Only Human (Stiles x Reader)

By ElizaLewis077

7.6K 153 6

This is a Stiles Stilinski x Reader fanfiction that follows the story line of teen wolf with some changes. Yo... More

Wolf Moon
Second chance at First line
Pack Mentality
Magic Bullet
The tell
Heart Monitor
Night School
Wolf's bane
Code breaker
Ice pick
Party Guessed
Master Plan
Chaos Rising
Motel California
The Girl Who Knew Too Much
The Overlooked
Alpha Pact
Lunar Ellipse
More Bad Than Good
Letharia Vulpina
Echo House
The Fox and the Wolf
The Divine Move

Shape Shifted

196 5 0
By ElizaLewis077

❤️-Stiles POV


💛-Third Person POV


*Lahey house.

Isa- Um... so far it's an A in French and a B-minus in Econ.

Mr. L- Oh. What about Chemistry?

Isa- I'm not sure... Uh, midterms are in a few days, so it could go up...

Mr. L- Well, what's it at now?

Isa- The grade?

Mr. L- Uh, yeah.

Isa- Uh, I'm not sure...

Mr. L- But you just said it could go up.

Isa- I just-- uh, I meant generally...

Mr. L- You wouldn't by lying to me, would you, Isaac?

Isa- no.

Mr. L- Then tell me your grade.

Isa- I just told you, I don't know.

Mr. L- You wanna take this little conversation downstairs?.. No?... Then tell me the grade, son.

Isa- Dad, the semester's only half over--

Mr. L- Isaac--

Isa- There's plenty of time--

Mr. L- Isaac--

Hesitantly Isaac answers.

Isa- ...It's- it's a D.

Mr. L- All right. It's a D... I'm not angry... You know, I'm gonna have to find a way to punish you, thought. You know, I have my responsibility as a parent. So, we'll start with something simple, like, uh... Tell you what-- you do the dishes and you clean up the kitchen, okay?

Isa- ...Yeah.

Mr. L- Good! Because I-I'd really like to see this place spotless. 

Mr. Lahey tossed his cup onto the floor causing it to shatter.

Mr. L- You know what I'm saying?... You know> I mean, this entire kitchen.

He slammed his hands on the table and swept all of the food off and onto the floor.

Mr. L- Yeah!

Isaac leapt from the table and crouched in the corner.

Mr. L- Yeah, absolutely...

Mr. Lahey then threw a glass cup at Isaac and it hit the wall.

Mr. L- Spotless!

Isaac looked up with glass sticking out of his face. He took the glass out and looked at his father.

Mr. L- ...Well, that was your fault.

Isaac stood up.

Isa- You could have blinded me.

Mr. L- Shut up! It's a scratch! It hardly even...

The cut on Isaac's face suddenly healed.

Isaac touched his face and the blood was gone. He took off out the door.

Mr. L- Isaac? Isaac!

Isaac takes off on his bike as his father follows him in the car.


He follows Isaac all the way to an alley and gets out of the car when he sees Isaac's bike.

Mr. L- Isaac! Isaac!... Isaac.... Isaac? Isaac?

He walks closer to the bike.

Mr. L- Okay, that's enough. Let's go!... Isaac, grab your bike and let's go!

The rain was fogging up his glasses so he couldn't tell what was in front of him. He took his glasses off to clean them off.

Mr. L- Isaac?

He held his glass to his face and what he saw really freaked him out.

Mr. L- Holy--

He took off towards his car and jumped in side. He struggled keeping the door closed because whatever it was, was trying to pull the door open. 

Mr. L- AHHHH! No! No! No!

I finally pulled the door completely off.


Isaac was hiding in the alley and watched his dad get ripped apart.


Isaac ran to the Railway Depot where Derek was hiding.

Isa- Derek? Derek!

Der- What's wrong?

Isa- My dad... I think he's dead...

Der- What did you do?

Isa- That's the thing... It wasn't me.


Sc- I'm serious! It's not like the last full moon. I don't feel the same.

St- Oh, does that include the urge to maim and kill people like me?

Sc- I swear, I don't have the urge to maim and kill you.

St- You know, you say that now, but then the full moon goes up, and out come the fangs, and the claws, and there's a lot of howling and screaming and running everywhere, okay? And it's very stressful on me, and so yes, I'm still locking you up.

Sc- Okay, fine. But I do think I'm more in control now, especially since things are good with Allison.

St- Okay, I'm aware of how things are with Allison.

Sc- They're really good.

St- I-- thank you, I know.

Sc- I mean, like, really good...

St- All right, I get it! Just please, shut the hell up before I have the urge to maim and kill myself.

Sc- Things with Y/N aren't going well?

St- They're not bad... but I don't think she feels the same...

Sc- Sorry, Did you get something better than handcuffs this time?

St- Yeah-- much better.

I opened my locker and the chain started to pour out.

Co- ...Part of me wants to ask... the other part says knowing will be more disturbing than anything I could ever imagine. So, I'm gonna walk away.

St- That's good. That's a wise choice, Coach... You okay?... Scott?

Sc- There's another... In here, right now...

St- Another what?

Sc- Another Werewolf.


We were getting ready to go into the school after being gone for so long.

All- You really don't remember anything?

Ly- They called it a "fugue state," which is basically a way of saying, "We have no idea why you can't remember running through the woods naked for two days." But personally, I don't care... I lost nine pounds.

All- Are you ready for this?

Ly- Please. It's not like my aunt's a serial killer.

Y/N- Harsh.

We opened the door to the school and everyone was staring at Lydia.

Y/N- ...Maybe it's the nine pounds?


Sc- It was kind of like a scent, but I couldn't tell who it was.

St- What if you can get him one-on-one? Would that help?

Sc- Yeah...

St- Okay, I think I got an idea.


St- I told Coach you're switching with Danny for the day.

Sc- But I hate playing goal.

St- Remember when I said I had an idea?... This is the idea.

Sc- Oh.

St- There we go.

Sc- What's the idea?

St- I seriously don't understand how you survive without me sometimes.

Co- Let's go! Line it up!

We all go to line up in front of the goal.

Co- Faster! Make Daddy proud!  "😂 "

Coach blows the whistle and passes the ball to the first person. Scott leaves the goal, runs past the offense, and tackles the player. He picks him up and smells him.

Co- McCall!

Sc- Yeah?

Co- Usually, the goalie stays somewhere within the vicinity of the actual goal.

Sc- Yes, Coach.

Co- Let's try it again!

They reset and yes again he leaves taking down Matt and smelling him.

Ma- What the hell, man?

Sc- My bad, dude.

Co- McCall! The position's goalkeeper, not goal abandoner!

Sc- Sorry, Coach...

Co- Let's go!

He does it again.

Coach comes over to me and yanks my mask/head over to him to talk to me.

Co- Stilinski! What the hell is wrong with your friend?

St- Uh, he's failing two classes, he's a little socially awkward, and, if you look close enough, his jaw line's kind of uneven.

He pushes my head away from him.

Co- That's interesting... Let's fire it up!

And again with Danny.

Co- McCall! You come out of that goal one more time, and you'll be doing suicide runs 'til you did! It'll be the first-ever suicide run that actually ends in a suicide! Got it!

Sc- Yes, Coach.

Y/N came up behind me scaring the crap out of me.

Y/N- What the hell is Scott doing?

St- Ahh! y/n, What the hell?!

Y/N- Sorry, what's Scott doing?

St- There's another Werewolf on the team he's trying to figure out who it is.

Y/N- Is this seriously the only plan you had?

St- Yeah.

Y/N- This is why I can never leave you guys alone.

I looked to the field and Isaac and Scott were talking to each other.

Y/N- It's Isaac.


Sc- His father's dead. They think he was murdered.

Sh- Come on...

St- Are they saying he's a suspect?

Sc- I'm not sure. Why?

St- Because they can lock him in a holding cell for twenty-four hours...

Sc- Like, overnight?

Y/N- During the full moon.

Sc- How good are these holding cells at holding people?

St- People? Good. Werewolves? Probably not that good.

Sc- Stiles, remember when I said I don't have the urge to maim and kill?

St- Yeah...

Sc- He does.


Sc- Why would Derek choose Isaac?

Y/N- Well, Derek told me that if the bite doesn't turn you, it could kill you... And maybe teenagers have a better chance at surviving?

Sc- Stiles, Doesn't being a teenager mean your dad can't hold him?

St- Well, not unless they have solid evidence... Or a witness...

I turned around to ask Danny a question.

Y/N- Danny, where's Jackson?

Da- In the principal's office, talking to Stiles' dad.

Y/N- Why?

Da- Maybe because he lives across the street from Isaac?

Sc- ...Witness.

St- We gotta get to the principal's office.

Sc- How?

Stiles came up with a plan, all of us were gonna throw something at Mr. Harris, I don't have anything better so I went along with it.

Mr. H- Everyone, please turn to page seventy-three.

We all threw paper at his back.

Mr. H- Who in the hell did that?

We all pointed at each other and were immediately sent to the office.


We were all sitting outside the office listening to them talk.

Sh- Listen to me-- you're telling me that you knew Isaac's father was hitting him?

Ja- Hitting him? He was kicking the crap out of him.

Y/N- (Whispering) Poor, Isaac. I had no idea.

Sh- Did you ever say anything to anyone? A teacher? Parents? Anyone?

Ja- Nope. It's not my problem.

With every word that comes out of Jackson's mouth I swear it makes me hate him more.

Sh- No. No, of course not. You know, it's funny that the kids getting beaten up are always the ones who least deserve it.

Ja- Yeah....Wait, what?

I kinda chuckled at what Mr. Stilinski said, I mean he does deserve it.

Sh- I think we're done here.

We were waiting and Mr. Stilinski came out of the office. Stiles covered his face with a magazine not very smoothly to try to hide from his dad.

Sh- Hi, Scott. Y/N.

Sc- H-- yeah...

Y/N- Sup...

The principal came out and we all looked to the door. Stiles and Scott looked really shocked and worried. So, I'm guessing they know him.

Ger- Boys, girl... Come on in.


Ger- Scott McCall... Academically not the most accomplished, but I see you have become quite the star athlete!... Y/N Hale... I know you're family, let's see... Grades are fine, I see you're in all of the music classes. Maybe you should explore some other options. You don't wanna be stuck with an unrealistic goal. Mr. Stilinski... Oh, perfect grades, but little to no extracurriculars. Maybe you should try lacrosse?

St- Oh, actually, I'm already--

Ger- Hold on... McCall. You're the Scott that was dating my granddaughter.

Sc- We were dating, but not anymore. Not dating, not seeing any of each other, or doing anything with each other at all...

Ger- Relax, Scott. You look like you're about to crack a cyanide pill with your teeth.

Sc- Just a heard breakup...

Ger- Oh, that's too bad. You seem like a pretty nice kid to me... Now, listen, guys. Yes, I am the principal, but I really don't want you to think of me as the enemy.

Y/N- Heh, is that so?

Ger- However, this being my first day. I do need to support my teachers. So, unfortunately, someone is going to have to take the fall and stay behind for detention.

Scott looked directly at Stiles and I looked down at the floor, I really didn't want to stay for detention. All of us got up to leave before Gerard spoke up. 

Ger- Ms. Hale, a moment?

I sat back down and Stiles waited for a second before I nodded I was okay and he left.

Ger- You come from a family of Werewolves, if you or your brother get in my way, I won't hesitate.

Y/N- I thought you had a code, you know...Can't kill humans... Or Werewolves who haven't done anything wrong? I know Kate learned her lesson. When will you?

Ger- So confident, how confident will you be when I do something to your friends? Scott... Stiles?

When he said Stiles' name I got pissed.

Y/N- If you do anything to either of them, I will fucking find you!

Ger- And do what? Call Derek?

Y/N- Trust me, Derek will be the least of your problems.

With that I walked out and slammed the door behind me. When I got there Scott was running outside and I followed him. Derek pulled up in his car.

Der- Get in.

Sc- Are you serious? You did that. That's your fault.

Der- I know that. Now get in the car and help me.

Sc- No, I've got a better idea. I'm gonna call a lawyer, because a lawyer might actually have a chance of getting him out before the moon goes up.

Der- Not when they do a real search of the house.

Y/N- What do you mean?

Der- Whatever Jackson said to the cops, what's in the house is worse-- a lot worse.


Sc- If Isaac didn't kill his father, who did?

Der- I don't know yet.

Sc- Then how do you know he's telling the truth?

Der- Because I trust my senses. And it's a combination of them-- not just your sense of smell.

Sc- You saw the lacrosse thing today?

Der- Yeah.

Sc- Did it look that bad?

Y/N- Yeah.

Der- You wanna learn? Let's start now.

We walked up to the basement.

Y/N- What's down there?

Der- Motive.

We made our way down into the basement.

Sc- And what am I looking for?

Der- Follow your senses.

Y/N- What happened down here?

Der- The kind of thing that leaves an impression.

Scott searched around and stopped at the freezer.

Derek turned on his flashlight which scared the crap out of me.

Der- Open it.

Scott opened the freezer and there were scratch marks and at the top of some of them there was blood.



St- Hey, sorry, Harris literally just let me out of detention-- literally-- and he had my phone the whole frickin' time.

All- Well, we need to do something right now. They were asking me all these questions about Lydia and how she was bitten by Peter, and then they sent this guy out...

St- Wait, what guy?

All- He was dressed as a Sheriff's deputy.

St- ...They're send him to the station for Isaac.

All- He was also carrying this box with something on it. Like, um, like, a carving or something...

St- What was it?

All- Hold on, hold on... It's in one of these books... I'm taking a picture...Did you get it?

St- Yeah. Wolfsbane.

All- What does that mean?

St- It means they're gonna kill him.


Y/N- This is so much worse than I thought.

Sc- This is why he said yes to you. 

Der- Everyone wants power.

Y/N- If we help you, then you have to stop. You can't just go around turning people into Werewolves!

Der- I can if they're willing.

Y/N- Did you tell Isaac about the Argents? About being hunted?

Der- Yes. And he still asked.

Sc- He's an idiot.

Der- And you're the idiot dating Argent's daughter...Yeah, I know your little secret... And, if I know, how long do you think it's gonna take for them to find out? You saw what happens to an Omega. With me, you learn how to use all of your senses. With me, you learn control-- even on a full moon.

Sc- If I'm with you, I lose her.

Der- You're gonna lose her anyway. You know that.

Derek closed the freezer and started to walk away.

Sc- Wait-- I'm not part of your pack... But I want him out. He's my responsibility, too.

Der- Why? Because he's one of us?

Sc- Because he's innocent.



St- Hey, did you slow him down?

All- You could say that...

St- All right, Well, uh, I'm headed to the station right now.

All- Where's Scott?

St- Isaac's with Y/N and Derek.

All- Does he have a plan?

St- Yeah, but not a very good one, and unfortunately, we don't really have time to come up with anything better.

The full moon was out...


St- Okay. Now, the keys to every cell are in a password- protected lock-box in my father's office. The problem is getting past the front desk.

Der- I'll distract her.

St- Whoa, whoa, whoa! You? You're not going in there.

Stiles put his hand on Derek's shoulder to stop him.

St- ...I'm taking my hand off.

Der- I was exonerated.

Y/N- You're still a person of interest.

Der- An innocent person.

St- An-- You? Yeah, right!

Y/N- Okay, fine. What's your plan?

Der- To distract her.

St- Uh-huh. How? By punching her in the face? Ungh!

Der- By talking to her.

Y/N- Okay. All right. Give me a sample. What are you gonna open with?

Der- ...

St- Dead silence. That should work beautifully. Any other ideas?

Der- I'm thinking about punching you in the face...

Y/N- Okay, let's get on with it.


We snuck behind Derek while he distracted the deputy.

Deputy- Good evening, how can I help...You?... Hi.

I guess silence worked after all.

Der- Um, I had a question...Um, sorry. I'm a little- a little thrown. I wasn't really expecting someone--

Deputy- --Like me?

Der- Oh, I was gonna say "so incredibly beautiful," but yeah... I guess that'd be the same thing...

Smooth son of a bitch.


We were going through the hallway and a Deputy was walking through.

St- Oh, uh, We were just looking, um...

Y/N- Stiles.

I pointed at the blood dripping from his leg.

St- Oh, sh--

He grabbed Stiles and I and started dragging us into the holding room. Stiles pulled the fire alarm before we got in there. When we were in the room Isaac was missing from the cell and tackled the man onto a table. He then threw him into a wall and twisted the mans arm until he dropped the wolfsbane and fell to the floor. Derek stomped on the syringe. Isaac then turned all of his attention on me and started to charge at me. Stiles wrapped his arm around me and covered me with his body so I wouldn't get hurt.

Isaac- Grrrr!


Isaac stood down and cowered in the corner. Turning back into his human form.

St- How did you do that?

Der- I'm the Alpha.

Y/N- Isaac are you okay?

Isa- Yeah, thanks.


Stiles and I waited in the room so his dad would know what happened.

St-...Uh, he did it...


We walked out of the room.

Y/N- Thank you.

St- For what?

Y/N- Making sure I was safe.

St- Oh, uh, that, heh, that was- that was nothing.

Y/N- ...It wasn't nothing to me.

😆End of episode 13!!!!!!!

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