
By 1uckygold

3K 102 9

What if Fairy Tail actually SAW what happened during their state of Algeria? What if they just witnessed hist... More

Ghost-War: Part 1

Ghost-War: Part 2

997 32 3
By 1uckygold

** I couldn't decided which video to use... I love them both!! **

Credit: @ Luffy Dragneel for the first video, "Lucy vs Tartaros - A Demon's Fate"

Credit: @ JaenDku for the second video, "Lucy vs Jackal - My Demons"



"She passed out..." Loke worriedly believed, but that was not the case as Lucy moved ever slightly.

"Glad you made it," Lucy smiled, as if there was no doubt in her mind Aquarius wouldn't show.

"I'm gonna say this one more time, you're a damn idiot," Aquarius snarled, but Lucy still smiled brightly with tears in her eyes. Aquarius safely shoved Lucy behind her and summoning a storm of water from her jug, creating a tsunami to be unleashed.

"Who in the hell is that?" Jackal gaped, confused at the fish-lady that popped up.

"She's my friend..." Lucy mumbled.

"Just stay out of my way—Hahhh!!"

The wave hit their target, Jackal sputtering as he choked on water and got sent into the current... Even Lamy's slippery curse couldn't work on Aquarius's water as she screamed and fell in. It seemed the water avoided Loke and Virgo, both still surfing on their rafts.

"This is too much for you!" Loke shouted, attempting to gain Lucy's attention.

"You need to close one of our gates while you still have the strength!" Virgo reasoned—eyes widening to see Lucy glance at her just slightly, a soft smile upon her face... She wasn't going to do it.

However, Torafuzar was seen barely underwater in the whirlpool that had Aquarius stare in shock.

"That thing... It's swimming against my current."

"Water is a specialty of mine," Torafuzar said, Aquarius not having time to react as he burst through the water in front of her and used his blade to slice at her arm that had her screaming in pain. It didn't cut it off, but it did have Aquarius dropping the jug and falling to the ground in her own puddle.

"Leave Aquarius alone!" Lucy shouted, willingly the shark-demon's attention to go on her instead but with Aquarius out of commission, the water wasn't a friend as it shoved Lucy around.

"Dammit..." Loke hissed.

"I'm on my way," Virgo stated, the two missing a presence behind them.

"Not for long ya aren't," Jackal snickered, grabbing the two by their necks that caught them in surprise before screaming in agony as he exploded them both.

"Loke! Virgo!"

"H-He got me... Goodbye Princess," Virgo spat out painfully, afraid to look away from Lucy—despite disappearing back into the celestial world—She was afraid for the first time of punishment... She didn't want to go with the chance she'd never see Lucy again.

"I'm sorry," Loke said, struggling to stay, "W-We failed."

The three demons were now surrounding Lucy's fallen-self... Her eyes were dull and her body numb from overusing magic—Torafuzar at least attempted to give the human mercy, if it wasn't for Jackal intervening with a hard-glare that caused the shark-demon to scoff and leave. Lamy was the only one left, holding Lucy in delight for "Jackal-kun" ... An annoying pest, Jackal thought as he reached out.

The hand upon her face had Lamy shutting up for the first time—An explosion ringing in Lucy's ears in disbelief at Jackal killing his comrade... There was no-body left of Lamy's.

Yet before the same could happen to her, a body of water pushed Jackal out of range and protectively dragged Lucy to safety, in the arms of Aquarius. The celestial spirit is fighting through the pain.

Everyone back at the stadium released a breath that they didn't even know they were all holding—The tension in the air was thick, the dragon slayers perked as their ears picked up a whisper.

"P-Please... stop..." Lucy muttered, shaking in the seat, "I-I don't... I don't want to see..."

They all had the same thought, 'What did she not want to see?'

"Listen up... I can't beat them; I can only slow them down. Same goes for the rest of the zodiac," Aquarius stated, seriously as she used both her hands to force the water in a stronger current, "These demons... They're too strong."

"Yeah..." Lucy sighed—It seemed it was a losing battle after all, she was still too weak...

"But..." She perked, Lucy staring upward with a newfound hope, "There's still one way you can win this."

"T-There is?"

"We barely have the time for me to say this once... So pay attention," Aquarius said, "You're strong Lucy... Strong enough to keep three Gates open, and strong enough to summon him—The Celestial Spirit King!"

Gajeel spit out his drink, coughing horribly as Levy attempted to soothe him—Some of them knew the Celestial king, and he was definitely not one to mess with. Even Gajeel knew, to do something like that would take up tremendous power.

"Oh wow~ The king? Lucy-san will win for sure!!" Wendy was awed, giggling cheerfully—Gray brought out his fist to fist-pump Natsu but turned confused when the fire dragon slayer waved him off nonchalantly. Yet the confusion didn't last long, Erza slamming Gray's head into her armor for a hug once more with tears in her eye.

Yajima's jaw dropped and Sting only knew little information of the Celestial world from Yukino that the king was of high importance.

"Oh, ho! This just keeps getting interesting," Chapati cheered with the crowd, "This shows that Lucy is not just an ordinary wizard, has she been holding back this entire time?"

"The king... Is that possible??"

"Why else would I say it?" Aquarius snapped, "This... This won't be easy, but it's our only chance—His strike from the stars can obliviate any foe. Even this one."

"Call him... But how? I... I don't have his Gate key," Lucy mumbled, sadden with the realization that it was over—She los—

"The Celestial Spirit King has no key, Lucy," Aquarius interrupted her train of thought as if she already knew what Lucy was thinking, "There's another way to open his gate... with a Zodiac key. The price is a hefty one though... You can open the gate of the King only once and ONLY by breaking a golden key—Forever..."

Lucy's eyes widened in horror.

The crowd was in the same boat, a gasp leaving their lips—Yukino shook, a hand coming up to cover her mouth... The Celestial wizard felt like she was going to be sick.

Fairy Tail glanced at one another, uncertain—They knew Lucy wouldn't dare do something like that, she loved her spirits too much but then... How did she...

"You can't just break any golden key either. The King's Gate will only open if the level of trust between wizard and spirit is especially strong..."

"There has to be another way!" Lucy screamed, "I won't do it—I MEAN IT!! It's like telling me to pick a best friend to betray!"

"It's not a betrayal if I let you..." Aquarius mumbled, Lucy snapping up from her hands with disbelief. Her tears stopped for a moment, in fact, it felt like she couldn't breathe. "Only thing I've ever trusted you to do is act like a fool, but we do go way back... So I think it'll work," Aquarius attempted a joke, a grin upon her face but it did nothing to lighten the mood.

"Are you... saying I should—"

"Do whatever it takes to save your friends?" Aquarius said, "Yes."

"B-But you're one of them!" Lucy shook her head, splashing the water like a kid having a tantrum, "I'm not about to sacrifice one friend to save another! It's... WRONG! There's another way... There has to be. All we need to do is figure it out!!"

"Do you think I would suggest this if there was still another option?! This is the ONLY chance that you have!"

"NO!! That's NOT true!!!" Lucy cried, shaking in place.

The crowd cried with her... They didn't know much about celestial spirits and their wizard but the despair in Lucy's voice had them bawling—Yukino's eyes never left the screen... She couldn't believe it. Lucy can open three Gates at once AND summon the Celestial Spirit King?! She never believed there was a difference in their magic power... It seemed she was wrong. Lucy was truly amazing.

Meanwhile, at the balcony where the guilds stood—Team Natsu trembled. They knew what would happen... They weren't a fool, well maybe they were to never notice their friend in pain, but they trusted Lucy's word when she never called Aquarius to battle. Simply stating that Aquarius has a date and she'd rather not die, Natsu and Happy's fear of drowning averted them from the harsh truth.

The MPF continued to rise...

"You hear that? He'll break soon. You have to be strong... Please!"

"I-I can't..." Lucy hiccupped, she tried to wipe her tears away, but they just kept coming.

"It's not like you breaking my key will kill me okay?" Aquarius scoffed, "I'll be fine. It'll be like I moved... Somewhere very far away."

"That... That would still be too sad," Lucy sobbed, shaking her head.

"Maybe for you but I'll be relieved," Aquarius huffed, smiling as the lie tainted her tongue, "Your mother was an extraordinary person, the best master I've ever had. When she lost her life, and my key was passed on to you... I could barely take it." Lucy's cries fell harder, even as she continued to speak, "You were an ignorant brat that cried all the time and took everything for granted. You didn't inherit an ounce of your mother's natural grace. But I had to tolerate you because you were Layla's daughter—I loathed you... despised you for such a very long time—"

"I don't care that you hate me!" Lucy interrupted, slamming her fist into the ground, "You're still my first friend and I love you!! There's nothing you could say that could change that—Stop trying!!"

"QUIET ACTING LIKE A DAMN CHILD!!!" Aquarius shouted, scolding like a mother would to her kin, "You could lose every friend you have, or you could just lose me!! What matters most in life?! Keys? Memories? ...You're guilty conscious?! Or is it this... The strength to make sacrifices to protect the ones you love even when it hurts you." It was clear that at this point Aquarius wasn't talking about Lucy but rather herself—a sacrifice to save her, even if it burns.

Aquarius didn't give a DAMN about the guild—If she could, she'd teleport Lucy to the Celestial World with her to keep her safe... but she knew Lucy wouldn't forgive her, or maybe she would... but her heart would consume her eventually.

"Natsu isn't coming!! It's all on you!!"

Upon the balcony, Natsu's bottom lip trembled, feet nearly giving out.

"Natsu..." Gray trailed, eyes softening ever slightly to see what this memory was doing to his frenemy.

"D-Don't... Just don't..." Natsu mumbled—Lucy never told him any of this, and he left her...

"Lushie..." Happy cried silently, tail and ears dropping at the pain that was heard on the screen.

"Pick your words carefully girls, this will be the last fight you've ever had," Jackal sinisterly smiled, hand reaching out. He was nearly there... Just a bit farther he had to stretch, hand glowing with the ready to explode them out of existence.

"I... I love you Aquarius... I-I love you so much."

"Yeah, I know—NOW DO IT!!!"


Aquarius clenched over her heart, 'It feels like my heart is on fire...' She didn't know if this was because of her Gate forever coming to an end or maybe...


'I meant what I said... I hate this stupid brat.'

"O-Open—" Lucy's voice hesitated ever slightly.


"Mermaid! Mermaid!" Younger-Lucy cheered; arms outstretched for an annoyed Aquarius to carry her.


'I can't stand her... but...'

"OPEN—" Aquarius watched Lucy as she gained more confidence, her power burning hotter by the second as it went into Aqurius's key.

'These emotions...'


"It can't be a crime to protect the people you care about!" Lucy shouted, summoning all her spirits and pointing an accusing finger at the Celestial Spirit King with a harsh glare. A dying Loke, staring in shock upon the floor, amazed and scared at the same time.

"Holy shit—Blondie summoned all her spirits at the same time?!" Sting's jaw dropped at seeing a memory that came from Aquarius—Lucy's face looked slightly younger too, not as defined as now.

"It... It seems this isn't the first encounter Lucy has had with the king either..." Chapati couldn't move, wig long gone from how much he fell over in his chair. Yajima wasn't in a better position... He was frozen.

Fairy Tail blinked—This must've been the time Lucy saves Loke, those two never did go into detail on what happened that day.

"This better be the last time I tell you this... but don't ever DREAM of summoning from your stupid little pet prison again—It's a goldfish bowl for crying out loud!!!"

"But... He's got a tail just like you," Younger-Lucy mumbled, twiddling with her fingers. She couldn't even look Aquarius in the eye.

"Are you saying that me and that simple little creature have something in common?! Because that is insulting," Aquarius sneered, face darkening.

"I didn't mean to make you mad..." Younger-Lucy sighed.

"Geez, you seriously need to find some other rugrats to play with," Aquarius huffed, easing her attitude ever slightly when hearing the broken tone in Lucy's words. Glancing at the estate's halls as if children would pop up out of nowhere—I mean, Virgo could do it, why couldn't they?

"There aren't any..." Those words caught Aquarius's attention, surprised to not only hear her sound defeated but to just see Lucy's eyes dull and just so... Lifeless at this point. "That's why I'm so lonely—You make me happy, but I only seem to make you mad. I'm really sorry..."

Aquarius softened—Fine... She'll play with her. Just this one.

"So, Lucy can summon a gold-key even at a young age? It seems even at toddler's height; she held an includable amount of power—What do you think, Sting?" Chapati asked their guest announcer of his thoughts.

"I don't know much about celestial-magic, but her childhood sounded so sad," Sting said, scratching the back of his neck.

"That's right... Lucy is from a high-class family and only heir to the Heartfilia Estate railroads!" The new information had the crowd whispering, even the other guilds glanced at one another—Lucy abandoned all that wealth to be a mage?

Fairy Tail was the only one crying at this point, quite proud of their girl.

"Yes, Sting, Chapati... But let's not forget that Lady Lucy is something special—Celestial magic is rarer now than it's ever been, BUT Lady Lucy is the only Celestial wizard that is from generations of Celestial mages. Each Heartfilia has at least, once, held all twelve zodiacs in possession... In fact, it is rumored that the Heartfilia Family were descendants from the stars themselves," Yajima said, finally snapping out of his trance.

'Despite myself, I'm gonna miss you—You suck! I'm gonna miss you bad...' Aquarius smiled, glancing back at Lucy for one last time. Her water disappeared as her body started to fade.

"OPEN—GATE OF THE KING!!!!" The pain was clear in Lucy's voice, holding Aquarius's key to her heart.

'I'm grateful though... For every moment we shared,' Aquarius finally let her tears fall, she didn't want to be separated from her baby because despite everything... She raised Lucy— 'You've always treated me well... Thank you, Lucy.'

Aquarius faded the same time her key shattered—The pain in Lucy's screams could shake anyone that had a heart to their core, it was awful... It sounded like she was being stabbed a million times and over—From afar there was a battle cry, a shooting star seen before crashing through Plutogrim that had the cube roaring and falling apart—Yet Lucy didn't care as debris fell, a miracle that one didn't fall on the Celestial mage.

"W-What did you do?! What ARE you?!"

... "A fallen star... or King," Mard Geer's eyes widened in surprise at who was before him; He was amazed. "It's been quite a while, King of the Stars."

The whole stadium was quite... Except for the fact that Lucy was now crying in the chair she was strapped too—Her tears were still Earth shattering that had all of them slightly sobbing.

Everyone just witnessed the Celestial King for themselves, how big he was... How strong—at this point the MPF started to overheat, gasps echoing to see it reached 9999, only to short-circuit as the memory continued to play, the MPF wishing to go further.

"Aquarius!!!" Lucy wailed, Fairy Tail could no longer watch, directing their gaze somewhere else at the rawness. Even Laxus and Gajeel attempted to hide their tears.

"My old friend is on the ground, sobbing and twisted in pain—Did she try to impede your journey?"

"Yes she did," Mard Geer smirked, quite amused at this conversation.

"The tears she sheds... They anger me—"

The crowd shivered at the threat in the King's words, how dark he spat them out—Lucy seemed to be on a pedestal for the King.

They all watched in silence as the Celestial King battled the Underworld King—Both clashing together, neither able to get the drop on one another just yet.

"So what happened... Why did our fortress crash and burn—You did this, didn't you?!" Jackal sneered, standing to see Lucy on the floor, clutching a broken key with both hands as she silently cried, "Stop with all the pitiful blubbering and answer me!! Whenever I see someone crying like that, it makes me want to gouge out their eyes—I SAID ENOUGH!!"

Jackal threw out his hand in front, the ground around Lucy's body illuminated—Yet she didn't care, she'll take the hit... At this point, nothing mattered.

But... Jackal's eyes widen to see the explosive-fire snuff out, Lucy cracking an eye open to see a water bubble surrounding her in a shield of sorts.

"A force field of water...? Aquarius!! Are you here?? Please, talk to me!" Lucy cried, sitting up straight as she threw the broken key to the ground and looked around frantically for any sign of the mermaid—However, Lucy's eyes widen when her hair flowed, an aura of blue-magic surrounding her body and gasping in surprise to feel the coldness of foreign magic flow throughout herself. Even Jackal stood back in surprise.

"The hell... HEY! Why are you glowing like some kind of star?! Are you trying to pull another one of your freaky stunts?!"

'I can feel it... Magic power,' Lucy thought, confused.

"Aquarius holds a great deal of magic power in her hands... and that is now shared with you," A familiar deep-voice sounded in Lucy's head, her eyes dilating in alarm as her outfit changed and a familiar tattoo burned into her pale-skin.

"Celestial Spirit King?" Lucy questioned, unsure of what was happening still.

"Use it... Stand up," He ordered.

'This was her last gift to me... Her power,' Lucy gritted her teeth... She was wobbly, but she did in fact stand.

"Rise and make use of what you've been given."

"I will!"

"My old friend, may the radiance of the stars be your guide..."

"Thank you, your majesty!" Lucy screamed into the air, uncaring if she sounded crazy talking to what might as well been a ghost in front of her.

"You stupid girl!!" Jackal cried, anger boiling in his veins.

'You too Aquarius... for everything you've done,' Lucy thought, eyes closed and feeling over the moon that she could actually feel Aquarius when using this power.

"You forgot my curse, well let me remind you!! Burn baby, burn~" Jackal laughed, throwing multiple explosions after another. Aiming one right to her chest in hopes of blood splatter, a wide smile upon his face.

"LUCY!!" The Fairy Tail guild screamed, horror in their face... There were absolutely no way she could've survived that, but how did—

"That did it... There won't even be a body left to bury—No way! T-That's impossible!!" Jackal took a step back, eyes staring fearfully to see the smoke clear, and Lucy was left untouched... Her water shield falling apart.

'Your right Aquarius... I can't keep on crying forever.'

"Explosion Spiral!!" Jackal screamed, throwing out his toughest curse-spell—Yet he began to panic when the tornado of fire died, turning into nothing but steam and smoke... It wasn't able to break the water-dome.

'I have to save my tears.'

"What the—I-I don't get it!"

'Because right now, I need to help my friends,' Lucy thought, clenching her fist together when feeling everyone was still stuck in Algeria. Natsu is still attempting to reach out for her in his frozen-state, 'I need to fight!'

Survey the Heavens, Open the Heavens...

All the Stars, far and wide...

Show me thy appearance...

With such shine.

Oh, Tetrabiblos,

I am the ruler of the stars...

Aspect, become complete...

Open thy malevolent gate.

Oh, 88 Stars of the heaven...


"What is she babbling about?" Jackal mumbled, fearfully to see Lucy glowing and whispering to herself... Stepping back when he was now surrounded by a starry-sky—When the hell did they teleport? "I don't know what she is saying, but I know it's not gonna be good—NO! D-Don't do it!!"

"Urano Metria!" Lucy shouted, eyes snapping open to see a magic circle with a golden star in it—Jackal wanted to run, but he froze as all the constellations came for him. In an adrenaline rush, he did attempt to flee but the spell HAD grabbed him and sent him into the sky where all the stars took their aim.

All the demons froze where they were in the maze of their fortress, sensing Jackal was no more—Some were intrigued, others confused, and a few fearful of this magic power.

The King could be seen, his movements slowing down, and it was clear Mard Geer took notice too. Yet that didn't stop the Celestial Spirit King—He'll go for that attack.

"I swore an oath to eliminate you—Come to me, may the starlight fantasy of the 88 illuminated bodies imbue the spirit with Celestial might! Galaxia blade!!"

"It's an ammonal directional attack?" Mard Geer clenched his fist to see the Celestial King point his sword towards the sky. Splitting the open sunset in half, showing the starry-sky as a powerful glow shot down to the Earth's ground. It was seen far and wide—Mard Geer struggling to stand against the power it radiated, "Your summoner is nearby, will you eliminate her as well?!"

"So that's what that crazy disturbance was all those years ago," Chapati's jaw dropped, even some people in the crowd did the same. Most remembering that crazy-light show last year, they just didn't know this was the reason.

"Oh man, Fairy Tail is a bunch of monsters—That's so freakin' awesome!" Sting cheered, grinning cheekily—He had so much more respect for the blondie, now he knew why Natsu talked so highly of her.

"Yes, but is the Celestial King really so heartless to destroy his summoner too in order to win?" Chapati questioned whether or not his respect for the King was downgraded.

"Doubtful," Yajima cut in, arms crossed... Someone of high importance that could be closely related to a divine-being that considered Lucy a friend, wouldn't so carelessly put them in harm's way.

"The hell—Is he really gonna sacrifice, bunny-girl?" Gajeel growled.

"No... Look at his facial expression," Mirajane said, frowning.

"Smile..." The King said, a bright smile upon his face and no hesitation in his spell-work—Mard Geer expected the attack to be called off, his eyes widening in fear before shielding his eyes at the bright-light.

"You wouldn't dare!"

The whole ground cracked under the power, Alegria illuminating a bright-golden color as everyone that was trapped seemed to be moving freely—Each guildmate showed worry and confusion on how they ended up on the ground, most of them having found one another. They didn't show too much concern for Natsu and Lucy's whereabouts though, believing if those two were together that they'd be fine.

"You've broken the Alegria curse?" Mard Geer felt the presence of the wizards that were once gone, shaking in anger.

"The cleansing light of the stars has chased away the sinister shadow you've cast. My old friend and her comrades will finish the job here, they'll send you back to where you belong..."

"Curse you," Mard Geer sneered.

"Once again, your lack of understanding is glaring—You saw my bond as a chain tied to a weight, but this is not so. This bond connects our hearts and minds, it means we share in our goals, it means we will finish what the other has begun without question. It is FAR from weakness... In fact, this bond is our greatest strength. But now your weakness is exposed, your ignorance of love, trust, and friendship. The concept that will never enter your mind, so you neglect them at your own peril but before I leave this place for the Celestial World and my old friend continues the task we share, there is one more thing I must do to help my comrades—My dear friend, I look forward to our next meeting... I know it will be under more joyful circumstances."

"You're running away?!" Mard Geer hissed, hand outstretched as if that would stop the King from disappearing, only to halt... His body turned to stone. "No... What is this? Does that starry-eyed fool think he can stop me? I know that victory shall be mine in the end. If the human and the King should truly share hearts, I'll just have to make sure to cease their beating—They will share death..."

..Torafuzar stared at Jackal's dead-body with an unreadable expression before directing it to the girl that lay in exhaustion. Mumbling to herself—

"How is this possible? That pitiful little girl took out Lamy and Jackal? Her magic must be more powerful than we thought—He should've just killed her when he had the chance, but I'll do it now!!" Torafuzar swung his blade, only for an iron-club to block it as the clash between blade and iron caused the demon to fly back.

"Gajeel..." Lucy mumbled.

"This can't be... I thought the girl was the only remaining survivor."

"Eh?" Gajeel frowned in confusion.

"It would appear Mard Geer's Alegria curse has been lifted but still... The fairies will FALL—It is their fate!!" Keyes shouted; staff raised only to drown mid-air as water hit him directly.

"Water-Nebula—I won't let you harm my friends!!" Juvia screamed, shielding Gajeel and Lucy with her water.


"You should cool down," Zero smirked, turning the water to ice as it came straight for Juvia. The water-mage watching in terror—If that reached her... Familiar ice blocked the attack, countering it as they both shattered into icicles.

"Not happening!!"

"Gray," Lucy's eyes softened.

"Nice one..."

Another demon popped up, eyes narrowed as he opened his mouth, "Woosh~" Fire blew out, the three mages backing up at the attack in worry, feeling the scorching heat—But it never came, the flames barely grazing their skin before being sucked into the mouth of another. Familiar pink-hair coming into view but shocking the rest of the demons.

"What is this?! He's eating my fire attack??"

"Wow Lucy... I don't know how you did it, but you saved the day," Natsu grinned, proud of his girl—He didn't need to be told who saved them... He felt it, that was definitely Lucy. The girl in question smiles upon the ground in exhaustion to see his face, despite her vision being blurry from overuse of magic power.

"You are one tough little lady."

"We'll work together and finish what you started!"

"You deserve to take a break!"

"Thank you..." Lucy sighed, a breath of relief off her chest to see her friends alright—The sacrifice she made was worth it in the end.

"Alright! Looks like we got our work cut out for us.... These guys are serious—I'm fired up now~" Natsu cackled, fired-fist slamming together—A red glint swiftly shown in his eye before fading.

"Heh, are ya getting fired up?"

The screen-cut off, just in time as the lacrima and MPF exploded that sent Lucy free—She was trembling, not at all hurt but slightly shaking at the memory that resurfaced—She promised Aquarius that she wouldn't cry anymore. But... It still hurts.

Lucy didn't even notice when Loke appeared, gently sweeping her off the ground and carrying her bridal-style back to the hotel the Fairy Tail guild was staying at... The lion spirit ignored the looks the competitors gave as they all parted ways, Kagura being the most surprised as she bowed in respect on her knees.

"I... I have no words," Yajima awed.

"Well one thing is for sure, the bond she shares with her friends and spirits are one of a kind!" Chapati wiped a tear from his eye as the crowd cheered.

"I... I gotta go... I need to see if blondie is alright," Sting stood—reliving the trauma that day as well, from seeing his dragon one last time, to fighting off Mard Geer and their dead-master.

The Light Dragon slayer wasn't the only one thinking that, the Fairy tail guild shoving people out the way to see Lucy—Natsu ahead of all of them... Even Yukino scrambled, grabbing a familiar broken-key that was dropped on the ground to give back to Lucy. Rogue, Lector, and Frosch escort the other Celestial mage out of the stadium.


** Hm, should I make a Epilogue?? **

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