money makes it so that I don't have to dip into my stash that I'm keeping for when I get home.”

“Then why not get an apartment instead of living in an abandoned Subway station?”

The teen gave him a curious look, wondering how he knew about the station.

“I looked at the subway maps. Your Alley meets up with the entrance to a station that was decommissioned after the Battle of New York,” the man shrugged,” I won't ask how you're able to get in there though, that place is sealed up good from what I saw.”

Danny only gave the older man a knowing smirk.

“I don't have any documentation, remember? And what's the point of an apartment if I'm gonna leave next year at the latest.”

“Guess that's true,” Tony nodded as he made to follow the teen out of the park.

“Well, at least let me give you something, for emergencies.”

That got Danny's attention.

“What do you have in mind?”

The Philanthropist didn't answer. He simply reached into the inner pocket of his zip up hoodie and removed a sleak, black, unmarked box. He slapped the gift into the teens' hands.

Danny looked at the rectangular box warily, wondering what could be inside, he contemplated shaking it to see if it would explode.

Tony rolled his eyes at the teen's actions,” It's not a bomb kid, just open the damn thing.”

Danny smirked as he looked up at the man through his fringe, before grabbing the top of the box and slowly lifting the lid. The teen held eye contact as he ever so gently, and slowly, pulled off the top.

Tony gave him a frustrated look,” Jesus Christ kid, open the thing.”

Danny laughed before pulling the top off the rest of the way and removing the protective foam sheet from the box as well.

Th Halfa's jaw dropped as he saw what the gift was.

“Holy shit-”

“It's the most recent model. I figured you didn't have a phone, and it's not safe nowadays not to have one.”

Danny only stared at the sleek new Stark phone.

“How did you…”

“Know? Well last time we talked you said you were born in ‘90 and that you're 17 so that means the year in your world was either 2007 or 8 depending on what month it was when you left, so that means you either didn't have a phone, or if you did it was a flip phone which would be completely obsolete here. You also said you don't have documentation so you wouldn't be able to get a phone plan or anything.”

“I still can't get a phone plan, Tony,” the boy said, finally tearing his eyes from the phone.

“It's under my name, and don't even think about paying me back or anything. When I told Pep you were on the streets she insisted I at least give you a phone in case you needed help. Don't give me that look, Casper. I didn't say anything about you being an alien from another dimension.”

Danny rolled his eyes,” Ghost.”

“Potato, potato.”

The teen only chuckled, pulling the phone from the box. It had a navy blue case already on it. He held down the on button, watching as the screen came to life.

Danny was captivated by the technology. Sure he had seen all of the many advancements this world had compared to his own, but it still always left him in awe. He knew Tucker would have a field day.

And Sam would be holding a million protests at once.

A  sad smile crossed the teens face. 

Tony frowed, wondering what caused that expression, but he decided not to push.

“Mine and Pep's numbers are in there already.”

Danny startled from thoughts of his friends by the billionaire's voice. He looked up, a small, grateful smile on his face.

“Thanks Tony, but uh, you'll need to teach me how to use it,” The teen gave a close eyed smile as he rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

“Sure kid. Let's go get something to eat and I'll show you how to operate it.”

“Yeah, let's go.”

The pair made their way to a little hole in the wall restaurant  that only sold Perogies. The place was warm and humid from the steaming of the dumplings. Various scents filled the air, but the most noticeable were the scents of bacon and caramelized onions.

“I'll pay,” Danny said as a young man came out from the back and smiled at the pair.

“What can I get you,” He asked with a slight accent.

“Jeśli nie masz nic przeciwko, poproszę ziemniaki i ser (I'll have the potato and cheese, if you don't mind). How bout you Tony,” The teen answered in Polish, surprising the man and Tony.

“Uh, potato and bacon,” the man answered, looking at the kid as if he had grown a second head.

“Yeah, what he said, please,” The teen smiled brightly, pulling the young man from his stupor.

“OK, to będzie 20 dolarów (ok, that will be 20 dollars),” the man smiled. 

Danny pulled a 20 from his pocket before shoving a five into the tip jar beside the register.

“Dziękuję. Twoje jedzenie za chwilę się skończy (thank you. your food will be out in a bit).”

The billionaire and Ghost child made their way to a small table against the wall, with Danny facing the door to keep an eye out.

“You sure do know a lot of languages, don't you,” Tony asked as he gestured for the teen to hand him his new phone.

Danny gave him a confused look as he handed over the device.

“What do you mean?”

“Well I've seen videos of you singing in Spanish and French during your little park performances. I thought you just memorized the lyrics but now I'm guessing you know those languages, too.”

Danny tensed when he heard the word ‘videos’.

“People have been filming me?”

“Yeah. That's how I knew you would be in the park. Some people have been recording your performances and posting them to Youtube,” Tony shrugged.

Danny  relaxed slightly at that, but he still didn't like the idea of being online. Filming back in Amity usually meant a news report on something he did as Phantom and hearing all the differing opinions on him. How some saw him as a hero, and others as a villainous ghost just defending his haunt.

And he didn't even want to think about what filming ment back in the lab.

The pair then spent the next few minutes going over the functions of the smartphone. Tony was impressed with how quickly the teen picked up on all the advanced tech, but the teen just chalked it up to being the kid of a couple of inventors.

About 10 minutes after they sat down, an elderly woman made her way over to them, holding two plates of dumplings. She placed the chinaware down, each dish stacked high with food. Danny turned to thank the woman when a pair of fingers pinched his cheek gently.

“Nie Często przychodzą do nas ludzie, którzy znają nasz język. Wróć w każdej chwili, jeśli będziesz głodny, kochanie. Przygotujemy Cię (It's not often we have people come in who know our language. Come back any time if you're hungry, dear. We'll set you up),” the woman smiled before patting the teens face and walking away.

The boy cupped his cheek, as he watched the woman return to the kitchen. Tony laughed at the gobsmacked teen, causing Danny to blush a soft pink.

“What'd she say?”

“Just to come here whenever I'm hungry. She said not a lot of people come in who can speak Polish so she wants me to come by often.”

Tony shook his head in amusement,” Well if you get this much for 10 bucks then I say take her up on the offer.”

Danny chuckled, silently agreeing with the older man.

“How do you know so many languages anyway?”

“It's one of my powers. I can understand and speak any human language, but I still have to learn to read and write them. So far I can only read and write Esperanto and Spanish,” The teen shrugged before stuffing a warm dumpling in his mouth.

“Well that sure is handy.”

Danny grinned,"I know, right.”


“So how have you been doing, little brother,” Jazz's voice asked through Danny's Phenton Phones.

“I've been good,” Danny smiled. He was currently at Montauk Point State Park, stargazing as he talked to his sister.

“I've started street performing to make some pocket money. I'm actually really enjoying it, and I've seemed to have built a bit of a fanbase,” The teen chuckled.

Jazz smiled on her side, glad to hear that her brother was taking the change well.

“And how has your sleep been?”

Danny's small smile falls slightly,”The same for the most part. At least now I'm able to force myself out of the nightmares. It's getting easier to remind myself that I'm not still there.”

“That's good Danny. You may not be progressing as quickly as you want, but you are making progress. Don't sell yourself short, ok?”

The smile returned to the teens face.


“Anyway,” The halfa decided to change the subject,” How are things with you, Val, and Ellie?”

“Good. Dani has been staying in the zone lately. Her core started manifesting itself a few days ago so she's been staying with Frostbite to train. Val is getting more sleep now that she doesn't have to patrol all the time, and I've started to go out more. It's been nice seeing my old friends from school again,” Jazz explained.

Danny was sad that he wasn't there to help his clone through Ice Core training, but he knew she was in good hands with Frostbite. He was also glad that his Biological sister was finally getting out again. He hoped that she would eventually find a good  boyfriend. She needed more support than Danny was able to give at the moment.

The pair talked for a few more hours before Jazz had to head to bed. Before she left, however, she had something to tell the halfa teen.

“Oh, I almost forgot to tell you. Dani told me that Wulf said he is going to visit you a month from now. Anyway, I need to head to bed. Goodnight Danny.”

The boy bid his sister goodnight as well before placing the pair of green earbuds into their case and returning them to his pocket dimension. He then transformed, turned invisible and made his way back to his temporary home.


Pepper sighed as she watched her Fiancé run around the penthouse of his tower, making sure the bar was fully stocked and that the catered food was set up and had a heat source to keep it warm.

The billionaire was getting ready for the one year anniversary since the Avengers, Guardians, and other heros defeated Thanos and saved half of the Universe from being destroyed by the Infinity Gauntlet. 

The anniversary was actually the previous week, but this was the best time for all of the heros to get together for the celebration. The only one who wouldn't be coming was Carol as she was in another Galaxy at the moment dealing with some Interstellar conflicts.

Peter sat next to Pepper, watching as his mentor ran around like a mad man. He had tried to help earlier, but wasn't given much instruction since there really wasn't anything left to do.

“Mr. Stark, you should probably go change, you're still wearing the shirt you were wearing when that reactor in the lab blew up,” Peter told the man to get him to stop pacing.

  Tony looked down at the scorched shirt and cursed before running off to his room. Pepper smiled and shook her head at the man.

“He’ll never change,” She said to the boy beside her.

“It wouldn't be him if he did.”

The pair were pulled from their musings as Friday announced the first arrivals.

“Cap. Steve Rogers and Dr. Bruce Banner have just entered the elevator,” The robotic voice came from the ceiling.

“Thank you, Friday. Don't tell Tony just yet. He needs some time to cool down before he comes back out,” the blonde woman responded.

Just then a ding sounded from the elevator across from the woman and teen. The doors opened to reveal Steve and Bruce conversing comfortably with each other. Pepper automatically stood and made her way over to the two men, pulling each into a hug. The woman was glad that Tony and Steve had made up after the war and were now on good terms.

“Hello, Pepper,”The blond man smiled as he returned the hug.

“Hi, Pep,” Bruce echoed as he was squeezed into a hug right after.

“Hello boys, Thanks for coming. Tony will be out in a bit, he's just getting changed,” The woman smiled. She then caught the pair giving curious glances behind her. She then remembered that they didn't know that Peter was Spiderman.

“Oh, that's Peter, Tony's personal intern. He's staying with us for a while while his Aunt is out of town. Peter, come say hi,” The woman waved the teen over.

The doe eyed boy walked over shyly, taking Steve’s hand in a firm handshake.

“It's an honor to meet you both, especially you Dr. Banner. Your most recent thesis on gamma radiation was very insightful and helped me a lot with my chemistry final,” The teen smiled as he moved to shake the scientist's hand.

To say Bruce was taken aback and impressed was understatement. His Thesis wasn't meant to be read by anyone other than Doctors in the same field as him, so he hadn't changed any of the advanced terms and Jargon. The fact that this teen was able to understand it was impressive.

“Thank you, Peter. Can I ask what class you were taking?”

“AP Chem at MSST,” The teen answered.

“Midtown School of Science and Technology? No wonder you're Tony's personal intern,” Bruce laughed.
“Is that a good school,” Steve asked.

“The best. It's basically a college just for teenage geniuses,” Tony answered for them as he made his way into the room. He had changed his burnt, oil stained work clothes for a nice crewneck and a pair of high end jeans.

The men greeted each other happily, only stopping their conversation when Friday announced that Natasha and Clint were on their way up.

Over the next hour more and more heros arrived, each of them being introduced to Peter. When the Wakanda Royals arrived, Shuri and Peter got on like a forest fire and were eventually found going over some of their latest inventions.

T'challa was worried for his sanity, but also glad that his sister was making a friend her own age.

By 6 the party was in full swing. With the unfortunate addition of Deadpool who had, at some point, crawled in through a window and refused to leave. Tony had wanted to kick him out, but was stopped since he got along well with Thor and Drax.

Wanda, Vision, and Pietro, who had been saved due to some timeline manipulation during the war, were currently conversing with Stephen about his magic. Vision cut in at times to ask about the time stone's power, as to better understand his own power source.

Loki and Nebula sat by the bar, watching the party and occasionally commenting on either Thor or Drax's actions. Mantis stood by the large Destroyer, smiling at the pair's antics. 

Bucky and Sam sat on either side of Steve, each telling embarrassing stories about the American war hero.

Groot and Rocket had made their way over to the pair of teens, the raccoon putting in his two cents as he looked over the many blueprints.

Quill, Gamora, Nat, Clint, Scott, and Hope were all sat at the couches, having a rather peaceful talk, at least it would have been if the three men weren't dead set on telling the best knock knock joke. Clint and Scott were currently winning due to all of their classic dad jokes.

When Fury and Coulson arrived, the pair had gone straight to Tony, Bruce, Rhody and Pepper. Fury was wearing his usual scowl and Coulson had a slightly worried look on his face, which automatically put the group on edge.

“Lighten up, One Eyed Willy. This is a party,” Tony chuckled, attempting to ease the tension.

“Afraid that's not going to happen, Stark,” The Secret Agent responded coolly. The Shield Director motioned for the man to turn down the music. Tony scowled, but did as he was asked, curious about what had the man's boxers in a knot.

The sudden lack of background music halted all conversation.

“Man of Iron, where has the music gone,” Thor thundered good naturedly, unintentionally making Peter flinch at the volume.

“Ask Fury,” Was all the billionaire responded.

“We apologize for interrupting the celebration, but something urgent has been brought to our attention,” Coulson answered for the Director.

“What is it,” T'challa asked, taking charge like the king he was.

“Our Inter-Dimensional security team has alerted us that there has been a spike in energy pressure here in the tower. At first we believed it was just coming from one of the new projects, but we pinpointed it to the penthouse.”

“I haven't been working on anything up here lately,” Tony realized, eyes widening slightly. 

‘And it can't be Danny, he hasn't come to the tower at all,’ the man thought.

Just then the elevator doors opened, revealing Agent Maria Hill, who was watching a wrist projected hologram intently.

“Energy levels have just spiked,” She stated as she made her way into the room.

Wanda, Stephan, Vision, and Groot could all sense a difference in the atmospheric pressure, as if it was moving up and down erratically in the center of the room.

A high pitched buzzing filled Peter and Rocket's head, causing the pair to cover their ears and groan in pain. Peter's spider-sense was going insane, making the boy twitch as his body couldn't tell where the threat was coming from.

“Peter,” Shuri asked, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder,” what's wrong?”

Tony’s eyes quickly found the doubled over teen, gasping as he ran to the boy's side. He quickly reached into the boy's bag that sat behind him and pulled out a pair of specialty headphones, designed to help with over stimulation. He placed them on the teens head before pressing the button on the bottom to turn them on. He then grabbed a separate pair of ear plugs and handed them to Rocket, which the raccoon quickly accepted and shoved into his ears.

Now that the pair weren't inhibited by the sound, they were looking right at the same spot as the robot, magic users, and tree man. The group all turned to that one spot, all of them getting into a fighting position and readying themselves for a fight.

Tony pressed the reactor on his chest, calling the nano suit to cover his body in a split second. Pepper did the same, though she pressed the pendant of her necklace rather than a reactor.

Rhody pressed a button on his wheelchair, allowing the metal to wrap around him to create his War Machine suit. He moved to stand beside his best friend.

T'challa and Shuri each called on their own vibranium suits, the girl choosing to step in front of Peter to protect him, not seeing her new friend also getting into a fighting position.

Red power flowed from Wanda’s fingertips as she stood between her brother and lover, who were also standing, ready to fight.

Stephan placed his hands together before swinging them out to his sides, allowing his magic robes to appear.

Thor held out his hand as Storm Breaker flew into the room, catching the large ax as a golden shine passed over Loki's irises. Those who only fought with normal weapons, and Sam since he didn't have his Falcon suit, readied themselves, prepared to fight with their now limited resources.

Scott and Hope stood ready as well. They had their suits on under their clothes so they weren't worried about being left out.

And Wade, well he was in the corner of the room, absolutely Fangirling.

They all stood with bated breath as they waited, expecting a portal to open up and release an army of… something, right in the middle of the penthouse.

A swirling, rainbow colored vortex opened horizontally a few feet above the ground. The group tensed, waiting…


And then finally, a group fell through the portal. Most landed on their feet, while some stumbled and landed face first onto the rug beneath them. Four of the group floated gracefully to the ground, a look of confusion on their faces.

The ones who had fallen quickly scrambled to their feet, heads whipping around looking at the group that now surrounded them. The portal closed above them as quickly as it appeared.

“Who are you,” A gruff voice asked from the man dressed in all black, whose face was covered by a cowl.

“We could ask you the same thing,” Fury said monotonously. He stood straight backed and calm, trusting in the world, and Galaxy's, mightiest heros to neutralize the threat.

“We are the Justice League,” One of the floating ones said. He was dressed in a steel blue and red suit, a red cape fluttering behind him. A diamond shaped insignia sat on his chest, with a large S in the center.

“What are you, some cosplay group or something,” Tony asked with a concealed eye roll.

“No, we are heros,” A woman stated, a hand placed on her hip, directly over a golden lasso.

“Never, seen you before,” Natasha glared at the group, keeping her eyes trained on the two women and the youngest looking one of the group. Something in her said to watch out for the kid.

“I HAVE,” Wade squealed as he ran forward. The mercenary booked it straight for the darkly dressed man, only to be stopped by four different weapons being shoved in his face. The mutant didn't care though, he only stood in place bouncing in excitement.

“You're The Batman, and you kids are his sidekicks,” Wade giggled happily, causing everyone to look at him as if he were nuts, which he was.

“Wait, Wade,” Peter asked, now having removed the head phones since the buzzing was gone,” Are these the heros you said were from another dimension.”

“Righty-o Petey,” The man laughed as he skipped over to the teen and placed an arm over his shoulder.

“Wade,” Tony growled.

“Oh calm your metal panties, Iron-Dad. Petey and I are buddies.”

Peter only looked at the hero and shrugged.

“So, let me get this straight,” Maria sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose,” you guys are a group of Superheroes from another dimension.”

“It seems that way, yes,” the man in blue nodded.

“How did you get here,” Fury asked.

“We were investigating a disturbance just outside of Gotham City, when a portal 

opened and sucked us in. It seems to have gotten all of us except for Cyborg and Green Lantern,” Batman stated.

“Are you all heros, too,” one of the other floating men asked. He was dressed in a 

red, and gold suit with a white cape.

“We are,” Steve nodded, relaxing his posture.

“What's with all the spandex,” Tony asked, opening the suit's helmet.

“What's with all the metal? That would totally not be whelming to fight in,” one of 

the ‘sidekicks’ said, a hand on his hip and a smirk on his face. Another hero in yellow snorted, a red gloved hand trying to block his laughter.

“That's not important right now,” Fury stated, turning to look over at Mantis.

The Celestial Hybrid stepped toward the group, causing all eyes to go to her.

“My I touch one of your hands. I will be able to see if you are telling the truth,” The 

the woman spoke softly as she held out a soft green hand.

The Justice League all looked at each other. They knew they had nothing to hide, 

in this regard, but they didn't know if this was some sort of trick. Finally, the blond woman dressed in all black and gold stepped forward. She pulled off one of her gloves and held out her hand. Mantis gave a gentle smile.

“You did not need to remove your glove, but thank you, this will make it easier on me.”

The woman tensed slightly as the small green woman gently grabbed her hand, only to relax as a kind and reassuring feeling washed through her. The antenne on Mantis’ head glowed for a moment as she smiled.

“They are telling the truth,” She turned to Fury before giving the hand she was holding a gentle pat, walking back over to Drax and Thor when she was done.

All of the Avengers relaxed, putting their weapons away. Those who wore nano suits pressed the button to return them to their hiding spots.

One of the sidekicks beside Batman looked on in fascination.

“Nano tech,” He asked as he stepped closer to Tony. The billionaire nodded.

“Developed it myself,” He grinned proudly.

“So where exactly are we,” The dark haired woman with the lasso asked.

“New York city. Midtown to be is specific. And this building is Stark tower, home of Stark Industries,” Pepper answered,'' We are in the penthouse right now.

The League looked around at the modern looking apartment, some noticing just how high up they were.

“We should probably start the introductions now,” Coulson, smiled at the group, hoping to ease the last threads of tension from everyone, especially his boss.

“Good idea, Phil. I'll start,” Steve smiled and stepped forward,” My name is Steve Rogers, but I am known to the public as Captain America.”

“Bucky Barnes. I'm also the Winter Soldier.”

“Sam Wilson, and my hero name is Falcon.”

“Natasha, they call me Black Widow.”

“Names Clint. Codename Hawkeye.”

“Dr. Bruce Banner. Everyone calls me Hulk.”

“Dr. Stephan Strange. I just go by Dr. Strange.”

“Wanda Maximoff, I am called Scarlet Witch.”

“Pietro Maximoff, Wanda's twin. I go by Quicksilver.”

“I am Vision.”

“Thor Odinson, I go by no other name.”

“Loki Laufyson. I also go by no other name.”

“King T'challa of Wakanda. I am known as Black Panther.”

“Hi! I'm Shuri, Princess of Wakanda and T'challa's sister.”

“Scott Lang. They call me Antman.”

“And I'm Hope Van Dyne. I'm The Wasp.”

“Wade Wilson. Some call me Deadpool, most call me Wade.”
“Peter Quill, leader of the Guardians of the Galaxy. They call me Starlord.”

“I am Gamora, and this is my sister Nebula.”

“I am Mantis.”

“I am known as Drax The Destroyer.”

“Rocket Raccoon, They just call me Rocket. And this big guy and Groot.”

“I am Groot.”

“Ha see!”

“Hi I'm Peter Parker.”

“James Rhodes, but you guys can call me Rhodey. My hero's name is War Machine.”

“I'm Pepper Potts. I don't have an official name yet but some have started calling me Rescue.”

“Tony Stark. I'm known as Ironman in the suit. This is my Tower we are in.”

“And I am Shield Director Fury. These are Agents Coulson and Hill.”

The Justice League did their best to remember the names.

“Why did you give us your civilian names,” Batman asked.

“Cause everyone knows who we are. All it takes as google search and you would know our identities,” Scott shrugged.

“I see,” the Dark Knight hummed.

“You don't have to give us your civilian names if you don't want to, but you can't stay in your hero costumes forever,” Peter stated.

“He's right,'' the dark haired woman stated, meeting the eyes of her teammates.

Batman looked into the faces of each of his children. The two eldest seemed fine with the idea, and the second youngest looked like he didn't care one way or the other.

Batman's youngest was the only one who seemed against the idea, but would follow the others if it came down to it.

Batman met Superman's eyes, giving a tiny nod.

The Man of Steel stepped forward, deciding to go first.

“I'm Clark Kent. My hero's name is Superman. These are my protégé’s Conner Kent and Jon Lane Kent. Conner is known as Prime, and Jon is Superboy.”

“Hey, I'm Barry Allen, they call me The Flash.”

“And I'm his nephew, Wally West. They call me Kid Flash, but I'm trying to drop that name now that I'm an adult.”

“I am Diana Prince, Princess of the Amazons. I am known as Wonder Woman.”

“Dinah Drake, I am known as Black Canary.”

“I am Arthur Curry, Prince of Atlantis and The hero Aquaman.”

“Oliver Queen. They call me Green Arrow.”

“Hi! I'm Billy Batson. They call me Captain Marvel.”

“Huh… Just like Carol,” Pepper hummed.”

“He also goes by Shazam,” Clark added.

“Good to know.”

“How about you tall, dark, and broody,” Tony asked, looking at Batman.

“Bruce Wayne. I am known as The Batman or The Dark Knight. These four are my sons and Protégé’s.”

“Hi, I'm Richard Grayson-Wayne, you can call me Dick. I am the original Robin, sidekick of Batman, but now I go by Nightwing.”

“Jason Todd-Wayne. Second Robin. I'm currently known as Red Hood.”

“Timothy Drake-Wayne. Robin number three. They call me Red Robin now.”

“Damian Wayne. I am the current Robin.”

“Damn dude, and I thought I was a playboy,” Tony chuckled.

“Ha,” Jason barked as the other birds laughed,” You have no idea, but we are all adopted. The demon brat is Bruce's only biological child.” The young man placed a hand on the boy's shoulder.

“I suggest you remove your hand before you lose it, Todd,” the boy dressed as a stop light said as he pressed a Bird-a-rang to Jason's wrist joint.

“Ok, so now that we have that out of the way, we need to figure out a way to get you all back home,” Quill reminded everyone.

“I will gather what I can from our IDS division, however I am not sure when we will have enough information to get you back home.”

“I guess it's a good thing we still have some of the League back in our world. They can watch over our posts while we're gone,” Barry stated as he saw Clark and Bruce tense.

“Yeah, we still have Signal, Oracle, Batgirl, and Spoiler back in Gotham. And Supergirl is in Metropolis too. And I'm sure Artemis and Red Arrow can keep Star city in check for a while,” Dick added.

As the group talked, Bruce kept his eye on the man named Tony. His fellow billionaire looked to be deep in thought, ignoring the conversation around him.

“What's with that look, Stark,” Loki asked, pulling attention to the former playboy.

“None of your concern, Reindeer games,” The man said distractedly, causing a few who understood the joke to chuckle.

“Stark, If you know something, you better speak now,” Fury glared at the man.

Tony frowned as he contemplated on telling them. He wondered how mad Danny would be if he outed him. 

Finally he decided it would be best to just tell them.

“Hey, Strange. Think you can make a portal to their Dimension?”

“No, unfortunately. I can only make portals between timelines of this dimension,” the sorcerer shook his head.

“Thought so. Ok, so since that Idea is a bust, I may know someone else who can help.”

“You do,” Peter asked from beside a confused looking Pepper and Rhodey.

“And, who exactly would this person be,” Fury's glaire turned deadly.

“You don't know them,” The man shrugged as he pulled his phone from his pocket.

“Don't know…,” Maria sighed exasperated.

“Get a hold of them, but after this, we are having a talk, Stark,” Fury practically growled.

The group got quiet as Tony placed his phone to his ear, all of them waiting with bated breath.

Danny was walking back to his home when he felt his phone go off. He pulled the sleek device from his back pocket, only glancing at the name before he answered.

“Sup Tony,” The teen answered.

“Hey Casper, are you free at the moment?”

“Why, asking me on a date? That's creepy, even for you. Not to mention I'm no match for Pepper,” Danny chuckled, he could practically hear the eye roll.

“Just answer the question, kid.”

“Yeah, I was just on my way home but I'm free otherwise.”

“Can you come to the tower, I need your help with something,” The man asked, losing the sarcasm he usually had. Danny frowned, knowing something was up.


“Yes now.”

“Ok, ok. Don't get your knickers in a twist. I'll be there in 15.”

“Alright, and bring those earbuds with you.”

“Never leave home without them. I'll see you in a bit.”

“Alright, see you soon. Be careful kid.”

“Will do Tony, will do,” Danny hummed before hanging up, a slight smile on his face.

Tony frowned slightly as he pulled the phone from his ear.

“He'll be here in about 20 minutes.”

“Who is ‘he’,” Natasha asked. She didn't miss the way he called the guy ‘kid’. None of them missed it.

“His name is Danny-”

“Wait,” Pepper gasped,” You mean the kid who saved me? That Danny?”

“The very same.”

“Wait, what are we talking about here,” Clint asked.

“About a month ago Pep almost got hit by a car. Danny, the kid I just called, pushed her out of the way before she became a pancake. Anyway, the day after he saved you, Pep, I went to give the kid a reward and found out he was living on the streets. We got to talking and one thing led to another and he told me he was from another dimension.”



“And you didn't think to tell us.”

“Tony, what if he's dangerous,” Steve asked, a worried look on his face.

“The kid isn't dangerous. I've been keeping an eye on him and he hasn't done anything sketchy. He told me he's only gonna be here a year or so before he goes back to his universe.”

“So he came here on purpose, and is capable of returning whenever he wants,” Oliver confirmed.

“As far as I know.”

“How do you know he isn't a threat,” Fury asked.

“Like I said, I've been keeping tabs on him. He also mentioned that he has powers, but I haven't seen him use them at all, except for the language thing.”

“Is it like my All Speak,” Thor asked, intrigued.


“You believe he may know a way to get us back home, if he is capable of moving between dimensions at will,” Bruce stated, bringing the group back on track.

“Yes, I do.”

“A Mr. Daniel Fenton has just entered the elevator,” Friday announced, startling the League Heros.

“Thank you, Friday.”

“Alright he'll be here any second now. Just don't scare him off, alright.”

All eyes landed on the elevator as the doors slid open.

Fun Fact #13: So, you know how Stan Lee would have cameos in all the Marvel movies back when he was still alive? So that Barista in the last chapter was my cameo. I'm actually a barista in real life.

Fun Fact #14: The only ones who know Peter are Spider-Man are Tony, Pepper, Happy, May, Rhodey, Ned, Fury, Hill, and Colson. Oh, and Wade, but he knows everything.

Fun Fact #15: Wade and Peter are buddies behind the masks, but Peter doesn't know that Wade knows that he's Spidey, if that makes sense.

Fun Fact #16: Dick and Wally are both 23.
Jason is 20.
Tim, Peter, and Shuri are all 17.
Connor, Jon, and Damian are all 11 (Connor looks to be in his 20's but is technically 11)

Fun Fact #17: Peter got his powers at 15 in this story

Fun Fact #18: Those 2 songs that Danny sang were Solo Por Ti by Josh Groban and Be Somebody by Thousand Foot Krutch

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